blob: eb558cd3e25bde19f50593158e48d54c93ea7b86 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1 Tiny//EN" "">
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<!-- 'width' is a XML attribute, attributeType is set to "auto": this animation runs. -->
<rect width="10" height="100" fill="green">
<animate id="an1" attributeType="auto" attributeName="width" fill="freeze" from="10" to="100" begin="0s" dur="4s"/>
<!-- 'width' is a XML attribute, attributeType is set to "CSS". 'width' is not a presentation attribute, so this animation won't run. -->
<rect x="150" width="10" height="100" fill="green">
<animate id="an2" attributeType="CSS" attributeName="width" fill="freeze" from="10" to="100" begin="0s" dur="4s"/>
<!-- 'fill' is a presentation attribute, mapped to CSS, attributeType is set to "auto": this animation runs. -->
<rect y="150" width="100" height="100" fill="red">
<animate id="an3" attributeType="auto" attributeName="fill" fill="freeze" from="red" to="green" begin="0s" dur="4s"/>
<!-- 'fill' is a presentation attribute, mapped to CSS, attributeType is set to "XML": this animation runs. -->
<rect x="150" y="150" width="100" height="100" fill="red">
<animate id="an4" attributeType="XML" attributeName="fill" fill="freeze" from="red" to="green" begin="0s" dur="4s"/>