blob: e0935dfdd411fab4e4fb76c60413c974293061a1 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ runFTLNoCJIT
// If all goes well, this test module will terminate silently. If not, it will print
// errors. See binary-op-test.js for debugging options if needed.
// Test configuration data:
var opName = "lshift";
var op = "<<";
var o1 = {
valueOf: function() { return 10; }
var posInfinity = 1 / 0;
var negInfinity = -1 / 0;
var values = [
'100.2', // Some random small double value.
'2147483647.5', // Value that will get truncated down to 0x7fffffff.
'54294967296.2923', // Some random large double value.
tests = [];
generateBinaryTests(tests, opName, op, "VarVar", values, values);
generateBinaryTests(tests, opName, op, "VarConst", values, values);
generateBinaryTests(tests, opName, op, "ConstVar", values, values);