blob: d4ea73ea70a9b1897fad58f4ce6c6b864bbda094 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
function verifyClassMember(obj, name, expectedReturnValue, isGet, isSet, isGenerator) {
let p = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
let strMethodSignature = `obj[${name}](${isGet},${isSet},${isGenerator})`;
let fn;
if (isGet) {
fn = p.get;
assert.areEqual('function', typeof fn, `${strMethodSignature}: Get method has 'get' property set in descriptor`);
assert.areEqual(expectedReturnValue, obj[name], `${strMethodSignature}: Invoking class get method returns correct value`);
assert.areEqual(expectedReturnValue, fn(), `${strMethodSignature}: Calling class get method function directly returns correct value`);
assert.isFalse('prototype' in fn, `${strMethodSignature}: Class method get does not have 'prototype' property`);
} else if (isSet) {
fn = p.set;
assert.areEqual('function', typeof fn, `${strMethodSignature}: Set method has 'set' property set in descriptor`);
assert.areEqual(undefined, obj[name], `${strMethodSignature}: Invoking class set method returns undefined`);
assert.areEqual(expectedReturnValue, fn(), `${strMethodSignature}: Calling class set method function directly returns correct value`);
assert.isFalse('prototype' in fn, `${strMethodSignature}: Class method set does not have 'prototype' property`);
} else if (isGenerator) {
fn = obj[name];
assert.areEqual('function', typeof fn, `${strMethodSignature}: Class method generator function has correct type`);
let s;
for (s of fn()) {}
assert.areEqual(expectedReturnValue, s, `${strMethodSignature}: Calling class method generator returns correct value`);
assert.isTrue(p.writable, `${strMethodSignature}: Class method generator functions are writable`);
assert.isTrue('prototype' in fn, `${strMethodSignature}: Class method generator does have 'prototype' property`);
} else {
fn = obj[name]
assert.areEqual('function', typeof fn, `${strMethodSignature}: Class method has correct type`);
assert.areEqual(expectedReturnValue, fn(), `${strMethodSignature}: Calling class method returns correct value`);
// get/set property descriptors do not have writable properties
assert.isTrue(p.writable, `${strMethodSignature}: Class method functions are writable`);
assert.isFalse('prototype' in fn, `${strMethodSignature}: Class method does not have 'prototype' property`);
assert.isFalse(p.enumerable, `${strMethodSignature}: Class methods are not enumerable`);
assert.isTrue(p.configurable, `${strMethodSignature}: Class methods are configurable`);
assert.isFalse(fn.hasOwnProperty('arguments'), `${strMethodSignature}: Class methods do not have an 'arguments' property`);
assert.isFalse(fn.hasOwnProperty('caller'), `${strMethodSignature}: Class methods do not have an 'caller' property`);
var tests = [
name: "Class requires an extends expression if the extends keyword is used",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { eval("class E extends { }") }, SyntaxError);
name: "Class declarations require a name",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { eval("class { }") }, SyntaxError);
name: "Class methods may not have an octal name",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { eval("class E0 { 0123() {} }") }, SyntaxError, "0123");
assert.throws(function () { eval("class E1 { 0123.1() {} }") }, SyntaxError, "0123.1");
name: "Class prototypes must be non-writable",
body: function () {
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(class { }, "prototype");
name: "Class static methods may not be named 'prototype'",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { eval("class E0 { static prototype() {} }") }, SyntaxError, "static prototype");
assert.throws(function () { eval("class E1 { static get prototype() {} }") }, SyntaxError, "static get prototype");
assert.throws(function () { eval("class E2 { static set prototype(x) {} }") }, SyntaxError, "static set prototype");
name: "Class constructor method can only be a normal method - not getter, setter, or generator",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { eval("class E { * constructor() {} }") }, SyntaxError, "Class constructor may not be a generator");
assert.throws(function () { eval("class E0 { get constructor() {} }") }, SyntaxError, "get constructor");
assert.throws(function () { eval("class E1 { set constructor(x) {} }") }, SyntaxError, "set constructor");
name: "Class method names can be duplicated; last one lexically always win",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { eval("class E0 { constructor() {} constructor() {} }") }, SyntaxError, "Duplicated constructor");
// Valid
class A { foo() {} foo() {} }
class B { get foo() {} get foo() {} }
class C { set foo(x) {} set foo(x) {} }
class D { get foo() {} set foo(x) {} }
class E { static foo() {} static foo() {} }
class F { static get foo() {} static get foo() {} }
class G { static set foo(x) {} static set foo(x) {} }
class H { static get foo() {} static set foo(x) {} }
class I { foo() {} get foo() {} set foo(x) {}}
class J { static get foo() {} static set foo(x) {} get foo() {} set foo(x) {} }
class K { static foo() {} static get foo() {} static set foo(x) {}}
class L { static foo() {} foo() {} }
class M { static foo() {} get foo() {} set foo(x) {}}
class N { foo() {} static get foo() {} static set foo(x) {}}
name: "Class extends expressions must be (null || an object that is a constructor with a prototype that is (null || an object))",
body: function () {
class BaseClass {}
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(BaseClass.prototype) === Object.prototype, "Object.getPrototypeOf(BaseClass.prototype) === Object.prototype")
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(BaseClass.prototype.constructor) === Function.prototype, "Object.getPrototypeOf(BaseClass.prototype.constructor) === Function.prototype")
class ExtendsNull extends null { }
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsNull.prototype) === null, "Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsNull.prototype) === null")
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsNull.prototype.constructor) === Function.prototype, "Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsNull.prototype.constructor) === Function.prototype")
