| 'use strict'; |
| |
| const assert = require('assert'); |
| |
| require('../tools/js/v3-models.js'); |
| |
| const MockData = require('./resources/mock-data.js'); |
| const TestServer = require('./resources/test-server.js'); |
| const addBuilderForReport = require('./resources/common-operations.js').addBuilderForReport; |
| const connectToDatabaseInEveryTest = require('./resources/common-operations.js').connectToDatabaseInEveryTest; |
| |
| describe("/api/measurement-set", function () { |
| this.timeout(1000); |
| TestServer.inject(); |
| connectToDatabaseInEveryTest(); |
| |
| beforeEach(function () { |
| MockData.resetV3Models(); |
| }); |
| |
| function queryPlatformAndMetric(platformName, metricName) |
| { |
| const db = TestServer.database(); |
| return Promise.all([ |
| db.selectFirstRow('platforms', {name: 'Mountain Lion'}), |
| db.selectFirstRow('test_metrics', {name: 'Time'}), |
| ]).then(function (result) { |
| return {platformId: result[0]['id'], metricId: result[1]['id']}; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function format(formatMap, row) |
| { |
| var result = {}; |
| for (var i = 0; i < formatMap.length; i++) { |
| var key = formatMap[i]; |
| if (key == 'id' || key == 'build' || key == 'builder') |
| continue; |
| result[key] = row[i]; |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| let clusterStart = TestServer.testConfig().clusterStart; |
| clusterStart = +Date.UTC(clusterStart[0], clusterStart[1] - 1, clusterStart[2], clusterStart[3], clusterStart[4]); |
| |
| let clusterSize = TestServer.testConfig().clusterSize; |
| const DAY = 24 * 3600 * 1000; |
| const YEAR = 365.24 * DAY; |
| const MONTH = 30 * DAY; |
| clusterSize = clusterSize[0] * YEAR + clusterSize[1] * MONTH + clusterSize[2] * DAY; |
| |
| function clusterTime(index) { return new Date(clusterStart + clusterSize * index); } |
| |
| const reportWithBuildTime = [{ |
| "buildNumber": "123", |
| "buildTime": clusterTime(7.8).toISOString(), |
| "builderName": "someBuilder", |
| "builderPassword": "somePassword", |
| "platform": "Mountain Lion", |
| "tests": { |
| "Suite": { |
| "tests": { |
| "test1": { |
| "metrics": {"Time": { "current": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }} |
| }, |
| } |
| }, |
| }}]; |
| reportWithBuildTime.startTime = +clusterTime(7); |
| |
| const reportWithRevision = [{ |
| "buildNumber": "124", |
| "buildTime": "2013-02-28T15:34:51", |
| "revisions": { |
| "WebKit": { |
| "revision": "144000", |
| "timestamp": clusterTime(10.35645364537).toISOString(), |
| }, |
| }, |
| "builderName": "someBuilder", |
| "builderPassword": "somePassword", |
| "platform": "Mountain Lion", |
| "tests": { |
| "Suite": { |
| "tests": { |
| "test1": { |
| "metrics": {"Time": { "current": [11, 12, 13, 14, 15] }} |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| }}]; |
| |
| const reportWithNewRevision = [{ |
| "buildNumber": "125", |
| "buildTime": "2013-02-28T21:45:17", |
| "revisions": { |
| "WebKit": { |
| "revision": "160609", |
| "timestamp": clusterTime(12.1).toISOString() |
| }, |
| }, |
| "builderName": "someBuilder", |
| "builderPassword": "somePassword", |
| "platform": "Mountain Lion", |
| "tests": { |
| "Suite": { |
| "tests": { |
| "test1": { |
| "metrics": {"Time": { "current": [16, 17, 18, 19, 20] }} |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| }}]; |
| |
| const reportWithAncentRevision = [{ |
| "buildNumber": "126", |
| "buildTime": "2013-02-28T23:07:25", |
| "revisions": { |
| "WebKit": { |
| "revision": "137793", |
| "timestamp": clusterTime(1.8).toISOString() |
| }, |
| }, |
| "builderName": "someBuilder", |
| "builderPassword": "somePassword", |
| "platform": "Mountain Lion", |
| "tests": { |
| "Suite": { |
| "tests": { |
| "test1": { |
| "metrics": {"Time": { "current": [21, 22, 23, 24, 25] }} |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| }}]; |
| |
| it("should reject when platform ID is missing", function (done) { |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithBuildTime); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'OK'); |
| return queryPlatformAndMetric('Mountain Lion', 'Time'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().getJSON(`/api/measurement-set/?metric=${result.metricId}`); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'AmbiguousRequest'); |
| done(); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| it("should reject when metric ID is missing", function (done) { |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithBuildTime); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'OK'); |
| return queryPlatformAndMetric('Mountain Lion', 'Time'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().getJSON(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=${result.platformId}`); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'AmbiguousRequest'); |
