blob: 95124d9cd9fd5ff9fb11df14dc1f9f3aa7719576 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: |
String.prototype.split(separator, limit):
i) can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
separator and limit can be any kinds of object since:
ii) if separator is not RegExp ToString(separator) performs and
iii) ToInteger(limit) performs
description: Argument is regexp, and instance is Number
var __re = /\u0037\u0037/g;
Number.prototype.split = String.prototype.split;
var __split = 6776767677.006771122677555.split(__re);
if (typeof __split !== "object") {
$ERROR('#1: var __re = /u0037u0037/g; Number.prototype.split=String.prototype.split; __split = 6776767677.006771122677555.split(__re); typeof __split === "object". Actual: ' + typeof __split);
if (__split.constructor !== Array) {
$ERROR('#2: var __re = /u0037u0037/g; Number.prototype.split=String.prototype.split; __split = 6776767677.006771122677555.split(__re); __split.constructor === Array. Actual: ' + __split.constructor);
if (__split.length !== 4) {
$ERROR('#3: var __re = /u0037u0037/g; Number.prototype.split=String.prototype.split; __split = 6776767677.006771122677555.split(__re); __split.length === 4. Actual: ' + __split.length);
if (__split[0] !== "6") {
$ERROR('#4: var __re = /u0037u0037/g; Number.prototype.split=String.prototype.split; __split = 6776767677.006771122677555.split(__re); __split[0] === "6". Actual: ' + __split[0]);
if (__split[1] !== "67676") {
$ERROR('#5: var __re = /u0037u0037/g; Number.prototype.split=String.prototype.split; __split = 6776767677.006771122677555.split(__re); __split[1] === "67676". Actual: ' + __split[1]);
if (__split[2] !== ".006") {
$ERROR('#6: var __re = /u0037u0037/g; Number.prototype.split=String.prototype.split; __split = 6776767677.006771122677555.split(__re); __split[2] === ".006". Actual: ' + __split[2]);
if (__split[3] !== "1") {
$ERROR('#7: var __re = /u0037u0037/g; Number.prototype.split=String.prototype.split; __split = 6776767677.006771122677555.split(__re); __split[3] === "1". Actual: ' + __split[3]);