function NullPrototype () {}
NullPrototype.prototype = null;
class ExtendsNullPrototype extends NullPrototype {}
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsNullPrototype.prototype) === null, "Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsNullPrototype.prototype) === null")
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsNullPrototype.prototype.constructor) === NullPrototype, "Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsNullPrototype.prototype.constructor) === NullPrototype")
class ExtendsObject extends Object {}
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsObject.prototype) === Object.prototype, "Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsObject.prototype) === Object.prototype")
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsObject.prototype.constructor) === Object, "Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsObject.prototype.constructor) === Object")
function Func () {}
class ExtendsFunc extends Func {}
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsFunc.prototype) === Func.prototype, "Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsFunc.prototype) === Func.prototype")
assert.isTrue(Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsFunc.prototype.constructor) === Func, "Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendsFunc.prototype.constructor) === Func")
assert.throws(function () { class A extends 0 { } }, TypeError, "Integer extends");
assert.throws(function () { class A extends "test" { } }, TypeError, "String extends");
assert.throws(function () { class A extends {} { } }, TypeError, "Object literal extends");
assert.throws(function () { class A extends undefined { } }, TypeError, "Undefined extends");
function () {
function Foo() {}
Foo.prototype = 0;
class A extends Foo { }
}, TypeError, "Integer prototype");
function () {
function Foo() {}
Foo.prototype = "test";
class A extends Foo { }
}, TypeError, "String prototype");
function () {
function Foo() {}
Foo.prototype = undefined;
class A extends Foo { }
}, TypeError, "Undefined prototype");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { eval("class Foo extends new Proxy(class Bar {},{}){}"); });
name: "Class basic sanity tests",
body: function () {
var m;
function p(x) {
m = x;
class Empty { }
class EmptySemi { ; }
class OnlyCtor { constructor() { p('ctor') } }
class OnlyMethod { method() { p('method') } }
class OnlyStaticMethod { static method() { p('smethod') } }
class OnlyGetter { get getter() { p('getter') } }
class OnlyStaticGetter { static get getter() { p('sgetter') } }
class OnlySetter { set setter(x) { p('setter ' + x) } }
class OnlyStaticSetter { static set setter(x) { p('ssetter ' + x) } }
let empty = new Empty();
let emptySemi = new EmptySemi();
let onlyCtor = new OnlyCtor();
assert.areEqual('ctor', m, "constructing OnlyCtor class calls the constructor method");
let onlyMethod = new OnlyMethod();
let onlyStaticMethod = new OnlyStaticMethod();
let onlyGetter = new OnlyGetter();
let onlyStaticGetter = new OnlyStaticGetter();
let onlySetter = new OnlySetter();
let onlyStaticSetter = new OnlyStaticSetter();
assert.areEqual('method', m, "method calls function correctly");
assert.areEqual('smethod', m, "static method calls function correctly");
assert.areEqual('getter', m, "getter calls function correctly");
assert.areEqual('sgetter', m, "static getter calls function correctly");
onlySetter.setter = null;
assert.areEqual('setter null', m, "setter calls function correctly");
OnlyStaticSetter.setter = null;
assert.areEqual('ssetter null', m, "static setter calls function correctly");
class InheritMethod extends OnlyMethod { method2() { p('sub method') } }
class OverrideMethod extends OnlyMethod { method() { p('override method') } }
let inheritMethod = new InheritMethod();
let overrideMethod = new OverrideMethod();
assert.areEqual('method', m, "derived class inherits base class method");
assert.areEqual('sub method', m, "derived class adds new method correctly");
assert.areEqual('override method', m, "derived class overrides method correctly");
let OnlyMethodExpr = class OnlyMethodExpr { method() { p('class expr method') } }
let OnlyMethodExprNameless = class { method() { p('class expr no name method') } }
let onlyMethodExpr = new OnlyMethodExpr();
let onlyMethodExprNameless = new OnlyMethodExprNameless();
assert.areEqual('class expr method', m, "method call on class expression works correctly");
assert.areEqual('class expr no name method', m, "method call on class expression with no name works correctly");
class InternalNameUse { static method() { p(InternalNameUse.method.toString()) } }
let InternalNameUseExpr_ = class InternalNameUseExpr { static method() { p(InternalNameUseExpr.method.toString()) } }
assert.areEqual('method() { p(InternalNameUse.method.toString()) }', m, "Use of class declaration's name inside method works correctly");
assert.areEqual('method() { p(InternalNameUseExpr.method.toString()) }', m, "Use of class expression's name inside method works correctly");
name: "Class basic sanity tests in closures",
body: function () {
var m;
function p(x) {
m = x;
function f1() {
class Empty { }
class EmptySemi { ; }
class OnlyCtor { constructor() { p('ctor') } }
class OnlyMethod { method() { p('method') } }
class OnlyStaticMethod { static method() { p('smethod') } }
class OnlyGetter { get getter() { p('getter') } }
class OnlyStaticGetter { static get getter() { p('sgetter') } }
class OnlySetter { set setter(x) { p('setter ' + x) } }
class OnlyStaticSetter { static set setter(x) { p('ssetter ' + x) } }
class OnlyComputedMethod { ["cmethod"]() { p('cmethod') } }
class OnlyStaticComputedMethod { static ["cmethod"]() { p('scmethod') } }
class OnlyComputedGetter { get ["cgetter"]() { p('cgetter') } }
class OnlyStaticComputedGetter { static get ["cgetter"]() { p('scgetter') } }
class OnlyComputedSetter { set ["csetter"](x) { p('csetter ' + x) } }
class OnlyStaticComputedSetter { static set ["csetter"](x) { p('scsetter ' + x) } }
function f2() {
let empty = new Empty();
let emptySemi = new EmptySemi();
let onlyCtor = new OnlyCtor();