| done(); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| it("should reject an invalid platform name", function (done) { |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithBuildTime); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'OK'); |
| return queryPlatformAndMetric('Mountain Lion', 'Time'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().getJSON(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=${result.platformId}a&metric=${result.metricId}`); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'InvalidPlatform'); |
| done(); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| it("should reject an invalid metric name", function (done) { |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithBuildTime); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'OK'); |
| return queryPlatformAndMetric('Mountain Lion', 'Time'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().getJSON(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=${result.platformId}&metric=${result.metricId}b`); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'InvalidMetric'); |
| done(); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| it("should be able to return an empty report", function (done) { |
| const db = TestServer.database(); |
| Promise.all([ |
| db.insert('tests', {id: 1, name: 'SomeTest'}), |
| db.insert('tests', {id: 2, name: 'SomeOtherTest'}), |
| db.insert('tests', {id: 3, name: 'ChildTest', parent: 1}), |
| db.insert('tests', {id: 4, name: 'GrandChild', parent: 3}), |
| db.insert('aggregators', {id: 200, name: 'Total'}), |
| db.insert('test_metrics', {id: 5, test: 1, name: 'Time'}), |
| db.insert('test_metrics', {id: 6, test: 2, name: 'Time', aggregator: 200}), |
| db.insert('test_metrics', {id: 7, test: 2, name: 'Malloc', aggregator: 200}), |
| db.insert('test_metrics', {id: 8, test: 3, name: 'Time'}), |
| db.insert('test_metrics', {id: 9, test: 4, name: 'Time'}), |
| db.insert('platforms', {id: 23, name: 'iOS 9 iPhone 5s'}), |
| db.insert('platforms', {id: 46, name: 'Trunk Mavericks'}), |
| db.insert('test_configurations', {id: 101, metric: 5, platform: 46, type: 'current'}), |
| db.insert('test_configurations', {id: 102, metric: 6, platform: 46, type: 'current'}), |
| db.insert('test_configurations', {id: 103, metric: 7, platform: 46, type: 'current'}), |
| db.insert('test_configurations', {id: 104, metric: 8, platform: 46, type: 'current'}), |
| db.insert('test_configurations', {id: 105, metric: 9, platform: 46, type: 'current'}), |
| db.insert('test_configurations', {id: 106, metric: 5, platform: 23, type: 'current'}), |
| db.insert('test_configurations', {id: 107, metric: 5, platform: 23, type: 'baseline'}), |
| ]).then(function () { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().getJSONWithStatus(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=46&metric=5`).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response.statusCode, 404); |
| }, function (error) { |
| assert.equal(error, 404); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| it("should be able to retrieve a reported value", function (done) { |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithBuildTime); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'OK'); |
| return queryPlatformAndMetric('Mountain Lion', 'Time'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().getJSONWithStatus(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=${result.platformId}&metric=${result.metricId}`); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| const buildTime = +(new Date(reportWithBuildTime[0]['buildTime'])); |
| |
| assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(response).sort(), |
| ['clusterCount', 'clusterSize', 'clusterStart', |
| 'configurations', 'elapsedTime', 'endTime', 'formatMap', 'lastModified', 'startTime', 'status']); |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'OK'); |
| assert.equal(response['clusterCount'], 1); |
| assert.deepEqual(response['formatMap'], [ |
| 'id', 'mean', 'iterationCount', 'sum', 'squareSum', 'markedOutlier', |
| 'revisions', 'commitTime', 'build', 'buildTime', 'buildNumber', 'builder']); |
| |
| assert.equal(response['startTime'], reportWithBuildTime.startTime); |
| assert(typeof(response['lastModified']) == 'number', 'lastModified time should be a numeric'); |
| |
| assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(response['configurations']), ['current']); |
| |
| var currentRows = response['configurations']['current']; |
| assert.equal(currentRows.length, 1); |
| assert.equal(currentRows[0].length, response['formatMap'].length); |
| assert.deepEqual(format(response['formatMap'], currentRows[0]), { |
| mean: 3, |
| iterationCount: 5, |
| sum: 15, |
