blob: 83f9430971c396632f17416463b444a77aec2176 [file] [log] [blame]
// base.js
// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
// with the distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
// from this software without specific prior written permission.
if(typeof(WScript) === "undefined")
var WScript = {
Echo: print
// is used in latency benchmarks, the fallback is
var performance = performance || {}; = (function() {
return ||
performance.mozNow ||
performance.msNow ||
performance.oNow ||
performance.webkitNow ||;
// Simple framework for running the benchmark suites and
// computing a score based on the timing measurements.
// A benchmark has a name (string) and a function that will be run to
// do the performance measurement. The optional setup and tearDown
// arguments are functions that will be invoked before and after
// running the benchmark, but the running time of these functions will
// not be accounted for in the benchmark score.
function Benchmark(name, doWarmup, doDeterministic, deterministicIterations,
run, setup, tearDown, rmsResult, minIterations) { = name;
this.doWarmup = doWarmup;
this.doDeterministic = doDeterministic;
this.deterministicIterations = deterministicIterations; = run;
this.Setup = setup ? setup : function() { };
this.TearDown = tearDown ? tearDown : function() { };
this.rmsResult = rmsResult ? rmsResult : null;
this.minIterations = minIterations ? minIterations : 32;
// Benchmark results hold the benchmark and the measured time used to
// run the benchmark. The benchmark score is computed later once a
// full benchmark suite has run to completion. If latency is set to 0
// then there is no latency score for this benchmark.
function BenchmarkResult(benchmark, time, latency) {
this.benchmark = benchmark;
this.time = time;
this.latency = latency;
// Automatically convert results to numbers. Used by the geometric
// mean computation.
BenchmarkResult.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.time;
// Suites of benchmarks consist of a name and the set of benchmarks in
// addition to the reference timing that the final score will be based
// on. This way, all scores are relative to a reference run and higher
// scores implies better performance.
function BenchmarkSuite(name, reference, benchmarks) { = name;
this.reference = reference;
this.benchmarks = benchmarks;
// Keep track of all declared benchmark suites.
BenchmarkSuite.suites = [];
// Scores are not comparable across versions. Bump the version if
// you're making changes that will affect that scores, e.g. if you add
// a new benchmark or change an existing one.
BenchmarkSuite.version = '9';
// Defines global benchsuite running mode that overrides benchmark suite
// behavior. Intended to be set by the benchmark driver. Undefined
// values here allow a benchmark to define behaviour itself.
BenchmarkSuite.config = {
doWarmup: undefined,
doDeterministic: undefined
// Override the alert function to throw an exception instead.
alert = function(s) {
throw "Alert called with argument: " + s;
// To make the benchmark results predictable, we replace Math.random
// with a 100% deterministic alternative.
BenchmarkSuite.ResetRNG = function() {
Math.random = (function() {
var seed = 49734321;
return function() {
// Robert Jenkins' 32 bit integer hash function.
seed = ((seed + 0x7ed55d16) + (seed << 12)) & 0xffffffff;
seed = ((seed ^ 0xc761c23c) ^ (seed >>> 19)) & 0xffffffff;
seed = ((seed + 0x165667b1) + (seed << 5)) & 0xffffffff;
seed = ((seed + 0xd3a2646c) ^ (seed << 9)) & 0xffffffff;
seed = ((seed + 0xfd7046c5) + (seed << 3)) & 0xffffffff;
seed = ((seed ^ 0xb55a4f09) ^ (seed >>> 16)) & 0xffffffff;
return (seed & 0xfffffff) / 0x10000000;
// Runs all registered benchmark suites and optionally yields between
// each individual benchmark to avoid running for too long in the
// context of browsers. Once done, the final score is reported to the
// runner.
BenchmarkSuite.RunSuites = function(runner, skipBenchmarks) {
skipBenchmarks = typeof skipBenchmarks === 'undefined' ? [] : skipBenchmarks;
var continuation = null;
var suites = BenchmarkSuite.suites;
var length = suites.length;
BenchmarkSuite.scores = [];
var index = 0;
function RunStep() {
while (continuation || index < length) {
if (continuation) {
continuation = continuation();
} else {
var suite = suites[index++];
if (runner.NotifyStart) runner.NotifyStart(;
if (skipBenchmarks.indexOf( > -1) {
} else {
continuation = suite.RunStep(runner);
if (continuation && typeof window != 'undefined' && window.setTimeout) {
window.setTimeout(RunStep, 25);
// show final result
if (runner.NotifyScore) {
var score = BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMean(BenchmarkSuite.scores);
var formatted = BenchmarkSuite.FormatScore(100 * score);
// Counts the total number of registered benchmarks. Useful for
// showing progress as a percentage.
BenchmarkSuite.CountBenchmarks = function() {
var result = 0;
var suites = BenchmarkSuite.suites;
for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
result += suites[i].benchmarks.length;
return result;
// Computes the geometric mean of a set of numbers.
BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMean = function(numbers) {
var log = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
log += Math.log(numbers[i]);
return Math.pow(Math.E, log / numbers.length);
// Computes the geometric mean of a set of throughput time measurements.
BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMeanTime = function(measurements) {
var log = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < measurements.length; i++) {
log += Math.log(measurements[i].time);
return Math.pow(Math.E, log / measurements.length);
// Computes the geometric mean of a set of rms measurements.
BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMeanLatency = function(measurements) {
var log = 0;
var hasLatencyResult = false;
for (var i = 0; i < measurements.length; i++) {
if (measurements[i].latency != 0) {
log += Math.log(measurements[i].latency);
hasLatencyResult = true;
if (hasLatencyResult) {
return Math.pow(Math.E, log / measurements.length);
} else {
return 0;
// Converts a score value to a string with at least three significant
// digits.
BenchmarkSuite.FormatScore = function(value) {
if (value > 100) {
return value.toFixed(0);
} else {
return value.toPrecision(3);
// Notifies the runner that we're done running a single benchmark in
// the benchmark suite. This can be useful to report progress.
BenchmarkSuite.prototype.NotifyStep = function(result) {
if (this.runner.NotifyStep) this.runner.NotifyStep(;
// Notifies the runner that we're done with running a suite and that
// we have a result which can be reported to the user if needed.
BenchmarkSuite.prototype.NotifyResult = function() {
var mean = BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMeanTime(this.results);
var score = this.reference[0] / mean;
if (this.runner.NotifyResult) {
var formatted = BenchmarkSuite.FormatScore(100 * score);
this.runner.NotifyResult(, formatted);
if (this.reference.length == 2) {
var meanLatency = BenchmarkSuite.GeometricMeanLatency(this.results);
if (meanLatency != 0) {
var scoreLatency = this.reference[1] / meanLatency;
if (this.runner.NotifyResult) {
var formattedLatency = BenchmarkSuite.FormatScore(100 * scoreLatency)
this.runner.NotifyResult( + "Latency", formattedLatency);
BenchmarkSuite.prototype.NotifySkipped = function(runner) {
BenchmarkSuite.scores.push(1); // push default reference score.
if (runner.NotifyResult) {
runner.NotifyResult(, "Skipped");
// Notifies the runner that running a benchmark resulted in an error.
BenchmarkSuite.prototype.NotifyError = function(error) {
if (this.runner.NotifyError) {
this.runner.NotifyError(, error);
if (this.runner.NotifyStep) {
// Runs a single benchmark for at least a second and computes the
// average time it takes to run a single iteration.
BenchmarkSuite.prototype.RunSingleBenchmark = function(benchmark, data) {
var config = BenchmarkSuite.config;
var doWarmup = config.doWarmup !== undefined
? config.doWarmup
: benchmark.doWarmup;
var doDeterministic = config.doDeterministic !== undefined
? config.doDeterministic
: benchmark.doDeterministic;
function Measure(data) {
var elapsed = 0;
var start = new Date();
// Run either for 1 second or for the number of iterations specified
// by minIterations, depending on the config flag doDeterministic.
for (var i = 0; (doDeterministic ?
i<benchmark.deterministicIterations : elapsed < 1000); i++) {;
elapsed = new Date() - start;
if (data != null) {
data.runs += i;
data.elapsed += elapsed;
// Sets up data in order to skip or not the warmup phase.
if (!doWarmup && data == null) {
data = { runs: 0, elapsed: 0 };
if (data == null) {
return { runs: 0, elapsed: 0 };
} else {
// If we've run too few iterations, we continue for another second.
if (data.runs < benchmark.minIterations) return data;
var usec = (data.elapsed * 1000) / data.runs;
var rms = (benchmark.rmsResult != null) ? benchmark.rmsResult() : 0;
this.NotifyStep(new BenchmarkResult(benchmark, usec, rms));
return null;
// This function starts running a suite, but stops between each
// individual benchmark in the suite and returns a continuation
// function which can be invoked to run the next benchmark. Once the
// last benchmark has been executed, null is returned.
BenchmarkSuite.prototype.RunStep = function(runner) {
this.results = [];
this.runner = runner;
var length = this.benchmarks.length;
var index = 0;
var suite = this;
var data;
// Run the setup, the actual benchmark, and the tear down in three
// separate steps to allow the framework to yield between any of the
// steps.
function RunNextSetup() {
if (index < length) {
try {
} catch (e) {
return null;
return RunNextBenchmark;
return null;
function RunNextBenchmark() {
try {
data = suite.RunSingleBenchmark(suite.benchmarks[index], data);
} catch (e) {
return null;
// If data is null, we're done with this benchmark.
return (data == null) ? RunNextTearDown : RunNextBenchmark();
function RunNextTearDown() {
try {
} catch (e) {
return null;
return RunNextSetup;
// Start out running the setup.
return RunNextSetup();
// gbemu-part1.js
// Portions copyright 2013 Google, Inc
// Copyright (C) 2010 - 2012 Grant Galitz
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
// The full license is available at
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// The code has been adapted for use as a benchmark by Google.
var GameboyBenchmark = new BenchmarkSuite('Gameboy', [26288412],
[new Benchmark('Gameboy',
var decoded_gameboy_rom = null;
function setupGameboy() {
// Check if all the types required by the code are supported.
// If not, throw exception and quit.
if (!(typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" &&
typeof Int8Array != "undefined" &&
typeof Float32Array != "undefined" &&
typeof Int32Array != "undefined") ) {
throw "TypedArrayUnsupported";
decoded_gameboy_rom = base64_decode(gameboy_rom);
rom = null;
function runGameboy() {
start(new GameBoyCanvas(), decoded_gameboy_rom);
gameboy.instructions = 0;
gameboy.totalInstructions = 250000;
while (gameboy.instructions <= gameboy.totalInstructions) {;;
function tearDownGameboy() {
decoded_gameboy_rom = null;
expectedGameboyStateStr = null;
var expectedGameboyStateStr =
'{"registerA":160,"registerB":255,"registerC":255,"registerE":11,' +
'"registersHL":51600,"programCounter":24309,"stackPointer":49706,' +
// Start of browser emulation.
var GameBoyWindow = { };
function GameBoyContext() {
this.createBuffer = function() {
return new Buffer();
this.createImageData = function (w, h) {
var result = {};
// The following line was updated since Octane 1.0 to avoid OOB access. = new Uint8Array(w * h * 4);
return result;
this.putImageData = function (buffer, x, y) {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
sum += i *[i];
sum = sum % 1000;
this.drawImage = function () { }
function GameBoyCanvas() {
this.getContext = function() {
return new GameBoyContext();
this.width = 160;
this.height = 144; = { visibility: "visibile" };
function cout(message, colorIndex) {
function clear_terminal() {
var GameBoyAudioNode = {
bufferSize : 0,
onaudioprocess : null ,
connect : function () {},
run: function() {
var event = {outputBuffer : this.outputBuffer};
function GameBoyAudioContext () {
this.createBufferSource = function() {
return { noteOn : function () {}, connect : function() {}};
this.sampleRate = 48000;
this.destination = {}
this.createBuffer = function (channels, len, sampleRate) {
return { gain : 1,
numberOfChannels : 1,
length : 1,
duration : 0.000020833333110203966,
sampleRate : 48000}
this.createJavaScriptNode = function (bufferSize, inputChannels, outputChannels) {
GameBoyAudioNode.bufferSize = bufferSize;
GameBoyAudioNode.outputBuffer = {
getChannelData : function (i) {return this.channelData[i];},
channelData : []
for (var i = 0; i < outputChannels; i++) {
GameBoyAudioNode.outputBuffer.channelData[i] = new Float32Array(bufferSize);
return GameBoyAudioNode;
var mock_date_time_counter = 0;
function new_Date() {
return {
getTime: function() {
mock_date_time_counter += 16;
return mock_date_time_counter;
// End of browser emulation.
// Start of helper functions.
function checkFinalState() {
function sum(a) {
var result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
result += a[i];
return result;
var state = {
registerA: gameboy.registerA,
registerB: gameboy.registerB,
registerC: gameboy.registerC,
registerE: gameboy.registerE,
registerF: gameboy.registerF,
registersHL: gameboy.registersHL,
programCounter: gameboy.programCounter,
stackPointer: gameboy.stackPointer,
sumROM : sum(gameboy.fromTypedArray(gameboy.ROM)),
sumMemory: sum(gameboy.fromTypedArray(gameboy.memory)),
sumMBCRam: sum(gameboy.fromTypedArray(gameboy.MBCRam)),
sumVRam: sum(gameboy.fromTypedArray(gameboy.VRam))
var stateStr = JSON.stringify(state);
if (typeof expectedGameboyStateStr != "undefined") {
if (stateStr != expectedGameboyStateStr) {
alert("Incorrect final state of processor:\n" +
" actual " + stateStr + "\n" +
" expected " + expectedGameboyStateStr);
} else {
function resetGlobalVariables () {
//Audio API Event Handler:
audioContextHandle = null;
audioNode = null;
audioSource = null;
launchedContext = false;
audioContextSampleBuffer = [];
resampled = [];
webAudioMinBufferSize = 15000;
webAudioMaxBufferSize = 25000;
webAudioActualSampleRate = 44100;
XAudioJSSampleRate = 0;
webAudioMono = false;
XAudioJSVolume = 1;
resampleControl = null;
audioBufferSize = 0;
resampleBufferStart = 0;
resampleBufferEnd = 0;
resampleBufferSize = 2;
gameboy = null; //GameBoyCore object.
gbRunInterval = null; //GameBoyCore Timer
// End of helper functions.
// Original code from Grant Galitz follows.
// Modifications by Google are marked in comments.
// Start of js/other/base64.js file.
var toBase64 = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "+" , "/", "="];
var fromBase64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
function base64(data) {
try {
// The following line was modified for benchmarking:
var base64 = GameBoyWindow.btoa(data); //Use this native function when it's available, as it's a magnitude faster than the non-native code below.
catch (error) {
//Defaulting to non-native base64 encoding...
var base64 = "";
var dataLength = data.length;
if (dataLength > 0) {
var bytes = [0, 0, 0];
var index = 0;
var remainder = dataLength % 3;
while (data.length % 3 > 0) {
//Make sure we don't do fuzzy math in the next loop...
data[data.length] = " ";
while (index < dataLength) {
//Keep this loop small for speed.
bytes = [data.charCodeAt(index++) & 0xFF, data.charCodeAt(index++) & 0xFF, data.charCodeAt(index++) & 0xFF];
base64 += toBase64[bytes[0] >> 2] + toBase64[((bytes[0] & 0x3) << 4) | (bytes[1] >> 4)] + toBase64[((bytes[1] & 0xF) << 2) | (bytes[2] >> 6)] + toBase64[bytes[2] & 0x3F];
if (remainder > 0) {
//Fill in the padding and recalulate the trailing six-bit group...
base64[base64.length - 1] = "=";
if (remainder == 2) {
base64[base64.length - 2] = "=";
base64[base64.length - 3] = toBase64[(bytes[0] & 0x3) << 4];
else {
base64[base64.length - 2] = toBase64[(bytes[1] & 0xF) << 2];
return base64;
function base64_decode(data) {
try {
// The following line was modified for benchmarking:
var decode64 = GameBoyWindow.atob(data); //Use this native function when it's available, as it's a magnitude faster than the non-native code below.
catch (error) {
//Defaulting to non-native base64 decoding...
var decode64 = "";
var dataLength = data.length;
if (dataLength > 3 && dataLength % 4 == 0) {
var sixbits = [0, 0, 0, 0]; //Declare this out of the loop, to speed up the ops.
var index = 0;
while (index < dataLength) {
//Keep this loop small for speed.
sixbits = [fromBase64.indexOf(data.charAt(index++)), fromBase64.indexOf(data.charAt(index++)), fromBase64.indexOf(data.charAt(index++)), fromBase64.indexOf(data.charAt(index++))];
decode64 += String.fromCharCode((sixbits[0] << 2) | (sixbits[1] >> 4)) + String.fromCharCode(((sixbits[1] & 0x0F) << 4) | (sixbits[2] >> 2)) + String.fromCharCode(((sixbits[2] & 0x03) << 6) | sixbits[3]);
//Check for the '=' character after the loop, so we don't hose it up.
if (sixbits[3] >= 0x40) {
decode64.length -= 1;
if (sixbits[2] >= 0x40) {
decode64.length -= 1;
return decode64;
function to_little_endian_dword(str) {
return to_little_endian_word(str) + String.fromCharCode((str >> 16) & 0xFF, (str >> 24) & 0xFF);
function to_little_endian_word(str) {
return to_byte(str) + String.fromCharCode((str >> 8) & 0xFF);
function to_byte(str) {
return String.fromCharCode(str & 0xFF);
function arrayToBase64(arrayIn) {
var binString = "";
var length = arrayIn.length;
for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
if (typeof arrayIn[index] == "number") {
binString += String.fromCharCode(arrayIn[index]);
return base64(binString);
function base64ToArray(b64String) {
var binString = base64_decode(b64String);
var outArray = [];
var length = binString.length;
for (var index = 0; index < length;) {
outArray.push(binString.charCodeAt(index++) & 0xFF);
return outArray;
// End of js/other/base64.js file.
// Start of js/other/resampler.js file.
//JavaScript Audio Resampler (c) 2011 - Grant Galitz
function Resampler(fromSampleRate, toSampleRate, channels, outputBufferSize, noReturn) {
this.fromSampleRate = fromSampleRate;
this.toSampleRate = toSampleRate;
this.channels = channels | 0;
this.outputBufferSize = outputBufferSize;
this.noReturn = !!noReturn;
Resampler.prototype.initialize = function () {
//Perform some checks:
if (this.fromSampleRate > 0 && this.toSampleRate > 0 && this.channels > 0) {
if (this.fromSampleRate == this.toSampleRate) {
//Setup a resampler bypass:
this.resampler = this.bypassResampler; //Resampler just returns what was passed through.
this.ratioWeight = 1;
else {
//Setup the interpolation resampler:
this.resampler = this.interpolate; //Resampler is a custom quality interpolation algorithm.
this.ratioWeight = this.fromSampleRate / this.toSampleRate;
this.tailExists = false;
this.lastWeight = 0;
else {
throw(new Error("Invalid settings specified for the resampler."));
Resampler.prototype.compileInterpolationFunction = function () {
var toCompile = "var bufferLength = Math.min(buffer.length, this.outputBufferSize);\
if ((bufferLength % " + this.channels + ") == 0) {\
if (bufferLength > 0) {\
var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeight;\
var weight = 0;";
for (var channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) {
toCompile += "var output" + channel + " = 0;"
toCompile += "var actualPosition = 0;\
var amountToNext = 0;\
var alreadyProcessedTail = !this.tailExists;\
this.tailExists = false;\
var outputBuffer = this.outputBuffer;\
var outputOffset = 0;\
var currentPosition = 0;\
do {\
if (alreadyProcessedTail) {\
weight = ratioWeight;";
for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) {
toCompile += "output" + channel + " = 0;"
toCompile += "}\
else {\
weight = this.lastWeight;";
for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) {
toCompile += "output" + channel + " = this.lastOutput[" + channel + "];"
toCompile += "alreadyProcessedTail = true;\
while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < bufferLength) {\
amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition;\
if (weight >= amountToNext) {";
for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) {
toCompile += "output" + channel + " += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext;"
toCompile += "currentPosition = actualPosition;\
weight -= amountToNext;\
else {";
for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) {
toCompile += "output" + channel + " += buffer[actualPosition" + ((channel > 0) ? (" + " + channel) : "") + "] * weight;"
toCompile += "currentPosition += weight;\
weight = 0;\
if (weight == 0) {";
for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) {
toCompile += "outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = output" + channel + " / ratioWeight;"
toCompile += "}\
else {\
this.lastWeight = weight;";
for (channel = 0; channel < this.channels; ++channel) {
toCompile += "this.lastOutput[" + channel + "] = output" + channel + ";"
toCompile += "this.tailExists = true;\
} while (actualPosition < bufferLength);\
return this.bufferSlice(outputOffset);\
else {\
return (this.noReturn) ? 0 : [];\
else {\
throw(new Error(\"Buffer was of incorrect sample length.\"));\
this.interpolate = Function("buffer", toCompile);
Resampler.prototype.bypassResampler = function (buffer) {
if (this.noReturn) {
//Set the buffer passed as our own, as we don't need to resample it:
this.outputBuffer = buffer;
return buffer.length;
else {
//Just return the buffer passsed:
return buffer;
Resampler.prototype.bufferSlice = function (sliceAmount) {
if (this.noReturn) {
//If we're going to access the properties directly from this object:
return sliceAmount;
else {
//Typed array and normal array buffer section referencing:
try {
return this.outputBuffer.subarray(0, sliceAmount);
catch (error) {
try {
//Regular array pass:
this.outputBuffer.length = sliceAmount;
return this.outputBuffer;
catch (error) {
//Nightly Firefox 4 used to have the subarray function named as slice:
return this.outputBuffer.slice(0, sliceAmount);
Resampler.prototype.initializeBuffers = function () {
//Initialize the internal buffer:
try {
this.outputBuffer = new Float32Array(this.outputBufferSize);
this.lastOutput = new Float32Array(this.channels);
catch (error) {
this.outputBuffer = [];
this.lastOutput = [];
// End of js/other/resampler.js file.
// Start of js/other/XAudioServer.js file.
/*Initialize here first:
Stereo audio with a sample rate of 70 khz, a minimum buffer of 15000 samples total, a maximum buffer of 25000 samples total and a starting volume level of 1.
var parentObj = this;
this.audioHandle = new XAudioServer(2, 70000, 15000, 25000, function (sampleCount) {
return parentObj.audioUnderRun(sampleCount);
}, 1);
The callback is passed the number of samples requested, while it can return any number of samples it wants back.
function XAudioServer(channels, sampleRate, minBufferSize, maxBufferSize, underRunCallback, volume) {
this.audioChannels = (channels == 2) ? 2 : 1;
webAudioMono = (this.audioChannels == 1);
XAudioJSSampleRate = (sampleRate > 0 && sampleRate <= 0xFFFFFF) ? sampleRate : 44100;
webAudioMinBufferSize = (minBufferSize >= (samplesPerCallback << 1) && minBufferSize < maxBufferSize) ? (minBufferSize & ((webAudioMono) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFFFFFFFE)) : (samplesPerCallback << 1);
webAudioMaxBufferSize = (Math.floor(maxBufferSize) > webAudioMinBufferSize + this.audioChannels) ? (maxBufferSize & ((webAudioMono) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFFFFFFFE)) : (minBufferSize << 1);
this.underRunCallback = (typeof underRunCallback == "function") ? underRunCallback : function () {};
XAudioJSVolume = (volume >= 0 && volume <= 1) ? volume : 1;
this.audioType = -1;
this.mozAudioTail = [];
this.audioHandleMoz = null;
this.audioHandleFlash = null;
this.flashInitialized = false;
this.mozAudioFound = false;
XAudioServer.prototype.MOZWriteAudio = function (buffer) {
XAudioServer.prototype.MOZWriteAudioNoCallback = function (buffer) {
XAudioServer.prototype.callbackBasedWriteAudio = function (buffer) {
//Callback-centered audio APIs:
XAudioServer.prototype.callbackBasedWriteAudioNoCallback = function (buffer) {
//Callback-centered audio APIs:
var length = buffer.length;
for (var bufferCounter = 0; bufferCounter < length && audioBufferSize < webAudioMaxBufferSize;) {
audioContextSampleBuffer[audioBufferSize++] = buffer[bufferCounter++];
/*Pass your samples into here!
Pack your samples as a one-dimenional array
With the channel samplea packed uniformly.
mono - [left, left, left, left]
stereo - [left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right]
XAudioServer.prototype.writeAudio = function (buffer) {
if (this.audioType == 0) {
else if (this.audioType == 1) {
else if (this.audioType == 2) {
if (this.checkFlashInit() || launchedContext) {
else if (this.mozAudioFound) {
/*Pass your samples into here if you don't want automatic callback calling:
Pack your samples as a one-dimenional array
With the channel samplea packed uniformly.
mono - [left, left, left, left]
stereo - [left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right]
Useful in preventing infinite recursion issues with calling writeAudio inside your callback.
XAudioServer.prototype.writeAudioNoCallback = function (buffer) {
if (this.audioType == 0) {
else if (this.audioType == 1) {
else if (this.audioType == 2) {
if (this.checkFlashInit() || launchedContext) {
else if (this.mozAudioFound) {
//Developer can use this to see how many samples to write (example: minimum buffer allotment minus remaining samples left returned from this function to make sure maximum buffering is done...)
//If -1 is returned, then that means metric could not be done.
XAudioServer.prototype.remainingBuffer = function () {
if (this.audioType == 0) {
return this.samplesAlreadyWritten - this.audioHandleMoz.mozCurrentSampleOffset();
else if (this.audioType == 1) {
//WebKit Audio:
return (((resampledSamplesLeft() * resampleControl.ratioWeight) >> (this.audioChannels - 1)) << (this.audioChannels - 1)) + audioBufferSize;
else if (this.audioType == 2) {
if (this.checkFlashInit() || launchedContext) {
//Webkit Audio / Flash Plugin Audio:
return (((resampledSamplesLeft() * resampleControl.ratioWeight) >> (this.audioChannels - 1)) << (this.audioChannels - 1)) + audioBufferSize;
else if (this.mozAudioFound) {
return this.samplesAlreadyWritten - this.audioHandleMoz.mozCurrentSampleOffset();
//Default return:
return 0;
XAudioServer.prototype.MOZExecuteCallback = function () {
var samplesRequested = webAudioMinBufferSize - this.remainingBuffer();
if (samplesRequested > 0) {
XAudioServer.prototype.callbackBasedExecuteCallback = function () {
//WebKit /Flash Audio:
var samplesRequested = webAudioMinBufferSize - this.remainingBuffer();
if (samplesRequested > 0) {
//If you just want your callback called for any possible refill (Execution of callback is still conditional):
XAudioServer.prototype.executeCallback = function () {
if (this.audioType == 0) {
else if (this.audioType == 1) {
else if (this.audioType == 2) {
if (this.checkFlashInit() || launchedContext) {
else if (this.mozAudioFound) {
//DO NOT CALL THIS, the lib calls this internally!