assert.areEqual('ctor', m, "constructing OnlyCtor class calls the constructor method");
let onlyMethod = new OnlyMethod();
let onlyStaticMethod = new OnlyStaticMethod();
let onlyGetter = new OnlyGetter();
let onlyStaticGetter = new OnlyStaticGetter();
let onlySetter = new OnlySetter();
let onlyStaticSetter = new OnlyStaticSetter();
let onlyComputedMethod = new OnlyComputedMethod();
let onlyComputedGetter = new OnlyComputedGetter();
let onlyComputedSetter = new OnlyComputedSetter();
assert.areEqual('method', m, "method calls function correctly");
assert.areEqual('smethod', m, "static method calls function correctly");
assert.areEqual('getter', m, "getter calls function correctly");
assert.areEqual('sgetter', m, "static getter calls function correctly");
onlySetter.setter = null;
assert.areEqual('setter null', m, "setter calls function correctly");
OnlyStaticSetter.setter = null;
assert.areEqual('ssetter null', m, "static setter calls function correctly");
assert.areEqual('cmethod', m, "computed name method calls function correctly");
assert.areEqual('scmethod', m, "static computed name method calls function correctly");
assert.areEqual('cgetter', m, "computed name getter calls function correctly");
assert.areEqual('scgetter', m, "static computed name getter calls function correctly");
onlyComputedSetter.csetter = null;
assert.areEqual('csetter null', m, "computed name setter calls function correctly");
OnlyStaticComputedSetter.csetter = null;
assert.areEqual('scsetter null', m, "static computed name setter calls function correctly");
function f3() {
class OnlyMethod { method() { p('method') } }
class InheritMethod extends OnlyMethod { method2() { p('sub method') } }
class OverrideMethod extends OnlyMethod { method() { p('override method') } }
function f4() {
let inheritMethod = new InheritMethod()
let overrideMethod = new OverrideMethod()
assert.areEqual('method', m, "derived class inherits base class method");
assert.areEqual('sub method', m, "derived class adds new method correctly");
assert.areEqual('override method', m, "derived class overrides method correctly");
function f5() {
let OnlyMethodExpr = class OnlyMethodExpr { method() { p('class expr method') } }
let OnlyMethodExprNameless = class { method() { p('class expr no name method') } }
function f6() {
let onlyMethodExpr = new OnlyMethodExpr();
let onlyMethodExprNameless = new OnlyMethodExprNameless();
assert.areEqual('class expr method', m, "method call on class expression works correctly");
assert.areEqual('class expr no name method', m, "method call on class expression with no name works correctly");
function f7() {
class InternalNameUse { static method() { p(InternalNameUse.method.toString()) } }
let InternalNameUseExpr_ = class InternalNameUseExpr { static method() { p(InternalNameUseExpr.method.toString()) } }
function f8() {
assert.areEqual('method() { p(InternalNameUse.method.toString()) }', m, "Use of class declaration's name inside method works correctly");
assert.areEqual('method() { p(InternalNameUseExpr.method.toString()) }', m, "Use of class expression's name inside method works correctly");
name: "Invalid uses of super",
body: function () {
class A {
constructor() { p('constructor A'); }
method() { p('method A'); }
// Test valid postfix operators in the wrong context
assert.throws(function () { eval("super();") }, ReferenceError, "Invalid use of super");
assert.throws(function () { eval("super[1];") }, ReferenceError, "Invalid use of super");
assert.throws(function () { eval("super.method();") }, ReferenceError, "Invalid use of super");
// Syntax Error for base class constructor with direct super call
assert.throws(function () { eval("class A { constructor() { super(); } }") }, SyntaxError, "Base class constructor cannot call super");
name: "Basic uses of super",
body: function () {
var ctorCalls = [];
class A {
constructor() { this._initialized = true; ctorCalls.push('A'); }
method() { return 'method A'; }
set initialized(v) { this._initialized = v; }
get initialized() { return this._initialized; }
class B extends A {
constructor() {
ctorCalls.push('B pre-super');
ctorCalls.push('B post-super');
superMethod() { return super.method() }
superMethodIndex() { return super['method'](); }
getAprop() { return super.initialized; }
setAprop(value) { super.initialized = value; }
getAIndex() { return super['initialized']; }
setAIndex(value) { super['initialized'] = value; }
lambdaIndex() {
var mysuper = x => super[x]();
return mysuper('method');
let classA = new A();
assert.areEqual(1, ctorCalls.length, "new A calls A's constructor once");
assert.areEqual('A', ctorCalls[0], "new A calls A's constructor");
ctorCalls = [];
let classB = new B();
assert.areEqual(3, ctorCalls.length, "new B calls B and A constructors once each");
assert.areEqual('B pre-super', ctorCalls[0], "new B calls B's constructor first");
assert.areEqual('A', ctorCalls[1], "super within B's constructor calls A's constructor");
assert.areEqual('B post-super', ctorCalls[2], "A's constructor returns to B's constructor after super call");
// Sanity checks
assert.isTrue(classA.method() === 'method A', "classA.method() === 'method A'");
assert.isTrue(classA.initialized === true, "classA.initialized === true");
// Super checks
assert.isTrue(classB.initialized === true, "classB.initialized === true");
assert.isTrue(classB.superMethod() === 'method A', "classB.superMethod() === 'method A'");
assert.isTrue(classB.initialized === true, "classB.initialized === true");
assert.isTrue(classB.getAprop() === 123, "classB.getAprop() === 123");
assert.isTrue(classB.getAIndex() === 123, "classB.getAIndex() === 123");
assert.isTrue(classB.getAprop() === 456, "classB.getAprop() === 456");
assert.isTrue(classB.getAIndex() === 456, "classB.getAIndex() === 456");
assert.isTrue(classB.lambdaIndex() === 'method A', "classB.lambdaIndex() === 'method A'");
name: "Super used outside the class declaration function",
body: function () {
class A1
method() { return 3; }
class A2
method() { return 2; }
function GetClassB(Asomething)
class B extends (Asomething)
method() { return 4; }
supermethod() { return super.method(); }
return B;
let classB1 = GetClassB(A1);
let classB2 = GetClassB(A2);
let b1 = new classB1();
let b2 = new classB2();
