FrameLoader::shouldAllowNavigation uses Frame for context rather than Document

Reviewed by Eric Seidel.


The vast majority of security checks in the browser should use a
ScriptExecutionContext (aka a Document) to designate "who" is
attempting to perform a given action.  Unfortunately,
shouldAllowNavigation was using a Frame to designate "who" is
attempting the navigation.

In cases when the executing script is "inactive" (i.e., belongs to a
document that is not currently displayed in a Frame), using the Frame
can cause us to grant the script the privileges of the document that's
currently displayed in the Frame rather than the one that contains the

This patch moves shouldAllowNavigation from FrameLoader to Document
(and renames it to canNavigate), effectively change the context object
from a Frame to a Document.

Test: http/tests/security/frameNavigation/inactive-function-in-popup-navigate-child.html

* bindings/generic/BindingSecurity.h:
* bindings/v8/V8Utilities.cpp:
* bindings/v8/V8Utilities.h:
    - Deletes unused code.
* dom/Document.cpp:
    - canNavigate is copied from FrameLoader::shouldAllowNavigation.
      I've added a null-check bailout if the document is inactive.
* dom/Document.h:
* loader/FormState.cpp:
* loader/FormState.h:
* loader/FormSubmission.cpp:
    - Changes the context object from Frame to Document.
* loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
    - FrameLoader::findFrameForNavigation still incorrectly uses Frame
      as the context object, but that's a bug for another patch.
* loader/FrameLoader.h:
* loader/NavigationScheduler.cpp:
* page/DOMWindow.cpp:
* page/History.cpp:


Update call site to new function name.

* WebCoreSupport/


Update call site to new function name.

* WebFrame.cpp:


Update call site to new function name.

* WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.cpp:


Test that a script from an inactive document doesn't inherit the
navigation privileges of the document that currently occupies the

* http/tests/security/frameNavigation/inactive-function-in-popup-navigate-child-expected.txt: Added.
* http/tests/security/frameNavigation/inactive-function-in-popup-navigate-child.html: Added.
* http/tests/security/frameNavigation/resources/fail.html: Added.
* http/tests/security/frameNavigation/resources/iframe-with-inner-frame-on-foreign-domain.html:
* http/tests/security/frameNavigation/resources/popup-ready-to-navigate-child.html: Added.