XAudioServer.prototype.initializeAudio = function () {
try {
throw (new Error("Select initializeWebAudio case")); // Line added for benchmarking.
if (navigator.platform == "Linux i686") {
//Block out mozaudio usage for Linux Firefox due to moz bugs:
throw(new Error(""));
catch (error) {
try {
catch (error) {
try {
catch (error) {
throw(new Error("Browser does not support real time audio output."));
XAudioServer.prototype.preInitializeMozAudio = function () {
//mozAudio - Synchronous Audio API
this.audioHandleMoz = new Audio();
this.audioHandleMoz.mozSetup(this.audioChannels, XAudioJSSampleRate);
this.samplesAlreadyWritten = 0;
var emptySampleFrame = (this.audioChannels == 2) ? [0, 0] : [0];
var prebufferAmount = 0;
if (navigator.platform != "MacIntel" && navigator.platform != "MacPPC") { //Mac OS X doesn't experience this moz-bug!
while (this.audioHandleMoz.mozCurrentSampleOffset() == 0) {
//Mozilla Audio Bugginess Workaround (Firefox freaks out if we don't give it a prebuffer under certain OSes):
prebufferAmount += this.audioHandleMoz.mozWriteAudio(emptySampleFrame);
var samplesToDoubleBuffer = prebufferAmount / this.audioChannels;
//Double the prebuffering for windows:
for (var index = 0; index < samplesToDoubleBuffer; index++) {
this.samplesAlreadyWritten += this.audioHandleMoz.mozWriteAudio(emptySampleFrame);
this.samplesAlreadyWritten += prebufferAmount;
webAudioMinBufferSize += this.samplesAlreadyWritten;
this.mozAudioFound = true;
XAudioServer.prototype.initializeMozAudio = function () {
//Fill in our own buffering up to the minimum specified:
this.audioType = 0;
XAudioServer.prototype.initializeWebAudio = function () {
if (launchedContext) {
resetCallbackAPIAudioBuffer(webAudioActualSampleRate, samplesPerCallback);
this.audioType = 1;
else {
throw(new Error(""));
XAudioServer.prototype.initializeFlashAudio = function () {
var existingFlashload = document.getElementById("XAudioJS");
if (existingFlashload == null) {
var thisObj = this;
var mainContainerNode = document.createElement("div");
mainContainerNode.setAttribute("style", "position: fixed; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; width: 8px; height: 8px; overflow: hidden; z-index: -1000; ");
var containerNode = document.createElement("div");
containerNode.setAttribute("style", "position: static; border: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; visibility: hidden; margin: 8px; padding: 0px;");
containerNode.setAttribute("id", "XAudioJS");
{"style":"position: static; visibility: hidden; margin: 8px; padding: 0px; border: none"},
function (event) {
if (event.success) {
thisObj.audioHandleFlash = event.ref;
else {
thisObj.audioType = 1;
else {
this.audioHandleFlash = existingFlashload;
this.audioType = 2;
XAudioServer.prototype.changeVolume = function (newVolume) {
if (newVolume >= 0 && newVolume <= 1) {
XAudioJSVolume = newVolume;
if (this.checkFlashInit()) {
if (this.mozAudioFound) {
this.audioHandleMoz.volume = XAudioJSVolume;
//Moz Audio Buffer Writing Handler:
XAudioServer.prototype.writeMozAudio = function (buffer) {
var length = this.mozAudioTail.length;
if (length > 0) {
var samplesAccepted = this.audioHandleMoz.mozWriteAudio(this.mozAudioTail);
this.samplesAlreadyWritten += samplesAccepted;
this.mozAudioTail.splice(0, samplesAccepted);
length = Math.min(buffer.length, webAudioMaxBufferSize - this.samplesAlreadyWritten + this.audioHandleMoz.mozCurrentSampleOffset());
var samplesAccepted = this.audioHandleMoz.mozWriteAudio(buffer);
this.samplesAlreadyWritten += samplesAccepted;
for (var index = 0; length > samplesAccepted; --length) {
//Moz Audio wants us saving the tail:
//Checks to see if the NPAPI Adobe Flash bridge is ready yet:
XAudioServer.prototype.checkFlashInit = function () {
if (!this.flashInitialized && this.audioHandleFlash && this.audioHandleFlash.initialize) {
this.flashInitialized = true;
this.audioHandleFlash.initialize(this.audioChannels, XAudioJSVolume);
resetCallbackAPIAudioBuffer(44100, samplesPerCallback);
return this.flashInitialized;
/////////END LIB
function getFloat32(size) {
try {
return new Float32Array(size);
catch (error) {
return new Array(size);
function getFloat32Flat(size) {
try {
var newBuffer = new Float32Array(size);
catch (error) {
var newBuffer = new Array(size);
var audioSampleIndice = 0;
do {
newBuffer[audioSampleIndice] = 0;
} while (++audioSampleIndice < size);
return newBuffer;
//Flash NPAPI Event Handler:
var samplesPerCallback = 2048; //Has to be between 2048 and 4096 (If over, then samples are ignored, if under then silence is added).
var outputConvert = null;
function audioOutputFlashEvent() { //The callback that flash calls...
return outputConvert();
function generateFlashStereoString() { //Convert the arrays to one long string for speed.
var copyBinaryStringLeft = "";
var copyBinaryStringRight = "";
for (var index = 0; index < samplesPerCallback && resampleBufferStart != resampleBufferEnd; ++index) {
//Sanitize the buffer:
copyBinaryStringLeft += String.fromCharCode(((Math.min(Math.max(resampled[resampleBufferStart++] + 1, 0), 2) * 0x3FFF) | 0) + 0x3000);
copyBinaryStringRight += String.fromCharCode(((Math.min(Math.max(resampled[resampleBufferStart++] + 1, 0), 2) * 0x3FFF) | 0) + 0x3000);
if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferSize) {
resampleBufferStart = 0;
return copyBinaryStringLeft + copyBinaryStringRight;
function generateFlashMonoString() { //Convert the array to one long string for speed.
var copyBinaryString = "";
for (var index = 0; index < samplesPerCallback && resampleBufferStart != resampleBufferEnd; ++index) {
//Sanitize the buffer:
copyBinaryString += String.fromCharCode(((Math.min(Math.max(resampled[resampleBufferStart++] + 1, 0), 2) * 0x3FFF) | 0) + 0x3000);
if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferSize) {
resampleBufferStart = 0;
return copyBinaryString;
//Audio API Event Handler:
var audioContextHandle = null;
var audioNode = null;
var audioSource = null;
var launchedContext = false;
var audioContextSampleBuffer = [];
var resampled = [];
var webAudioMinBufferSize = 15000;
var webAudioMaxBufferSize = 25000;
var webAudioActualSampleRate = 44100;
var XAudioJSSampleRate = 0;
var webAudioMono = false;
var XAudioJSVolume = 1;
var resampleControl = null;
var audioBufferSize = 0;
var resampleBufferStart = 0;
var resampleBufferEnd = 0;
var resampleBufferSize = 2;
function audioOutputEvent(event) { //Web Audio API callback...
var index = 0;
var buffer1 = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
var buffer2 = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1);
if (!webAudioMono) {
while (index < samplesPerCallback && resampleBufferStart != resampleBufferEnd) {
buffer1[index] = resampled[resampleBufferStart++] * XAudioJSVolume;
buffer2[index++] = resampled[resampleBufferStart++] * XAudioJSVolume;
if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferSize) {
resampleBufferStart = 0;
else {
while (index < samplesPerCallback && resampleBufferStart != resampleBufferEnd) {
buffer2[index] = buffer1[index] = resampled[resampleBufferStart++] * XAudioJSVolume;
if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferSize) {
resampleBufferStart = 0;
//Pad with silence if we're underrunning:
while (index < samplesPerCallback) {
buffer2[index] = buffer1[index] = 0;
function resampleRefill() {
if (audioBufferSize > 0) {
//Resample a chunk of audio:
var resampleLength = resampleControl.resampler(getBufferSamples());
var resampledResult = resampleControl.outputBuffer;
for (var index2 = 0; index2 < resampleLength; ++index2) {
resampled[resampleBufferEnd++] = resampledResult[index2];
if (resampleBufferEnd == resampleBufferSize) {
resampleBufferEnd = 0;
if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferEnd) {
if (resampleBufferStart == resampleBufferSize) {
resampleBufferStart = 0;
audioBufferSize = 0;
function resampledSamplesLeft() {
return ((resampleBufferStart <= resampleBufferEnd) ? 0 : resampleBufferSize) + resampleBufferEnd - resampleBufferStart;
function getBufferSamples() {
//Typed array and normal array buffer section referencing:
try {
return audioContextSampleBuffer.subarray(0, audioBufferSize);
catch (error) {
try {
//Regular array pass:
audioContextSampleBuffer.length = audioBufferSize;
return audioContextSampleBuffer;
catch (error) {
//Nightly Firefox 4 used to have the subarray function named as slice:
return audioContextSampleBuffer.slice(0, audioBufferSize);
//Initialize WebKit Audio /Flash Audio Buffer:
function resetCallbackAPIAudioBuffer(APISampleRate, bufferAlloc) {
audioContextSampleBuffer = getFloat32(webAudioMaxBufferSize);
audioBufferSize = webAudioMaxBufferSize;
resampleBufferStart = 0;
resampleBufferEnd = 0;
resampleBufferSize = Math.max(webAudioMaxBufferSize * Math.ceil(XAudioJSSampleRate / APISampleRate), samplesPerCallback) << 1;
if (webAudioMono) {
//MONO Handling:
resampled = getFloat32Flat(resampleBufferSize);
resampleControl = new Resampler(XAudioJSSampleRate, APISampleRate, 1, resampleBufferSize, true);
outputConvert = generateFlashMonoString;
else {
//STEREO Handling:
resampleBufferSize <<= 1;
resampled = getFloat32Flat(resampleBufferSize);
resampleControl = new Resampler(XAudioJSSampleRate, APISampleRate, 2, resampleBufferSize, true);
outputConvert = generateFlashStereoString;
//Initialize WebKit Audio:
(function () {
if (!launchedContext) {
try {
// The following line was modified for benchmarking:
audioContextHandle = new GameBoyAudioContext(); //Create a system audio context.
catch (error) {
try {
audioContextHandle = new AudioContext(); //Create a system audio context.
catch (error) {
try {
audioSource = audioContextHandle.createBufferSource(); //We need to create a false input to get the chain started.
audioSource.loop = false; //Keep this alive forever (Event handler will know when to ouput.)
XAudioJSSampleRate = webAudioActualSampleRate = audioContextHandle.sampleRate;
audioSource.buffer = audioContextHandle.createBuffer(1, 1, webAudioActualSampleRate); //Create a zero'd input buffer for the input to be valid.
audioNode = audioContextHandle.createJavaScriptNode(samplesPerCallback, 1, 2); //Create 2 outputs and ignore the input buffer (Just copy buffer 1 over if mono)
audioNode.onaudioprocess = audioOutputEvent; //Connect the audio processing event to a handling function so we can manipulate output
audioSource.connect(audioNode); //Send and chain the input to the audio manipulation.
audioNode.connect(audioContextHandle.destination); //Send and chain the output of the audio manipulation to the system audio output.
audioSource.noteOn(0); //Start the loop!
catch (error) {
launchedContext = true;
// End of js/other/XAudioServer.js file.
// Start of js/other/resize.js file.
//JavaScript Image Resizer (c) 2012 - Grant Galitz
function Resize(widthOriginal, heightOriginal, targetWidth, targetHeight, blendAlpha, interpolationPass) {
this.widthOriginal = Math.abs(parseInt(widthOriginal) || 0);
this.heightOriginal = Math.abs(parseInt(heightOriginal) || 0);
this.targetWidth = Math.abs(parseInt(targetWidth) || 0);
this.targetHeight = Math.abs(parseInt(targetHeight) || 0);
this.colorChannels = (!!blendAlpha) ? 4 : 3;
this.interpolationPass = !!interpolationPass;
this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels = this.targetWidth * this.colorChannels;
this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels = this.widthOriginal * this.colorChannels;
this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels = this.heightOriginal * this.colorChannels;
this.widthPassResultSize = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels * this.heightOriginal;
this.finalResultSize = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels * this.targetHeight;
Resize.prototype.initialize = function () {
//Perform some checks:
if (this.widthOriginal > 0 && this.heightOriginal > 0 && this.targetWidth > 0 && this.targetHeight > 0) {
if (this.widthOriginal == this.targetWidth) {
//Bypass the width resizer pass:
this.resizeWidth = this.bypassResizer;
else {
//Setup the width resizer pass:
this.ratioWeightWidthPass = this.widthOriginal / this.targetWidth;
if (this.ratioWeightWidthPass < 1 && this.interpolationPass) {
this.resizeWidth = (this.colorChannels == 4) ? this.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGBA : this.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGB;
else {
this.resizeWidth = (this.colorChannels == 4) ? this.resizeWidthRGBA : this.resizeWidthRGB;
if (this.heightOriginal == this.targetHeight) {
//Bypass the height resizer pass:
this.resizeHeight = this.bypassResizer;
else {
//Setup the height resizer pass:
this.ratioWeightHeightPass = this.heightOriginal / this.targetHeight;
if (this.ratioWeightHeightPass < 1 && this.interpolationPass) {
this.resizeHeight = this.resizeHeightInterpolated;
else {
this.resizeHeight = (this.colorChannels == 4) ? this.resizeHeightRGBA : this.resizeHeightRGB;
else {
throw(new Error("Invalid settings specified for the resizer."));
Resize.prototype.resizeWidthRGB = function (buffer) {
var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightWidthPass;
var weight = 0;
var amountToNext = 0;
var actualPosition = 0;
var currentPosition = 0;
var line = 0;
var pixelOffset = 0;
var outputOffset = 0;
var nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth = this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels - 2;
var nextLineOffsetTargetWidth = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels - 2;
var output = this.outputWidthWorkBench;
var outputBuffer = this.widthBuffer;
do {
for (line = 0; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels;) {
output[line++] = 0;
output[line++] = 0;
output[line++] = 0;
weight = ratioWeight;
do {
amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition;
if (weight >= amountToNext) {
for (line = 0, pixelOffset = actualPosition; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth) {
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * amountToNext;
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * amountToNext;
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset] * amountToNext;
currentPosition = actualPosition = actualPosition + 3;
weight -= amountToNext;
else {
for (line = 0, pixelOffset = actualPosition; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth) {
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * weight;
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * weight;
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset] * weight;
currentPosition += weight;
} while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels);
for (line = 0, pixelOffset = outputOffset; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetTargetWidth) {
outputBuffer[pixelOffset++] = output[line++] / ratioWeight;
outputBuffer[pixelOffset++] = output[line++] / ratioWeight;
outputBuffer[pixelOffset] = output[line++] / ratioWeight;
outputOffset += 3;
} while (outputOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels);
return outputBuffer;
Resize.prototype.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGB = function (buffer) {
var ratioWeight = (this.widthOriginal - 1) / this.targetWidth;
var weight = 0;
var finalOffset = 0;
var pixelOffset = 0;
var outputBuffer = this.widthBuffer;
for (var targetPosition = 0; targetPosition < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; targetPosition += 3, weight += ratioWeight) {
//Calculate weightings:
secondWeight = weight % 1;
firstWeight = 1 - secondWeight;
for (finalOffset = targetPosition, pixelOffset = Math.floor(weight) * 3; finalOffset < this.widthPassResultSize; pixelOffset += this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels, finalOffset += this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels) {
outputBuffer[finalOffset] = (buffer[pixelOffset] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 3] * secondWeight);
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 1] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 1] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 4] * secondWeight);
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 2] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 2] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 5] * secondWeight);
return outputBuffer;
Resize.prototype.resizeWidthRGBA = function (buffer) {
var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightWidthPass;
var weight = 0;
var amountToNext = 0;
var actualPosition = 0;
var currentPosition = 0;
var line = 0;
var pixelOffset = 0;
var outputOffset = 0;
var nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth = this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels - 3;
var nextLineOffsetTargetWidth = this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels - 3;
var output = this.outputWidthWorkBench;
var outputBuffer = this.widthBuffer;
do {
for (line = 0; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels;) {
output[line++] = 0;
output[line++] = 0;
output[line++] = 0;
output[line++] = 0;
weight = ratioWeight;
do {
amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition;
if (weight >= amountToNext) {
for (line = 0, pixelOffset = actualPosition; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth) {
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * amountToNext;
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * amountToNext;
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * amountToNext;
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset] * amountToNext;
currentPosition = actualPosition = actualPosition + 4;
weight -= amountToNext;
else {
for (line = 0, pixelOffset = actualPosition; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetOriginalWidth) {
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * weight;
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * weight;
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset++] * weight;
output[line++] += buffer[pixelOffset] * weight;
currentPosition += weight;
} while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels);
for (line = 0, pixelOffset = outputOffset; line < this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += nextLineOffsetTargetWidth) {
outputBuffer[pixelOffset++] = output[line++] / ratioWeight;
outputBuffer[pixelOffset++] = output[line++] / ratioWeight;
outputBuffer[pixelOffset++] = output[line++] / ratioWeight;
outputBuffer[pixelOffset] = output[line++] / ratioWeight;
outputOffset += 4;
} while (outputOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels);
return outputBuffer;
Resize.prototype.resizeWidthInterpolatedRGBA = function (buffer) {
var ratioWeight = (this.widthOriginal - 1) / this.targetWidth;
var weight = 0;
var finalOffset = 0;
var pixelOffset = 0;
var outputBuffer = this.widthBuffer;
for (var targetPosition = 0; targetPosition < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; targetPosition += 4, weight += ratioWeight) {
//Calculate weightings:
secondWeight = weight % 1;
firstWeight = 1 - secondWeight;
for (finalOffset = targetPosition, pixelOffset = Math.floor(weight) * 4; finalOffset < this.widthPassResultSize; pixelOffset += this.originalWidthMultipliedByChannels, finalOffset += this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels) {
outputBuffer[finalOffset] = (buffer[pixelOffset] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 4] * secondWeight);
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 1] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 1] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 5] * secondWeight);
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 2] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 2] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 6] * secondWeight);
outputBuffer[finalOffset + 3] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 3] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 7] * secondWeight);
return outputBuffer;
Resize.prototype.resizeHeightRGB = function (buffer) {
var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightHeightPass;
var weight = 0;
var amountToNext = 0;
var actualPosition = 0;
var currentPosition = 0;
var pixelOffset = 0;
var outputOffset = 0;
var output = this.outputHeightWorkBench;
var outputBuffer = this.heightBuffer;
do {
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) {
output[pixelOffset++] = 0;
output[pixelOffset++] = 0;
output[pixelOffset++] = 0;
weight = ratioWeight;
do {
amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition;
if (weight >= amountToNext) {
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) {
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext;
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext;
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext;
currentPosition = actualPosition;
weight -= amountToNext;
else {
for (pixelOffset = 0, amountToNext = actualPosition; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) {
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight;
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight;
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight;
currentPosition += weight;
} while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < this.widthPassResultSize);
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) {
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight);
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight);
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight);
} while (outputOffset < this.finalResultSize);
return outputBuffer;
Resize.prototype.resizeHeightInterpolated = function (buffer) {
var ratioWeight = (this.heightOriginal - 1) / this.targetHeight;
var weight = 0;
var finalOffset = 0;
var pixelOffset = 0;
var pixelOffsetAccumulated = 0;
var pixelOffsetAccumulated2 = 0;
var outputBuffer = this.heightBuffer;
do {
//Calculate weightings:
secondWeight = weight % 1;
firstWeight = 1 - secondWeight;
pixelOffsetAccumulated = Math.floor(weight) * this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;
pixelOffsetAccumulated2 = pixelOffsetAccumulated + this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; ++pixelOffset) {
outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = (buffer[pixelOffsetAccumulated + pixelOffset] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffsetAccumulated2 + pixelOffset] * secondWeight);
weight += ratioWeight;
} while (finalOffset < this.finalResultSize);
return outputBuffer;
Resize.prototype.resizeHeightRGBA = function (buffer) {
var ratioWeight = this.ratioWeightHeightPass;
var weight = 0;
var amountToNext = 0;
var actualPosition = 0;
var currentPosition = 0;
var pixelOffset = 0;
var outputOffset = 0;
var output = this.outputHeightWorkBench;
var outputBuffer = this.heightBuffer;
do {
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) {
output[pixelOffset++] = 0;
output[pixelOffset++] = 0;
output[pixelOffset++] = 0;
output[pixelOffset++] = 0;
weight = ratioWeight;
do {
amountToNext = 1 + actualPosition - currentPosition;
if (weight >= amountToNext) {
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) {
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext;
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext;
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext;
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[actualPosition++] * amountToNext;
currentPosition = actualPosition;
weight -= amountToNext;
else {
for (pixelOffset = 0, amountToNext = actualPosition; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) {
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight;
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight;
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight;
output[pixelOffset++] += buffer[amountToNext++] * weight;
currentPosition += weight;
} while (weight > 0 && actualPosition < this.widthPassResultSize);
for (pixelOffset = 0; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels;) {
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight);
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight);
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight);
outputBuffer[outputOffset++] = Math.round(output[pixelOffset++] / ratioWeight);
} while (outputOffset < this.finalResultSize);
return outputBuffer;
Resize.prototype.resizeHeightInterpolatedRGBA = function (buffer) {
var ratioWeight = (this.heightOriginal - 1) / this.targetHeight;
var weight = 0;
var finalOffset = 0;
var pixelOffset = 0;
var outputBuffer = this.heightBuffer;
while (pixelOffset < this.finalResultSize) {
//Calculate weightings:
secondWeight = weight % 1;
firstWeight = 1 - secondWeight;
for (pixelOffset = Math.floor(weight) * 4; pixelOffset < this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels; pixelOffset += 4) {
outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = (buffer[pixelOffset] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 4] * secondWeight);
outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 1] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 5] * secondWeight);
outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 2] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 6] * secondWeight);
outputBuffer[finalOffset++] = (buffer[pixelOffset + 3] * firstWeight) + (buffer[pixelOffset + 7] * secondWeight);
weight += ratioWeight;
return outputBuffer;
Resize.prototype.resize = function (buffer) {
return this.resizeHeight(this.resizeWidth(buffer));
Resize.prototype.bypassResizer = function (buffer) {
//Just return the buffer passsed:
return buffer;
Resize.prototype.initializeFirstPassBuffers = function (BILINEARAlgo) {
//Initialize the internal width pass buffers:
this.widthBuffer = this.generateFloatBuffer(this.widthPassResultSize);
if (!BILINEARAlgo) {
this.outputWidthWorkBench = this.generateFloatBuffer(this.originalHeightMultipliedByChannels);
Resize.prototype.initializeSecondPassBuffers = function (BILINEARAlgo) {
//Initialize the internal height pass buffers:
this.heightBuffer = this.generateUint8Buffer(this.finalResultSize);
if (!BILINEARAlgo) {
this.outputHeightWorkBench = this.generateFloatBuffer(this.targetWidthMultipliedByChannels);
Resize.prototype.generateFloatBuffer = function (bufferLength) {
//Generate a float32 typed array buffer:
try {
return new Float32Array(bufferLength);
catch (error) {
return [];
Resize.prototype.generateUint8Buffer = function (bufferLength) {
//Generate a uint8 typed array buffer:
try {
return this.checkForOperaMathBug(new Uint8Array(bufferLength));
catch (error) {
return [];
Resize.prototype.checkForOperaMathBug = function (typedArray) {
typedArray[0] = -1;
typedArray[0] >>= 0;
if (typedArray[0] != 0xFF) {
return [];
else {
return typedArray;
// End of js/other/resize.js file.
// Remaining files are in gbemu-part2.js, since they run in strict mode.
// gbemu-part2.js
// Portions copyright 2013 Google, Inc
// Copyright (C) 2010 - 2012 Grant Galitz
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
// The full license is available at
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// The code has been adapted for use as a benchmark by Google.
// Previous files are in gbemu-part1.js, since they need to run in sloppy mode.
// Start of js/GameBoyCore.js file.
* JavaScript GameBoy Color Emulator
* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2012 Grant Galitz
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* The full license is available at
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
function GameBoyCore(canvas, ROMImage) {
//Params, etc...
this.canvas = canvas; //Canvas DOM object for drawing out the graphics to.
this.drawContext = null; // LCD Context
this.ROMImage = ROMImage; //The game's ROM.
//CPU Registers and Flags:
this.registerA = 0x01; //Register A (Accumulator)
this.FZero = true; //Register F - Result was zero
this.FSubtract = false; //Register F - Subtraction was executed
this.FHalfCarry = true; //Register F - Half carry or half borrow
this.FCarry = true; //Register F - Carry or borrow
this.registerB = 0x00; //Register B
this.registerC = 0x13; //Register C
this.registerD = 0x00; //Register D
this.registerE = 0xD8; //Register E
this.registersHL = 0x014D; //Registers H and L combined
this.stackPointer = 0xFFFE; //Stack Pointer
this.programCounter = 0x0100; //Program Counter
//Some CPU Emulation State Variables:
this.CPUCyclesTotal = 0; //Relative CPU clocking to speed set, rounded appropriately.
this.CPUCyclesTotalBase = 0; //Relative CPU clocking to speed set base.
this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent = 0; //Relative CPU clocking to speed set, the directly used value.
this.CPUCyclesTotalRoundoff = 0; //Clocking per iteration rounding catch.
this.baseCPUCyclesPerIteration = 0; //CPU clocks per iteration at 1x speed.
this.remainingClocks = 0; //HALT clocking overrun carry over.
this.inBootstrap = true; //Whether we're in the GBC boot ROM.
this.usedBootROM = false; //Updated upon ROM loading...
this.usedGBCBootROM = false; //Did we boot to the GBC boot ROM?
this.halt = false; //Has the CPU been suspended until the next interrupt?
this.skipPCIncrement = false; //Did we trip the DMG Halt bug?
this.stopEmulator = 3; //Has the emulation been paused or a frame has ended?
this.IME = true; //Are interrupts enabled?
this.IRQLineMatched = 0; //CPU IRQ assertion.
this.interruptsRequested = 0; //IF Register
this.interruptsEnabled = 0; //IE Register
this.hdmaRunning = false; //HDMA Transfer Flag - GBC only
this.CPUTicks = 0; //The number of clock cycles emulated.
this.doubleSpeedShifter = 0; //GBC double speed clocking shifter.
this.JoyPad = 0xFF; //Joypad State (two four-bit states actually)
this.CPUStopped = false; //CPU STOP status.
//Main RAM, MBC RAM, GBC Main RAM, VRAM, etc.
this.memoryReader = []; //Array of functions mapped to read back memory
this.memoryWriter = []; //Array of functions mapped to write to memory
this.memoryHighReader = []; //Array of functions mapped to read back 0xFFXX memory
this.memoryHighWriter = []; //Array of functions mapped to write to 0xFFXX memory
this.ROM = []; //The full ROM file dumped to an array.
this.memory = []; //Main Core Memory
this.MBCRam = []; //Switchable RAM (Used by games for more RAM) for the main memory range 0xA000 - 0xC000.
this.VRAM = []; //Extra VRAM bank for GBC.
this.GBCMemory = []; //GBC main RAM Banks
this.MBC1Mode = false; //MBC1 Type (4/32, 16/8)
this.MBCRAMBanksEnabled = false; //MBC RAM Access Control.
this.currMBCRAMBank = 0; //MBC Currently Indexed RAM Bank
this.currMBCRAMBankPosition = -0xA000; //MBC Position Adder;
this.cGBC = false; //GameBoy Color detection.
this.gbcRamBank = 1; //Currently Switched GameBoy Color ram bank
this.gbcRamBankPosition = -0xD000; //GBC RAM offset from address start.
this.gbcRamBankPositionECHO = -0xF000; //GBC RAM (ECHO mirroring) offset from address start.
this.RAMBanks = [0, 1, 2, 4, 16]; //Used to map the RAM banks to maximum size the MBC used can do.
this.ROMBank1offs = 0; //Offset of the ROM bank switching.
this.currentROMBank = 0; //The parsed current ROM bank selection.
this.cartridgeType = 0; //Cartridge Type = ""; //Name of the game
this.gameCode = ""; //Game code (Suffix for older games)
this.fromSaveState = false; //A boolean to see if this was loaded in as a save state.
this.savedStateFileName = ""; //When loaded in as a save state, this will not be empty.
this.STATTracker = 0; //Tracker for STAT triggering.
this.modeSTAT = 0; //The scan line mode (for lines 1-144 it's 2-3-0, for 145-154 it's 1)
this.spriteCount = 252; //Mode 3 extra clocking counter (Depends on how many sprites are on the current line.).
this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT = false; //Should we trigger an interrupt if LY==LYC?
this.mode2TriggerSTAT = false; //Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 2?
this.mode1TriggerSTAT = false; //Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 1?
this.mode0TriggerSTAT = false; //Should we trigger an interrupt if in mode 0?
this.LCDisOn = false; //Is the emulated LCD controller on?
this.LINECONTROL = []; //Array of functions to handle each scan line we do (onscreen + offscreen)
this.DISPLAYOFFCONTROL = [function (parentObj) {
"use strict";
//Array of line 0 function to handle the LCD controller when it's off (Do nothing!).
this.initializeLCDController(); //Compile the LCD controller functions.
