blob: 7e0af4f06f13d2c327e1fb4dfd52e9765ece485e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
function p(x) {
var tests = [
name: "Testing spread array literals (all should be the same)",
body: function () {
var a = [1, 2];
var b = [3];
var c = [];
var d = [4, 5, 6];
var joined = [];
joined[0] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
joined[1] = [...a, ...b, ...c, ...d];
joined[2] = [1, 2, ...b, ...d];
joined[3] = [...[1, 2], ...b, ...[], ...[...d]];
joined[4] = [...[], ...joined[2], ...[], ...c];
joined[5] = [...a, ...b, ...c, 4, 5, 6];
for (var i = 0; i < joined.length; ++i) {
assert.areEqual(joined[i], joined[0], "joined[" + i + "] + === + joined[" + 0 + "]");
name: "Testing call with spread args (all should be the same)",
body: function() {
var a = [1, 2];
var b = [3];
var c = [];
var d = [4, 5, 6];
function quad(a, b, c, x) {
return a*x*x + b*x + c;
var result = [];
result[0] = quad(1, 2, 3, 4);
result[1] = quad(...a, ...b, ...c, 4);
result[2] = quad(...a, ...b, ...[4]);
result[3] = quad(...[...a, ...b, ...c], 4);
for (var j = 0; j < result.length; ++j) {
assert.areEqual(result[j], result[0], "result[" + j + "] === result[0]");
name: "Testing spread with a lot of padding numbers",
body: function () {
function quad(a, b, c, x) {
return a*x*x + b*x + c;
var e = [7, 8];
var f = [12, 13];
var largeLiteral = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...e, 9, 10, 11, ...f, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20];
var largeLiteralFull = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20];
assert.areEqual(largeLiteral, largeLiteralFull, "Array literals equal");
assert.areEqual(quad(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...e, 9, 10, 11, ...f, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20), quad(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), "Calls equal");
name: "Testing array literals with gaps",
body: function () {
assert.areEqual([1, undefined, 3], [...[1,,3]], "Spreading missing values gives undefined in the new array elements");
assert.areEqual([undefined, undefined, 1, undefined, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3], [...[...[,,1,,2,3], ...[1, 2, 3], 3]], "Spreading missing values gives undefined in the new array elements");
name: "Testing call spread args with gaps",
body: function () {
function spreadValid1(a, b, c, d) {
assert.areEqual(1, a, "Spreading call arguments with array gaps: a is 1");
assert.areEqual(undefined, b, "Spreading call arguments with array gaps: b is undefined");
assert.areEqual(3, c, "Spreading call arguments with array gaps: c is 3");
assert.areEqual(undefined, d, "Spreading call arguments with array gaps: d is undefined");
spreadValid1(...[1, , 3,]);
function spreadValid2(e, f, g, h) {
assert.areEqual(4, e, "Spreading nested call arguments with array gaps: e is 4");
assert.areEqual(undefined, f, "Spreading nested call arguments with array gaps: f is undefined");
assert.areEqual(undefined, g, "Spreading nested call arguments with array gaps: g is undefined");
assert.areEqual(8, h, "Spreading nested call arguments with array gaps: h is 8");
spreadValid2(...[4, , ...[, 8]]);
name: "Testing spread with string literals",
body: function () {
assert.areEqual(["s", "t", "r", "i", "n", "g"], [..."string"], "Spreading a string creates a character array of the string");
name: "BLUE 491118: Spread outside of a call or array literal",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { eval("var a = []; ...a") }, SyntaxError, "Spread outside of a call or array literal");
name: "BLUE 511620: Calling spread operation inside string template results in crash",
body: function () {
function foo(a,b){}
var demo = "hello";
assert.throws(function() { eval("var strAdd = foo`${...demo}`;"); }, SyntaxError, "Spread inside string template");