assert.isTrue(b1.method() === 4, "b1.method() === 4)");
assert.isTrue(b1.supermethod() === 3, "b1.supermethod() === 3");
assert.isTrue(b2.method() === 4, "b2.method() === 4");
assert.isTrue(b2.supermethod() === 2, "b2.supermethod() === 2");
name: "Super adapts to __proto__ changes",
body: function () {
class A1 {
method() { return "A1"; }
static staticMethod() { return "static A1"; }
class A2 {
method() { return "A2"; }
static staticMethod() { return "static A2"; }
class A3 {
method() { return "A3"; }
static staticMethod() { return "static A3"; }
class B extends A1 {
method() { return super.method(); }
static staticMethod() { return super.staticMethod(); }
assert.areEqual(B.__proto__, A1);
assert.areEqual(B.prototype.__proto__, A1.prototype);
let instanceB1 = new B();
let instanceB2 = new B();
assert.areEqual("A1", instanceB1.method());
assert.areEqual("static A1", B.staticMethod());
assert.areEqual(instanceB1.method(), instanceB2.method());
// Change the 'static' part of B
B.__proto__ = A2;
assert.areEqual(B.__proto__, A2);
assert.areEqual(B.prototype.__proto__, A1.prototype);
assert.areEqual("A1", instanceB1.method(), "Instance methods should not be affected by B.__proto__ change");
assert.areEqual("static A2", B.staticMethod(), "Static method should have changed after B.__proto__ change");
assert.areEqual(instanceB1.method(), instanceB2.method(), "All instances should not have been affected by B.__proto__ change");
// Change the 'dynamic' part of B
B.prototype.__proto__ = A3.prototype;
assert.areEqual(B.__proto__, A2);
assert.areEqual(B.prototype.__proto__, A3.prototype);
assert.areEqual("A3", instanceB1.method(), "Instance methods should be affected after B.prototype.__proto__ change");
assert.areEqual("static A2", B.staticMethod(), "Static methods should be unaffected after B.prototype.__proto__ change");
assert.areEqual(instanceB1.method(), instanceB2.method(), "All instances should have been changed by B.prototype.__proto__ change");
name: "super reference in base class constructor",
body: function () {
class A {
constructor() { super.toString(); }
dontDoThis() { super.makeBugs = 1; }
class B {
constructor() {
this.string = super.toString();
this.stringCall =;
this.stringLambda = (()=>super.toString())() ;
this.stringLambda2 = (()=>(()=>super.toString())())() ;
this.stringEval = eval("super.toString()");
this.stringEval2 = eval("eval(\"super.toString()\")");
this.stringEvalLambda = eval("(()=>super.toString())()");
this.stringEvalLambdaEval = eval("(()=>eval(\"super.toString()\"))()");
this.stringEval2Lambda = eval("eval(\"(()=>super.toString())()\")");
this.stringLambdaEval = (()=>eval("super.toString()"))() ;
this.stringLambda2Eval = (()=>(()=>eval("super.toString()"))())() ;
this.func = super.toString;
this.funcLambda = (()=>super.toString)() ;
this.funcLambda2 = (()=>(()=>super.toString)())() ;
this.funcEval = eval("super.toString");
this.funcEval2 = eval("eval(\"super.toString\")");
this.funcEvalLambda = eval("(()=>super.toString)()");
this.funcEvalLambdaEval = eval("(()=>eval(\"super.toString\"))()");
this.funcEval2Lambda = eval("eval(\"(()=>super.toString)()\")");
this.funcLambdaEval = (()=>eval("super.toString"))() ;
this.funcLambda2Eval = (()=>(()=>eval("super.toString"))())() ;
assert.areEqual("function", typeof A);
var a = new A();
var b = new B();
assert.areEqual(1, a.makeBugs);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.string);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.stringCall);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.stringLambda);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.stringLambda2);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.stringEval);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.stringEval2);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.stringEvalLambda);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.stringEvalLambdaEval);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.stringEval2Lambda);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.stringLambdaEval);
assert.areEqual("[object Object]", b.stringLambda2Eval);
assert.areEqual(Object.prototype.toString, b.func);
assert.areEqual(Object.prototype.toString, b.funcLambda);
assert.areEqual(Object.prototype.toString, b.funcLambda2);
assert.areEqual(Object.prototype.toString, b.funcEval);
assert.areEqual(Object.prototype.toString, b.funcEval2);
assert.areEqual(Object.prototype.toString, b.funcEvalLambda);
assert.areEqual(Object.prototype.toString, b.funcEvalLambdaEval);
assert.areEqual(Object.prototype.toString, b.funcEval2Lambda);
assert.areEqual(Object.prototype.toString, b.funcLambdaEval);
assert.areEqual(Object.prototype.toString, b.funcLambda2Eval);
name: "Default constructors",
body: function () {
class a { };
class b extends a { };
assert.areEqual("class a { }", a.prototype.constructor.toString());
assert.areEqual("class b extends a { }", b.prototype.constructor.toString());
var result = [];
var test = [];
class c { constructor() { result = [...arguments]; } };
class d extends c { };
new d();
assert.areEqual(result, [], "Default extends ctor with no args");
test = [1, 2, 3];
new d(...test);
assert.areEqual(result, test, "Default extends ctor with some args");
test = [-5, 4.53, "test", null, undefined, 9348579];
new d(...test);
assert.areEqual(result, test, "Default extends ctor with different arg types");
name: "Evals and lambdas",
body: function () {
class a { method() { return "hello world"; } };
class b extends a {
method1() { return eval("super.method()"); }
method2() { return eval("super['method']()"); }
method3() { return eval("eval('super.method();')"); }
method4() { return eval("x => super.method()")(); }
method5() { return (x => eval("super.method()"))(); }
method6() { return (x => x => x => super.method())()()(); }
method7() { return (x => eval("x => eval('super.method')"))()()(); }
method8() { eval(); return (x => super.method())(); }
method9() { eval(); return (x => function () { return eval("x => super()")(); }())();}
method10(){ var x = () => { eval(""); return super.method(); }; return x(); }
let instance = new b();
assert.areEqual("hello world", instance.method1(), "Basic eval use");