//RTC (Real Time Clock for MBC3):
this.RTCisLatched = false;
this.latchedSeconds = 0; //RTC latched seconds.
this.latchedMinutes = 0; //RTC latched minutes.
this.latchedHours = 0; //RTC latched hours.
this.latchedLDays = 0; //RTC latched lower 8-bits of the day counter.
this.latchedHDays = 0; //RTC latched high-bit of the day counter.
this.RTCSeconds = 0; //RTC seconds counter.
this.RTCMinutes = 0; //RTC minutes counter.
this.RTCHours = 0; //RTC hours counter.
this.RTCDays = 0; //RTC days counter.
this.RTCDayOverFlow = false; //Did the RTC overflow and wrap the day counter?
this.RTCHALT = false; //Is the RTC allowed to clock up?
this.highX = 127;
this.lowX = 127;
this.highY = 127;
this.lowY = 127;
//Sound variables:
this.audioHandle = null; //XAudioJS handle
this.numSamplesTotal = 0; //Length of the sound buffers.
this.sampleSize = 0; //Length of the sound buffer for one channel.
this.dutyLookup = [ //Map the duty values given to ones we can work with.
[false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true],
[true, false, false, false, false, false, false, true],
[true, false, false, false, false, true, true, true],
[false, true, true, true, true, true, true, false]
this.currentBuffer = []; //The audio buffer we're working on.
this.bufferContainAmount = 0; //Buffer maintenance metric.
this.LSFR15Table = null;
this.LSFR7Table = null;
this.noiseSampleTable = null;
this.soundMasterEnabled = false; //As its name implies
this.channel3PCM = null; //Channel 3 adjusted sample buffer.
//Vin Shit:
this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = 8; //Computed post-mixing volume.
this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = 8; //Computed post-mixing volume.
//Channel paths enabled:
this.leftChannel1 = false;
this.leftChannel2 = false;
this.leftChannel3 = false;
this.leftChannel4 = false;
this.rightChannel1 = false;
this.rightChannel2 = false;
this.rightChannel3 = false;
this.rightChannel4 = false;
//Channel output level caches:
this.channel1currentSampleLeft = 0;
this.channel1currentSampleRight = 0;
this.channel2currentSampleLeft = 0;
this.channel2currentSampleRight = 0;
this.channel3currentSampleLeft = 0;
this.channel3currentSampleRight = 0;
this.channel4currentSampleLeft = 0;
this.channel4currentSampleRight = 0;
this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0;
this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary = 0;
this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0;
this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary = 0;
this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0;
this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary = 0;
this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0;
this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary = 0;
this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary = 0;
this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary = 0;
this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary = 0;
this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary = 0;
this.mixerOutputCache = 0;
//Pre-multipliers to cache some calculations:
this.machineOut = 0; //Premultiplier for audio samples per instruction.
//Audio generation counters:
this.audioTicks = 0; //Used to sample the audio system every x CPU instructions.
this.audioIndex = 0; //Used to keep alignment on audio generation.
this.rollover = 0; //Used to keep alignment on the number of samples to output (Realign from counter alias).
//Timing Variables
this.emulatorTicks = 0; //Times for how many instructions to execute before ending the loop.
this.DIVTicks = 56; //DIV Ticks Counter (Invisible lower 8-bit)
this.LCDTicks = 60; //Counter for how many instructions have been executed on a scanline so far.
this.timerTicks = 0; //Counter for the TIMA timer.
this.TIMAEnabled = false; //Is TIMA enabled?
this.TACClocker = 1024; //Timer Max Ticks
this.serialTimer = 0; //Serial IRQ Timer
this.serialShiftTimer = 0; //Serial Transfer Shift Timer
this.serialShiftTimerAllocated = 0; //Serial Transfer Shift Timer Refill
this.IRQEnableDelay = 0; //Are the interrupts on queue to be enabled?
var dateVar = new_Date(); // The line is changed for benchmarking.
this.lastIteration = dateVar.getTime();//The last time we iterated the main loop.
dateVar = new_Date(); // The line is changed for benchmarking.
this.firstIteration = dateVar.getTime();
this.iterations = 0;
this.actualScanLine = 0; //Actual scan line...
this.lastUnrenderedLine = 0; //Last rendered scan line...
this.queuedScanLines = 0;
this.totalLinesPassed = 0;
this.haltPostClocks = 0; //Post-Halt clocking.
//ROM Cartridge Components:
this.cMBC1 = false; //Does the cartridge use MBC1?
this.cMBC2 = false; //Does the cartridge use MBC2?
this.cMBC3 = false; //Does the cartridge use MBC3?
this.cMBC5 = false; //Does the cartridge use MBC5?
this.cMBC7 = false; //Does the cartridge use MBC7?
this.cSRAM = false; //Does the cartridge use save RAM?
this.cMMMO1 = false; //...
this.cRUMBLE = false; //Does the cartridge use the RUMBLE addressing (modified MBC5)?
this.cCamera = false; //Is the cartridge actually a GameBoy Camera?
this.cTAMA5 = false; //Does the cartridge use TAMA5? (Tamagotchi Cartridge)
this.cHuC3 = false; //Does the cartridge use HuC3 (Hudson Soft / modified MBC3)?
this.cHuC1 = false; //Does the cartridge use HuC1 (Hudson Soft / modified MBC1)?
this.cTIMER = false; //Does the cartridge have an RTC?
this.ROMBanks = [ // 1 Bank = 16 KBytes = 256 Kbits
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512
this.ROMBanks[0x52] = 72;
this.ROMBanks[0x53] = 80;
this.ROMBanks[0x54] = 96;
this.numRAMBanks = 0; //How many RAM banks were actually allocated?
////Graphics Variables
this.currVRAMBank = 0; //Current VRAM bank for GBC.
this.backgroundX = 0; //Register SCX (X-Scroll)
this.backgroundY = 0; //Register SCY (Y-Scroll)
this.gfxWindowDisplay = false; //Is the windows enabled?
this.gfxSpriteShow = false; //Are sprites enabled?
this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight = true; //Are we doing 8x8 or 8x16 sprites?
this.bgEnabled = true; //Is the BG enabled?
this.BGPriorityEnabled = true; //Can we flag the BG for priority over sprites?
this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition = 0; //The current bank of the character map the window uses.
this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition = 0; //The current bank of the character map the BG uses.
this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset = 0x80; //Fast mapping of the tile numbering/
this.windowY = 0; //Current Y offset of the window.
this.windowX = 0; //Current X offset of the window.
this.drewBlank = 0; //To prevent the repeating of drawing a blank screen.
this.drewFrame = false; //Throttle how many draws we can do to once per iteration.
this.midScanlineOffset = -1; //mid-scanline rendering offset.
this.pixelEnd = 0; //track the x-coord limit for line rendering (mid-scanline usage).
this.currentX = 0; //The x-coord we left off at for mid-scanline rendering.
//BG Tile Pointer Caches:
this.BGCHRBank1 = null;
this.BGCHRBank2 = null;
this.BGCHRCurrentBank = null;
//Tile Data Cache:
this.tileCache = null;
this.colors = [0xEFFFDE, 0xADD794, 0x529273, 0x183442]; //"Classic" GameBoy palette colors.
this.OBJPalette = null;
this.BGPalette = null;
this.gbcOBJRawPalette = null;
this.gbcBGRawPalette = null;
this.gbOBJPalette = null;
this.gbBGPalette = null;
this.gbcOBJPalette = null;
this.gbcBGPalette = null;
this.gbBGColorizedPalette = null;
this.gbOBJColorizedPalette = null;
this.cachedBGPaletteConversion = null;
this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion = null;
this.updateGBBGPalette = this.updateGBRegularBGPalette;
this.updateGBOBJPalette = this.updateGBRegularOBJPalette;
this.colorizedGBPalettes = false;
this.BGLayerRender = null; //Reference to the BG rendering function.
this.WindowLayerRender = null; //Reference to the window rendering function.
this.SpriteLayerRender = null; //Reference to the OAM rendering function.
this.frameBuffer = []; //The internal frame-buffer.
this.swizzledFrame = null; //The secondary gfx buffer that holds the converted RGBA values.
this.canvasBuffer = null; //imageData handle
this.pixelStart = 0; //Temp variable for holding the current working framebuffer offset.
//Variables used for scaling in JS:
this.onscreenWidth = this.offscreenWidth = 160;
this.onscreenHeight = this.offScreenheight = 144;
this.offscreenRGBCount = this.onscreenWidth * this.onscreenHeight * 4;
//Initialize the white noise cache tables ahead of time:
// Start of code changed for benchmarking (removed ROM):
GameBoyCore.prototype.GBBOOTROM = [];
GameBoyCore.prototype.GBCBOOTROM = [];
// End of code changed for benchmarking.
GameBoyCore.prototype.ffxxDump = [ //Dump of the post-BOOT I/O register state (From gambatte):
0x0F, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x01,
0x80, 0xBF, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0xFF, 0xBF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xBF, 0x77, 0xF3, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
0x91, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x7E, 0xFF, 0xFE,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3E, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xC1, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xF8, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8F, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
0xCE, 0xED, 0x66, 0x66, 0xCC, 0x0D, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x03, 0x73, 0x00, 0x83, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x0D,
0x00, 0x08, 0x11, 0x1F, 0x88, 0x89, 0x00, 0x0E, 0xDC, 0xCC, 0x6E, 0xE6, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xD9, 0x99,
0xBB, 0xBB, 0x67, 0x63, 0x6E, 0x0E, 0xEC, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xDC, 0x99, 0x9F, 0xBB, 0xB9, 0x33, 0x3E,
0x45, 0xEC, 0x52, 0xFA, 0x08, 0xB7, 0x07, 0x5D, 0x01, 0xFD, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0x08, 0xFC, 0x00, 0xE5,
0x0B, 0xF8, 0xC2, 0xCE, 0xF4, 0xF9, 0x0F, 0x7F, 0x45, 0x6D, 0x3D, 0xFE, 0x46, 0x97, 0x33, 0x5E,
0x08, 0xEF, 0xF1, 0xFF, 0x86, 0x83, 0x24, 0x74, 0x12, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x9F, 0xB4, 0xB7, 0x06, 0xD5,
0xD0, 0x7A, 0x00, 0x9E, 0x04, 0x5F, 0x41, 0x2F, 0x1D, 0x77, 0x36, 0x75, 0x81, 0xAA, 0x70, 0x3A,
0x98, 0xD1, 0x71, 0x02, 0x4D, 0x01, 0xC1, 0xFF, 0x0D, 0x00, 0xD3, 0x05, 0xF9, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x00
GameBoyCore.prototype.OPCODE = [
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//Do Nothing...
//LD BC, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.registerB = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//LD (BC), A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWrite((parentObj.registerB << 8) | parentObj.registerC, parentObj.registerA);
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = ((parentObj.registerB << 8) | parentObj.registerC) + 1;
parentObj.registerB = (temp_var >> 8) & 0xFF;
parentObj.registerC = temp_var & 0xFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = (parentObj.registerB + 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0xF) == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = (parentObj.registerB - 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0xF) == 0xF);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//LD B, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF) | (parentObj.registerA >> 7);
parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//LD (nn), SP
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWrite(temp_var, parentObj.stackPointer & 0xFF);
parentObj.memoryWrite((temp_var + 1) & 0xFFFF, parentObj.stackPointer >> 8);
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registersHL + ((parentObj.registerB << 8) | parentObj.registerC);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFFF) > (dirtySum & 0xFFF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFFFF);
parentObj.registersHL = dirtySum & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//LD A, (BC)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.registerB << 8) | parentObj.registerC);
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = (((parentObj.registerB << 8) | parentObj.registerC) - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.registerB = temp_var >> 8;
parentObj.registerC = temp_var & 0xFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = (parentObj.registerC + 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0xF) == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = (parentObj.registerC - 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0xF) == 0xF);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//LD C, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA >> 1) | ((parentObj.registerA & 1) << 7);
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F);
parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.cGBC) {
if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] & 0x01) == 0x01) { //Speed change requested.
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] > 0x7F) { //Go back to single speed mode.
cout("Going into single clock speed mode.", 0);
parentObj.doubleSpeedShifter = 0;
parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] &= 0x7F; //Clear the double speed mode flag.
else { //Go to double speed mode.
cout("Going into double clock speed mode.", 0);
parentObj.doubleSpeedShifter = 1;
parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] |= 0x80; //Set the double speed mode flag.
parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] &= 0xFE; //Reset the request bit.
else {
else {
//LD DE, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.registerD = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//LD (DE), A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWrite((parentObj.registerD << 8) | parentObj.registerE, parentObj.registerA);
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = ((parentObj.registerD << 8) | parentObj.registerE) + 1;
parentObj.registerD = (temp_var >> 8) & 0xFF;
parentObj.registerE = temp_var & 0xFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = (parentObj.registerD + 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0xF) == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = (parentObj.registerD - 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0xF) == 0xF);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//LD D, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var carry_flag = (parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0;
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF) | carry_flag;
parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//JR n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24) + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registersHL + ((parentObj.registerD << 8) | parentObj.registerE);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFFF) > (dirtySum & 0xFFF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFFFF);
parentObj.registersHL = dirtySum & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//LD A, (DE)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.registerD << 8) | parentObj.registerE);
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = (((parentObj.registerD << 8) | parentObj.registerE) - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.registerD = temp_var >> 8;
parentObj.registerE = temp_var & 0xFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = (parentObj.registerE + 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0xF) == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = (parentObj.registerE - 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0xF) == 0xF);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//LD E, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var carry_flag = (parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0;
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 1) == 1);
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA >> 1) | carry_flag;
parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//JR NZ, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.FZero) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24) + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 4;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
//LD HL, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//LDI (HL), A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerA);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var H = ((parentObj.registersHL >> 8) + 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (H == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((H & 0xF) == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.registersHL = (H << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var H = ((parentObj.registersHL >> 8) - 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (H == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((H & 0xF) == 0xF);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
parentObj.registersHL = (H << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
//LD H, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.FSubtract) {
if (parentObj.FCarry || parentObj.registerA > 0x99) {
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 0x60) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FCarry = true;
if (parentObj.FHalfCarry || (parentObj.registerA & 0xF) > 0x9) {
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 0x06) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
else if (parentObj.FCarry && parentObj.FHalfCarry) {
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 0x9A) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
else if (parentObj.FCarry) {
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 0xA0) & 0xFF;
else if (parentObj.FHalfCarry) {
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 0xFA) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
//JR Z, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.FZero) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24) + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 4;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFFF) > 0x7FF);
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registersHL > 0x7FFF);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//LDI A, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL - 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var L = (parentObj.registersHL + 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (L == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((L & 0xF) == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | L;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var L = (parentObj.registersHL - 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (L == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((L & 0xF) == 0xF);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | L;
//LD L, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA ^= 0xFF;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
//JR NC, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.FCarry) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24) + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 4;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
//LD SP, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//LDD (HL), A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerA);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL - 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF;
//INC (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) + 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((temp_var & 0xF) == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var);
//DEC (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) - 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((temp_var & 0xF) == 0xF);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var);
//LD (HL), n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter));
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//JR C, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.FCarry) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24) + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 4;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registersHL + parentObj.stackPointer;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFFF) > (dirtySum & 0xFFF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFFFF);
parentObj.registersHL = dirtySum & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//LDD A, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL - 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA + 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA - 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) == 0xF);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//LD A, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = !parentObj.FCarry;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//LD B, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//Do nothing...
//LD B, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registerC;
//LD B, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registerD;
//LD B, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registerE;
//LD B, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registersHL >> 8;
//LD B, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF;
//LD B, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
//LD B, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = parentObj.registerA;
//LD C, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registerB;
//LD C, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//Do nothing...
//LD C, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registerD;
//LD C, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registerE;
//LD C, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registersHL >> 8;
//LD C, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF;
//LD C, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
//LD C, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = parentObj.registerA;
//LD D, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registerB;
//LD D, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registerC;
//LD D, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//Do nothing...
//LD D, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registerE;
//LD D, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registersHL >> 8;
//LD D, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF;
//LD D, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
//LD D, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = parentObj.registerA;
//LD E, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registerB;
//LD E, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registerC;
//LD E, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registerD;
//LD E, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//Do nothing...
//LD E, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registersHL >> 8;
//LD E, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF;
//LD E, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
//LD E, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = parentObj.registerA;
//LD H, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registerB << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
//LD H, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registerC << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
//LD H, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registerD << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
//LD H, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registerE << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
//LD H, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//Do nothing...
//LD H, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) * 0x101;
//LD H, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
//LD H, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registerA << 8) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
//LD L, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.registerB;
//LD L, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.registerC;
//LD L, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.registerD;
//LD L, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.registerE;
//LD L, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | (parentObj.registersHL >> 8);
//LD L, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//Do nothing...
//LD L, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
//LD L, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | parentObj.registerA;
//LD (HL), B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerB);
//LD (HL), C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerC);
//LD (HL), D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerD);
//LD (HL), E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerE);
//LD (HL), H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registersHL >> 8);
//LD (HL), L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//See if there's already an IRQ match:
if ((parentObj.interruptsEnabled & parentObj.interruptsRequested & 0x1F) > 0) {
if (!parentObj.cGBC && !parentObj.usedBootROM) {
//HALT bug in the DMG CPU model (Program Counter fails to increment for one instruction after HALT):
parentObj.skipPCIncrement = true;
else {
//CGB gets around the HALT PC bug by doubling the hidden NOP.
parentObj.CPUTicks += 4;
else {
//CPU is stalled until the next IRQ match:
//LD (HL), A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.registerA);
//LD A, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registerB;
//LD A, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registerC;
//LD A, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registerD;
//LD A, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registerE;
//LD A, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registersHL >> 8;
//LD A, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF;
//LD, A, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
//LD A, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//Do Nothing...
//ADD A, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerB;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADD A, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerC;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADD A, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerD;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADD A, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerE;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADD A, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + (parentObj.registersHL >> 8);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADD A, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADD A, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADD A, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x8) == 0x8);
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADC A, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerB + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (parentObj.registerB & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADC A, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerC + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (parentObj.registerC & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADC A, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerD + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (parentObj.registerD & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADC A, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.registerE + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (parentObj.registerE & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADC A, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var tempValue = (parentObj.registersHL >> 8);
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + tempValue + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (tempValue & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADC A, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var tempValue = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + tempValue + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (tempValue & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADC A, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var tempValue = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + tempValue + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (tempValue & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//ADC A, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//shift left register A one bit for some ops here as an optimization:
var dirtySum = (parentObj.registerA << 1) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((((parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0x1E) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0)) > 0xF);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//SUB A, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerB;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SUB A, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerC;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SUB A, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerD;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SUB A, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerE;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SUB A, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - (parentObj.registersHL >> 8);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SUB A, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SUB A, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SUB A, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//number - same number == 0
parentObj.registerA = 0;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SBC A, B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerB - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (parentObj.registerB & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SBC A, C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerC - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (parentObj.registerC & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SBC A, D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerD - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (parentObj.registerD & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SBC A, E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerE - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (parentObj.registerE & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SBC A, H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.registersHL >> 8;
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - temp_var - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (temp_var & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SBC A, L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (parentObj.registersHL & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SBC A, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - temp_var - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (temp_var & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//SBC A, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//Optimized SBC A:
if (parentObj.FCarry) {
parentObj.FZero = false;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = true;
parentObj.registerA = 0xFF;
else {
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FZero = true;
parentObj.registerA = 0;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.registerB;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.registerC;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.registerD;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.registerE;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= (parentObj.registersHL >> 8);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.registersHL;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false;
//AND (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//number & same number = same number
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.registerB;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.registerC;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.registerD;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.registerE;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA ^= (parentObj.registersHL >> 8);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA ^= (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
//XOR (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//number ^ same number == 0
parentObj.registerA = 0;
parentObj.FZero = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
//OR B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.registerB;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//OR C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.registerC;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//OR D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.registerD;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//OR E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.registerE;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//OR H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= (parentObj.registersHL >> 8);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//OR L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//OR (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//OR A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//number | same number == same number
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//CP B
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerB;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//CP C
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerC;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//CP D
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerD;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//CP E
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.registerE;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//CP H
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - (parentObj.registersHL >> 8);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//CP L
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//CP (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//CP A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = true;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.FZero) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 12;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer);
parentObj.registerB = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//JP !FZ, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.FZero) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.CPUTicks += 4;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//JP nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
//CALL !FZ, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.FZero) {
var temp_pc = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = temp_pc;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 12;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registerB);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registerC);
//ADD, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) < (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//RST 0
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = 0;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.FZero) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 12;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//JP FZ, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.FZero) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.CPUTicks += 4;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//Secondary OP Code Set:
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var opcode = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
//Increment the program counter to the next instruction:
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
//Get how many CPU cycles the current 0xCBXX op code counts for:
parentObj.CPUTicks += parentObj.SecondaryTICKTable[opcode];
//Execute secondary OP codes for the 0xCB OP code call.