name: "BLUE 490915: ... is a valid operator but ...... (2 spreads combined) is not",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { eval("var a = []; [......a];") }, SyntaxError, "Two spreads combined is a syntax error");
assert.throws(function () { eval("function foo(){};var a = []; foo(......a);") }, SyntaxError, "Two spreads combined is a syntax error");
name: "BLUE 522366: Spreading null or undefined should throw TypeError instead of RuntimeError",
body: function () {
function foo(bar) { return bar; }
assert.throws(function () { foo(...null); }, TypeError);
assert.throws(function () { [...null]; }, TypeError);
assert.throws(function () { foo(...undefined); }, TypeError);
assert.throws(function () { [...undefined]; }, TypeError);
name: "BLUE 522630: Assignment expresion should be evaluated fisrt and then the results should be spread",
body: function () {
let b = { get x() { return "abc"; } }
a = [1, ...b.x + ""];
assert.areEqual([1,"a","b","c"], a);
name: "Spread functionality in non-standard call types",
body: function () {
var shortArray = [1,2,3]; // Doesn't use _alloca()
var longArray = [5,3,8,2,4,8,5,3,1,912341234,33543,12987,3476,-2134124,3245235]; // Uses _alloca()
// Ctor tests
assert.areEqual(shortArray, new Array(...shortArray));
assert.areEqual(longArray, new Array(...longArray));
function Storage(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
this.d = d;
this.e = e;
this.f = f;
this.g = g;
this.h = h;
this.i = i;
assert.areEqual(new Storage(1,2,3), new Storage(...shortArray));
assert.areEqual(new Storage(5,3,8,2,4,8,5,3,1), new Storage(...longArray));
// Eval
assert.areEqual("hello", eval(...['"hello"']));
assert.areEqual(longArray[0], eval(...longArray));
name: "BLUE: 521584:[ES6][Spread] - Spread inside eval is considered valid without quotes. Currently crashes",
body: function () {
assert.areEqual(undefined, eval(...[]));
assert.areEqual(undefined, eval(...[], ...[]));
assert.areEqual(undefined, eval(...[], ...[], ...[]));
assert.areEqual(undefined, eval(...[], ...[], ...[], ...[]));
assert.areEqual(123123, eval(...[], ...["123123"]));
assert.areEqual(123123, eval(...[], ...["123123"], ...[]));
assert.areEqual(123123, eval(...[], ...[], ...["123123"], ...[]));
assert.areEqual(123123, eval(...[], ...[], ...[], ...[], ...["123123"]));
assert.areEqual(123123, eval(...["123123"], ...[], ...[], ...[], ...[]));
assert.areEqual(undefined,[], ...["123123"]));
name: "Spread with side effects",
body: function () {
var i = 0;
assert.areEqual(1, i);
eval(...[], ...["i += 1"]);
assert.areEqual(2, i);
eval(...[], ...["i = i - i"], ...[]);
assert.areEqual(0, i);
name: "BLUE 584814: Instr::HasFixedFunctionAddressTarget() assertion",
body: function () {
function badFunc() {
function shapeyConstructor(iijcze) {
if (((NaN += /x/).b)) iijcze.d = (new((4277))(new[1, , ](/x/, ''), ...y));
for (var z in [/x/, /x/, true, ]) {
let drjotv = shapeyConstructor(z);
badFunc(); badFunc();
name: "BLUE 582720: Spread calls with invalid functions crash in native",
body: function () {
function badFunc() {
assert.throws(function () { badFunc(); badFunc(); });
name: "BLUE 589583: CallIPut with spread causes an assert",
body: function () {
function a() {};
var x = [];
assert.throws(function() { eval('a(...x)--'); }, ReferenceError, "Spread with CallIPut throws a ReferenceError");
name: "BLUE 596934, 597412: Incorrect spread argument length handling",
body: function () {
function a() {}
// The implemented version of the spec allows overflow of the length when converting to UInt32.
assert.throws(function () { a( Array (0x50505050)); }, RangeError, "Very large array throws RangeError");
try {
a( Array(1 << 24 - 1)); // No RangeError throw (max call args)
} catch (e) {
// This many args will blow out the stack. But it shouldn't be a length limitation.
