blob: bf34e19a9a92100f549b65d33747a8dfd6d1f304 [file] [log] [blame]
// META: script=/service-workers/cache-storage/resources/test-helpers.js
var test_url = '';
var test_body = 'Hello world!';
cache_test(function(cache) {
var cache_keys;
var alternate_response_body = 'New body';
var alternate_response = new Response(alternate_response_body, { statusText: 'New status' });
return cache.put(new Request(test_url), new Response('Old body', { statusText: 'Old status' })).then(function() {
return cache.keys();
}).then(function(keys) {
cache_keys = keys;
}).then(function() {
return cache.put(new Request(test_url), alternate_response);
}).then(function() {
return cache.keys();
}).then(function(keys) {
assert_request_array_equals(keys, cache_keys);
}).then(function() {
return cache.match(test_url);
}).then(function(result) {
assert_response_equals(result, alternate_response, 'Cache.put should replace existing ' + 'response with new response.');
return result.text();
}).then(function(body) {
assert_equals(body, alternate_response_body, 'Cache put should store new response body.');
}, 'Cache.put called twice with matching Requests - keys should remain the same');