//CALL FZ, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.FZero) {
var temp_pc = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = temp_pc;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 12;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//CALL nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_pc = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = temp_pc;
//ADC A, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var tempValue = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA + tempValue + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) + (tempValue & 0xF) + ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) > 0xF);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum > 0xFF);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//RST 0x8
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = 0x8;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.FCarry) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 12;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer);
parentObj.registerD = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//JP !FC, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.FCarry) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.CPUTicks += 4;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//0xD3 - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xD3 called, pausing emulation.", 2);
//CALL !FC, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.FCarry) {
var temp_pc = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = temp_pc;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 12;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registerD);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registerE);
//SUB A, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) < (dirtySum & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//RST 0x10
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = 0x10;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.FCarry) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 12;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//Immediate for HALT:
parentObj.IRQEnableDelay = (parentObj.IRQEnableDelay == 2 || parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) == 0x76) ? 1 : 2;
//JP FC, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.FCarry) {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.CPUTicks += 4;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//0xDB - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xDB called, pausing emulation.", 2);
//CALL FC, nn
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.FCarry) {
var temp_pc = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = temp_pc;
parentObj.CPUTicks += 12;
else {
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//0xDD - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xDD called, pausing emulation.", 2);
//SBC A, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - temp_var - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) - (temp_var & 0xF) - ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0) < 0);
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.registerA = dirtySum & 0xFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//RST 0x18
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = 0x18;
//LDH (n), A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryHighWrite(parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter), parentObj.registerA);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//LD (0xFF00 + C), A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryHighWriter[parentObj.registerC](parentObj, parentObj.registerC, parentObj.registerA);
//0xE3 - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xE3 called, pausing emulation.", 2);
//0xE4 - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xE4 called, pausing emulation.", 2);
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registersHL >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
//AND n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = false;
//RST 0x20
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = 0x20;
//ADD SP, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_value2 = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24;
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
var temp_value = (parentObj.stackPointer + temp_value2) & 0xFFFF;
temp_value2 = parentObj.stackPointer ^ temp_value2 ^ temp_value;
parentObj.stackPointer = temp_value;
parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_value2 & 0x100) == 0x100);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((temp_value2 & 0x10) == 0x10);
parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
//JP, (HL)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.programCounter = parentObj.registersHL;
//LD n, A
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWrite((parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter), parentObj.registerA);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//0xEB - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xEB called, pausing emulation.", 2);
//0xEC - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xEC called, pausing emulation.", 2);
//0xED - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xED called, pausing emulation.", 2);
//XOR n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA ^= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FCarry = false;
//RST 0x28
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = 0x28;
//LDH A, (n)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryHighRead(parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter));
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer);
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var > 0x7F);
parentObj.FSubtract = ((temp_var & 0x40) == 0x40);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((temp_var & 0x20) == 0x20);
parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_var & 0x10) == 0x10);
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.stackPointer + 1) & 0xFFFF);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer + 2) & 0xFFFF;
//LD A, (0xFF00 + C)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryHighReader[parentObj.registerC](parentObj, parentObj.registerC);
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.IME = false;
parentObj.IRQEnableDelay = 0;
//0xF4 - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xF4 called, pausing emulation.", 2);
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.registerA);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, ((parentObj.FZero) ? 0x80 : 0) | ((parentObj.FSubtract) ? 0x40 : 0) | ((parentObj.FHalfCarry) ? 0x20 : 0) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x10 : 0));
//OR n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.FSubtract = parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = false;
//RST 0x30
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = 0x30;
//LDHL SP, n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = (parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) << 24) >> 24;
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.stackPointer + temp_var) & 0xFFFF;
temp_var = parentObj.stackPointer ^ temp_var ^ parentObj.registersHL;
parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_var & 0x100) == 0x100);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((temp_var & 0x10) == 0x10);
parentObj.FZero = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = parentObj.registersHL;
//LD A, (nn)
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.memoryRead((parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF) << 8) | parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter));
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 2) & 0xFFFF;
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
//Immediate for HALT:
parentObj.IRQEnableDelay = (parentObj.IRQEnableDelay == 2 || parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter) == 0x76) ? 1 : 2;
//0xFC - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xFC called, pausing emulation.", 2);
//0xFD - Illegal
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
cout("Illegal op code 0xFD called, pausing emulation.", 2);
//CP n
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var dirtySum = parentObj.registerA - parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.programCounter](parentObj, parentObj.programCounter);
parentObj.programCounter = (parentObj.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = ((dirtySum & 0xF) > (parentObj.registerA & 0xF));
parentObj.FCarry = (dirtySum < 0);
parentObj.FZero = (dirtySum == 0);
parentObj.FSubtract = true;
//RST 0x38
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter >> 8);
parentObj.stackPointer = (parentObj.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.stackPointer](parentObj, parentObj.stackPointer, parentObj.programCounter & 0xFF);
parentObj.programCounter = 0x38;
GameBoyCore.prototype.CBOPCODE = [
function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerB > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerB = ((parentObj.registerB << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerC > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerC = ((parentObj.registerC << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerD > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerD = ((parentObj.registerD << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerE > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerE = ((parentObj.registerE << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registersHL > 0x7FFF);
parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFE00) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x100 : 0) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x80) == 0x80);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0);
//RLC (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FCarry = (temp_var > 0x7F);
temp_var = ((temp_var << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerB = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerB >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerC = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerC >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerD = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerD >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerE = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerE >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0100) == 0x0100);
parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x8000 : 0) | ((parentObj.registersHL >> 1) & 0xFF00) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0);
//RRC (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_var & 0x01) == 0x01);
temp_var = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (temp_var >> 1);
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerA >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
//RL B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = (parentObj.registerB > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerB = ((parentObj.registerB << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0);
//RL C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = (parentObj.registerC > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerC = ((parentObj.registerC << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0);
//RL D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = (parentObj.registerD > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerD = ((parentObj.registerD << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0);
//RL E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = (parentObj.registerE > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerE = ((parentObj.registerE << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0);
//RL H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = (parentObj.registersHL > 0x7FFF);
parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFE00) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x100 : 0) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100);
//RL L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x80) == 0x80);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0);
//RL (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
var newFCarry = (temp_var > 0x7F);
temp_var = ((temp_var << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0);
//RL A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 1 : 0);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
//RR B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerB = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerB >> 1);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0);
//RR C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerC = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerC >> 1);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0);
//RR D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerD = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerD >> 1);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0);
//RR E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerE = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerE >> 1);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0);
//RR H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0100) == 0x0100);
parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x8000 : 0) | ((parentObj.registersHL >> 1) & 0xFF00) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100);
//RR L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) >> 1);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0);
//RR (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
var newFCarry = ((temp_var & 0x01) == 0x01);
temp_var = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (temp_var >> 1);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0);
//RR A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var newFCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.FCarry) ? 0x80 : 0) | (parentObj.registerA >> 1);
parentObj.FCarry = newFCarry;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerB > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerB = (parentObj.registerB << 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerC > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerC = (parentObj.registerC << 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerD > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerD = (parentObj.registerD << 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerE > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerE = (parentObj.registerE << 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registersHL > 0x7FFF);
parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFE00) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0080) == 0x0080);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.registersHL << 1) & 0xFF);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0);
//SLA (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FCarry = (temp_var > 0x7F);
temp_var = (temp_var << 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = (parentObj.registerA > 0x7F);
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA << 1) & 0xFF;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerB = (parentObj.registerB & 0x80) | (parentObj.registerB >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerC = (parentObj.registerC & 0x80) | (parentObj.registerC >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerD = (parentObj.registerD & 0x80) | (parentObj.registerD >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerE = (parentObj.registerE & 0x80) | (parentObj.registerE >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0100) == 0x0100);
parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL >> 1) & 0xFF00) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0x80FF);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0001) == 0x0001);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF80) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0);
//SRA (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_var & 0x01) == 0x01);
temp_var = (temp_var & 0x80) | (temp_var >> 1);
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerA = (parentObj.registerA & 0x80) | (parentObj.registerA >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB = ((parentObj.registerB & 0xF) << 4) | (parentObj.registerB >> 4);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0);
parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC = ((parentObj.registerC & 0xF) << 4) | (parentObj.registerC >> 4);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0);
parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD = ((parentObj.registerD & 0xF) << 4) | (parentObj.registerD >> 4);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0);
parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE = ((parentObj.registerE & 0xF) << 4) | (parentObj.registerE >> 4);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0);
parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xF00) << 4) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xF000) >> 4) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100);
parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xF) << 4) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xF0) >> 4);
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0);
parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
temp_var = ((temp_var & 0xF) << 4) | (temp_var >> 4);
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var);
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var == 0);
parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA = ((parentObj.registerA & 0xF) << 4) | (parentObj.registerA >> 4);
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
parentObj.FCarry = parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerB >>= 1;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerB == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerC >>= 1;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerC == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerD >>= 1;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerD == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerE >>= 1;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerE == 0);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0100) == 0x0100);
parentObj.registersHL = ((parentObj.registersHL >> 1) & 0xFF00) | (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registersHL < 0x100);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0001) == 0x0001);
parentObj.registersHL = (parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF00) | ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0xFF) == 0);
//SRL (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
var temp_var = parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL);
parentObj.FCarry = ((temp_var & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, temp_var >> 1);
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (temp_var < 2);
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FCarry = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.registerA >>= 1;
parentObj.FHalfCarry = parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = (parentObj.registerA == 0);
//BIT 0, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x01) == 0);
//BIT 0, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x01) == 0);
//BIT 0, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x01) == 0);
//BIT 0, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x01) == 0);
//BIT 0, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0100) == 0);
//BIT 0, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0001) == 0);
//BIT 0, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x01) == 0);
//BIT 0, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x01) == 0);
//BIT 1, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x02) == 0);
//BIT 1, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x02) == 0);
//BIT 1, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x02) == 0);
//BIT 1, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x02) == 0);
//BIT 1, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0200) == 0);
//BIT 1, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0002) == 0);
//BIT 1, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x02) == 0);
//BIT 1, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x02) == 0);
//BIT 2, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x04) == 0);
//BIT 2, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x04) == 0);
//BIT 2, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x04) == 0);
//BIT 2, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x04) == 0);
//BIT 2, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0400) == 0);
//BIT 2, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0004) == 0);
//BIT 2, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x04) == 0);
//BIT 2, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x04) == 0);
//BIT 3, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x08) == 0);
//BIT 3, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x08) == 0);
//BIT 3, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x08) == 0);
//BIT 3, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x08) == 0);
//BIT 3, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0800) == 0);
//BIT 3, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0008) == 0);
//BIT 3, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x08) == 0);
//BIT 3, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x08) == 0);
//BIT 4, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x10) == 0);
//BIT 4, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x10) == 0);
//BIT 4, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x10) == 0);
//BIT 4, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x10) == 0);
//BIT 4, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x1000) == 0);
//BIT 4, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0010) == 0);
//BIT 4, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x10) == 0);
//BIT 4, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x10) == 0);
//BIT 5, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x20) == 0);
//BIT 5, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x20) == 0);
//BIT 5, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x20) == 0);
//BIT 5, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x20) == 0);
//BIT 5, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x2000) == 0);
//BIT 5, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0020) == 0);
//BIT 5, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x20) == 0);
//BIT 5, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x20) == 0);
//BIT 6, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x40) == 0);
//BIT 6, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x40) == 0);
//BIT 6, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x40) == 0);
//BIT 6, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x40) == 0);
//BIT 6, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x4000) == 0);
//BIT 6, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0040) == 0);
//BIT 6, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x40) == 0);
//BIT 6, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x40) == 0);
//BIT 7, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerB & 0x80) == 0);
//BIT 7, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerC & 0x80) == 0);
//BIT 7, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerD & 0x80) == 0);
//BIT 7, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerE & 0x80) == 0);
//BIT 7, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x8000) == 0);
//BIT 7, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registersHL & 0x0080) == 0);
//BIT 7, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x80) == 0);
//BIT 7, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.FHalfCarry = true;
parentObj.FSubtract = false;
parentObj.FZero = ((parentObj.registerA & 0x80) == 0);
//RES 0, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB &= 0xFE;
//RES 0, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC &= 0xFE;
//RES 0, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD &= 0xFE;
//RES 0, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE &= 0xFE;
//RES 0, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFEFF;
//RES 0, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFFE;
//RES 0, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xFE);
//RES 0, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= 0xFE;
//RES 1, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB &= 0xFD;
//RES 1, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC &= 0xFD;
//RES 1, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD &= 0xFD;
//RES 1, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE &= 0xFD;
//RES 1, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFDFF;
//RES 1, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFFD;
//RES 1, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xFD);
//RES 1, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= 0xFD;
//RES 2, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB &= 0xFB;
//RES 2, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC &= 0xFB;
//RES 2, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD &= 0xFB;
//RES 2, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE &= 0xFB;
//RES 2, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFBFF;
//RES 2, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFFB;
//RES 2, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xFB);
//RES 2, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= 0xFB;
//RES 3, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB &= 0xF7;
//RES 3, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC &= 0xF7;
//RES 3, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD &= 0xF7;
//RES 3, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE &= 0xF7;
//RES 3, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xF7FF;
//RES 3, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFF7;
//RES 3, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xF7);
//RES 3, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= 0xF7;
//RES 3, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB &= 0xEF;
//RES 4, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC &= 0xEF;
//RES 4, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD &= 0xEF;
//RES 4, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE &= 0xEF;
//RES 4, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xEFFF;
//RES 4, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFEF;
//RES 4, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xEF);
//RES 4, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= 0xEF;
//RES 5, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB &= 0xDF;
//RES 5, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC &= 0xDF;
//RES 5, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD &= 0xDF;
//RES 5, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE &= 0xDF;
//RES 5, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xDFFF;
//RES 5, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFDF;
//RES 5, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xDF);
//RES 5, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= 0xDF;
//RES 6, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB &= 0xBF;
//RES 6, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC &= 0xBF;
//RES 6, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD &= 0xBF;
//RES 6, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE &= 0xBF;
//RES 6, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xBFFF;
//RES 6, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFFBF;
//RES 6, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0xBF);
//RES 6, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= 0xBF;
//RES 7, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB &= 0x7F;
//RES 7, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC &= 0x7F;
//RES 7, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD &= 0x7F;
//RES 7, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE &= 0x7F;
//RES 7, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0x7FFF;
//RES 7, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL &= 0xFF7F;
//RES 7, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) & 0x7F);
//RES 7, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA &= 0x7F;
//SET 0, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB |= 0x01;
//SET 0, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC |= 0x01;
//SET 0, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD |= 0x01;
//SET 0, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE |= 0x01;
//SET 0, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x0100;
//SET 0, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x01;
//SET 0, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x01);
//SET 0, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= 0x01;
//SET 1, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB |= 0x02;
//SET 1, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC |= 0x02;
//SET 1, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD |= 0x02;
//SET 1, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE |= 0x02;
//SET 1, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x0200;
//SET 1, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x02;
//SET 1, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x02);
//SET 1, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= 0x02;
//SET 2, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB |= 0x04;
//SET 2, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC |= 0x04;
//SET 2, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD |= 0x04;
//SET 2, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE |= 0x04;
//SET 2, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x0400;
//SET 2, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x04;
//SET 2, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x04);
//SET 2, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= 0x04;
//SET 3, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB |= 0x08;
//SET 3, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC |= 0x08;
//SET 3, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD |= 0x08;
//SET 3, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE |= 0x08;
//SET 3, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x0800;
//SET 3, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x08;
//SET 3, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x08);
//SET 3, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= 0x08;
//SET 4, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB |= 0x10;
//SET 4, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC |= 0x10;
//SET 4, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD |= 0x10;
//SET 4, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE |= 0x10;
//SET 4, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x1000;
//SET 4, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x10;
//SET 4, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x10);
//SET 4, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= 0x10;
//SET 5, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB |= 0x20;
//SET 5, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC |= 0x20;
//SET 5, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD |= 0x20;
//SET 5, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE |= 0x20;
//SET 5, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x2000;
//SET 5, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x20;
//SET 5, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x20);
//SET 5, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= 0x20;
//SET 6, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB |= 0x40;
//SET 6, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC |= 0x40;
//SET 6, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD |= 0x40;
//SET 6, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE |= 0x40;
//SET 6, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x4000;
//SET 6, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x40;
//SET 6, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x40);
//SET 6, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= 0x40;
//SET 7, B
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerB |= 0x80;
//SET 7, C
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerC |= 0x80;
//SET 7, D
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerD |= 0x80;
//SET 7, E
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerE |= 0x80;
//SET 7, H
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x8000;
//SET 7, L
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registersHL |= 0x80;
//SET 7, (HL)
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.memoryWriter[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL, parentObj.memoryReader[parentObj.registersHL](parentObj, parentObj.registersHL) | 0x80);
//SET 7, A
,function (parentObj) {"use strict";
parentObj.registerA |= 0x80;
GameBoyCore.prototype.TICKTable = [ //Number of machine cycles for each instruction:
/* 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F*/
4, 12, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, 20, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, //0
4, 12, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, 12, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, //1
8, 12, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, //2
8, 12, 8, 8, 12, 12, 12, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 4, //3
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //4
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //5
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //6
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //7
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //8
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //9
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //A
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, //B
8, 12, 12, 16, 12, 16, 8, 16, 8, 16, 12, 0, 12, 24, 8, 16, //C
8, 12, 12, 4, 12, 16, 8, 16, 8, 16, 12, 4, 12, 4, 8, 16, //D
12, 12, 8, 4, 4, 16, 8, 16, 16, 4, 16, 4, 4, 4, 8, 16, //E
12, 12, 8, 4, 4, 16, 8, 16, 12, 8, 16, 4, 0, 4, 8, 16 //F
GameBoyCore.prototype.SecondaryTICKTable = [ //Number of machine cycles for each 0xCBXX instruction:
/* 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F*/
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //0
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //1
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //2
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //3
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, //4
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, //5
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, //6
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 8, //7
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //8
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //9
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //A
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //B
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //C
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //D
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, //E
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 8 //F
GameBoyCore.prototype.saveSRAMState = function () {"use strict";
if (!this.cBATT || this.MBCRam.length == 0) {
//No battery backup...
return [];
else {
//Return the MBC RAM for backup...
return this.fromTypedArray(this.MBCRam);
GameBoyCore.prototype.saveRTCState = function () {"use strict";
if (!this.cTIMER) {
//No battery backup...
return [];
else {
//Return the MBC RAM for backup...
return [
GameBoyCore.prototype.saveState = function () {"use strict";
return [
GameBoyCore.prototype.returnFromState = function (returnedFrom) {"use strict";
var index = 0;
var state = returnedFrom.slice(0);
this.ROM = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8");
this.ROMBankEdge = Math.floor(this.ROM.length / 0x4000);
this.inBootstrap = state[index++];
this.registerA = state[index++];
this.FZero = state[index++];
this.FSubtract = state[index++];
this.FHalfCarry = state[index++];
this.FCarry = state[index++];
this.registerB = state[index++];
this.registerC = state[index++];
this.registerD = state[index++];
this.registerE = state[index++];
this.registersHL = state[index++];
this.stackPointer = state[index++];
this.programCounter = state[index++];
this.halt = state[index++];
this.IME = state[index++];
this.hdmaRunning = state[index++];
this.CPUTicks = state[index++];
this.doubleSpeedShifter = state[index++];
this.memory = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8");
this.MBCRam = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8");
this.VRAM = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8");
this.currVRAMBank = state[index++];
this.GBCMemory = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8");
this.MBC1Mode = state[index++];
this.MBCRAMBanksEnabled = state[index++];
this.currMBCRAMBank = state[index++];
this.currMBCRAMBankPosition = state[index++];
this.cGBC = state[index++];
this.gbcRamBank = state[index++];
this.gbcRamBankPosition = state[index++];
this.ROMBank1offs = state[index++];
this.currentROMBank = state[index++];
this.cartridgeType = state[index++]; = state[index++];
this.gameCode = state[index++];
this.modeSTAT = state[index++];
this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT = state[index++];
this.mode2TriggerSTAT = state[index++];
this.mode1TriggerSTAT = state[index++];
this.mode0TriggerSTAT = state[index++];
this.LCDisOn = state[index++];
this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition = state[index++];
this.gfxWindowDisplay = state[index++];
this.gfxSpriteShow = state[index++];
this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight = state[index++];
this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition = state[index++];
this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset = state[index++];
this.TIMAEnabled = state[index++];
this.DIVTicks = state[index++];
this.LCDTicks = state[index++];
this.timerTicks = state[index++];
this.TACClocker = state[index++];
this.serialTimer = state[index++];
this.serialShiftTimer = state[index++];
this.serialShiftTimerAllocated = state[index++];
this.IRQEnableDelay = state[index++];
this.lastIteration = state[index++];
this.cMBC1 = state[index++];
this.cMBC2 = state[index++];
this.cMBC3 = state[index++];
this.cMBC5 = state[index++];
this.cMBC7 = state[index++];
this.cSRAM = state[index++];
this.cMMMO1 = state[index++];
this.cRUMBLE = state[index++];
this.cCamera = state[index++];
this.cTAMA5 = state[index++];
this.cHuC3 = state[index++];
this.cHuC1 = state[index++];
this.drewBlank = state[index++];
this.frameBuffer = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32");
this.bgEnabled = state[index++];
this.BGPriorityEnabled = state[index++];
this.channel1FrequencyTracker = state[index++];
this.channel1FrequencyCounter = state[index++];
this.channel1totalLength = state[index++];
this.channel1envelopeVolume = state[index++];
this.channel1envelopeType = state[index++];
this.channel1envelopeSweeps = state[index++];
this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = state[index++];
this.channel1consecutive = state[index++];
this.channel1frequency = state[index++];
this.channel1SweepFault = state[index++];
this.channel1ShadowFrequency = state[index++];
this.channel1timeSweep = state[index++];
this.channel1lastTimeSweep = state[index++];
this.channel1numSweep = state[index++];
this.channel1frequencySweepDivider = state[index++];
this.channel1decreaseSweep = state[index++];
this.channel2FrequencyTracker = state[index++];
this.channel2FrequencyCounter = state[index++];
this.channel2totalLength = state[index++];
this.channel2envelopeVolume = state[index++];
this.channel2envelopeType = state[index++];
this.channel2envelopeSweeps = state[index++];
this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = state[index++];
this.channel2consecutive = state[index++];
this.channel2frequency = state[index++];
this.channel3canPlay = state[index++];
this.channel3totalLength = state[index++];
this.channel3patternType = state[index++];
this.channel3frequency = state[index++];
this.channel3consecutive = state[index++];
this.channel3PCM = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int8");
this.channel4FrequencyPeriod = state[index++];
this.channel4lastSampleLookup = state[index++];
this.channel4totalLength = state[index++];
this.channel4envelopeVolume = state[index++];
this.channel4currentVolume = state[index++];
this.channel4envelopeType = state[index++];
this.channel4envelopeSweeps = state[index++];
this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = state[index++];
this.channel4consecutive = state[index++];
this.channel4BitRange = state[index++];
this.soundMasterEnabled = state[index++];
this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = state[index++];
this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = state[index++];
this.leftChannel1 = state[index++];
this.leftChannel2 = state[index++];
this.leftChannel3 = state[index++];
this.leftChannel4 = state[index++];
this.rightChannel1 = state[index++];
this.rightChannel2 = state[index++];
this.rightChannel3 = state[index++];
this.rightChannel4 = state[index++];
this.channel1currentSampleLeft = state[index++];
this.channel1currentSampleRight = state[index++];
this.channel2currentSampleLeft = state[index++];
this.channel2currentSampleRight = state[index++];
this.channel3currentSampleLeft = state[index++];
this.channel3currentSampleRight = state[index++];
this.channel4currentSampleLeft = state[index++];
this.channel4currentSampleRight = state[index++];
this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary = state[index++];
this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary = state[index++];
this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary = state[index++];
this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary = state[index++];
this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary = state[index++];
this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary = state[index++];
this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary = state[index++];
this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary = state[index++];
this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary = state[index++];
this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary = state[index++];
this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary = state[index++];
this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary = state[index++];
this.mixerOutputCache = state[index++];
this.channel1DutyTracker = state[index++];
this.channel1CachedDuty = state[index++];
this.channel2DutyTracker = state[index++];
this.channel2CachedDuty = state[index++];
this.channel1Enabled = state[index++];
this.channel2Enabled = state[index++];
this.channel3Enabled = state[index++];
this.channel4Enabled = state[index++];
this.sequencerClocks = state[index++];
this.sequencePosition = state[index++];
this.channel3Counter = state[index++];
this.channel4Counter = state[index++];
this.cachedChannel3Sample = state[index++];
this.cachedChannel4Sample = state[index++];
this.channel3FrequencyPeriod = state[index++];
this.channel3lastSampleLookup = state[index++];
this.actualScanLine = state[index++];
this.lastUnrenderedLine = state[index++];
this.queuedScanLines = state[index++];
this.RTCisLatched = state[index++];
this.latchedSeconds = state[index++];
this.latchedMinutes = state[index++];
this.latchedHours = state[index++];
this.latchedLDays = state[index++];
this.latchedHDays = state[index++];
this.RTCSeconds = state[index++];
this.RTCMinutes = state[index++];
this.RTCHours = state[index++];
this.RTCDays = state[index++];
this.RTCDayOverFlow = state[index++];
this.RTCHALT = state[index++];
this.usedBootROM = state[index++];
this.skipPCIncrement = state[index++];
this.STATTracker = state[index++];
this.gbcRamBankPositionECHO = state[index++];
this.numRAMBanks = state[index++];
this.windowY = state[index++];
this.windowX = state[index++];
this.gbcOBJRawPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8");
this.gbcBGRawPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8");
this.gbOBJPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32");
this.gbBGPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32");
this.gbcOBJPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32");
this.gbcBGPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32");
this.gbBGColorizedPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32");
this.gbOBJColorizedPalette = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32");
this.cachedBGPaletteConversion = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32");
this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "int32");
this.BGCHRBank1 = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8");
this.BGCHRBank2 = this.toTypedArray(state[index++], "uint8");
this.haltPostClocks = state[index++];
this.interruptsRequested = state[index++];
this.interruptsEnabled = state[index++];
this.remainingClocks = state[index++];
this.colorizedGBPalettes = state[index++];
this.backgroundY = state[index++];
this.backgroundX = state[index++];
this.CPUStopped = state[index];
this.fromSaveState = true;
this.TICKTable = this.toTypedArray(this.TICKTable, "uint8");
this.SecondaryTICKTable = this.toTypedArray(this.SecondaryTICKTable, "uint8");
this.noiseSampleTable = (this.channel4BitRange == 0x7FFF) ? this.LSFR15Table : this.LSFR7Table;
this.channel4VolumeShifter = (this.channel4BitRange == 0x7FFF) ? 15 : 7;
GameBoyCore.prototype.returnFromRTCState = function () {"use strict";
if (typeof this.openRTC == "function" && this.cTIMER) {
var rtcData = this.openRTC(;
var index = 0;
this.lastIteration = rtcData[index++];
this.RTCisLatched = rtcData[index++];
this.latchedSeconds = rtcData[index++];
this.latchedMinutes = rtcData[index++];
this.latchedHours = rtcData[index++];
this.latchedLDays = rtcData[index++];
this.latchedHDays = rtcData[index++];
this.RTCSeconds = rtcData[index++];
this.RTCMinutes = rtcData[index++];
this.RTCHours = rtcData[index++];
this.RTCDays = rtcData[index++];
this.RTCDayOverFlow = rtcData[index++];
this.RTCHALT = rtcData[index];
GameBoyCore.prototype.start = function () {"use strict";
this.initMemory(); //Write the startup memory.
this.ROMLoad(); //Load the ROM into memory and get cartridge information from it.
this.initLCD(); //Initialize the graphics.
this.initSound(); //Sound object initialization.; //Start the emulation.
GameBoyCore.prototype.initMemory = function () {"use strict";
//Initialize the RAM:
this.memory = this.getTypedArray(0x10000, 0, "uint8");
this.frameBuffer = this.getTypedArray(23040, 0xF8F8F8, "int32");
this.BGCHRBank1 = this.getTypedArray(0x800, 0, "uint8");
this.TICKTable = this.toTypedArray(this.TICKTable, "uint8");
this.SecondaryTICKTable = this.toTypedArray(this.SecondaryTICKTable, "uint8");
this.channel3PCM = this.getTypedArray(0x20, 0, "int8");
GameBoyCore.prototype.generateCacheArray = function (tileAmount) {"use strict";
var tileArray = [];
var tileNumber = 0;
while (tileNumber < tileAmount) {
tileArray[tileNumber++] = this.getTypedArray(64, 0, "uint8");
return tileArray;
GameBoyCore.prototype.initSkipBootstrap = function () {"use strict";
//Fill in the boot ROM set register values
//Default values to the GB boot ROM values, then fill in the GBC boot ROM values after ROM loading
var index = 0xFF;
while (index >= 0) {
if (index >= 0x30 && index < 0x40) {
this.memoryWrite(0xFF00 | index, this.ffxxDump[index]);
else {
switch (index) {
case 0x00:
case 0x01:
case 0x02:
case 0x05:
case 0x07:
case 0x0F:
case 0xFF:
this.memoryWrite(0xFF00 | index, this.ffxxDump[index]);
this.memory[0xFF00 | index] = this.ffxxDump[index];
if (this.cGBC) {
this.memory[0xFF6C] = 0xFE;
this.memory[0xFF74] = 0xFE;
else {
this.memory[0xFF48] = 0xFF;
this.memory[0xFF49] = 0xFF;
this.memory[0xFF6C] = 0xFF;
this.memory[0xFF74] = 0xFF;
//Start as an unset device:
cout("Starting without the GBC boot ROM.", 0);
this.registerA = (this.cGBC) ? 0x11 : 0x1;
this.registerB = 0;
this.registerC = 0x13;
this.registerD = 0;
this.registerE = 0xD8;
this.FZero = true;
this.FSubtract = false;
this.FHalfCarry = true;
this.FCarry = true;
this.registersHL = 0x014D;
this.IME = false;
this.IRQLineMatched = 0;
this.interruptsRequested = 225;
this.interruptsEnabled = 0;
this.hdmaRunning = false;
this.CPUTicks = 12;
this.STATTracker = 0;
this.modeSTAT = 1;
this.spriteCount = 252;
this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT = false;
this.mode2TriggerSTAT = false;
this.mode1TriggerSTAT = false;
this.mode0TriggerSTAT = false;
this.LCDisOn = true;
this.channel1FrequencyTracker = 0x2000;
this.channel1DutyTracker = 0;
this.channel1CachedDuty = this.dutyLookup[2];
this.channel1totalLength = 0;
this.channel1envelopeVolume = 0;
this.channel1envelopeType = false;
this.channel1envelopeSweeps = 0;
this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = 0;
this.channel1consecutive = true;
this.channel1frequency = 1985;
this.channel1SweepFault = true;
this.channel1ShadowFrequency = 1985;
this.channel1timeSweep = 1;
this.channel1lastTimeSweep = 0;
this.channel1numSweep = 0;
this.channel1frequencySweepDivider = 0;
this.channel1decreaseSweep = false;
this.channel2FrequencyTracker = 0x2000;
this.channel2DutyTracker = 0;
this.channel2CachedDuty = this.dutyLookup[2];
this.channel2totalLength = 0;
this.channel2envelopeVolume = 0;
this.channel2envelopeType = false;
this.channel2envelopeSweeps = 0;
this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = 0;
this.channel2consecutive = true;
this.channel2frequency = 0;
this.channel3canPlay = false;
this.channel3totalLength = 0;
this.channel3patternType = 4;
this.channel3frequency = 0;
this.channel3consecutive = true;
this.channel3Counter = 0x418;
this.channel4FrequencyPeriod = 8;
this.channel4totalLength = 0;
this.channel4envelopeVolume = 0;
this.channel4currentVolume = 0;
this.channel4envelopeType = false;
this.channel4envelopeSweeps = 0;
this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = 0;
this.channel4consecutive = true;
this.channel4BitRange = 0x7FFF;
this.channel4VolumeShifter = 15;
this.channel1FrequencyCounter = 0x200;
this.channel2FrequencyCounter = 0x200;
this.channel3Counter = 0x800;
this.channel3FrequencyPeriod = 0x800;
this.channel3lastSampleLookup = 0;
this.channel4lastSampleLookup = 0;
this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = 1;
this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = 1;
this.soundMasterEnabled = true;
this.leftChannel1 = true;
this.leftChannel2 = true;
this.leftChannel3 = true;
this.leftChannel4 = true;
this.rightChannel1 = true;
this.rightChannel2 = true;
this.rightChannel3 = false;
this.rightChannel4 = false;
this.DIVTicks = 27044;
this.LCDTicks = 160;
this.timerTicks = 0;
this.TIMAEnabled = false;
this.TACClocker = 1024;
this.serialTimer = 0;
this.serialShiftTimer = 0;
this.serialShiftTimerAllocated = 0;
this.IRQEnableDelay = 0;
this.actualScanLine = 144;
this.lastUnrenderedLine = 0;
this.gfxWindowDisplay = false;
this.gfxSpriteShow = false;
this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight = true;
this.bgEnabled = true;
this.BGPriorityEnabled = true;
this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition = 0;
this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition = 0;
this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset = 0;
this.windowY = 0;
this.windowX = 0;
this.drewBlank = 0;
this.midScanlineOffset = -1;
this.currentX = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.initBootstrap = function () {"use strict";
//Start as an unset device:
cout("Starting the selected boot ROM.", 0);
this.programCounter = 0;
this.stackPointer = 0;
this.IME = false;
this.LCDTicks = 0;
this.DIVTicks = 0;
this.registerA = 0;
this.registerB = 0;
this.registerC = 0;
this.registerD = 0;
this.registerE = 0;
this.FZero = this.FSubtract = this.FHalfCarry = this.FCarry = false;
this.registersHL = 0;
this.leftChannel1 = false;
this.leftChannel2 = false;
this.leftChannel3 = false;
this.leftChannel4 = false;
this.rightChannel1 = false;
this.rightChannel2 = false;
this.rightChannel3 = false;
this.rightChannel4 = false;
this.channel2frequency = this.channel1frequency = 0;
this.channel4consecutive = this.channel2consecutive = this.channel1consecutive = false;
this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = 8;
this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = 8;
this.memory[0xFF00] = 0xF; //Set the joypad state.