assert.areNotEqual(e.constructor, RangeError, "Max call args should not throw a RangeError");
assert.throws(function () { a( Array(1 << 24)); }, RangeError, "Array size greater than max call arg count throws RangeError");
assert.throws(function () { a( Array(3), Array(1 << 32 - 2)); }, RangeError, "Total spread size greater than max call arg count throws RangeError");
name: "BLUE 611774: Spread with a prefix operator is allowed anywhere",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { eval('++...window, z;'); }, SyntaxError, "Invalid use of the ... operator");
name: "OS 5204357: Corner case: user changes property and we should call it",
body: function () {
var overrideCalled = false;
var arrayIteratorProto = Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]());
var arrayIteratorProtoNext =;
function testArrayIteratorProto() {
var a = [1];
function f() {}
assert.isTrue(overrideCalled, "Spread of a in call to f should have invoked the overridden method");
overrideCalled = false;
var b = [...a];
assert.isTrue(overrideCalled, "Spread of a in array initializer should have invoked the overridden method");
overrideCalled = false;
var overrideFunc = function () {
overrideCalled = true;
return arrayIteratorProtoNext.apply(this, arguments);
}; = overrideFunc;
// Restore the original prototype .next = arrayIteratorProtoNext;
function getIterableObjNextDesc() {
return {
get: function next() {
overrideCalled = true;
return function () {
return {
value: 0,
done: 1
// Change built-in array iterator's next getter function
var builtinArrayPrototypeIteratorNextDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arrayIteratorProto, "next");
Object.defineProperty(arrayIteratorProto, "next", getIterableObjNextDesc());
Object.defineProperty(arrayIteratorProto, "next", builtinArrayPrototypeIteratorNextDesc);
name: "Corner case: Spread of an array with an accessor property (ES5Array) should call that getter and recognize a change in length during iteration",
body: function () {
var result = [];
function foo(a, b, c, d) {
var a = [5, 6, 7];
a.two = 7;
Object.defineProperty(a, '2', { get: function () { this[3] = 8; return this.two; } });
assert.areEqual(4, result.length, "Spread for the function argument called the getter and caused the length to be updated to four");
assert.areEqual(5, result[0], "Spread for the function argument passed the first element of a as the first argument");
assert.areEqual(6, result[1], "Spread for the function argument passed the second element of a as the second argument");
assert.areEqual(7, result[2], "Spread for the function argument called the getter of the third element of a and passed the result as the third argument");
assert.areEqual(8, result[3], "Spread for the function argument recognized the new length of four and passed the fourth element of a as the fourth argument");
a = [5, 6, 7];
a.two = 7;
Object.defineProperty(a, '2', { get: function () { this[3] = 8; return this.two; } });
var b = [...a];
result = b;
assert.areEqual(4, result.length, "Spread for the array initializer called the getter and caused the length to be updated to four");
assert.areEqual(5, result[0], "Spread for the array initializer copied the first element of a to the first element of b");
assert.areEqual(6, result[1], "Spread for the array initializer copied the second element of a to the second element of b");
assert.areEqual(7, result[2], "Spread for the array initializer called the getter of the third element of a and copied the result to the third element of b");
assert.areEqual(8, result[3], "Spread for the array initializer recognized the new length of four and copied the fourth element of a to the fourth element of b");
name: "Corner case: Spread of an arguments object with an accessor property (ES5HeapArgumentsObject) should call that getter and recognize a change in length during iteration",
body: function () {
var result = [];
function foo(a, b, c, d) {
function bar() {
arguments.two = 7;
// Note arguments object does not change its length like an array when new elements are added,
// but its length is writable and we can change it ourselves
Object.defineProperty(arguments, '2', { get: function () { this[3] = 8; this.length++; return this.two; } });
bar(5, 6, 7);
assert.areEqual(4, result.length, "Spread for the function argument called the getter and caused the length to be updated to four");
assert.areEqual(5, result[0], "Spread for the function argument passed the first element of a as the first argument");
assert.areEqual(6, result[1], "Spread for the function argument passed the second element of a as the second argument");
assert.areEqual(7, result[2], "Spread for the function argument called the getter of the third element of a and passed the result as the third argument");
assert.areEqual(8, result[3], "Spread for the function argument recognized the new length of four and passed the fourth element of a as the fourth argument");
result = [];
function fuz() {
arguments.two = 7;
// Note arguments object does not change its length like an array when new elements are added,
// but its length is writable and we can change it ourselves
Object.defineProperty(arguments, '2', { get: function () { this[3] = 8; this.length++; return this.two; } });
var b = [...arguments];
result = b;
fuz(5, 6, 7);
assert.areEqual(4, result.length, "Spread for the array initializer called the getter and caused the length to be updated to four");
assert.areEqual(5, result[0], "Spread for the array initializer copied the first element of a to the first element of b");
assert.areEqual(6, result[1], "Spread for the array initializer copied the second element of a to the second element of b");
assert.areEqual(7, result[2], "Spread for the array initializer called the getter of the third element of a and copied the result to the third element of b");
assert.areEqual(8, result[3], "Spread for the array initializer recognized the new length of four and copied the fourth element of a to the fourth element of b");
name: "OS 2970825: Spread should not be allowed with unary operators",
body: function () {
function foo() {}
assert.throws(function () { eval("foo(++...[1,2,3]);"); }, SyntaxError, "Spread with unary operator throws a syntax error", "Unexpected ... operator");
assert.throws(function () { eval("foo(typeof ...[1,2,3]);"); }, SyntaxError, "Spread with keyword unary operator throws a syntax error", "Unexpected ... operator");
assert.throws(function () { eval("foo(!!...[1,2,3]);"); }, SyntaxError, "Spread with chained unary operators throws a syntax error", "Unexpected ... operator");
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });