blob: 3427d2f516b35b242bf2487a639250af2fc0cfa0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 Mike Pennisi. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: The `lastIndex` is not set after a non-zero-width match
info: |
7. If global is false, then
8. Else global is true,
g. Repeat,
i. Let result be RegExpExec(rx, S).
iv. Else result is not null,
1. Let matchStr be ToString(Get(result, "0")).
5. If matchStr is the empty String, then
d. Let setStatus be Set(rx, "lastIndex", nextIndex, true).
e. ReturnIfAbrupt(setStatus).
features: [Symbol.match]
var exec = function() {
var thisMatch = nextMatch;
if (thisMatch === null) {
return null;
nextMatch = null;
return {
get 0() {
Object.defineProperty(r, 'lastIndex', { writable: false });
return thisMatch;
var r, nextMatch;
r = /./g;
r.exec = exec;
nextMatch = 'a non-empty string';