GameBoyCore.prototype.ROMLoad = function () {"use strict";
//Load the first two ROM banks (0x0000 - 0x7FFF) into regular gameboy memory:
this.ROM = [];
this.usedBootROM = settings[1];
var maxLength = this.ROMImage.length;
if (maxLength < 0x4000) {
throw(new Error("ROM image size too small."));
this.ROM = this.getTypedArray(maxLength, 0, "uint8");
var romIndex = 0;
if (this.usedBootROM) {
if (!settings[11]) {
//Patch in the GBC boot ROM into the memory map:
for (; romIndex < 0x100; ++romIndex) {
this.memory[romIndex] = this.GBCBOOTROM[romIndex]; //Load in the GameBoy Color BOOT ROM.
this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Decode the ROM binary for the switch out.
for (; romIndex < 0x200; ++romIndex) {
this.memory[romIndex] = this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Load in the game ROM.
for (; romIndex < 0x900; ++romIndex) {
this.memory[romIndex] = this.GBCBOOTROM[romIndex - 0x100]; //Load in the GameBoy Color BOOT ROM.
this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Decode the ROM binary for the switch out.
this.usedGBCBootROM = true;
else {
//Patch in the GBC boot ROM into the memory map:
for (; romIndex < 0x100; ++romIndex) {
this.memory[romIndex] = this.GBBOOTROM[romIndex]; //Load in the GameBoy Color BOOT ROM.
this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Decode the ROM binary for the switch out.
for (; romIndex < 0x4000; ++romIndex) {
this.memory[romIndex] = this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Load in the game ROM.
else {
//Don't load in the boot ROM:
for (; romIndex < 0x4000; ++romIndex) {
this.memory[romIndex] = this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF); //Load in the game ROM.
//Finish the decoding of the ROM binary:
for (; romIndex < maxLength; ++romIndex) {
this.ROM[romIndex] = (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(romIndex) & 0xFF);
this.ROMBankEdge = Math.floor(this.ROM.length / 0x4000);
//Set up the emulator for the cartidge specifics:
//Check for IRQ matching upon initialization:
GameBoyCore.prototype.getROMImage = function () {"use strict";
//Return the binary version of the ROM image currently running:
if (this.ROMImage.length > 0) {
return this.ROMImage.length;
var length = this.ROM.length;
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
this.ROMImage += String.fromCharCode(this.ROM[index]);
return this.ROMImage;
GameBoyCore.prototype.interpretCartridge = function () {"use strict";
// ROM name
for (var index = 0x134; index < 0x13F; index++) {
if (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(index) > 0) { += this.ROMImage[index];
// ROM game code (for newer games)
for (var index = 0x13F; index < 0x143; index++) {
if (this.ROMImage.charCodeAt(index) > 0) {
this.gameCode += this.ROMImage[index];
cout("Game Title: " + + "[" + this.gameCode + "][" + this.ROMImage[0x143] + "]", 0);
cout("Game Code: " + this.gameCode, 0);
// Cartridge type
this.cartridgeType = this.ROM[0x147];
cout("Cartridge type #" + this.cartridgeType, 0);
//Map out ROM cartridge sub-types.
var MBCType = "";
switch (this.cartridgeType) {
case 0x00:
//ROM w/o bank switching
if (!settings[9]) {
MBCType = "ROM";
case 0x01:
this.cMBC1 = true;
MBCType = "MBC1";
case 0x02:
this.cMBC1 = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
MBCType = "MBC1 + SRAM";
case 0x03:
this.cMBC1 = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
this.cBATT = true;
MBCType = "MBC1 + SRAM + BATT";
case 0x05:
this.cMBC2 = true;
MBCType = "MBC2";
case 0x06:
this.cMBC2 = true;
this.cBATT = true;
MBCType = "MBC2 + BATT";
case 0x08:
this.cSRAM = true;
MBCType = "ROM + SRAM";
case 0x09:
this.cSRAM = true;
this.cBATT = true;
MBCType = "ROM + SRAM + BATT";
case 0x0B:
this.cMMMO1 = true;
MBCType = "MMMO1";
case 0x0C:
this.cMMMO1 = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
MBCType = "MMMO1 + SRAM";
case 0x0D:
this.cMMMO1 = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
this.cBATT = true;
MBCType = "MMMO1 + SRAM + BATT";
case 0x0F:
this.cMBC3 = true;
this.cTIMER = true;
this.cBATT = true;
MBCType = "MBC3 + TIMER + BATT";
case 0x10:
this.cMBC3 = true;
this.cTIMER = true;
this.cBATT = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
case 0x11:
this.cMBC3 = true;
MBCType = "MBC3";
case 0x12:
this.cMBC3 = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
MBCType = "MBC3 + SRAM";
case 0x13:
this.cMBC3 = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
this.cBATT = true;
MBCType = "MBC3 + SRAM + BATT";
case 0x19:
this.cMBC5 = true;
MBCType = "MBC5";
case 0x1A:
this.cMBC5 = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
MBCType = "MBC5 + SRAM";
case 0x1B:
this.cMBC5 = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
this.cBATT = true;
MBCType = "MBC5 + SRAM + BATT";
case 0x1C:
this.cRUMBLE = true;
case 0x1D:
this.cRUMBLE = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
case 0x1E:
this.cRUMBLE = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
this.cBATT = true;
case 0x1F:
this.cCamera = true;
MBCType = "GameBoy Camera";
case 0x22:
this.cMBC7 = true;
this.cSRAM = true;
this.cBATT = true;
MBCType = "MBC7 + SRAM + BATT";
case 0xFD:
this.cTAMA5 = true;
MBCType = "TAMA5";
case 0xFE:
this.cHuC3 = true;
MBCType = "HuC3";
case 0xFF:
this.cHuC1 = true;
MBCType = "HuC1";
MBCType = "Unknown";
cout("Cartridge type is unknown.", 2);
cout("Cartridge Type: " + MBCType + ".", 0);
// ROM and RAM banks
this.numROMBanks = this.ROMBanks[this.ROM[0x148]];
cout(this.numROMBanks + " ROM banks.", 0);
switch (this.RAMBanks[this.ROM[0x149]]) {
case 0:
cout("No RAM banking requested for allocation or MBC is of type 2.", 0);
case 2:
cout("1 RAM bank requested for allocation.", 0);
case 3:
cout("4 RAM banks requested for allocation.", 0);
case 4:
cout("16 RAM banks requested for allocation.", 0);
cout("RAM bank amount requested is unknown, will use maximum allowed by specified MBC type.", 0);
//Check the GB/GBC mode byte:
if (!this.usedBootROM) {
switch (this.ROM[0x143]) {
case 0x00: //Only GB mode
this.cGBC = false;
cout("Only GB mode detected.", 0);
case 0x32: //Exception to the GBC identifying code:
if (!settings[2] && + this.gameCode + this.ROM[0x143] == "Game and Watch 50") {
this.cGBC = true;
cout("Created a boot exception for Game and Watch Gallery 2 (GBC ID byte is wrong on the cartridge).", 1);
else {
this.cGBC = false;
case 0x80: //Both GB + GBC modes
this.cGBC = !settings[2];
cout("GB and GBC mode detected.", 0);
case 0xC0: //Only GBC mode
this.cGBC = true;
cout("Only GBC mode detected.", 0);
this.cGBC = false;
cout("Unknown GameBoy game type code #" + this.ROM[0x143] + ", defaulting to GB mode (Old games don't have a type code).", 1);
this.inBootstrap = false;
this.setupRAM(); //CPU/(V)RAM initialization.
this.initializeAudioStartState(); // Line added for benchmarking.
else {
this.cGBC = this.usedGBCBootROM; //Allow the GBC boot ROM to run in GBC mode...
this.setupRAM(); //CPU/(V)RAM initialization.
//License Code Lookup:
var cOldLicense = this.ROM[0x14B];
var cNewLicense = (this.ROM[0x144] & 0xFF00) | (this.ROM[0x145] & 0xFF);
if (cOldLicense != 0x33) {
//Old Style License Header
cout("Old style license code: " + cOldLicense, 0);
else {
//New Style License Header
cout("New style license code: " + cNewLicense, 0);
this.ROMImage = ""; //Memory consumption reduction.
GameBoyCore.prototype.disableBootROM = function () {"use strict";
//Remove any traces of the boot ROM from ROM memory.
for (var index = 0; index < 0x100; ++index) {
this.memory[index] = this.ROM[index]; //Replace the GameBoy or GameBoy Color boot ROM with the game ROM.
if (this.usedGBCBootROM) {
//Remove any traces of the boot ROM from ROM memory.
for (index = 0x200; index < 0x900; ++index) {
this.memory[index] = this.ROM[index]; //Replace the GameBoy Color boot ROM with the game ROM.
if (!this.cGBC) {
//Clean up the post-boot (GB mode only) state:
else {
else {
GameBoyCore.prototype.initializeTiming = function () {"use strict";
//Emulator Timing:
this.baseCPUCyclesPerIteration = 0x80000 / 0x7D * settings[6];
this.CPUCyclesTotalRoundoff = this.baseCPUCyclesPerIteration % 4;
this.CPUCyclesTotalBase = this.CPUCyclesTotal = (this.baseCPUCyclesPerIteration - this.CPUCyclesTotalRoundoff) | 0;
this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.setupRAM = function () {"use strict";
//Setup the auxilliary/switchable RAM:
if (this.cMBC2) {
this.numRAMBanks = 1 / 16;
else if (this.cMBC1 || this.cRUMBLE || this.cMBC3 || this.cHuC3) {
this.numRAMBanks = 4;
else if (this.cMBC5) {
this.numRAMBanks = 16;
else if (this.cSRAM) {
this.numRAMBanks = 1;
if (this.numRAMBanks > 0) {
if (!this.MBCRAMUtilized()) {
//For ROM and unknown MBC cartridges using the external RAM:
this.MBCRAMBanksEnabled = true;
//Switched RAM Used
var MBCRam = (typeof this.openMBC == "function") ? this.openMBC( : [];
if (MBCRam.length > 0) {
//Flash the SRAM into memory:
this.MBCRam = this.toTypedArray(MBCRam, "uint8");
else {
this.MBCRam = this.getTypedArray(this.numRAMBanks * 0x2000, 0, "uint8");
cout("Actual bytes of MBC RAM allocated: " + (this.numRAMBanks * 0x2000), 0);
//Setup the RAM for GBC mode.
if (this.cGBC) {
this.VRAM = this.getTypedArray(0x2000, 0, "uint8");
this.GBCMemory = this.getTypedArray(0x7000, 0, "uint8");
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBCRAMUtilized = function () {"use strict";
return this.cMBC1 || this.cMBC2 || this.cMBC3 || this.cMBC5 || this.cMBC7 || this.cRUMBLE;
GameBoyCore.prototype.recomputeDimension = function () {"use strict";
//Cache some dimension info:
this.onscreenWidth = this.canvas.width;
this.onscreenHeight = this.canvas.height;
// The following line was modified for benchmarking:
if (GameBoyWindow && GameBoyWindow.mozRequestAnimationFrame) {
//Firefox slowness hack:
this.canvas.width = this.onscreenWidth = (!settings[12]) ? 160 : this.canvas.width;
this.canvas.height = this.onscreenHeight = (!settings[12]) ? 144 : this.canvas.height;
else {
this.onscreenWidth = this.canvas.width;
this.onscreenHeight = this.canvas.height;
this.offscreenWidth = (!settings[12]) ? 160 : this.canvas.width;
this.offscreenHeight = (!settings[12]) ? 144 : this.canvas.height;
this.offscreenRGBCount = this.offscreenWidth * this.offscreenHeight * 4;
GameBoyCore.prototype.initLCD = function () {"use strict";
if (this.offscreenRGBCount != 92160) {
//Only create the resizer handle if we need it:
else {
//Resizer not needed:
this.resizer = null;
try {
this.canvasOffscreen = new GameBoyCanvas(); // Line modified for benchmarking.
this.canvasOffscreen.width = this.offscreenWidth;
this.canvasOffscreen.height = this.offscreenHeight;
this.drawContextOffscreen = this.canvasOffscreen.getContext("2d");
this.drawContextOnscreen = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
//Get a CanvasPixelArray buffer:
try {
this.canvasBuffer = this.drawContextOffscreen.createImageData(this.offscreenWidth, this.offscreenHeight);
catch (error) {"use strict";
cout("Falling back to the getImageData initialization (Error \"" + error.message + "\").", 1);
this.canvasBuffer = this.drawContextOffscreen.getImageData(0, 0, this.offscreenWidth, this.offscreenHeight);
var index = this.offscreenRGBCount;
while (index > 0) {[index -= 4] = 0xF8;[index + 1] = 0xF8;[index + 2] = 0xF8;[index + 3] = 0xFF;
this.graphicsBlit(); = "visible";
if (this.swizzledFrame == null) {
this.swizzledFrame = this.getTypedArray(69120, 0xFF, "uint8");
//Test the draw system and browser vblank latching:
this.drewFrame = true; //Copy the latest graphics to buffer.
catch (error) {
throw(new Error("HTML5 Canvas support required: " + error.message + "file: " + error.fileName + ", line: " + error.lineNumber));
GameBoyCore.prototype.graphicsBlit = function () {"use strict";
if (this.offscreenWidth == this.onscreenWidth && this.offscreenHeight == this.onscreenHeight) {
this.drawContextOnscreen.putImageData(this.canvasBuffer, 0, 0);
else {
this.drawContextOffscreen.putImageData(this.canvasBuffer, 0, 0);
this.drawContextOnscreen.drawImage(this.canvasOffscreen, 0, 0, this.onscreenWidth, this.onscreenHeight);
GameBoyCore.prototype.JoyPadEvent = function (key, down) {"use strict";
if (down) {
this.JoyPad &= 0xFF ^ (1 << key);
if (!this.cGBC && (!this.usedBootROM || !this.usedGBCBootROM)) {
this.interruptsRequested |= 0x10; //A real GBC doesn't set this!
this.remainingClocks = 0;
else {
this.JoyPad |= (1 << key);
this.memory[0xFF00] = (this.memory[0xFF00] & 0x30) + ((((this.memory[0xFF00] & 0x20) == 0) ? (this.JoyPad >> 4) : 0xF) & (((this.memory[0xFF00] & 0x10) == 0) ? (this.JoyPad & 0xF) : 0xF));
this.CPUStopped = false;
GameBoyCore.prototype.GyroEvent = function (x, y) {"use strict";
x *= -100;
x += 2047;
this.highX = x >> 8;
this.lowX = x & 0xFF;
y *= -100;
y += 2047;
this.highY = y >> 8;
this.lowY = y & 0xFF;
GameBoyCore.prototype.initSound = function () {"use strict";
this.sampleSize = 0x400000 / 1000 * settings[6];
this.machineOut = settings[13];
if (settings[0]) {
try {
var parentObj = this;
this.audioHandle = new XAudioServer(2, 0x400000 / settings[13], 0, Math.max(this.sampleSize * settings[8] / settings[13], 8192) << 1, null, settings[14]);
catch (error) {
cout("Audio system cannot run: " + error.message, 2);
settings[0] = false;
else if (this.audioHandle) {
//Mute the audio output, as it has an immediate silencing effect:
try {
catch (error) { }
GameBoyCore.prototype.changeVolume = function () {"use strict";
if (settings[0] && this.audioHandle) {
try {
catch (error) { }
GameBoyCore.prototype.initAudioBuffer = function () {"use strict";
this.audioIndex = 0;
this.bufferContainAmount = Math.max(this.sampleSize * settings[7] / settings[13], 4096) << 1;
this.numSamplesTotal = (this.sampleSize - (this.sampleSize % settings[13])) | 0;
this.currentBuffer = this.getTypedArray(this.numSamplesTotal, 0xF0F0, "int32");
this.secondaryBuffer = this.getTypedArray((this.numSamplesTotal << 1) / settings[13], 0, "float32");
GameBoyCore.prototype.intializeWhiteNoise = function () {"use strict";
//Noise Sample Tables:
var randomFactor = 1;
//15-bit LSFR Cache Generation:
this.LSFR15Table = this.getTypedArray(0x80000, 0, "int8");
var LSFR = 0x7FFF; //Seed value has all its bits set.
var LSFRShifted = 0x3FFF;
for (var index = 0; index < 0x8000; ++index) {
//Normalize the last LSFR value for usage:
randomFactor = 1 - (LSFR & 1); //Docs say it's the inverse.
//Cache the different volume level results:
this.LSFR15Table[0x08000 | index] = randomFactor;
this.LSFR15Table[0x10000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x2;
this.LSFR15Table[0x18000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x3;
this.LSFR15Table[0x20000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x4;
this.LSFR15Table[0x28000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x5;
this.LSFR15Table[0x30000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x6;
this.LSFR15Table[0x38000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x7;
this.LSFR15Table[0x40000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x8;
this.LSFR15Table[0x48000 | index] = randomFactor * 0x9;
this.LSFR15Table[0x50000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xA;
this.LSFR15Table[0x58000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xB;
this.LSFR15Table[0x60000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xC;
this.LSFR15Table[0x68000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xD;
this.LSFR15Table[0x70000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xE;
this.LSFR15Table[0x78000 | index] = randomFactor * 0xF;
//Recompute the LSFR algorithm:
LSFRShifted = LSFR >> 1;
LSFR = LSFRShifted | (((LSFRShifted ^ LSFR) & 0x1) << 14);
//7-bit LSFR Cache Generation:
this.LSFR7Table = this.getTypedArray(0x800, 0, "int8");
LSFR = 0x7F; //Seed value has all its bits set.
for (index = 0; index < 0x80; ++index) {
//Normalize the last LSFR value for usage:
randomFactor = 1 - (LSFR & 1); //Docs say it's the inverse.
//Cache the different volume level results:
this.LSFR7Table[0x080 | index] = randomFactor;
this.LSFR7Table[0x100 | index] = randomFactor * 0x2;
this.LSFR7Table[0x180 | index] = randomFactor * 0x3;
this.LSFR7Table[0x200 | index] = randomFactor * 0x4;
this.LSFR7Table[0x280 | index] = randomFactor * 0x5;
this.LSFR7Table[0x300 | index] = randomFactor * 0x6;
this.LSFR7Table[0x380 | index] = randomFactor * 0x7;
this.LSFR7Table[0x400 | index] = randomFactor * 0x8;
this.LSFR7Table[0x480 | index] = randomFactor * 0x9;
this.LSFR7Table[0x500 | index] = randomFactor * 0xA;
this.LSFR7Table[0x580 | index] = randomFactor * 0xB;
this.LSFR7Table[0x600 | index] = randomFactor * 0xC;
this.LSFR7Table[0x680 | index] = randomFactor * 0xD;
this.LSFR7Table[0x700 | index] = randomFactor * 0xE;
this.LSFR7Table[0x780 | index] = randomFactor * 0xF;
//Recompute the LSFR algorithm:
LSFRShifted = LSFR >> 1;
LSFR = LSFRShifted | (((LSFRShifted ^ LSFR) & 0x1) << 6);
if (!this.noiseSampleTable && this.memory.length == 0x10000) {
//If enabling audio for the first time after a game is already running, set up the internal table reference:
this.noiseSampleTable = ((this.memory[0xFF22] & 0x8) == 0x8) ? this.LSFR7Table : this.LSFR15Table;
GameBoyCore.prototype.audioUnderrunAdjustment = function () {"use strict";
if (settings[0]) {
var underrunAmount = this.bufferContainAmount - this.audioHandle.remainingBuffer();
if (underrunAmount > 0) {
this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent += (underrunAmount >> 1) * this.machineOut;
GameBoyCore.prototype.initializeAudioStartState = function () {"use strict";
this.channel1FrequencyTracker = 0x2000;
this.channel1DutyTracker = 0;
this.channel1CachedDuty = this.dutyLookup[2];
this.channel1totalLength = 0;
this.channel1envelopeVolume = 0;
this.channel1envelopeType = false;
this.channel1envelopeSweeps = 0;
this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = 0;
this.channel1consecutive = true;
this.channel1frequency = 0;
this.channel1SweepFault = false;
this.channel1ShadowFrequency = 0;
this.channel1timeSweep = 1;
this.channel1lastTimeSweep = 0;
this.channel1numSweep = 0;
this.channel1frequencySweepDivider = 0;
this.channel1decreaseSweep = false;
this.channel2FrequencyTracker = 0x2000;
this.channel2DutyTracker = 0;
this.channel2CachedDuty = this.dutyLookup[2];
this.channel2totalLength = 0;
this.channel2envelopeVolume = 0;
this.channel2envelopeType = false;
this.channel2envelopeSweeps = 0;
this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = 0;
this.channel2consecutive = true;
this.channel2frequency = 0;
this.channel3canPlay = false;
this.channel3totalLength = 0;
this.channel3patternType = 4;
this.channel3frequency = 0;
this.channel3consecutive = true;
this.channel3Counter = 0x800;
this.channel4FrequencyPeriod = 8;
this.channel4totalLength = 0;
this.channel4envelopeVolume = 0;
this.channel4currentVolume = 0;
this.channel4envelopeType = false;
this.channel4envelopeSweeps = 0;
this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = 0;
this.channel4consecutive = true;
this.channel4BitRange = 0x7FFF;
this.noiseSampleTable = this.LSFR15Table;
this.channel4VolumeShifter = 15;
this.channel1FrequencyCounter = 0x2000;
this.channel2FrequencyCounter = 0x2000;
this.channel3Counter = 0x800;
this.channel3FrequencyPeriod = 0x800;
this.channel3lastSampleLookup = 0;
this.channel4lastSampleLookup = 0;
this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = 8;
this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = 8;
this.mixerOutputCache = 0;
this.sequencerClocks = 0x2000;
this.sequencePosition = 0;
this.channel4FrequencyPeriod = 8;
this.channel4Counter = 8;
this.cachedChannel3Sample = 0;
this.cachedChannel4Sample = 0;
this.channel1Enabled = false;
this.channel2Enabled = false;
this.channel3Enabled = false;
this.channel4Enabled = false;
this.channel1canPlay = false;
this.channel2canPlay = false;
this.channel4canPlay = false;
GameBoyCore.prototype.outputAudio = function () {"use strict";
var sampleFactor = 0;
var dirtySample = 0;
var averageL = 0;
var averageR = 0;
var destinationPosition = 0;
var divisor1 = settings[13];
var divisor2 = divisor1 * 0xF0;
for (var sourcePosition = 0; sourcePosition < this.numSamplesTotal;) {
for (sampleFactor = averageL = averageR = 0; sampleFactor < divisor1; ++sampleFactor) {
dirtySample = this.currentBuffer[sourcePosition++];
averageL += dirtySample >> 9;
averageR += dirtySample & 0x1FF;
this.secondaryBuffer[destinationPosition++] = averageL / divisor2 - 1;
this.secondaryBuffer[destinationPosition++] = averageR / divisor2 - 1;
//Below are the audio generation functions timed against the CPU:
GameBoyCore.prototype.generateAudio = function (numSamples) {"use strict";
if (this.soundMasterEnabled && !this.CPUStopped) {
for (var samplesToGenerate = 0; numSamples > 0;) {
samplesToGenerate = (numSamples < this.sequencerClocks) ? numSamples : this.sequencerClocks;
this.sequencerClocks -= samplesToGenerate;
numSamples -= samplesToGenerate;
while (--samplesToGenerate > -1) {
this.currentBuffer[this.audioIndex++] = this.mixerOutputCache;
if (this.audioIndex == this.numSamplesTotal) {
this.audioIndex = 0;
if (this.sequencerClocks == 0) {
this.sequencerClocks = 0x2000;
else {
while (--numSamples > -1) {
this.currentBuffer[this.audioIndex++] = 0xF0F0;
if (this.audioIndex == this.numSamplesTotal) {
this.audioIndex = 0;
//Generate audio, but don't actually output it (Used for when sound is disabled by user/browser):
GameBoyCore.prototype.generateAudioFake = function (numSamples) {"use strict";
if (this.soundMasterEnabled && !this.CPUStopped) {
while (--numSamples > -1) {
if (--this.sequencerClocks == 0) {
this.sequencerClocks = 0x2000;
GameBoyCore.prototype.audioJIT = function () {"use strict";
//Audio Sample Generation Timing:
if (settings[0]) {
else {
this.audioTicks = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.audioComputeSequencer = function () {"use strict";
switch (this.sequencePosition++) {
case 0:
case 2:
case 4:
case 6:
case 7:
this.sequencePosition = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.clockAudioLength = function () {"use strict";
//Channel 1:
if (this.channel1totalLength > 1) {
else if (this.channel1totalLength == 1) {
this.channel1totalLength = 0;
this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFE; //Channel #1 On Flag Off
//Channel 2:
if (this.channel2totalLength > 1) {
else if (this.channel2totalLength == 1) {
this.channel2totalLength = 0;
this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFD; //Channel #2 On Flag Off
//Channel 3:
if (this.channel3totalLength > 1) {
else if (this.channel3totalLength == 1) {
this.channel3totalLength = 0;
this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFB; //Channel #3 On Flag Off
//Channel 4:
if (this.channel4totalLength > 1) {
else if (this.channel4totalLength == 1) {
this.channel4totalLength = 0;
this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xF7; //Channel #4 On Flag Off
GameBoyCore.prototype.clockAudioSweep = function () {"use strict";
//Channel 1:
if (!this.channel1SweepFault && this.channel1timeSweep > 0) {
if (--this.channel1timeSweep == 0) {
GameBoyCore.prototype.runAudioSweep = function () {"use strict";
//Channel 1:
if (this.channel1lastTimeSweep > 0) {
if (this.channel1frequencySweepDivider > 0) {
if (this.channel1numSweep > 0) {
if (this.channel1decreaseSweep) {
this.channel1ShadowFrequency -= this.channel1ShadowFrequency >> this.channel1frequencySweepDivider;
this.channel1frequency = this.channel1ShadowFrequency & 0x7FF;
this.channel1FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - this.channel1frequency) << 2;
else {
this.channel1ShadowFrequency += this.channel1ShadowFrequency >> this.channel1frequencySweepDivider;
this.channel1frequency = this.channel1ShadowFrequency;
if (this.channel1ShadowFrequency <= 0x7FF) {
this.channel1FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - this.channel1frequency) << 2;
//Run overflow check twice:
if ((this.channel1ShadowFrequency + (this.channel1ShadowFrequency >> this.channel1frequencySweepDivider)) > 0x7FF) {
this.channel1SweepFault = true;
this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFE; //Channel #1 On Flag Off
else {
this.channel1frequency &= 0x7FF;
this.channel1SweepFault = true;
this.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFE; //Channel #1 On Flag Off
this.channel1timeSweep = this.channel1lastTimeSweep;
else {
//Channel has sweep disabled and timer becomes a length counter:
this.channel1SweepFault = true;
GameBoyCore.prototype.clockAudioEnvelope = function () {"use strict";
//Channel 1:
if (this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast > -1) {
if (this.channel1envelopeSweeps > 0) {
else {
if (!this.channel1envelopeType) {
if (this.channel1envelopeVolume > 0) {
this.channel1envelopeSweeps = this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast;
else {
this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = -1;
else if (this.channel1envelopeVolume < 0xF) {
this.channel1envelopeSweeps = this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast;
else {
this.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = -1;
//Channel 2:
if (this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast > -1) {
if (this.channel2envelopeSweeps > 0) {
else {
if (!this.channel2envelopeType) {
if (this.channel2envelopeVolume > 0) {
this.channel2envelopeSweeps = this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast;
else {
this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = -1;
else if (this.channel2envelopeVolume < 0xF) {
this.channel2envelopeSweeps = this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast;
else {
this.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = -1;
//Channel 4:
if (this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast > -1) {
if (this.channel4envelopeSweeps > 0) {
else {
if (!this.channel4envelopeType) {
if (this.channel4envelopeVolume > 0) {
this.channel4currentVolume = --this.channel4envelopeVolume << this.channel4VolumeShifter;
this.channel4envelopeSweeps = this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast;
else {
this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = -1;
else if (this.channel4envelopeVolume < 0xF) {
this.channel4currentVolume = ++this.channel4envelopeVolume << this.channel4VolumeShifter;
this.channel4envelopeSweeps = this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast;
else {
this.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = -1;
GameBoyCore.prototype.computeAudioChannels = function () {"use strict";
//Channel 1 counter:
if (--this.channel1FrequencyCounter == 0) {
this.channel1FrequencyCounter = this.channel1FrequencyTracker;
this.channel1DutyTracker = (this.channel1DutyTracker + 1) & 0x7;
//Channel 2 counter:
if (--this.channel2FrequencyCounter == 0) {
this.channel2FrequencyCounter = this.channel2FrequencyTracker;
this.channel2DutyTracker = (this.channel2DutyTracker + 1) & 0x7;
//Channel 3 counter:
if (--this.channel3Counter == 0) {
if (this.channel3canPlay) {
this.channel3lastSampleLookup = (this.channel3lastSampleLookup + 1) & 0x1F;
this.channel3Counter = this.channel3FrequencyPeriod;
//Channel 4 counter:
if (--this.channel4Counter == 0) {
this.channel4lastSampleLookup = (this.channel4lastSampleLookup + 1) & this.channel4BitRange;
this.channel4Counter = this.channel4FrequencyPeriod;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel1EnableCheck = function () {"use strict";
this.channel1Enabled = ((this.channel1consecutive || this.channel1totalLength > 0) && !this.channel1SweepFault && this.channel1canPlay);
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel1VolumeEnableCheck = function () {"use strict";
this.channel1canPlay = (this.memory[0xFF12] > 7);
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel1OutputLevelCache = function () {"use strict";
this.channel1currentSampleLeft = (this.leftChannel1) ? this.channel1envelopeVolume : 0;
this.channel1currentSampleRight = (this.rightChannel1) ? this.channel1envelopeVolume : 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel1OutputLevelSecondaryCache = function () {"use strict";
if (this.channel1Enabled) {
this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary = this.channel1currentSampleLeft;
this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary = this.channel1currentSampleRight;
else {
this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0;
this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel1OutputLevelTrimaryCache = function () {"use strict";
if (this.channel1CachedDuty[this.channel1DutyTracker]) {
this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary = this.channel1currentSampleLeftSecondary;
this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary = this.channel1currentSampleRightSecondary;
else {
this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary = 0;
this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel2EnableCheck = function () {"use strict";
this.channel2Enabled = ((this.channel2consecutive || this.channel2totalLength > 0) && this.channel2canPlay);
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel2VolumeEnableCheck = function () {"use strict";
this.channel2canPlay = (this.memory[0xFF17] > 7);
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel2OutputLevelCache = function () {"use strict";
this.channel2currentSampleLeft = (this.leftChannel2) ? this.channel2envelopeVolume : 0;
this.channel2currentSampleRight = (this.rightChannel2) ? this.channel2envelopeVolume : 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel2OutputLevelSecondaryCache = function () {"use strict";
if (this.channel2Enabled) {
this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary = this.channel2currentSampleLeft;
this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary = this.channel2currentSampleRight;
else {
this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0;
this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel2OutputLevelTrimaryCache = function () {"use strict";
if (this.channel2CachedDuty[this.channel2DutyTracker]) {
this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary = this.channel2currentSampleLeftSecondary;
this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary = this.channel2currentSampleRightSecondary;
else {
this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary = 0;
this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel3EnableCheck = function () {"use strict";
this.channel3Enabled = (/*this.channel3canPlay && */(this.channel3consecutive || this.channel3totalLength > 0));
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel3OutputLevelCache = function () {"use strict";
this.channel3currentSampleLeft = (this.leftChannel3) ? this.cachedChannel3Sample : 0;
this.channel3currentSampleRight = (this.rightChannel3) ? this.cachedChannel3Sample : 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel3OutputLevelSecondaryCache = function () {"use strict";
if (this.channel3Enabled) {
this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary = this.channel3currentSampleLeft;
this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary = this.channel3currentSampleRight;
else {
this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0;
this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel4EnableCheck = function () {"use strict";
this.channel4Enabled = ((this.channel4consecutive || this.channel4totalLength > 0) && this.channel4canPlay);
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel4VolumeEnableCheck = function () {"use strict";
this.channel4canPlay = (this.memory[0xFF21] > 7);
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel4OutputLevelCache = function () {"use strict";
this.channel4currentSampleLeft = (this.leftChannel4) ? this.cachedChannel4Sample : 0;
this.channel4currentSampleRight = (this.rightChannel4) ? this.cachedChannel4Sample : 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel4OutputLevelSecondaryCache = function () {"use strict";
if (this.channel4Enabled) {
this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary = this.channel4currentSampleLeft;
this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary = this.channel4currentSampleRight;
else {
this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary = 0;
this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.mixerOutputLevelCache = function () {"use strict";
this.mixerOutputCache = ((((this.channel1currentSampleLeftTrimary + this.channel2currentSampleLeftTrimary + this.channel3currentSampleLeftSecondary + this.channel4currentSampleLeftSecondary) * this.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume) << 9) +
((this.channel1currentSampleRightTrimary + this.channel2currentSampleRightTrimary + this.channel3currentSampleRightSecondary + this.channel4currentSampleRightSecondary) * this.VinRightChannelMasterVolume));
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel3UpdateCache = function () {"use strict";
this.cachedChannel3Sample = this.channel3PCM[this.channel3lastSampleLookup] >> this.channel3patternType;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel3WriteRAM = function (address, data) {"use strict";
if (this.channel3canPlay) {
//address = this.channel3lastSampleLookup >> 1;
this.memory[0xFF30 | address] = data;
address <<= 1;
this.channel3PCM[address] = data >> 4;
this.channel3PCM[address | 1] = data & 0xF;
GameBoyCore.prototype.channel4UpdateCache = function () {"use strict";
this.cachedChannel4Sample = this.noiseSampleTable[this.channel4currentVolume | this.channel4lastSampleLookup];
} = function () {"use strict";
//The preprocessing before the actual iteration loop:
if ((this.stopEmulator & 2) == 0) {
if ((this.stopEmulator & 1) == 1) {
if (!this.CPUStopped) {
this.stopEmulator = 0;
this.drewFrame = false;
this.clockUpdate(); //RTC clocking.
