blob: 5457bd99fe49592eb3f7a3a04cb15c1cacc03475 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
video {
border: 3px solid red;
background-color: magenta;
<script src=video-test.js></script>
var width, height;
function testAfterLoadingPoster()
consoleWrite("<br><b>Test after setting poster</b>");
testExpected("video.clientWidth", 300);
testExpected("video.clientHeight", 150);
function start()
if (window.testRunner) {
} else
consoleWrite("<b>This test can only be run in DumpRenderTree!</b>");
video = document.querySelectorAll('video')[0];
consoleWrite("<br><b>Testing before setting poster</b>");
testExpected("video.clientWidth", 300);
testExpected("video.clientHeight", 150);
// FIXME: the getTime() below works around a bug (82976) in mac DRT where caches aren't cleared between tests.
video.poster = "content/abe.png?" + (new Date().getTime());
setTimeout(testAfterLoadingPoster, 100);
<body onload="start()">
<video id=video></video>
<p>Test for <a href=""></a>. <br>
Resource load delegate should be able to block poster loading.</p>