| squareSum: 55, |
| markedOutlier: false, |
| revisions: [], |
| commitTime: buildTime, |
| buildTime: buildTime, |
| buildNumber: '123'}); |
| done(); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| it("should return return the right IDs for measurement, build, and builder", function (done) { |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return TestServer.remoteAPI().postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithBuildTime); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'OK'); |
| return queryPlatformAndMetric('Mountain Lion', 'Time'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| const db = TestServer.database(); |
| return Promise.all([ |
| db.selectAll('test_runs'), |
| db.selectAll('builds'), |
| db.selectAll('builders'), |
| TestServer.remoteAPI().getJSONWithStatus(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=${result.platformId}&metric=${result.metricId}`), |
| ]); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| const runs = result[0]; |
| const builds = result[1]; |
| const builders = result[2]; |
| const response = result[3]; |
| |
| assert.equal(runs.length, 1); |
| assert.equal(builds.length, 1); |
| assert.equal(builders.length, 1); |
| const measurementId = runs[0]['id']; |
| const buildId = builds[0]['id']; |
| const builderId = builders[0]['id']; |
| |
| assert.equal(response['configurations']['current'].length, 1); |
| const measurement = response['configurations']['current'][0]; |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'OK'); |
| |
| assert.equal(measurement[response['formatMap'].indexOf('id')], measurementId); |
| assert.equal(measurement[response['formatMap'].indexOf('build')], buildId); |
| assert.equal(measurement[response['formatMap'].indexOf('builder')], builderId); |
| |
| done(); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| function postReports(reports, callback) |
| { |
| if (!reports.length) |
| return callback(); |
| |
| postJSON('/api/report/', reports[0], function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); |
| assert.equal(JSON.parse(response.responseText)['status'], 'OK'); |
| |
| postReports(reports.slice(1), callback); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function queryPlatformAndMetricWithRepository(platformName, metricName, repositoryName) |
| { |
| const db = TestServer.database(); |
| return Promise.all([ |
| db.selectFirstRow('platforms', {name: platformName}), |
| db.selectFirstRow('test_metrics', {name: metricName}), |
| db.selectFirstRow('repositories', {name: repositoryName}), |
| ]).then(function (result) { |
| return {platformId: result[0]['id'], metricId: result[1]['id'], repositoryId: result[2]['id']}; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| it("should order results by commit time", function (done) { |
| const remote = TestServer.remoteAPI(); |
| let repositoryId; |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return remote.postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithBuildTime); |
| }).then(function () { |
| return remote.postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithRevision); |
| }).then(function () { |
| return queryPlatformAndMetricWithRepository('Mountain Lion', 'Time', 'WebKit'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| repositoryId = result.repositoryId; |
| return remote.getJSONWithStatus(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=${result.platformId}&metric=${result.metricId}`); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| const currentRows = response['configurations']['current']; |
| const buildTime = +(new Date(reportWithBuildTime[0]['buildTime'])); |
| const revisionTime = +(new Date(reportWithRevision[0]['revisions']['WebKit']['timestamp'])); |
| const revisionBuildTime = +(new Date(reportWithRevision[0]['buildTime'])); |
| |
| assert.equal(currentRows.length, 2); |
| assert.deepEqual(format(response['formatMap'], currentRows[0]), { |
| mean: 13, |
| iterationCount: 5, |
| sum: 65, |
| squareSum: 855, |
| markedOutlier: false, |
| revisions: [[1, repositoryId, '144000', revisionTime]], |
| commitTime: revisionTime, |
| buildTime: revisionBuildTime, |
| buildNumber: '124' }); |
| assert.deepEqual(format(response['formatMap'], currentRows[1]), { |
| mean: 3, |
| iterationCount: 5, |
| sum: 15, |
| squareSum: 55, |
| markedOutlier: false, |
| revisions: [], |
| commitTime: buildTime, |
| buildTime: buildTime, |
| buildNumber: '123' }); |
| done(); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| function buildNumbers(parsedResult, config) |
| { |
| return parsedResult['configurations'][config].map(function (row) { |
| return format(parsedResult['formatMap'], row)['buildNumber']; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| it("should include one data point after the current time range", function (done) { |