if (!this.halt) {
else { //Finish the HALT rundown execution.
this.CPUTicks = 0;
if (this.halt) {
else {
//Request the graphics target to be updated:
else {
this.audioTicks += this.CPUCyclesTotal;
this.stopEmulator |= 1; //End current loop.
else { //We can only get here if there was an internal error, but the loop was restarted.
cout("Iterator restarted a faulted core.", 2);
GameBoyCore.prototype.executeIteration = function () {"use strict";
//Iterate the interpreter loop:
var opcodeToExecute = 0;
var timedTicks = 0;
while (this.stopEmulator == 0) {
//Interrupt Arming:
switch (this.IRQEnableDelay) {
case 1:
this.IME = true;
case 2:
//Is an IRQ set to fire?:
if (this.IRQLineMatched > 0) {
//IME is true and and interrupt was matched:
//Fetch the current opcode:
opcodeToExecute = this.memoryReader[this.programCounter](this, this.programCounter);
//Increment the program counter to the next instruction:
this.programCounter = (this.programCounter + 1) & 0xFFFF;
//Check for the program counter quirk:
if (this.skipPCIncrement) {
this.programCounter = (this.programCounter - 1) & 0xFFFF;
this.skipPCIncrement = false;
//Get how many CPU cycles the current instruction counts for:
this.CPUTicks = this.TICKTable[opcodeToExecute];
//Execute the current instruction:
//Update the state (Inlined updateCoreFull manually here):
//Update the clocking for the LCD emulation:
this.LCDTicks += this.CPUTicks >> this.doubleSpeedShifter; //LCD Timing
this.LCDCONTROL[this.actualScanLine](this); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control
//Single-speed relative timing for A/V emulation:
timedTicks = this.CPUTicks >> this.doubleSpeedShifter; //CPU clocking can be updated from the LCD handling.
this.audioTicks += timedTicks; //Audio Timing
this.emulatorTicks += timedTicks; //Emulator Timing
//CPU Timers:
this.DIVTicks += this.CPUTicks; //DIV Timing
if (this.TIMAEnabled) { //TIMA Timing
this.timerTicks += this.CPUTicks;
while (this.timerTicks >= this.TACClocker) {
this.timerTicks -= this.TACClocker;
if (++this.memory[0xFF05] == 0x100) {
this.memory[0xFF05] = this.memory[0xFF06];
this.interruptsRequested |= 0x4;
if (this.serialTimer > 0) { //Serial Timing
//IRQ Counter:
this.serialTimer -= this.CPUTicks;
if (this.serialTimer <= 0) {
this.interruptsRequested |= 0x8;
//Bit Shit Counter:
this.serialShiftTimer -= this.CPUTicks;
if (this.serialShiftTimer <= 0) {
this.serialShiftTimer = this.serialShiftTimerAllocated;
this.memory[0xFF01] = ((this.memory[0xFF01] << 1) & 0xFE) | 0x01; //We could shift in actual link data here if we were to implement such!!!
//End of iteration routine:
if (this.emulatorTicks >= this.CPUCyclesTotal) {
// Start of code added for benchmarking:
this.instructions += 1;
if (this.instructions > this.totalInstructions) {
this.stopEmulator |= 2;
// End of code added for benchmarking.
GameBoyCore.prototype.iterationEndRoutine = function () {"use strict";
if ((this.stopEmulator & 0x1) == 0) {
this.audioJIT(); //Make sure we at least output once per iteration.
//Update DIV Alignment (Integer overflow safety):
this.memory[0xFF04] = (this.memory[0xFF04] + (this.DIVTicks >> 8)) & 0xFF;
this.DIVTicks &= 0xFF;
//Update emulator flags:
this.stopEmulator |= 1; //End current loop.
this.emulatorTicks -= this.CPUCyclesTotal;
this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent += this.CPUCyclesTotalRoundoff;
GameBoyCore.prototype.handleSTOP = function () {"use strict";
this.CPUStopped = true; //Stop CPU until joypad input changes.
if (this.emulatorTicks < 0) {
this.audioTicks -= this.emulatorTicks;
GameBoyCore.prototype.recalculateIterationClockLimit = function () {"use strict";
var endModulus = this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent % 4;
this.CPUCyclesTotal = this.CPUCyclesTotalBase + this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent - endModulus;
this.CPUCyclesTotalCurrent = endModulus;
GameBoyCore.prototype.scanLineMode2 = function () {"use strict"; //OAM Search Period
if (this.STATTracker != 1) {
if (this.mode2TriggerSTAT) {
this.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
this.STATTracker = 1;
this.modeSTAT = 2;
GameBoyCore.prototype.scanLineMode3 = function () {"use strict"; //Scan Line Drawing Period
if (this.modeSTAT != 3) {
if (this.STATTracker == 0 && this.mode2TriggerSTAT) {
this.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
this.STATTracker = 1;
this.modeSTAT = 3;
GameBoyCore.prototype.scanLineMode0 = function () {"use strict"; //Horizontal Blanking Period
if (this.modeSTAT != 0) {
if (this.STATTracker != 2) {
if (this.STATTracker == 0) {
if (this.mode2TriggerSTAT) {
this.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
this.modeSTAT = 3;
this.STATTracker = 2;
if (this.LCDTicks >= this.spriteCount) {
if (this.hdmaRunning) {
if (this.mode0TriggerSTAT) {
this.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
this.STATTracker = 3;
this.modeSTAT = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.clocksUntilLYCMatch = function () {"use strict";
if (this.memory[0xFF45] != 0) {
if (this.memory[0xFF45] > this.actualScanLine) {
return 456 * (this.memory[0xFF45] - this.actualScanLine);
return 456 * (154 - this.actualScanLine + this.memory[0xFF45]);
return (456 * ((this.actualScanLine == 153 && this.memory[0xFF44] == 0) ? 154 : (153 - this.actualScanLine))) + 8;
GameBoyCore.prototype.clocksUntilMode0 = function () {"use strict";
switch (this.modeSTAT) {
case 0:
if (this.actualScanLine == 143) {
return this.spriteCount + 5016;
this.updateSpriteCount(this.actualScanLine + 1);
return this.spriteCount + 456;
case 2:
case 3:
return this.spriteCount;
case 1:
return this.spriteCount + (456 * (154 - this.actualScanLine));
GameBoyCore.prototype.updateSpriteCount = function (line) {"use strict";
this.spriteCount = 252;
if (this.cGBC && this.gfxSpriteShow) { //Is the window enabled and are we in CGB mode?
var lineAdjusted = line + 0x10;
var yoffset = 0;
var yCap = (this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight) ? 0x8 : 0x10;
for (var OAMAddress = 0xFE00; OAMAddress < 0xFEA0 && this.spriteCount < 312; OAMAddress += 4) {
yoffset = lineAdjusted - this.memory[OAMAddress];
if (yoffset > -1 && yoffset < yCap) {
this.spriteCount += 6;
GameBoyCore.prototype.matchLYC = function () {"use strict"; //LYC Register Compare
if (this.memory[0xFF44] == this.memory[0xFF45]) {
this.memory[0xFF41] |= 0x04;
if (this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT) {
this.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
else {
this.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x7B;
GameBoyCore.prototype.updateCore = function () {"use strict";
//Update the clocking for the LCD emulation:
this.LCDTicks += this.CPUTicks >> this.doubleSpeedShifter; //LCD Timing
this.LCDCONTROL[this.actualScanLine](this); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control
//Single-speed relative timing for A/V emulation:
var timedTicks = this.CPUTicks >> this.doubleSpeedShifter; //CPU clocking can be updated from the LCD handling.
this.audioTicks += timedTicks; //Audio Timing
this.emulatorTicks += timedTicks; //Emulator Timing
//CPU Timers:
this.DIVTicks += this.CPUTicks; //DIV Timing
if (this.TIMAEnabled) { //TIMA Timing
this.timerTicks += this.CPUTicks;
while (this.timerTicks >= this.TACClocker) {
this.timerTicks -= this.TACClocker;
if (++this.memory[0xFF05] == 0x100) {
this.memory[0xFF05] = this.memory[0xFF06];
this.interruptsRequested |= 0x4;
if (this.serialTimer > 0) { //Serial Timing
//IRQ Counter:
this.serialTimer -= this.CPUTicks;
if (this.serialTimer <= 0) {
this.interruptsRequested |= 0x8;
//Bit Shit Counter:
this.serialShiftTimer -= this.CPUTicks;
if (this.serialShiftTimer <= 0) {
this.serialShiftTimer = this.serialShiftTimerAllocated;
this.memory[0xFF01] = ((this.memory[0xFF01] << 1) & 0xFE) | 0x01; //We could shift in actual link data here if we were to implement such!!!
GameBoyCore.prototype.updateCoreFull = function () {"use strict";
//Update the state machine:
//End of iteration routine:
if (this.emulatorTicks >= this.CPUCyclesTotal) {
GameBoyCore.prototype.initializeLCDController = function () {"use strict";
//Display on hanlding:
var line = 0;
while (line < 154) {
if (line < 143) {
//We're on a normal scan line:
this.LINECONTROL[line] = function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 80) {
else if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 252) {
else if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 456) {
else {
//We're on a new scan line:
parentObj.LCDTicks -= 456;
if (parentObj.STATTracker != 3) {
//Make sure the mode 0 handler was run at least once per scan line:
if (parentObj.STATTracker != 2) {
if (parentObj.STATTracker == 0 && parentObj.mode2TriggerSTAT) {
parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
if (parentObj.hdmaRunning) {
if (parentObj.mode0TriggerSTAT) {
parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
//Update the scanline registers and assert the LYC counter:
parentObj.actualScanLine = ++parentObj.memory[0xFF44];
//Perform a LYC counter assert:
if (parentObj.actualScanLine == parentObj.memory[0xFF45]) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] |= 0x04;
if (parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT) {
parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
else {
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x7B;
//Reset our mode contingency variables:
parentObj.STATTracker = 0;
parentObj.modeSTAT = 2;
parentObj.LINECONTROL[parentObj.actualScanLine](parentObj); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control.
else if (line == 143) {
//We're on the last visible scan line of the LCD screen:
this.LINECONTROL[143] = function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 80) {
else if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 252) {
else if (parentObj.LCDTicks < 456) {
else {
//Starting V-Blank:
//Just finished the last visible scan line:
parentObj.LCDTicks -= 456;
if (parentObj.STATTracker != 3) {
//Make sure the mode 0 handler was run at least once per scan line:
if (parentObj.STATTracker != 2) {
if (parentObj.STATTracker == 0 && parentObj.mode2TriggerSTAT) {
parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
if (parentObj.hdmaRunning) {
if (parentObj.mode0TriggerSTAT) {
parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
//Update the scanline registers and assert the LYC counter:
parentObj.actualScanLine = parentObj.memory[0xFF44] = 144;
//Perform a LYC counter assert:
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF45] == 144) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] |= 0x04;
if (parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT) {
parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
else {
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x7B;
//Reset our mode contingency variables:
parentObj.STATTracker = 0;
//Update our state for v-blank:
parentObj.modeSTAT = 1;
parentObj.interruptsRequested |= (parentObj.mode1TriggerSTAT) ? 0x3 : 0x1;
//Attempt to blit out to our canvas:
if (parentObj.drewBlank == 0) {
//Ensure JIT framing alignment:
if (parentObj.totalLinesPassed < 144 || (parentObj.totalLinesPassed == 144 && parentObj.midScanlineOffset > -1)) {
//Make sure our gfx are up-to-date:
//Draw the frame:
else {
//LCD off takes at least 2 frames:
parentObj.LINECONTROL[144](parentObj); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control.
else if (line < 153) {
//In VBlank
this.LINECONTROL[line] = function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.LCDTicks >= 456) {
//We're on a new scan line:
parentObj.LCDTicks -= 456;
parentObj.actualScanLine = ++parentObj.memory[0xFF44];
//Perform a LYC counter assert:
if (parentObj.actualScanLine == parentObj.memory[0xFF45]) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] |= 0x04;
if (parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT) {
parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
else {
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x7B;
parentObj.LINECONTROL[parentObj.actualScanLine](parentObj); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control.
else {
//VBlank Ending (We're on the last actual scan line)
this.LINECONTROL[153] = function (parentObj) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.LCDTicks >= 8) {
if (parentObj.STATTracker != 4 && parentObj.memory[0xFF44] == 153) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF44] = 0; //LY register resets to 0 early.
//Perform a LYC counter assert:
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF45] == 0) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] |= 0x04;
if (parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT) {
parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
else {
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x7B;
parentObj.STATTracker = 4;
if (parentObj.LCDTicks >= 456) {
//We reset back to the beginning:
parentObj.LCDTicks -= 456;
parentObj.STATTracker = parentObj.actualScanLine = 0;
parentObj.LINECONTROL[0](parentObj); //Scan Line and STAT Mode Control.
GameBoyCore.prototype.DisplayShowOff = function () {"use strict";
if (this.drewBlank == 0) {
//Output a blank screen to the output framebuffer:
this.drewFrame = true;
this.drewBlank = 2;
GameBoyCore.prototype.executeHDMA = function () {"use strict";
if (this.halt) {
if ((this.LCDTicks - this.spriteCount) < ((4 >> this.doubleSpeedShifter) | 0x20)) {
//HALT clocking correction:
this.CPUTicks = 4 + ((0x20 + this.spriteCount) << this.doubleSpeedShifter);
this.LCDTicks = this.spriteCount + ((4 >> this.doubleSpeedShifter) | 0x20);
else {
this.LCDTicks += (4 >> this.doubleSpeedShifter) | 0x20; //LCD Timing Update For HDMA.
if (this.memory[0xFF55] == 0) {
this.hdmaRunning = false;
this.memory[0xFF55] = 0xFF; //Transfer completed ("Hidden last step," since some ROMs don't imply this, but most do).
else {
GameBoyCore.prototype.clockUpdate = function () {"use strict";
if (this.cTIMER) {
var dateObj = new_Date(); // The line is changed for benchmarking.
var newTime = dateObj.getTime();
var timeElapsed = newTime - this.lastIteration; //Get the numnber of milliseconds since this last executed.
this.lastIteration = newTime;
if (this.cTIMER && !this.RTCHALT) {
//Update the MBC3 RTC:
this.RTCSeconds += timeElapsed / 1000;
while (this.RTCSeconds >= 60) { //System can stutter, so the seconds difference can get large, thus the "while".
this.RTCSeconds -= 60;
if (this.RTCMinutes >= 60) {
this.RTCMinutes -= 60;
if (this.RTCHours >= 24) {
this.RTCHours -= 24
if (this.RTCDays >= 512) {
this.RTCDays -= 512;
this.RTCDayOverFlow = true;
GameBoyCore.prototype.prepareFrame = function () {"use strict";
//Copy the internal frame buffer to the output buffer:
this.drewFrame = true;
GameBoyCore.prototype.requestDraw = function () {"use strict";
if (this.drewFrame) {
GameBoyCore.prototype.dispatchDraw = function () {"use strict";
var canvasRGBALength = this.offscreenRGBCount;
if (canvasRGBALength > 0) {
//We actually updated the graphics internally, so copy out:
var frameBuffer = (canvasRGBALength == 92160) ? this.swizzledFrame : this.resizeFrameBuffer();
var canvasData =;
var bufferIndex = 0;
for (var canvasIndex = 0; canvasIndex < canvasRGBALength; ++canvasIndex) {
canvasData[canvasIndex++] = frameBuffer[bufferIndex++];
canvasData[canvasIndex++] = frameBuffer[bufferIndex++];
canvasData[canvasIndex++] = frameBuffer[bufferIndex++];
GameBoyCore.prototype.swizzleFrameBuffer = function () {"use strict";
//Convert our dirty 24-bit (24-bit, with internal render flags above it) framebuffer to an 8-bit buffer with separate indices for the RGB channels:
var frameBuffer = this.frameBuffer;
var swizzledFrame = this.swizzledFrame;
var bufferIndex = 0;
for (var canvasIndex = 0; canvasIndex < 69120;) {
swizzledFrame[canvasIndex++] = (frameBuffer[bufferIndex] >> 16) & 0xFF; //Red
swizzledFrame[canvasIndex++] = (frameBuffer[bufferIndex] >> 8) & 0xFF; //Green
swizzledFrame[canvasIndex++] = frameBuffer[bufferIndex++] & 0xFF; //Blue
GameBoyCore.prototype.clearFrameBuffer = function () {"use strict";
var bufferIndex = 0;
var frameBuffer = this.swizzledFrame;
if (this.cGBC || this.colorizedGBPalettes) {
while (bufferIndex < 69120) {
frameBuffer[bufferIndex++] = 248;
else {
while (bufferIndex < 69120) {
frameBuffer[bufferIndex++] = 239;
frameBuffer[bufferIndex++] = 255;
frameBuffer[bufferIndex++] = 222;
GameBoyCore.prototype.resizeFrameBuffer = function () {"use strict";
//Return a reference to the generated resized framebuffer:
return this.resizer.resize(this.swizzledFrame);
GameBoyCore.prototype.compileResizeFrameBufferFunction = function () {"use strict";
if (this.offscreenRGBCount > 0) {
this.resizer = new Resize(160, 144, this.offscreenWidth, this.offscreenHeight, false, true);
GameBoyCore.prototype.renderScanLine = function (scanlineToRender) {"use strict";
this.pixelStart = scanlineToRender * 160;
if (this.bgEnabled) {
this.pixelEnd = 160;
else {
var pixelLine = (scanlineToRender + 1) * 160;
var defaultColor = (this.cGBC || this.colorizedGBPalettes) ? 0xF8F8F8 : 0xEFFFDE;
for (var pixelPosition = (scanlineToRender * 160) + this.currentX; pixelPosition < pixelLine; pixelPosition++) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = defaultColor;
this.currentX = 0;
this.midScanlineOffset = -1;
GameBoyCore.prototype.renderMidScanLine = function () {"use strict";
if (this.actualScanLine < 144 && this.modeSTAT == 3) {
//TODO: Get this accurate:
if (this.midScanlineOffset == -1) {
this.midScanlineOffset = this.backgroundX & 0x7;
if (this.LCDTicks >= 82) {
this.pixelEnd = this.LCDTicks - 74;
this.pixelEnd = Math.min(this.pixelEnd - this.midScanlineOffset - (this.pixelEnd % 0x8), 160);
if (this.bgEnabled) {
this.pixelStart = this.lastUnrenderedLine * 160;
//TODO: Do midscanline JIT for sprites...