assert.areEqual("hello world", instance.method2(), "Basic eval use 2");
assert.areEqual("hello world", instance.method3(), "Nested eval use");
assert.areEqual("hello world", instance.method4(), "Mixed lambda and eval use, no nesting");
assert.areEqual("hello world", instance.method5(), "Mixed lambda and eval use, no nesting 2");
assert.areEqual("hello world", instance.method6(), "Nested lambdas and eval");
assert.areEqual("hello world", instance.method7(), "Nested lambdas and nested evals");
assert.areEqual("hello world", instance.method8(), "Lambda with an eval in the parent");
assert.throws(function() { instance.method9(); }, ReferenceError);
assert.throws(function() { (x => eval('super()'))(); }, ReferenceError);
assert.areEqual("hello world", instance.method10(), "Lambda with an eval in the lambda");
name: "Immutable binding within class body, declarations also have normal let binding in enclosing context",
body: function() {
var c = class k {
reassign() { eval('k = 0; WScript.Echo(k);'); }
// Class name is immutable within class body.
var obj1 = new c();
assert.throws(function() { obj1.reassign() }, TypeError);
// Class name is also immutable within body of class declaration statement
class Q extends c {
reassign() { eval('Q = 0;'); }
var obj2 = new Q();
assert.throws(function() { obj2.reassign() }, TypeError);
// Class name binding in enclosing context is mutable
Q = 0;
assert.areEqual(Q, 0, "Mutable class declaration binding");
name: "Ensure the super scope slot is emitted at the right time",
body: function () {
// Previously caused an assert in ByteCodeGen.
class a { method () { return "hello" } };
class b extends a { method () { let a; let b; return (x => super.method()); } }
name: "'super' reference in eval() and lambda",
body: function () {
class a {
method() {return "foo"}
class b extends a {
method1() { return eval("super.method()") }
method2() { var method= () => super.method(); return method(); }
method3() { return eval("var method= () => super.method(); method();") }
method4() { return eval("var method=function () { return super.method()}; method();") }
method5() { return eval("class a{method(){return 'bar'}}; class b extends a{method(){return super.method()}};(new b()).method()") }
let instance = new b();
assert.areEqual("foo",instance.method1(),"'super' in eval()");
assert.areEqual("foo",instance.method2(),"'super' in lambda");
assert.areEqual("foo",instance.method3(),"'super' in lambda in eval");
// TODO: Re-enable the following when our behavior is correct
//assert.throws(function () { instance.method4()}, ReferenceError, "'super' in function body in eval");
assert.areEqual("bar",instance.method5(),"'super' in class method in eval");
name: "Class method can be a generator",
body: function() {
class ClassWithGeneratorMethod {
*iter() {
for (let i of [1,2,3]) {
yield i;
let a = [];
for (let i of new ClassWithGeneratorMethod().iter()) {
assert.areEqual([1,2,3], a, "");
name: "Class method with computed name can be a generator",
body: function() {
class ClassWithGeneratorMethod {
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (let i of [1,2,3]) {
yield i;
let a = [];
for (let i of new ClassWithGeneratorMethod()) {
assert.areEqual([1,2,3], a, "");
name: "Class static method descriptor values",
body: function() {
class B {
static method() {
return 'abc';
static ['method2']() {
return 'def';
static get method3() {
return 'ghi';
static get ['method4']() {
return 'jkl';
static set method5(x) {
return 'mno';
static set ['method6'](x) {
return 'pqr';
static *method7() {
yield 'stu';
static *['method8']() {
yield 'vwx';
verifyClassMember(B, 'method', 'abc');
verifyClassMember(B, 'method2', 'def');
verifyClassMember(B, 'method3', 'ghi', true);
verifyClassMember(B, 'method4', 'jkl', true);
verifyClassMember(B, 'method5', 'mno', false, true);
verifyClassMember(B, 'method6', 'pqr', false, true);
verifyClassMember(B, 'method7', 'stu', false, false, true);
verifyClassMember(B, 'method8', 'vwx', false, false, true);
name: "Class method descriptor values",
body: function() {
class B {
method() {
return 'abc';
['method2']() {
return 'def';
get method3() {
return 'ghi';
get ['method4']() {
return 'jkl';
set method5(x) {
return 'mno';
set ['method6'](x) {
return 'pqr';
*method7() {
yield 'stu';
*['method8']() {
yield 'vwx';
verifyClassMember(B.prototype, 'method', 'abc');
verifyClassMember(B.prototype, 'method2', 'def');
verifyClassMember(B.prototype, 'method3', 'ghi', true);
verifyClassMember(B.prototype, 'method4', 'jkl', true);
verifyClassMember(B.prototype, 'method5', 'mno', false, true);
verifyClassMember(B.prototype, 'method6', 'pqr', false, true);
verifyClassMember(B.prototype, 'method7', 'stu', false, false, true);
verifyClassMember(B.prototype, 'method8', 'vwx', false, false, true);
name: "Class constructor cannot be called without new keyword",
body: function () {
class A {}
assert.throws(function() { A(); }, TypeError, "Base class constructor does not have a [[call]] slot", "Class constructor cannot be called without the new keyword");
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Base class constructor does not have a [[call]] slot", "Class constructor cannot be called without the new keyword");
assert.throws(function() { A.apply(); }, TypeError, "Base class constructor does not have a [[call]] slot", "Class constructor cannot be called without the new keyword");
class B extends A {}
assert.throws(function() { B(); }, TypeError, "Derived class constructor does not have a [[call]] slot", "Class constructor cannot be called without the new keyword");
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Derived class constructor does not have a [[call]] slot", "Class constructor cannot be called without the new keyword");
assert.throws(function() { B.apply(); }, TypeError, "Derived class constructor does not have a [[call]] slot", "Class constructor cannot be called without the new keyword");
class SubArray extends Array { };
assert.throws(function() { SubArray(); }, TypeError, "Class derived from built-in does not have a [[call]] slot", "Class constructor cannot be called without the new keyword");
assert.throws(function() {; }, TypeError, "Class derived from built-in does not have a [[call]] slot", "Class constructor cannot be called without the new keyword");