git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp b/Source/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp
index a0606e4..1cbcb00 100644
--- a/Source/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp
+++ b/Source/WebCore/loader/FrameLoader.cpp
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
     // FIXME: Find a good spot for these.
-    ASSERT(submission->state()->sourceFrame() == m_frame);
+    ASSERT(!submission->state()->sourceDocument()->frame() || submission->state()->sourceDocument()->frame() == m_frame);
     if (!m_frame->page())
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
     Frame* targetFrame = m_frame->tree()->find(submission->target());
-    if (!shouldAllowNavigation(targetFrame))
+    if (!submission->state()->sourceDocument()->canNavigate(targetFrame))
     if (!targetFrame) {
         if (!DOMWindow::allowPopUp(m_frame) && !ScriptController::processingUserGesture())
@@ -1172,7 +1172,9 @@
     // FIXME: It's possible this targetFrame will not be the same frame that was targeted by the actual
     // load if frame names have changed.
-    Frame* sourceFrame = formState ? formState->sourceFrame() : m_frame;
+    Frame* sourceFrame = formState ? formState->sourceDocument()->frame() : m_frame;
+    if (!sourceFrame)
+        sourceFrame = m_frame;
     Frame* targetFrame = sourceFrame->loader()->findFrameForNavigation(request.frameName());
     if (targetFrame && targetFrame != sourceFrame) {
         if (Page* page = targetFrame->page())
@@ -1498,86 +1500,6 @@
     loadWithDocumentLoader(loader.get(), endToEndReload ? FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin : FrameLoadTypeReload, 0);
-static bool canAccessAncestor(const SecurityOrigin* activeSecurityOrigin, Frame* targetFrame)
-    // targetFrame can be NULL when we're trying to navigate a top-level frame
-    // that has a NULL opener.
-    if (!targetFrame)
-        return false;
-    const bool isLocalActiveOrigin = activeSecurityOrigin->isLocal();
-    for (Frame* ancestorFrame = targetFrame; ancestorFrame; ancestorFrame = ancestorFrame->tree()->parent()) {
-        Document* ancestorDocument = ancestorFrame->document();
-        if (!ancestorDocument)
-            return true;
-        const SecurityOrigin* ancestorSecurityOrigin = ancestorDocument->securityOrigin();
-        if (activeSecurityOrigin->canAccess(ancestorSecurityOrigin))
-            return true;
-        // Allow file URL descendant navigation even when allowFileAccessFromFileURLs is false.
-        if (isLocalActiveOrigin && ancestorSecurityOrigin->isLocal())
-            return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-bool FrameLoader::shouldAllowNavigation(Frame* targetFrame) const
-    // The navigation change is safe if the active frame is:
-    //   - in the same security origin as the target or one of the target's
-    //     ancestors.
-    //
-    // Or the target frame is:
-    //   - a top-level frame in the frame hierarchy and the active frame can
-    //     navigate the target frame's opener per above or it is the opener of
-    //     the target frame.
-    if (!targetFrame)
-        return true;
-    // Performance optimization.
-    if (m_frame == targetFrame)
-        return true;
-    // Let a frame navigate the top-level window that contains it.  This is
-    // important to allow because it lets a site "frame-bust" (escape from a
-    // frame created by another web site).
-    if (!isDocumentSandboxed(m_frame, SandboxTopNavigation) && targetFrame == m_frame->tree()->top())
-        return true;
-    // A sandboxed frame can only navigate itself and its descendants.
-    if (isDocumentSandboxed(m_frame, SandboxNavigation) && !targetFrame->tree()->isDescendantOf(m_frame))
-        return false;
-    // Let a frame navigate its opener if the opener is a top-level window.
-    if (!targetFrame->tree()->parent() && m_frame->loader()->opener() == targetFrame)
-        return true;
-    Document* activeDocument = m_frame->document();
-    ASSERT(activeDocument);
-    const SecurityOrigin* activeSecurityOrigin = activeDocument->securityOrigin();
-    // For top-level windows, check the opener.
-    if (!targetFrame->tree()->parent() && canAccessAncestor(activeSecurityOrigin, targetFrame->loader()->opener()))
-        return true;
-    // In general, check the frame's ancestors.
-    if (canAccessAncestor(activeSecurityOrigin, targetFrame))
-        return true;
-    Document* targetDocument = targetFrame->document();
-    // FIXME: this error message should contain more specifics of why the navigation change is not allowed.
-    String message = "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to initiate a navigation change for frame with URL " +
-                     targetDocument->url().string() + " from frame with URL " + activeDocument->url().string() + ".\n";
-    // FIXME: should we print to the console of the activeFrame as well?
-    targetFrame->domWindow()->printErrorMessage(message);
-    return false;
 void FrameLoader::stopAllLoaders(ClearProvisionalItemPolicy clearProvisionalItemPolicy)
     ASSERT(!m_frame->document() || !m_frame->document()->inPageCache());
@@ -3043,7 +2965,10 @@
 Frame* FrameLoader::findFrameForNavigation(const AtomicString& name)
     Frame* frame = m_frame->tree()->find(name);
-    if (!shouldAllowNavigation(frame))
+    // FIXME: We calling canNavigate on the Document that's requesting the
+    // navigation, not based on the document that happens to be displayed in
+    // this Frame.
+    if (!m_frame->document()->canNavigate(frame))
         return 0;
     return frame;
@@ -3306,7 +3231,7 @@
     if (!request.frameName().isEmpty() && request.frameName() != "_blank") {
         Frame* frame = lookupFrame->tree()->find(request.frameName());
-        if (frame && openerFrame->loader()->shouldAllowNavigation(frame)) {
+        if (frame && openerFrame->document()->canNavigate(frame)) {
             if (Page* page = frame->page())
             created = false;