else {
var pixelLine = (this.lastUnrenderedLine * 160) + this.pixelEnd;
var defaultColor = (this.cGBC || this.colorizedGBPalettes) ? 0xF8F8F8 : 0xEFFFDE;
for (var pixelPosition = (this.lastUnrenderedLine * 160) + this.currentX; pixelPosition < pixelLine; pixelPosition++) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = defaultColor;
this.currentX = this.pixelEnd;
GameBoyCore.prototype.initializeModeSpecificArrays = function () {"use strict";
if (this.cGBC) {
this.gbcOBJRawPalette = this.getTypedArray(0x40, 0, "uint8");
this.gbcBGRawPalette = this.getTypedArray(0x40, 0, "uint8");
this.gbcOBJPalette = this.getTypedArray(0x20, 0x1000000, "int32");
this.gbcBGPalette = this.getTypedArray(0x40, 0, "int32");
this.BGCHRBank2 = this.getTypedArray(0x800, 0, "uint8");
this.BGCHRCurrentBank = (this.currVRAMBank > 0) ? this.BGCHRBank2 : this.BGCHRBank1;
this.tileCache = this.generateCacheArray(0xF80);
else {
this.gbOBJPalette = this.getTypedArray(8, 0, "int32");
this.gbBGPalette = this.getTypedArray(4, 0, "int32");
this.BGPalette = this.gbBGPalette;
this.OBJPalette = this.gbOBJPalette;
this.tileCache = this.generateCacheArray(0x700);
this.sortBuffer = this.getTypedArray(0x100, 0, "uint8");
this.OAMAddressCache = this.getTypedArray(10, 0, "int32");
GameBoyCore.prototype.GBCtoGBModeAdjust = function () {"use strict";
cout("Stepping down from GBC mode.", 0);
this.VRAM = this.GBCMemory = this.BGCHRCurrentBank = this.BGCHRBank2 = null;
this.tileCache.length = 0x700;
if (settings[4]) {
this.gbBGColorizedPalette = this.getTypedArray(4, 0, "int32");
this.gbOBJColorizedPalette = this.getTypedArray(8, 0, "int32");
this.cachedBGPaletteConversion = this.getTypedArray(4, 0, "int32");
this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion = this.getTypedArray(8, 0, "int32");
this.BGPalette = this.gbBGColorizedPalette;
this.OBJPalette = this.gbOBJColorizedPalette;
this.gbOBJPalette = this.gbBGPalette = null;
else {
this.gbOBJPalette = this.getTypedArray(8, 0, "int32");
this.gbBGPalette = this.getTypedArray(4, 0, "int32");
this.BGPalette = this.gbBGPalette;
this.OBJPalette = this.gbOBJPalette;
this.sortBuffer = this.getTypedArray(0x100, 0, "uint8");
this.OAMAddressCache = this.getTypedArray(10, 0, "int32");
GameBoyCore.prototype.renderPathBuild = function () {"use strict";
if (!this.cGBC) {
this.BGLayerRender = this.BGGBLayerRender;
this.WindowLayerRender = this.WindowGBLayerRender;
this.SpriteLayerRender = this.SpriteGBLayerRender;
else {
this.SpriteLayerRender = this.SpriteGBCLayerRender;
GameBoyCore.prototype.priorityFlaggingPathRebuild = function () {"use strict";
if (this.BGPriorityEnabled) {
this.BGLayerRender = this.BGGBCLayerRender;
this.WindowLayerRender = this.WindowGBCLayerRender;
else {
this.BGLayerRender = this.BGGBCLayerRenderNoPriorityFlagging;
this.WindowLayerRender = this.WindowGBCLayerRenderNoPriorityFlagging;
GameBoyCore.prototype.initializeReferencesFromSaveState = function () {"use strict";
var tileIndex = 0;
if (!this.cGBC) {
if (this.colorizedGBPalettes) {
this.BGPalette = this.gbBGColorizedPalette;
this.OBJPalette = this.gbOBJColorizedPalette;
this.updateGBBGPalette = this.updateGBColorizedBGPalette;
this.updateGBOBJPalette = this.updateGBColorizedOBJPalette;
else {
this.BGPalette = this.gbBGPalette;
this.OBJPalette = this.gbOBJPalette;
this.tileCache = this.generateCacheArray(0x700);
for (tileIndex = 0x8000; tileIndex < 0x9000; tileIndex += 2) {
for (tileIndex = 0x9000; tileIndex < 0x9800; tileIndex += 2) {
this.sortBuffer = this.getTypedArray(0x100, 0, "uint8");
this.OAMAddressCache = this.getTypedArray(10, 0, "int32");
else {
this.BGCHRCurrentBank = (this.currVRAMBank > 0) ? this.BGCHRBank2 : this.BGCHRBank1;
this.tileCache = this.generateCacheArray(0xF80);
for (; tileIndex < 0x1800; tileIndex += 0x10) {
GameBoyCore.prototype.RGBTint = function (value) {"use strict";
//Adjustment for the GBC's tinting (According to Gambatte):
var r = value & 0x1F;
var g = (value >> 5) & 0x1F;
var b = (value >> 10) & 0x1F;
return ((r * 13 + g * 2 + b) >> 1) << 16 | (g * 3 + b) << 9 | (r * 3 + g * 2 + b * 11) >> 1;
GameBoyCore.prototype.getGBCColor = function () {"use strict";
//GBC Colorization of DMG ROMs:
for (var counter = 0; counter < 4; counter++) {
var adjustedIndex = counter << 1;
this.cachedBGPaletteConversion[counter] = this.RGBTint((this.gbcBGRawPalette[adjustedIndex | 1] << 8) | this.gbcBGRawPalette[adjustedIndex]);
//OBJ 1
this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion[counter] = this.RGBTint((this.gbcOBJRawPalette[adjustedIndex | 1] << 8) | this.gbcOBJRawPalette[adjustedIndex]);
//OBJ 2
for (counter = 4; counter < 8; counter++) {
adjustedIndex = counter << 1;
this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion[counter] = this.RGBTint((this.gbcOBJRawPalette[adjustedIndex | 1] << 8) | this.gbcOBJRawPalette[adjustedIndex]);
//Update the palette entries:
this.updateGBBGPalette = this.updateGBColorizedBGPalette;
this.updateGBOBJPalette = this.updateGBColorizedOBJPalette;
this.updateGBOBJPalette(0, this.memory[0xFF48]);
this.updateGBOBJPalette(1, this.memory[0xFF49]);
this.colorizedGBPalettes = true;
GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBRegularBGPalette = function (data) {"use strict";
this.gbBGPalette[0] = this.colors[data & 0x03] | 0x2000000;
this.gbBGPalette[1] = this.colors[(data >> 2) & 0x03];
this.gbBGPalette[2] = this.colors[(data >> 4) & 0x03];
this.gbBGPalette[3] = this.colors[data >> 6];
GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBColorizedBGPalette = function (data) {"use strict";
//GB colorization:
this.gbBGColorizedPalette[0] = this.cachedBGPaletteConversion[data & 0x03] | 0x2000000;
this.gbBGColorizedPalette[1] = this.cachedBGPaletteConversion[(data >> 2) & 0x03];
this.gbBGColorizedPalette[2] = this.cachedBGPaletteConversion[(data >> 4) & 0x03];
this.gbBGColorizedPalette[3] = this.cachedBGPaletteConversion[data >> 6];
GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBRegularOBJPalette = function (index, data) {"use strict";
this.gbOBJPalette[index | 1] = this.colors[(data >> 2) & 0x03];
this.gbOBJPalette[index | 2] = this.colors[(data >> 4) & 0x03];
this.gbOBJPalette[index | 3] = this.colors[data >> 6];
GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBColorizedOBJPalette = function (index, data) {"use strict";
//GB colorization:
this.gbOBJColorizedPalette[index | 1] = this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion[index | ((data >> 2) & 0x03)];
this.gbOBJColorizedPalette[index | 2] = this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion[index | ((data >> 4) & 0x03)];
this.gbOBJColorizedPalette[index | 3] = this.cachedOBJPaletteConversion[index | (data >> 6)];
GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBCBGPalette = function (index, data) {"use strict";
if (this.gbcBGRawPalette[index] != data) {
//Update the color palette for BG tiles since it changed:
this.gbcBGRawPalette[index] = data;
if ((index & 0x06) == 0) {
//Palette 0 (Special tile Priority stuff)
data = 0x2000000 | this.RGBTint((this.gbcBGRawPalette[index | 1] << 8) | this.gbcBGRawPalette[index & 0x3E]);
index >>= 1;
this.gbcBGPalette[index] = data;
this.gbcBGPalette[0x20 | index] = 0x1000000 | data;
else {
//Regular Palettes (No special crap)
data = this.RGBTint((this.gbcBGRawPalette[index | 1] << 8) | this.gbcBGRawPalette[index & 0x3E]);
index >>= 1;
this.gbcBGPalette[index] = data;
this.gbcBGPalette[0x20 | index] = 0x1000000 | data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.updateGBCOBJPalette = function (index, data) {"use strict";
if (this.gbcOBJRawPalette[index] != data) {
//Update the color palette for OBJ tiles since it changed:
this.gbcOBJRawPalette[index] = data;
if ((index & 0x06) > 0) {
//Regular Palettes (No special crap)
this.gbcOBJPalette[index >> 1] = 0x1000000 | this.RGBTint((this.gbcOBJRawPalette[index | 1] << 8) | this.gbcOBJRawPalette[index & 0x3E]);
GameBoyCore.prototype.BGGBLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) {"use strict";
var scrollYAdjusted = (this.backgroundY + scanlineToRender) & 0xFF; //The line of the BG we're at.
var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 7) << 3;
var tileYDown = this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2); //The row of cached tiles we're fetching from.
var scrollXAdjusted = (this.backgroundX + this.currentX) & 0xFF; //The scroll amount of the BG.
var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + this.currentX; //Current pixel we're working on.
var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + ((this.gfxWindowDisplay && (scanlineToRender - this.windowY) >= 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(this.windowX, 0) + this.currentX, this.pixelEnd) : this.pixelEnd); //Make sure we do at most 160 pixels a scanline.
var tileNumber = tileYDown + (scrollXAdjusted >> 3);
var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
var tile = this.tileCache[chrCode];
for (var texel = (scrollXAdjusted & 0x7); texel < 8 && pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | texel++]];
var scrollXAdjustedAligned = Math.min(pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition, 0x100 - scrollXAdjusted) >> 3;
scrollXAdjusted += scrollXAdjustedAligned << 3;
scrollXAdjustedAligned += tileNumber;
while (tileNumber < scrollXAdjustedAligned) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
tile = this.tileCache[chrCode];
texel = tileYLine;
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel]];
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
if (scrollXAdjusted < 0x100) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
tile = this.tileCache[chrCode];
for (texel = tileYLine - 1; pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[++texel]];
scrollXAdjustedAligned = ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3) + tileYDown;
while (tileYDown < scrollXAdjustedAligned) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown++];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
tile = this.tileCache[chrCode];
texel = tileYLine;
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel]];
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
tile = this.tileCache[chrCode];
switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) {
case 7:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 6]];
case 6:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 5]];
case 5:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 4]];
case 4:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 3]];
case 3:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 2]];
case 2:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 1]];
case 1:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine]];
GameBoyCore.prototype.BGGBCLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) {"use strict";
var scrollYAdjusted = (this.backgroundY + scanlineToRender) & 0xFF; //The line of the BG we're at.
var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 7) << 3;
var tileYDown = this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2); //The row of cached tiles we're fetching from.
var scrollXAdjusted = (this.backgroundX + this.currentX) & 0xFF; //The scroll amount of the BG.
var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + this.currentX; //Current pixel we're working on.
var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + ((this.gfxWindowDisplay && (scanlineToRender - this.windowY) >= 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(this.windowX, 0) + this.currentX, this.pixelEnd) : this.pixelEnd); //Make sure we do at most 160 pixels a scanline.
var tileNumber = tileYDown + (scrollXAdjusted >> 3);
var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
var attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
var tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
var palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2);
for (var texel = (scrollXAdjusted & 0x7); texel < 8 && pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | texel++]];
var scrollXAdjustedAligned = Math.min(pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition, 0x100 - scrollXAdjusted) >> 3;
scrollXAdjusted += scrollXAdjustedAligned << 3;
scrollXAdjustedAligned += tileNumber;
while (tileNumber < scrollXAdjustedAligned) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2);
texel = tileYLine;
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]];
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
if (scrollXAdjusted < 0x100) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2);
for (texel = tileYLine - 1; pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[++texel]];
scrollXAdjustedAligned = ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3) + tileYDown;
while (tileYDown < scrollXAdjustedAligned) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileYDown++];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2);
texel = tileYLine;
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]];
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileYDown];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2);
switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) {
case 7:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 6]];
case 6:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 5]];
case 5:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 4]];
case 4:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 3]];
case 3:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 2]];
case 2:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 1]];
case 1:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine]];
GameBoyCore.prototype.BGGBCLayerRenderNoPriorityFlagging = function (scanlineToRender) {"use strict";
var scrollYAdjusted = (this.backgroundY + scanlineToRender) & 0xFF; //The line of the BG we're at.
var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 7) << 3;
var tileYDown = this.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2); //The row of cached tiles we're fetching from.
var scrollXAdjusted = (this.backgroundX + this.currentX) & 0xFF; //The scroll amount of the BG.
var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + this.currentX; //Current pixel we're working on.
var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + ((this.gfxWindowDisplay && (scanlineToRender - this.windowY) >= 0) ? Math.min(Math.max(this.windowX, 0) + this.currentX, this.pixelEnd) : this.pixelEnd); //Make sure we do at most 160 pixels a scanline.
var tileNumber = tileYDown + (scrollXAdjusted >> 3);
var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
var attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
var tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
var palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2;
for (var texel = (scrollXAdjusted & 0x7); texel < 8 && pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | texel++]];
var scrollXAdjustedAligned = Math.min(pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition, 0x100 - scrollXAdjusted) >> 3;
scrollXAdjusted += scrollXAdjustedAligned << 3;
scrollXAdjustedAligned += tileNumber;
while (tileNumber < scrollXAdjustedAligned) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2;
texel = tileYLine;
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]];
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
if (scrollXAdjusted < 0x100) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2;
for (texel = tileYLine - 1; pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd && scrollXAdjusted < 0x100; ++scrollXAdjusted) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[++texel]];
scrollXAdjustedAligned = ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3) + tileYDown;
while (tileYDown < scrollXAdjustedAligned) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileYDown++];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2;
texel = tileYLine;
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]];
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileYDown];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileYDown];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2;
switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) {
case 7:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 6]];
case 6:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 5]];
case 5:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 4]];
case 4:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 3]];
case 3:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 2]];
case 2:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 1]];
case 1:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine]];
GameBoyCore.prototype.WindowGBLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) {"use strict";
if (this.gfxWindowDisplay) { //Is the window enabled?
var scrollYAdjusted = scanlineToRender - this.windowY; //The line of the BG we're at.
if (scrollYAdjusted >= 0) {
var scrollXRangeAdjusted = (this.windowX > 0) ? (this.windowX + this.currentX) : this.currentX;
var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + scrollXRangeAdjusted;
var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + this.pixelEnd;
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 0x7) << 3;
var tileNumber = (this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2)) + (this.currentX >> 3);
var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
var tile = this.tileCache[chrCode];
var texel = (scrollXRangeAdjusted - this.windowX) & 0x7;
scrollXRangeAdjusted = Math.min(8, texel + pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition);
while (texel < scrollXRangeAdjusted) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | texel++]];
scrollXRangeAdjusted = tileNumber + ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3);
while (tileNumber < scrollXRangeAdjusted) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
tile = this.tileCache[chrCode];
texel = tileYLine;
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.BGPalette[tile[texel]];
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
tile = this.tileCache[chrCode];
switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) {
case 7:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 6]];
case 6:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 5]];
case 5:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 4]];
case 4:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 3]];
case 3:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 2]];
case 2:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine | 1]];
case 1:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.BGPalette[tile[tileYLine]];
GameBoyCore.prototype.WindowGBCLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) {"use strict";
if (this.gfxWindowDisplay) { //Is the window enabled?
var scrollYAdjusted = scanlineToRender - this.windowY; //The line of the BG we're at.
if (scrollYAdjusted >= 0) {
var scrollXRangeAdjusted = (this.windowX > 0) ? (this.windowX + this.currentX) : this.currentX;
var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + scrollXRangeAdjusted;
var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + this.pixelEnd;
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 0x7) << 3;
var tileNumber = (this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2)) + (this.currentX >> 3);
var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
var attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
var tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
var palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2);
var texel = (scrollXRangeAdjusted - this.windowX) & 0x7;
scrollXRangeAdjusted = Math.min(8, texel + pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition);
while (texel < scrollXRangeAdjusted) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | texel++]];
scrollXRangeAdjusted = tileNumber + ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3);
while (tileNumber < scrollXRangeAdjusted) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2);
texel = tileYLine;
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]];
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = ((attrCode & 0x7) << 2) | ((attrCode & 0x80) >> 2);
switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) {
case 7:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 6]];
case 6:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 5]];
case 5:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 4]];
case 4:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 3]];
case 3:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 2]];
case 2:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 1]];
case 1:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine]];
GameBoyCore.prototype.WindowGBCLayerRenderNoPriorityFlagging = function (scanlineToRender) {"use strict";
if (this.gfxWindowDisplay) { //Is the window enabled?
var scrollYAdjusted = scanlineToRender - this.windowY; //The line of the BG we're at.
if (scrollYAdjusted >= 0) {
var scrollXRangeAdjusted = (this.windowX > 0) ? (this.windowX + this.currentX) : this.currentX;
var pixelPosition = this.pixelStart + scrollXRangeAdjusted;
var pixelPositionEnd = this.pixelStart + this.pixelEnd;
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
var tileYLine = (scrollYAdjusted & 0x7) << 3;
var tileNumber = (this.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition | ((scrollYAdjusted & 0xF8) << 2)) + (this.currentX >> 3);
var chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
var attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
var tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
var palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2;
var texel = (scrollXRangeAdjusted - this.windowX) & 0x7;
scrollXRangeAdjusted = Math.min(8, texel + pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition);
while (texel < scrollXRangeAdjusted) {
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | texel++]];
scrollXRangeAdjusted = tileNumber + ((pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) >> 3);
while (tileNumber < scrollXRangeAdjusted) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2;
texel = tileYLine;
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel++]];
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition++] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[texel]];
if (pixelPosition < pixelPositionEnd) {
chrCode = this.BGCHRBank1[++tileNumber];
if (chrCode < this.gfxBackgroundBankOffset) {
chrCode |= 0x100;
attrCode = this.BGCHRBank2[tileNumber];
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | chrCode];
palette = (attrCode & 0x7) << 2;
switch (pixelPositionEnd - pixelPosition) {
case 7:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 6] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 6]];
case 6:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 5] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 5]];
case 5:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 4] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 4]];
case 4:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 3] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 3]];
case 3:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 2] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 2]];
case 2:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition + 1] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine | 1]];
case 1:
this.frameBuffer[pixelPosition] = this.gbcBGPalette[palette | tile[tileYLine]];
GameBoyCore.prototype.SpriteGBLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) {"use strict";
if (this.gfxSpriteShow) { //Are sprites enabled?
var lineAdjusted = scanlineToRender + 0x10;
var OAMAddress = 0xFE00;
var yoffset = 0;
var xcoord = 1;
var xCoordStart = 0;
var xCoordEnd = 0;
var attrCode = 0;
var palette = 0;
var tile = null;
var data = 0;
var spriteCount = 0;
var length = 0;
var currentPixel = 0;
var linePixel = 0;
//Clear our x-coord sort buffer:
while (xcoord < 168) {
this.sortBuffer[xcoord++] = 0xFF;
if (this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight) {
//Draw the visible sprites:
for (var length = this.findLowestSpriteDrawable(lineAdjusted, 0x7); spriteCount < length; ++spriteCount) {
OAMAddress = this.OAMAddressCache[spriteCount];
yoffset = (lineAdjusted - this.memory[OAMAddress]) << 3;
attrCode = this.memory[OAMAddress | 3];
palette = (attrCode & 0x10) >> 2;
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | this.memory[OAMAddress | 0x2]];
linePixel = xCoordStart = this.memory[OAMAddress | 1];
xCoordEnd = Math.min(168 - linePixel, 8);
xcoord = (linePixel > 7) ? 0 : (8 - linePixel);
for (currentPixel = this.pixelStart + ((linePixel > 8) ? (linePixel - 8) : 0); xcoord < xCoordEnd; ++xcoord, ++currentPixel, ++linePixel) {
if (this.sortBuffer[linePixel] > xCoordStart) {
if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] >= 0x2000000) {
data = tile[yoffset | xcoord];
if (data > 0) {
this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.OBJPalette[palette | data];
this.sortBuffer[linePixel] = xCoordStart;
else if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] < 0x1000000) {
data = tile[yoffset | xcoord];
if (data > 0 && attrCode < 0x80) {
this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.OBJPalette[palette | data];
this.sortBuffer[linePixel] = xCoordStart;
else {
//Draw the visible sprites:
for (var length = this.findLowestSpriteDrawable(lineAdjusted, 0xF); spriteCount < length; ++spriteCount) {
OAMAddress = this.OAMAddressCache[spriteCount];
yoffset = (lineAdjusted - this.memory[OAMAddress]) << 3;
attrCode = this.memory[OAMAddress | 3];
palette = (attrCode & 0x10) >> 2;
if ((attrCode & 0x40) == (0x40 & yoffset)) {
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | (this.memory[OAMAddress | 0x2] & 0xFE)];
else {
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | this.memory[OAMAddress | 0x2] | 1];
yoffset &= 0x3F;
linePixel = xCoordStart = this.memory[OAMAddress | 1];
xCoordEnd = Math.min(168 - linePixel, 8);
xcoord = (linePixel > 7) ? 0 : (8 - linePixel);
for (currentPixel = this.pixelStart + ((linePixel > 8) ? (linePixel - 8) : 0); xcoord < xCoordEnd; ++xcoord, ++currentPixel, ++linePixel) {
if (this.sortBuffer[linePixel] > xCoordStart) {
if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] >= 0x2000000) {
data = tile[yoffset | xcoord];
if (data > 0) {
this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.OBJPalette[palette | data];
this.sortBuffer[linePixel] = xCoordStart;
else if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] < 0x1000000) {
data = tile[yoffset | xcoord];
if (data > 0 && attrCode < 0x80) {
this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.OBJPalette[palette | data];
this.sortBuffer[linePixel] = xCoordStart;
GameBoyCore.prototype.findLowestSpriteDrawable = function (scanlineToRender, drawableRange) {"use strict";
var address = 0xFE00;
var spriteCount = 0;
var diff = 0;
while (address < 0xFEA0 && spriteCount < 10) {
diff = scanlineToRender - this.memory[address];
if ((diff & drawableRange) == diff) {
this.OAMAddressCache[spriteCount++] = address;
address += 4;
return spriteCount;
GameBoyCore.prototype.SpriteGBCLayerRender = function (scanlineToRender) {"use strict";
if (this.gfxSpriteShow) { //Are sprites enabled?
var OAMAddress = 0xFE00;
var lineAdjusted = scanlineToRender + 0x10;
var yoffset = 0;
var xcoord = 0;
var endX = 0;
var xCounter = 0;
var attrCode = 0;
var palette = 0;
var tile = null;
var data = 0;
var currentPixel = 0;
var spriteCount = 0;
if (this.gfxSpriteNormalHeight) {
for (; OAMAddress < 0xFEA0 && spriteCount < 10; OAMAddress += 4) {
yoffset = lineAdjusted - this.memory[OAMAddress];
if ((yoffset & 0x7) == yoffset) {
xcoord = this.memory[OAMAddress | 1] - 8;
endX = Math.min(160, xcoord + 8);
attrCode = this.memory[OAMAddress | 3];
palette = (attrCode & 7) << 2;
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | this.memory[OAMAddress | 2]];
xCounter = (xcoord > 0) ? xcoord : 0;
xcoord -= yoffset << 3;
for (currentPixel = this.pixelStart + xCounter; xCounter < endX; ++xCounter, ++currentPixel) {
if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] >= 0x2000000) {
data = tile[xCounter - xcoord];
if (data > 0) {
this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.gbcOBJPalette[palette | data];
else if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] < 0x1000000) {
data = tile[xCounter - xcoord];
if (data > 0 && attrCode < 0x80) { //Don't optimize for attrCode, as LICM-capable JITs should optimize its checks.
this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.gbcOBJPalette[palette | data];
else {
for (; OAMAddress < 0xFEA0 && spriteCount < 10; OAMAddress += 4) {
yoffset = lineAdjusted - this.memory[OAMAddress];
if ((yoffset & 0xF) == yoffset) {
xcoord = this.memory[OAMAddress | 1] - 8;
endX = Math.min(160, xcoord + 8);
attrCode = this.memory[OAMAddress | 3];
palette = (attrCode & 7) << 2;
if ((attrCode & 0x40) == (0x40 & (yoffset << 3))) {
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | (this.memory[OAMAddress | 0x2] & 0xFE)];
else {
tile = this.tileCache[((attrCode & 0x08) << 8) | ((attrCode & 0x60) << 4) | this.memory[OAMAddress | 0x2] | 1];
xCounter = (xcoord > 0) ? xcoord : 0;
xcoord -= (yoffset & 0x7) << 3;
for (currentPixel = this.pixelStart + xCounter; xCounter < endX; ++xCounter, ++currentPixel) {
if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] >= 0x2000000) {
data = tile[xCounter - xcoord];
if (data > 0) {
this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.gbcOBJPalette[palette | data];
else if (this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] < 0x1000000) {
data = tile[xCounter - xcoord];
if (data > 0 && attrCode < 0x80) { //Don't optimize for attrCode, as LICM-capable JITs should optimize its checks.
this.frameBuffer[currentPixel] = this.gbcOBJPalette[palette | data];
//Generate only a single tile line for the GB tile cache mode:
GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBTileLine = function (address) {"use strict";
var lineCopy = (this.memory[0x1 | address] << 8) | this.memory[0x9FFE & address];
var tileBlock = this.tileCache[(address & 0x1FF0) >> 4];
address = (address & 0xE) << 2;
tileBlock[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1);
tileBlock[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1);
tileBlock[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2);
tileBlock[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3);
tileBlock[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4);
tileBlock[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5);
tileBlock[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6);
tileBlock[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7);
//Generate only a single tile line for the GBC tile cache mode (Bank 1):
GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBCTileLineBank1 = function (address) {"use strict";
var lineCopy = (this.memory[0x1 | address] << 8) | this.memory[0x9FFE & address];
address &= 0x1FFE;
var tileBlock1 = this.tileCache[address >> 4];
var tileBlock2 = this.tileCache[0x200 | (address >> 4)];
var tileBlock3 = this.tileCache[0x400 | (address >> 4)];
var tileBlock4 = this.tileCache[0x600 | (address >> 4)];
address = (address & 0xE) << 2;
var addressFlipped = 0x38 - address;
tileBlock4[addressFlipped] = tileBlock2[address] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock1[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock2[address | 1] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock1[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock2[address | 2] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock1[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock2[address | 3] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock1[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock2[address | 4] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock1[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock2[address | 5] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock1[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock2[address | 6] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock1[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock2[address | 7] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped] = tileBlock1[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7);
//Generate all the flip combinations for a full GBC VRAM bank 1 tile:
GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBCTileBank1 = function (vramAddress) {"use strict";
var address = vramAddress >> 4;
var tileBlock1 = this.tileCache[address];
var tileBlock2 = this.tileCache[0x200 | address];
var tileBlock3 = this.tileCache[0x400 | address];
var tileBlock4 = this.tileCache[0x600 | address];
var lineCopy = 0;
vramAddress |= 0x8000;
address = 0;
var addressFlipped = 56;
do {
lineCopy = (this.memory[0x1 | vramAddress] << 8) | this.memory[vramAddress];
tileBlock4[addressFlipped] = tileBlock2[address] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock1[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock2[address | 1] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock1[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock2[address | 2] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock1[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock2[address | 3] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock1[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock2[address | 4] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock1[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock2[address | 5] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock1[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock2[address | 6] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock1[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock2[address | 7] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped] = tileBlock1[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7);
address += 8;
addressFlipped -= 8;
vramAddress += 2;
} while (addressFlipped > -1);
//Generate only a single tile line for the GBC tile cache mode (Bank 2):
GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBCTileLineBank2 = function (address) {"use strict";
var lineCopy = (this.VRAM[0x1 | address] << 8) | this.VRAM[0x1FFE & address];
var tileBlock1 = this.tileCache[0x800 | (address >> 4)];
var tileBlock2 = this.tileCache[0xA00 | (address >> 4)];
var tileBlock3 = this.tileCache[0xC00 | (address >> 4)];
var tileBlock4 = this.tileCache[0xE00 | (address >> 4)];
address = (address & 0xE) << 2;
var addressFlipped = 0x38 - address;
tileBlock4[addressFlipped] = tileBlock2[address] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock1[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock2[address | 1] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock1[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock2[address | 2] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock1[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock2[address | 3] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock1[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock2[address | 4] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock1[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock2[address | 5] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock1[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock2[address | 6] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock1[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock2[address | 7] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped] = tileBlock1[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7);
//Generate all the flip combinations for a full GBC VRAM bank 2 tile:
GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBCTileBank2 = function (vramAddress) {"use strict";
var address = vramAddress >> 4;
var tileBlock1 = this.tileCache[0x800 | address];
var tileBlock2 = this.tileCache[0xA00 | address];
var tileBlock3 = this.tileCache[0xC00 | address];
var tileBlock4 = this.tileCache[0xE00 | address];
var lineCopy = 0;
address = 0;
var addressFlipped = 56;
do {
lineCopy = (this.VRAM[0x1 | vramAddress] << 8) | this.VRAM[vramAddress];
tileBlock4[addressFlipped] = tileBlock2[address] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock1[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock2[address | 1] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock1[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock2[address | 2] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock1[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock2[address | 3] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock1[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock2[address | 4] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock1[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock2[address | 5] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock1[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock2[address | 6] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock1[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock2[address | 7] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped] = tileBlock1[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7);
address += 8;
addressFlipped -= 8;
vramAddress += 2;
} while (addressFlipped > -1);
//Generate only a single tile line for the GB tile cache mode (OAM accessible range):
GameBoyCore.prototype.generateGBOAMTileLine = function (address) {"use strict";
var lineCopy = (this.memory[0x1 | address] << 8) | this.memory[0x9FFE & address];
address &= 0x1FFE;
var tileBlock1 = this.tileCache[address >> 4];
var tileBlock2 = this.tileCache[0x200 | (address >> 4)];
var tileBlock3 = this.tileCache[0x400 | (address >> 4)];
var tileBlock4 = this.tileCache[0x600 | (address >> 4)];
address = (address & 0xE) << 2;
var addressFlipped = 0x38 - address;
tileBlock4[addressFlipped] = tileBlock2[address] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock1[address | 7] = ((lineCopy & 0x100) >> 7) | (lineCopy & 0x1);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock2[address | 1] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock1[address | 6] = ((lineCopy & 0x200) >> 8) | ((lineCopy & 0x2) >> 1);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock2[address | 2] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock1[address | 5] = ((lineCopy & 0x400) >> 9) | ((lineCopy & 0x4) >> 2);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock2[address | 3] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock1[address | 4] = ((lineCopy & 0x800) >> 10) | ((lineCopy & 0x8) >> 3);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 4] = tileBlock2[address | 4] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 3] = tileBlock1[address | 3] = ((lineCopy & 0x1000) >> 11) | ((lineCopy & 0x10) >> 4);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 5] = tileBlock2[address | 5] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 2] = tileBlock1[address | 2] = ((lineCopy & 0x2000) >> 12) | ((lineCopy & 0x20) >> 5);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 6] = tileBlock2[address | 6] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped | 1] = tileBlock1[address | 1] = ((lineCopy & 0x4000) >> 13) | ((lineCopy & 0x40) >> 6);
tileBlock4[addressFlipped | 7] = tileBlock2[address | 7] = tileBlock3[addressFlipped] = tileBlock1[address] = ((lineCopy & 0x8000) >> 14) | ((lineCopy & 0x80) >> 7);
GameBoyCore.prototype.graphicsJIT = function () {"use strict";
if (this.LCDisOn) {
this.totalLinesPassed = 0; //Mark frame for ensuring a JIT pass for the next framebuffer output.
