| Test RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription called with an RTCSessionDescription of type 'offer' |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS pc.signalingState is 'stable' |
| PASS pc.localDescription is null |
| PASS pc.pendingLocalDescription is null |
| PASS pc.currentLocalDescription is null |
| PASS pc.getTransceivers().length is 1 |
| PASS audioTransceiver.mid is null |
| PASS pc.signalingState is 'stable' |
| PASS audioTransceiver.mid is null |
| PASS firstOffer set as local description |
| FAIL pc.signalingState should be have-local-offer. Was stable. |
| FAIL pc.localDescription should be [object Object]. Was null. |
| FAIL pc.pendingLocalDescription should be [object Object]. Was null. |
| PASS pc.currentLocalDescription is null |
| FAIL Error caught in promise chain: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'pc.localDescription.type') |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |