blob: ccae8923de73baaa77d4d8f249b989758bca53cc [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
let cosOfFour = Math.cos(4);
let validInputTestCases = [
// input as string, expected result as string.
["undefined", "NaN"],
["null", "1"],
["0", "1"],
["-0.", "1"],
["4", "" + cosOfFour],
["Math.PI", "-1"],
["Infinity", "NaN"],
["-Infinity", "NaN"],
["NaN", "NaN"],
["\"WebKit\"", "NaN"],
["\"4\"", "" + cosOfFour],
["{ valueOf: () => { return 4; } }", "" + cosOfFour],
let validInputTypedTestCases = => { return [eval("(" + element[0] + ")"), eval(element[1])] });
function isIdentical(result, expected)
if (expected === expected) {
if (result !== expected)
return false;
if (!expected && 1 / expected === -Infinity && 1 / result !== -Infinity)
return false;
return true;
return result !== result;
// Test Math.cos() with a very polymorphic input. All test cases are seen at each iteration.
function opaqueAllTypesCos(argument) {
return Math.cos(argument);
function testAllTypesCall() {
for (let i = 0; i < 1e3; ++i) {
for (let testCaseInput of validInputTypedTestCases) {
let output = opaqueAllTypesCos(testCaseInput[0]);
if (!isIdentical(output, testCaseInput[1]))
throw "Failed testAllTypesCall for input " + testCaseInput[0] + " expected " + testCaseInput[1] + " got " + output;
if (numberOfDFGCompiles(opaqueAllTypesCos) > 2)
throw "We should have detected cos() was polymorphic and generated a generic version.";
// Test Math.cos() on a completely typed input. Every call see only one type.
function testSingleTypeCall() {
for (let testCaseInput of validInputTestCases) {
function opaqueCos(argument) {
return Math.cos(argument);
for (let i = 0; i < 1e4; ++i) {
if (!isIdentical(opaqueCos(${testCaseInput[0]}), ${testCaseInput[1]})) {
throw "Failed testSingleTypeCall()";
if (numberOfDFGCompiles(opaqueCos) > 1)
throw "We should have compiled a single cos for the expected type.";
// Verify we call valueOf() exactly once per call.
function opaqueCosForSideEffects(argument) {
return Math.cos(argument);
function testSideEffect() {
let testObject = {
counter: 0,
valueOf: function() { ++this.counter; return 16; }
let cos16 = Math.cos(16);
for (let i = 0; i < 1e4; ++i) {
if (opaqueCosForSideEffects(testObject) !== cos16)
throw "Incorrect result in testSideEffect()";
if (testObject.counter !== 1e4)
throw "Failed testSideEffect()";
if (numberOfDFGCompiles(opaqueCosForSideEffects) > 1)
throw "opaqueCosForSideEffects() is predictable, it should only be compiled once.";
// Verify SQRT is not subject to CSE if the argument has side effects.
function opaqueCosForCSE(argument) {
return Math.cos(argument) + Math.cos(argument) + Math.cos(argument);
function testCSE() {
let testObject = {
counter: 0,
valueOf: function() { ++this.counter; return 16; }
let cos16 = Math.cos(16);
let threeCos16 = cos16 + cos16 + cos16;
for (let i = 0; i < 1e4; ++i) {
if (opaqueCosForCSE(testObject) !== threeCos16)
throw "Incorrect result in testCSE()";
if (testObject.counter !== 3e4)
throw "Failed testCSE()";
if (numberOfDFGCompiles(opaqueCosForCSE) > 1)
throw "opaqueCosForCSE() is predictable, it should only be compiled once.";
// Test exceptions in the argument.
function testException() {
let counter = 0;
function opaqueCosWithException(argument) {
let result = Math.cos(argument);
return result;
let testObject = { valueOf: () => { return 64; } };
let cos64 = Math.cos(64);
// Warm up without exception.
for (let i = 0; i < 1e3; ++i) {
if (opaqueCosWithException(testObject) !== cos64)
throw "Incorrect result in opaqueCosWithException()";
let testThrowObject = { valueOf: () => { throw testObject; return 64; } };
for (let i = 0; i < 1e2; ++i) {
try {
if (opaqueCosWithException(testThrowObject) !== 8)
throw "This code should not be reached!!";
} catch (e) {
if (e !== testObject) {
throw "Wrong object thrown from opaqueCosWithException."
if (counter !== 1e3) {
throw "Invalid count in testException()";