| const remote = TestServer.remoteAPI(); |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return remote.postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithAncentRevision); |
| }).then(function () { |
| return remote.postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithNewRevision); |
| }).then(function () { |
| return queryPlatformAndMetric('Mountain Lion', 'Time'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| return remote.getJSONWithStatus(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=${result.platformId}&metric=${result.metricId}`); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['status'], 'OK'); |
| assert.equal(response['clusterCount'], 2, 'should have two clusters'); |
| assert.deepEqual(buildNumbers(response, 'current'), |
| [reportWithAncentRevision[0]['buildNumber'], reportWithNewRevision[0]['buildNumber']]); |
| done(); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| it("should always include one old data point before the current time range", function (done) { |
| const remote = TestServer.remoteAPI(); |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return remote.postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithBuildTime); |
| }).then(function () { |
| return remote.postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithAncentRevision); |
| }).then(function () { |
| return queryPlatformAndMetric('Mountain Lion', 'Time'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| return remote.getJSONWithStatus(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=${result.platformId}&metric=${result.metricId}`); |
| }).then(function (response) { |
| assert.equal(response['clusterCount'], 2, 'should have two clusters'); |
| let currentRows = response['configurations']['current']; |
| assert.equal(currentRows.length, 2, 'should contain two data points'); |
| assert.deepEqual(buildNumbers(response, 'current'), [reportWithAncentRevision[0]['buildNumber'], reportWithBuildTime[0]['buildNumber']]); |
| done(); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| |
| it("should create cached results", function (done) { |
| const remote = TestServer.remoteAPI(); |
| let cachePrefix; |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return remote.postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithAncentRevision); |
| }).then(function () { |
| return remote.postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithRevision); |
| }).then(function () { |
| return remote.postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithNewRevision); |
| }).then(function () { |
| return queryPlatformAndMetric('Mountain Lion', 'Time'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| cachePrefix = '/data/measurement-set-' + result.platformId + '-' + result.metricId; |
| return remote.getJSONWithStatus(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=${result.platformId}&metric=${result.metricId}`); |
| }).then(function (newResult) { |
| return remote.getJSONWithStatus(`${cachePrefix}.json`).then(function (cachedResult) { |
| assert.deepEqual(newResult, cachedResult); |
| return remote.getJSONWithStatus(`${cachePrefix}-${cachedResult['startTime']}.json`); |
| }).then(function (oldResult) { |
| var oldBuildNumbers = buildNumbers(oldResult, 'current'); |
| var newBuildNumbers = buildNumbers(newResult, 'current'); |
| assert(oldBuildNumbers.length >= 2, 'The old cluster should contain at least two data points'); |
| assert(newBuildNumbers.length >= 2, 'The new cluster should contain at least two data points'); |
| assert.deepEqual(oldBuildNumbers.slice(oldBuildNumbers.length - 2), newBuildNumbers.slice(0, 2), |
| 'Two conseqcutive clusters should share two data points'); |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| it("should use lastModified timestamp identical to that in the manifest file", function (done) { |
| const remote = TestServer.remoteAPI(); |
| addBuilderForReport(reportWithBuildTime[0]).then(function () { |
| return remote.postJSON('/api/report/', reportWithRevision); |
| }).then(function () { |
| return queryPlatformAndMetric('Mountain Lion', 'Time'); |
| }).then(function (result) { |
| return remote.getJSONWithStatus(`/api/measurement-set/?platform=${result.platformId}&metric=${result.metricId}`); |
| }).then(function (primaryCluster) { |
| return remote.getJSONWithStatus('/api/manifest').then(function (content) { |
| const manifest = Manifest._didFetchManifest(content); |
| |
| const platform = Platform.findByName('Mountain Lion'); |
| assert.equal(Metric.all().length, 1); |
| const metric = Metric.all()[0]; |
| assert.equal(platform.lastModified(metric), primaryCluster['lastModified']); |
| |
| done(); |
| }); |
| }).catch(done); |
| }); |
| |
| }); |