assert.throws(function() { SubArray.apply(); }, TypeError, "Class derived from built-in does not have a [[call]] slot", "Class constructor cannot be called without the new keyword");
name: "Class methods cannot be called as constructors",
body: function() {
class B {
method() {
return { foo: 'a' };
static method2() {
return { foo: 'b' };
assert.throws(function() { new B.prototype.method(); }, TypeError, "Base class prototype method cannot be new'd", "Function is not a constructor");
assert.throws(function() { new B.method2(); }, TypeError, "Base class static method cannot be new'd", "Function is not a constructor");
class C extends B {
method3() {
return { foo: 'c' };
static method4() {
return { foo: 'd' };
assert.throws(function() { new C.prototype.method(); }, TypeError, "Base class prototype method cannot be new'd", "Function is not a constructor");
assert.throws(function() { new C.method2(); }, TypeError, "Base class static method cannot be new'd", "Function is not a constructor");
assert.throws(function() { new C.prototype.method3(); }, TypeError, "Derived class prototype method cannot be new'd", "Function is not a constructor");
assert.throws(function() { new C.method4(); }, TypeError, "Derived class static method cannot be new'd", "Function is not a constructor");
class D extends Array {
method5() {
return { foo: 'e' };
static method6() {
return { foo: 'f' };
assert.throws(function() { new D.prototype.method5(); }, TypeError, "Derived class prototype method cannot be new'd", "Function is not a constructor");
assert.throws(function() { new D.method6(); }, TypeError, "Derived class static method cannot be new'd", "Function is not a constructor");
name: "Class static member cannot have computed name 'prototype'",
body: function() {
assert.throws(function() { eval(`class A { static ['prototype']() {} };`); }, TypeError, "Ordinary static member cannot have computed name 'prototype'", "Class static member cannot be named 'prototype'");
assert.throws(function() { eval(`class A { static get ['prototype']() {} };`); }, TypeError, "Static get member cannot have computed name 'prototype'", "Class static member cannot be named 'prototype'");
assert.throws(function() { eval(`class A { static set ['prototype'](x) {} };`); }, TypeError, "Static set member cannot have computed name 'prototype'", "Class static member cannot be named 'prototype'");
assert.throws(function() { eval(`class A { static *['prototype']() {} };`); }, TypeError, "Static generator member cannot have computed name 'prototype'", "Class static member cannot be named 'prototype'");
assert.doesNotThrow(function() { eval(`class A { ['prototype']() {} };`); }, "Class member with computed name 'prototype' is fine");
assert.doesNotThrow(function() { eval(`class A { get ['prototype']() {} };`); }, "Class get member with computed name 'prototype' is fine");
assert.doesNotThrow(function() { eval(`class A { set ['prototype'](x) {} };`); }, "Class set member with computed name 'prototype' is fine");
assert.doesNotThrow(function() { eval(`class A { *['prototype']() {} };`); }, "Class generator member with computed name 'prototype' is fine");
name: "Extends expression of a class declaration or expression is strict mode",
body: function() {
var BadClass = class extends function() { arguments.caller; } {};
assert.throws(function() { Object.getPrototypeOf(BadClass).arguments; }, TypeError, "The extends expression of a class expression should be parsed in strict mode", "'arguments', 'callee' and 'caller' are restricted function properties and cannot be accessed in this context");
assert.throws(function() { new BadClass(); }, TypeError, "New'ing a class with a parent constructor that throws in strict mode, should throw", "'arguments', 'callee' and 'caller' are restricted function properties and cannot be accessed in this context");
assert.throws(function() { eval('class WorseClass extends (function foo() { with ({}); return foo; }()) {};'); }, SyntaxError, "The extends expression of a class decl should be parsed in strict mode", "'with' statements are not allowed in strict mode");
name: "Class identifier is evaluated in strict mode",
body: function() {
assert.throws(function() { eval('class arguments {};'); }, SyntaxError, "A class may not be named arguments because assigning to arguments in strict mode is not allowed", "Invalid usage of 'arguments' in strict mode");
assert.throws(function() { eval('var x = class arguments {};'); }, SyntaxError, "A class may not be named arguments because assigning to arguments in strict mode is not allowed", "Invalid usage of 'arguments' in strict mode");
assert.throws(function() { eval('class eval {};'); }, SyntaxError, "A class may not be named eval because assigning to arguments in strict mode is not allowed", "Invalid usage of 'eval' in strict mode");
assert.throws(function() { eval('var x = class eval {};'); }, SyntaxError, "A class may not be named eval because assigning to arguments in strict mode is not allowed", "Invalid usage of 'eval' in strict mode");
name: "Classes with caller/arguments methods",
body: function() {
class ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerMethods {
static arguments() { return 'abc'; }
static caller() { return 'def'; }
arguments() { return '123'; }
caller() { return '456'; }
assert.areEqual('abc', ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerMethods.arguments(), "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerMethods.arguments() === 'abc'");
assert.areEqual('def', ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerMethods.caller(), "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerMethods.caller() === 'def'");
assert.areEqual('123', new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerMethods().arguments(), "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerMethods().arguments() === '123'");
assert.areEqual('456', new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerMethods().caller(), "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerMethods().caller() === '456'");
let set_arguments = '';
let set_caller = '';
class ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors {
static get arguments() { return 'abc'; }
static set arguments(v) { set_arguments = v; }
static get caller() { return 'def'; }
static set caller(v) { set_caller = v; }
get arguments() { return '123'; }
set arguments(v) { set_arguments = v; }
get caller() { return '456'; }
set caller(v) { set_caller = v; }
assert.areEqual('abc', ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.arguments, "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.arguments === 'abc'");
assert.areEqual('def', ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.caller, "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.caller === 'def'");
assert.areEqual('123', new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().arguments, "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().arguments === '123'");
assert.areEqual('456', new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().caller, "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().caller === '456'");
ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.arguments = 123
assert.areEqual(123, set_arguments, "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.arguments = 123 (calls setter)");
new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().arguments = 456
assert.areEqual(456, set_arguments, "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().arguments = 456 (calls setter)");
ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.caller = 123
assert.areEqual(123, set_caller, "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.caller = 123 (calls setter)");
new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().caller = 456
assert.areEqual(456, set_caller, "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().caller = 456 (calls setter)");
class ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerGeneratorMethods {
static *arguments() { yield 'abc'; }
static *caller() { yield 'def'; }
*arguments() { yield '123'; }
*caller() { yield '456'; }
let s;
for (s of ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerGeneratorMethods.arguments()) {}
assert.areEqual('abc', s, "s of ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerGeneratorMethods.arguments() === 'abc'");
for (s of ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerGeneratorMethods.caller()) {}
assert.areEqual('def', s, "s of ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerGeneratorMethods.caller() === 'def'");
for (s of new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerGeneratorMethods().arguments()) {}
assert.areEqual('123', s, "s of new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerGeneratorMethods().arguments() === '123'");
for (s of new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerGeneratorMethods().caller()) {}
assert.areEqual('456', s, "s of new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerGeneratorMethods().caller() === '456'");
class ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameMethods {
static ['arguments']() { return 'abc'; }
static ['caller']() { return 'def'; }
['arguments']() { return '123'; }
['caller']() { return '456'; }
assert.areEqual('abc', ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameMethods.arguments(), "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameMethods.arguments() === 'abc'");
assert.areEqual('def', ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameMethods.caller(), "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameMethods.caller() === 'def'");
assert.areEqual('123', new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameMethods().arguments(), "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameMethods().arguments() === '123'");
assert.areEqual('456', new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameMethods().caller(), "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameMethods().caller() === '456'");
class ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameAccessors {
static get ['arguments']() { return 'abc'; }
static set ['arguments'](v) { set_arguments = v; }
static get ['caller']() { return 'def'; }
static set ['caller'](v) { set_caller = v; }
get ['arguments']() { return '123'; }
set ['arguments'](v) { set_arguments = v; }
get ['caller']() { return '456'; }
set ['caller'](v) { set_caller = v; }
assert.areEqual('abc', ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.arguments, "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.arguments === 'abc'");
assert.areEqual('def', ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.caller, "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.caller === 'def'");
assert.areEqual('123', new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().arguments, "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().arguments === '123'");
assert.areEqual('456', new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().caller, "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().caller === '456'");
ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.arguments = 123
assert.areEqual(123, set_arguments, "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.arguments = 123 (calls setter)");
new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().arguments = 456
assert.areEqual(456, set_arguments, "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().arguments = 456 (calls setter)");
ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.caller = 123
assert.areEqual(123, set_caller, "ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors.caller = 123 (calls setter)");
new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().caller = 456
assert.areEqual(456, set_caller, "new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerAccessors().caller = 456 (calls setter)");
class ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameGeneratorMethods {
static *['arguments']() { yield 'abc'; }
static *['caller']() { yield 'def'; }
*['arguments']() { yield '123'; }
*['caller']() { yield '456'; }
for (s of ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameGeneratorMethods.arguments()) {}
assert.areEqual('abc', s, "s of ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameGeneratorMethods.arguments() === 'abc'");
