blob: 5fd2a29a8c08c4f51430c2036ae978bba8cfbda8 [file] [log] [blame]
self.performance.mark("mark1", "responseStart");
self.performance.measure("measure1", "mark1");
self.performance.mark("mark2", "responseStart");
self.performance.measure("measure2", "mark2");
// test that two measures have been created
var entries = self.performance.getEntriesByType("measure");
assert_equals(entries.length, 2, "Two measures have been created for this test.");
// clear all measures
// test that all measures were cleared
entries = self.performance.getEntriesByType("measure");
assert_equals(entries.length, 0,
"After a call to self.performance.clearMeasures(), " +
"self.performance.getEntriesByType(\"measure\") returns an empty object.");
}, "Clearing all marks remove all of them.");