for (s of ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameGeneratorMethods.caller()) {}
assert.areEqual('def', s, "s of ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameGeneratorMethods.caller() === 'def'");
for (s of new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameGeneratorMethods().arguments()) {}
assert.areEqual('123', s, "s of new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameGeneratorMethods().arguments() === '123'");
for (s of new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameGeneratorMethods().caller()) {}
assert.areEqual('456', s, "s of new ClassWithArgumentsAndCallerComputedNameGeneratorMethods().caller() === '456'");
name: "toString on constructor should return class declaration or expression",
body: function () {
var B = class { };
var A = class A extends B { constructor (...args) { super(...args); } set x(a) { this._x = a; } set y(a) { this._y = a; } };
class C {
set x(a) { this._x = a; }
set y(a) { this._y = a; }
class D { constructor() {} get x() { return 0; } };
var E = D;
assert.areEqual("class A extends B { constructor (...args) { super(...args); } set x(a) { this._x = a; } set y(a) { this._y = a; } }", A.prototype.constructor.toString());
assert.areEqual("class { }", B.prototype.constructor.toString());
assert.areEqual("class C {\r\n set x(a) { this._x = a; }\r\n set y(a) { this._y = a; }\r\n }", C.prototype.constructor.toString());
assert.areEqual("class D { constructor() {} get x() { return 0; } }", D.prototype.constructor.toString());
assert.areEqual("class D { constructor() {} get x() { return 0; } }", E.prototype.constructor.toString());
name: "class getters and setters must take exactly zero and one parameters respectively",
body: function () {
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { eval("class C { get foo() { } }"); }, "Class getter with zero parameters is valid syntax", "asdf");
assert.throws(function () { eval("class C { get foo(x) { } }"); }, SyntaxError, "Class getter with one parameter is invalid syntax", "Getter functions must have no parameters");
assert.throws(function () { eval("class C { get foo(x, y, z) { } }"); }, SyntaxError, "Class getter with more than one parameter is invalid syntax", "Getter functions must have no parameters");
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { eval("class C { set foo(x) { } }"); }, "Class setter with exactly one parameter is valid syntax", "asdf");
assert.throws(function () { eval("class C { set foo() { } }"); }, SyntaxError, "Class setter with zero parameters is invalid syntax", "Setter functions must have exactly one parameter");
assert.throws(function () { eval("class C { set foo(x, y, z) { } }"); }, SyntaxError, "Class setter with more than one parameter is invalid syntax", "Setter functions must have exactly one parameter");
name: "class identifier is const binding inside class body",
body: function () {
assert.throws(function () { class A { constructor() { A = 0; } }; new A(); }, TypeError, "Assignment to class identifier in constructor");
assert.throws(function() { new (class A { constructor() { A = 0; }}); }, TypeError, "Assignment to class identifier in constructor");
assert.throws(function() { class A { m() { A = 0; } }; new A().m(); }, TypeError, "Assignment to class identifier in method");
assert.throws(function() { new (class A { m() { A = 0; } }).m(); }, TypeError, "Assignment to class identifier in method" );
assert.throws(function() { class A { get x() { A = 0; } }; new A().x; }, TypeError, "Assignment to class identifier in getter");
assert.throws(function() { (new (class A { get x() { A = 0; } })).x; }, TypeError, "Assignment to class identifier in getter");
assert.throws(function() { class A { set x(_) { A = 0; } }; new A().x = 15; }, TypeError, "Assignment to class identifier in setter");
assert.throws(function() { (new (class A { set x(_) { A = 0; } })).x = 15; }, TypeError, "Assignment to class identifier in setter");
name: "`class x extends y` where `y` is an expression containing identifier `x` should be a ReferenceError",
body: function() {
var refErrorText = "Use before declaration";
function assert_referr(code) {
assert.throws(function () { eval(code) }, ReferenceError, `\n ${code}`, refErrorText);
function assert_referrors(code) {
// Test a given class declaration (where class is named x) by itself and then with `var x =` and `let x =` prepended.
assert_referr(`var x = ${code}`);
assert_referr(`let x = ${code}`);
// Run the same tests, where the class declaration is a wrapped in parens to form a class expression.
// In the Test262 test case, the RHS is a class expression.
// See: test262/test/language/statements/class/name-binding/in-extends-expression-assigned.js
assert_referr(`var x = (${code})`);
assert_referr(`let x = (${code})`);
function id(x) { return x; };
function fun(x) { return function() { return x }; }
// Using expressions containing the `x` identifier for the extends clause
assert_referrors("class x extends x {}");
assert_referrors("class x extends (x) {}");
assert_referrors("class x extends id(x) {}");
assert_referrors("class x extends fun(x) {}");
// Assigning the result to a different identifier
assert_referr("var y = class x extends x {}");
assert_referr("let y = class x extends x {}");
// Defining `y` after the class to use default initialization (var y) or temporary deadzone (let y)
assert.throws(function() {
class x extends y {}; // y == undefined
var y = function() {};
}, TypeError, "y is undefined", "Function is not a constructor");
class x extends y {}; // y is not defined (temporary deadzone)
let y = function() {};
// Using eval where the result of eval is the 'x' identifier or a value that captures the 'x' identifier
assert_referrors("class x extends eval('x') {}");
assert_referrors("class x extends eval('(x)') {}");
assert_referrors("class x extends eval('id(x)') {}");
assert_referrors("class x extends eval('fun(x)') {}");
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });
// Bug 516429 at global scope
class a {};
a = null; // No error
// Bug 257621 at global scope
assert.doesNotThrow(function () { eval('new (class {})();'); }, "Parenthesized class expressions can be new'd");