GameBoyCore.prototype.graphicsJITVBlank = function () {"use strict";
//JIT the graphics to v-blank framing:
this.totalLinesPassed += this.queuedScanLines;
GameBoyCore.prototype.graphicsJITScanlineGroup = function () {"use strict";
//Normal rendering JIT, where we try to do groups of scanlines at once:
while (this.queuedScanLines > 0) {
if (this.lastUnrenderedLine < 143) {
else {
this.lastUnrenderedLine = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.incrementScanLineQueue = function () {"use strict";
if (this.queuedScanLines < 144) {
else {
this.currentX = 0;
this.midScanlineOffset = -1;
if (this.lastUnrenderedLine < 143) {
else {
this.lastUnrenderedLine = 0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.midScanLineJIT = function () {"use strict";
//Check for the highest priority IRQ to fire:
GameBoyCore.prototype.launchIRQ = function () {"use strict";
var bitShift = 0;
var testbit = 1;
do {
//Check to see if an interrupt is enabled AND requested.
if ((testbit & this.IRQLineMatched) == testbit) {
this.IME = false; //Reset the interrupt enabling.
this.interruptsRequested -= testbit; //Reset the interrupt request.
this.IRQLineMatched = 0; //Reset the IRQ assertion.
//Interrupts have a certain clock cycle length:
this.CPUTicks = 20;
//Set the stack pointer to the current program counter value:
this.stackPointer = (this.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
this.memoryWriter[this.stackPointer](this, this.stackPointer, this.programCounter >> 8);
this.stackPointer = (this.stackPointer - 1) & 0xFFFF;
this.memoryWriter[this.stackPointer](this, this.stackPointer, this.programCounter & 0xFF);
//Set the program counter to the interrupt's address:
this.programCounter = 0x40 | (bitShift << 3);
//Clock the core for mid-instruction updates:
return; //We only want the highest priority interrupt.
testbit = 1 << ++bitShift;
} while (bitShift < 5);
Check for IRQs to be fired while not in HALT:
GameBoyCore.prototype.checkIRQMatching = function () {"use strict";
if (this.IME) {
this.IRQLineMatched = this.interruptsEnabled & this.interruptsRequested & 0x1F;
Handle the HALT opcode by predicting all IRQ cases correctly,
then selecting the next closest IRQ firing from the prediction to
clock up to. This prevents hacky looping that doesn't predict, but
instead just clocks through the core update procedure by one which
is very slow. Not many emulators do this because they have to cover
all the IRQ prediction cases and they usually get them wrong.
GameBoyCore.prototype.calculateHALTPeriod = function () {"use strict";
//Initialize our variables and start our prediction:
if (!this.halt) {
this.halt = true;
var currentClocks = -1;
var temp_var = 0;
if (this.LCDisOn) {
//If the LCD is enabled, then predict the LCD IRQs enabled:
if ((this.interruptsEnabled & 0x1) == 0x1) {
currentClocks = ((456 * (((this.modeSTAT == 1) ? 298 : 144) - this.actualScanLine)) - this.LCDTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter;
if ((this.interruptsEnabled & 0x2) == 0x2) {
if (this.mode0TriggerSTAT) {
temp_var = (this.clocksUntilMode0() - this.LCDTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter;
if (temp_var <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) {
currentClocks = temp_var;
if (this.mode1TriggerSTAT && (this.interruptsEnabled & 0x1) == 0) {
temp_var = ((456 * (((this.modeSTAT == 1) ? 298 : 144) - this.actualScanLine)) - this.LCDTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter;
if (temp_var <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) {
currentClocks = temp_var;
if (this.mode2TriggerSTAT) {
temp_var = (((this.actualScanLine >= 143) ? (456 * (154 - this.actualScanLine)) : 456) - this.LCDTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter;
if (temp_var <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) {
currentClocks = temp_var;
if (this.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT && this.memory[0xFF45] <= 153) {
temp_var = (this.clocksUntilLYCMatch() - this.LCDTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter;
if (temp_var <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) {
currentClocks = temp_var;
if (this.TIMAEnabled && (this.interruptsEnabled & 0x4) == 0x4) {
//CPU timer IRQ prediction:
temp_var = ((0x100 - this.memory[0xFF05]) * this.TACClocker) - this.timerTicks;
if (temp_var <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) {
currentClocks = temp_var;
if (this.serialTimer > 0 && (this.interruptsEnabled & 0x8) == 0x8) {
//Serial IRQ prediction:
if (this.serialTimer <= currentClocks || currentClocks == -1) {
currentClocks = this.serialTimer;
else {
var currentClocks = this.remainingClocks;
var maxClocks = (this.CPUCyclesTotal - this.emulatorTicks) << this.doubleSpeedShifter;
if (currentClocks >= 0) {
if (currentClocks <= maxClocks) {
//Exit out of HALT normally:
this.CPUTicks = Math.max(currentClocks, this.CPUTicks);
this.halt = false;
this.CPUTicks = 0;
else {
//Still in HALT, clock only up to the clocks specified per iteration:
this.CPUTicks = Math.max(maxClocks, this.CPUTicks);
this.remainingClocks = currentClocks - this.CPUTicks;
else {
//Still in HALT, clock only up to the clocks specified per iteration:
//Will stay in HALT forever (Stuck in HALT forever), but the APU and LCD are still clocked, so don't pause:
this.CPUTicks += maxClocks;
//Memory Reading:
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryRead = function (address) {"use strict";
//Act as a wrapper for reading the returns from the compiled jumps to memory.
return this.memoryReader[address](this, address); //This seems to be faster than the usual if/else.
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryHighRead = function (address) {"use strict";
//Act as a wrapper for reading the returns from the compiled jumps to memory.
return this.memoryHighReader[address](this, address); //This seems to be faster than the usual if/else.
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadJumpCompile = function () {"use strict";
//Faster in some browsers, since we are doing less conditionals overall by implementing them in advance.
for (var index = 0x0000; index <= 0xFFFF; index++) {
if (index < 0x4000) {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadNormal;
else if (index < 0x8000) {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadROM;
else if (index < 0x9800) {
this.memoryReader[index] = (this.cGBC) ? this.VRAMDATAReadCGBCPU : this.VRAMDATAReadDMGCPU;
else if (index < 0xA000) {
this.memoryReader[index] = (this.cGBC) ? this.VRAMCHRReadCGBCPU : this.VRAMCHRReadDMGCPU;
else if (index >= 0xA000 && index < 0xC000) {
if ((this.numRAMBanks == 1 / 16 && index < 0xA200) || this.numRAMBanks >= 1) {
if (this.cMBC7) {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadMBC7;
else if (!this.cMBC3) {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadMBC;
else {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadMBC3;
else {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadBAD;
else if (index >= 0xC000 && index < 0xE000) {
if (!this.cGBC || index < 0xD000) {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadNormal;
else {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadGBCMemory;
else if (index >= 0xE000 && index < 0xFE00) {
if (!this.cGBC || index < 0xF000) {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadECHONormal;
else {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadECHOGBCMemory;
else if (index < 0xFEA0) {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadOAM;
else if (this.cGBC && index >= 0xFEA0 && index < 0xFF00) {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadNormal;
else if (index >= 0xFF00) {
switch (index) {
case 0xFF00:
this.memoryHighReader[0] = this.memoryReader[0xFF00] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0xC0 | parentObj.memory[0xFF00]; //Top nibble returns as set.
case 0xFF01:
this.memoryHighReader[0x01] = this.memoryReader[0xFF01] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return (parentObj.memory[0xFF02] < 0x80) ? parentObj.memory[0xFF01] : 0xFF;
case 0xFF02:
if (this.cGBC) {
this.memoryHighReader[0x02] = this.memoryReader[0xFF02] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return ((parentObj.serialTimer <= 0) ? 0x7C : 0xFC) | parentObj.memory[0xFF02];
else {
this.memoryHighReader[0x02] = this.memoryReader[0xFF02] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return ((parentObj.serialTimer <= 0) ? 0x7E : 0xFE) | parentObj.memory[0xFF02];
case 0xFF04:
this.memoryHighReader[0x04] = this.memoryReader[0xFF04] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF04] = (parentObj.memory[0xFF04] + (parentObj.DIVTicks >> 8)) & 0xFF;
parentObj.DIVTicks &= 0xFF;
return parentObj.memory[0xFF04];
case 0xFF07:
this.memoryHighReader[0x07] = this.memoryReader[0xFF07] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0xF8 | parentObj.memory[0xFF07];
case 0xFF0F:
this.memoryHighReader[0x0F] = this.memoryReader[0xFF0F] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0xE0 | parentObj.interruptsRequested;
case 0xFF10:
this.memoryHighReader[0x10] = this.memoryReader[0xFF10] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0x80 | parentObj.memory[0xFF10];
case 0xFF11:
this.memoryHighReader[0x11] = this.memoryReader[0xFF11] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0x3F | parentObj.memory[0xFF11];
case 0xFF13:
this.memoryHighReader[0x13] = this.memoryReader[0xFF13] = this.memoryReadBAD;
case 0xFF14:
this.memoryHighReader[0x14] = this.memoryReader[0xFF14] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0xBF | parentObj.memory[0xFF14];
case 0xFF16:
this.memoryHighReader[0x16] = this.memoryReader[0xFF16] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0x3F | parentObj.memory[0xFF16];
case 0xFF18:
this.memoryHighReader[0x18] = this.memoryReader[0xFF18] = this.memoryReadBAD;
case 0xFF19:
this.memoryHighReader[0x19] = this.memoryReader[0xFF19] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0xBF | parentObj.memory[0xFF19];
case 0xFF1A:
this.memoryHighReader[0x1A] = this.memoryReader[0xFF1A] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0x7F | parentObj.memory[0xFF1A];
case 0xFF1B:
this.memoryHighReader[0x1B] = this.memoryReader[0xFF1B] = this.memoryReadBAD;
case 0xFF1C:
this.memoryHighReader[0x1C] = this.memoryReader[0xFF1C] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0x9F | parentObj.memory[0xFF1C];
case 0xFF1D:
this.memoryHighReader[0x1D] = this.memoryReader[0xFF1D] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0xFF;
case 0xFF1E:
this.memoryHighReader[0x1E] = this.memoryReader[0xFF1E] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0xBF | parentObj.memory[0xFF1E];
case 0xFF1F:
case 0xFF20:
this.memoryHighReader[index & 0xFF] = this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadBAD;
case 0xFF23:
this.memoryHighReader[0x23] = this.memoryReader[0xFF23] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0xBF | parentObj.memory[0xFF23];
case 0xFF26:
this.memoryHighReader[0x26] = this.memoryReader[0xFF26] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0x70 | parentObj.memory[0xFF26];
case 0xFF27:
case 0xFF28:
case 0xFF29:
case 0xFF2A:
case 0xFF2B:
case 0xFF2C:
case 0xFF2D:
case 0xFF2E:
case 0xFF2F:
this.memoryHighReader[index & 0xFF] = this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadBAD;
case 0xFF30:
case 0xFF31:
case 0xFF32:
case 0xFF33:
case 0xFF34:
case 0xFF35:
case 0xFF36:
case 0xFF37:
case 0xFF38:
case 0xFF39:
case 0xFF3A:
case 0xFF3B:
case 0xFF3C:
case 0xFF3D:
case 0xFF3E:
case 0xFF3F:
this.memoryReader[index] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return (parentObj.channel3canPlay) ? parentObj.memory[0xFF00 | (parentObj.channel3lastSampleLookup >> 1)] : parentObj.memory[address];
this.memoryHighReader[index & 0xFF] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return (parentObj.channel3canPlay) ? parentObj.memory[0xFF00 | (parentObj.channel3lastSampleLookup >> 1)] : parentObj.memory[0xFF00 | address];
case 0xFF41:
this.memoryHighReader[0x41] = this.memoryReader[0xFF41] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0x80 | parentObj.memory[0xFF41] | parentObj.modeSTAT;
case 0xFF42:
this.memoryHighReader[0x42] = this.memoryReader[0xFF42] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.backgroundY;
case 0xFF43:
this.memoryHighReader[0x43] = this.memoryReader[0xFF43] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.backgroundX;
case 0xFF44:
this.memoryHighReader[0x44] = this.memoryReader[0xFF44] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return ((parentObj.LCDisOn) ? parentObj.memory[0xFF44] : 0);
case 0xFF4A:
this.memoryHighReader[0x4A] = this.memoryReader[0xFF4A] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.windowY;
case 0xFF4F:
this.memoryHighReader[0x4F] = this.memoryReader[0xFF4F] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.currVRAMBank;
case 0xFF55:
if (this.cGBC) {
this.memoryHighReader[0x55] = this.memoryReader[0xFF55] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.LCDisOn && parentObj.hdmaRunning) { //Undocumented behavior alert: HDMA becomes GDMA when LCD is off (Worms Armageddon Fix).
parentObj.DMAWrite((parentObj.memory[0xFF55] & 0x7F) + 1);
parentObj.memory[0xFF55] = 0xFF; //Transfer completed.
parentObj.hdmaRunning = false;
return parentObj.memory[0xFF55];
else {
this.memoryReader[0xFF55] = this.memoryReadNormal;
this.memoryHighReader[0x55] = this.memoryHighReadNormal;
case 0xFF56:
if (this.cGBC) {
this.memoryHighReader[0x56] = this.memoryReader[0xFF56] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
//Return IR "not connected" status:
return 0x3C | ((parentObj.memory[0xFF56] >= 0xC0) ? (0x2 | (parentObj.memory[0xFF56] & 0xC1)) : (parentObj.memory[0xFF56] & 0xC3));
else {
this.memoryReader[0xFF56] = this.memoryReadNormal;
this.memoryHighReader[0x56] = this.memoryHighReadNormal;
case 0xFF6C:
if (this.cGBC) {
this.memoryHighReader[0x6C] = this.memoryReader[0xFF6C] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0xFE | parentObj.memory[0xFF6C];
else {
this.memoryHighReader[0x6C] = this.memoryReader[0xFF6C] = this.memoryReadBAD;
case 0xFF70:
if (this.cGBC) {
this.memoryHighReader[0x70] = this.memoryReader[0xFF70] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0x40 | parentObj.memory[0xFF70];
else {
this.memoryHighReader[0x70] = this.memoryReader[0xFF70] = this.memoryReadBAD;
case 0xFF75:
this.memoryHighReader[0x75] = this.memoryReader[0xFF75] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0x8F | parentObj.memory[0xFF75];
case 0xFF76:
case 0xFF77:
this.memoryHighReader[index & 0xFF] = this.memoryReader[index] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0;
case 0xFFFF:
this.memoryHighReader[0xFF] = this.memoryReader[0xFFFF] = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.interruptsEnabled;
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadNormal;
this.memoryHighReader[index & 0xFF] = this.memoryHighReadNormal;
else {
this.memoryReader[index] = this.memoryReadBAD;
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadNormal = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.memory[address];
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryHighReadNormal = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.memory[0xFF00 | address];
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadROM = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.ROM[parentObj.currentROMBank + address];
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadMBC = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
//Switchable RAM
if (parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled || settings[10]) {
return parentObj.MBCRam[address + parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition];
//cout("Reading from disabled RAM.", 1);
return 0xFF;
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadMBC7 = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
//Switchable RAM
if (parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled || settings[10]) {
switch (address) {
case 0xA000:
case 0xA060:
case 0xA070:
return 0;
case 0xA080:
//TODO: Gyro Control Register
return 0;
case 0xA050:
//Y High Byte
return parentObj.highY;
case 0xA040:
//Y Low Byte
return parentObj.lowY;
case 0xA030:
//X High Byte
return parentObj.highX;
case 0xA020:
//X Low Byte:
return parentObj.lowX;
return parentObj.MBCRam[address + parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition];
//cout("Reading from disabled RAM.", 1);
return 0xFF;
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadMBC3 = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
//Switchable RAM
if (parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled || settings[10]) {
switch (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank) {
case 0x00:
case 0x01:
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
return parentObj.MBCRam[address + parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition];
case 0x08:
return parentObj.latchedSeconds;
case 0x09:
return parentObj.latchedMinutes;
case 0x0A:
return parentObj.latchedHours;
case 0x0B:
return parentObj.latchedLDays;
case 0x0C:
return (((parentObj.RTCDayOverFlow) ? 0x80 : 0) + ((parentObj.RTCHALT) ? 0x40 : 0)) + parentObj.latchedHDays;
//cout("Reading from invalid or disabled RAM.", 1);
return 0xFF;
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadGBCMemory = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.GBCMemory[address + parentObj.gbcRamBankPosition];
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadOAM = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return (parentObj.modeSTAT > 1) ? 0xFF : parentObj.memory[address];
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadECHOGBCMemory = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.GBCMemory[address + parentObj.gbcRamBankPositionECHO];
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadECHONormal = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return parentObj.memory[address - 0x2000];
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryReadBAD = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
return 0xFF;
GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMDATAReadCGBCPU = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
//CPU Side Reading The VRAM (Optimized for GameBoy Color)
return (parentObj.modeSTAT > 2) ? 0xFF : ((parentObj.currVRAMBank == 0) ? parentObj.memory[address] : parentObj.VRAM[address & 0x1FFF]);
GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMDATAReadDMGCPU = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
//CPU Side Reading The VRAM (Optimized for classic GameBoy)
return (parentObj.modeSTAT > 2) ? 0xFF : parentObj.memory[address];
GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMCHRReadCGBCPU = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
//CPU Side Reading the Character Data Map:
return (parentObj.modeSTAT > 2) ? 0xFF : parentObj.BGCHRCurrentBank[address & 0x7FF];
GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMCHRReadDMGCPU = function (parentObj, address) {"use strict";
//CPU Side Reading the Character Data Map:
return (parentObj.modeSTAT > 2) ? 0xFF : parentObj.BGCHRBank1[address & 0x7FF];
GameBoyCore.prototype.setCurrentMBC1ROMBank = function () {"use strict";
//Read the cartridge ROM data from RAM memory:
switch (this.ROMBank1offs) {
case 0x00:
case 0x20:
case 0x40:
case 0x60:
//Bank calls for 0x00, 0x20, 0x40, and 0x60 are really for 0x01, 0x21, 0x41, and 0x61.
this.currentROMBank = (this.ROMBank1offs % this.ROMBankEdge) << 14;
this.currentROMBank = ((this.ROMBank1offs % this.ROMBankEdge) - 1) << 14;
GameBoyCore.prototype.setCurrentMBC2AND3ROMBank = function () {"use strict";
//Read the cartridge ROM data from RAM memory:
//Only map bank 0 to bank 1 here (MBC2 is like MBC1, but can only do 16 banks, so only the bank 0 quirk appears for MBC2):
this.currentROMBank = Math.max((this.ROMBank1offs % this.ROMBankEdge) - 1, 0) << 14;
GameBoyCore.prototype.setCurrentMBC5ROMBank = function () {"use strict";
//Read the cartridge ROM data from RAM memory:
this.currentROMBank = ((this.ROMBank1offs % this.ROMBankEdge) - 1) << 14;
//Memory Writing:
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWrite = function (address, data) {"use strict";
//Act as a wrapper for writing by compiled jumps to specific memory writing functions.
this.memoryWriter[address](this, address, data);
//0xFFXX fast path:
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryHighWrite = function (address, data) {"use strict";
//Act as a wrapper for writing by compiled jumps to specific memory writing functions.
this.memoryHighWriter[address](this, address, data);
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteJumpCompile = function () {"use strict";
//Faster in some browsers, since we are doing less conditionals overall by implementing them in advance.
for (var index = 0x0000; index <= 0xFFFF; index++) {
if (index < 0x8000) {
if (this.cMBC1) {
if (index < 0x2000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBCWriteEnable;
else if (index < 0x4000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC1WriteROMBank;
else if (index < 0x6000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC1WriteRAMBank;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC1WriteType;
else if (this.cMBC2) {
if (index < 0x1000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBCWriteEnable;
else if (index >= 0x2100 && index < 0x2200) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC2WriteROMBank;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
else if (this.cMBC3) {
if (index < 0x2000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBCWriteEnable;
else if (index < 0x4000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC3WriteROMBank;
else if (index < 0x6000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC3WriteRAMBank;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC3WriteRTCLatch;
else if (this.cMBC5 || this.cRUMBLE || this.cMBC7) {
if (index < 0x2000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBCWriteEnable;
else if (index < 0x3000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC5WriteROMBankLow;
else if (index < 0x4000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC5WriteROMBankHigh;
else if (index < 0x6000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = (this.cRUMBLE) ? this.RUMBLEWriteRAMBank : this.MBC5WriteRAMBank;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
else if (this.cHuC3) {
if (index < 0x2000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBCWriteEnable;
else if (index < 0x4000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.MBC3WriteROMBank;
else if (index < 0x6000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.HuC3WriteRAMBank;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
else if (index < 0x9000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = (this.cGBC) ? this.VRAMGBCDATAWrite : this.VRAMGBDATAWrite;
else if (index < 0x9800) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = (this.cGBC) ? this.VRAMGBCDATAWrite : this.VRAMGBDATAUpperWrite;
else if (index < 0xA000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = (this.cGBC) ? this.VRAMGBCCHRMAPWrite : this.VRAMGBCHRMAPWrite;
else if (index < 0xC000) {
if ((this.numRAMBanks == 1 / 16 && index < 0xA200) || this.numRAMBanks >= 1) {
if (!this.cMBC3) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteMBCRAM;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteMBC3RAM;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
else if (index < 0xE000) {
if (this.cGBC && index >= 0xD000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteGBCRAM;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteNormal;
else if (index < 0xFE00) {
if (this.cGBC && index >= 0xF000) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteECHOGBCRAM;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteECHONormal;
else if (index <= 0xFEA0) {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteOAMRAM;
else if (index < 0xFF00) {
if (this.cGBC) { //Only GBC has access to this RAM.
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteNormal;
else {
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
else {
//Start the I/O initialization by filling in the slots as normal memory:
this.memoryWriter[index] = this.memoryWriteNormal;
this.memoryHighWriter[index & 0xFF] = this.memoryHighWriteNormal;
this.registerWriteJumpCompile(); //Compile the I/O write functions separately...
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBCWriteEnable = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//MBC RAM Bank Enable/Disable:
parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled = ((data & 0x0F) == 0x0A); //If lower nibble is 0x0A, then enable, otherwise disable.
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC1WriteROMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//MBC1 ROM bank switching:
parentObj.ROMBank1offs = (parentObj.ROMBank1offs & 0x60) | (data & 0x1F);
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC1WriteRAMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//MBC1 RAM bank switching
if (parentObj.MBC1Mode) {
//4/32 Mode
parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = data & 0x03;
parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank << 13) - 0xA000;
else {
//16/8 Mode
parentObj.ROMBank1offs = ((data & 0x03) << 5) | (parentObj.ROMBank1offs & 0x1F);
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC1WriteType = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//MBC1 mode setting:
parentObj.MBC1Mode = ((data & 0x1) == 0x1);
if (parentObj.MBC1Mode) {
parentObj.ROMBank1offs &= 0x1F;
else {
parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = 0;
parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = -0xA000;
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC2WriteROMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//MBC2 ROM bank switching:
parentObj.ROMBank1offs = data & 0x0F;
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC3WriteROMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//MBC3 ROM bank switching:
parentObj.ROMBank1offs = data & 0x7F;
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC3WriteRAMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = data;
if (data < 4) {
//MBC3 RAM bank switching
parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank << 13) - 0xA000;
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC3WriteRTCLatch = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (data == 0) {
parentObj.RTCisLatched = false;
else if (!parentObj.RTCisLatched) {
//Copy over the current RTC time for reading.
parentObj.RTCisLatched = true;
parentObj.latchedSeconds = parentObj.RTCSeconds | 0;
parentObj.latchedMinutes = parentObj.RTCMinutes;
parentObj.latchedHours = parentObj.RTCHours;
parentObj.latchedLDays = (parentObj.RTCDays & 0xFF);
parentObj.latchedHDays = parentObj.RTCDays >> 8;
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC5WriteROMBankLow = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//MBC5 ROM bank switching:
parentObj.ROMBank1offs = (parentObj.ROMBank1offs & 0x100) | data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC5WriteROMBankHigh = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//MBC5 ROM bank switching (by least significant bit):
parentObj.ROMBank1offs = ((data & 0x01) << 8) | (parentObj.ROMBank1offs & 0xFF);
GameBoyCore.prototype.MBC5WriteRAMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//MBC5 RAM bank switching
parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = data & 0xF;
parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank << 13) - 0xA000;
GameBoyCore.prototype.RUMBLEWriteRAMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//MBC5 RAM bank switching
//Like MBC5, but bit 3 of the lower nibble is used for rumbling and bit 2 is ignored.
parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = data & 0x03;
parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank << 13) - 0xA000;
GameBoyCore.prototype.HuC3WriteRAMBank = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//HuC3 RAM bank switching
parentObj.currMBCRAMBank = data & 0x03;
parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition = (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank << 13) - 0xA000;
GameBoyCore.prototype.cartIgnoreWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//We might have encountered illegal RAM writing or such, so just do nothing...
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteNormal = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[address] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryHighWriteNormal = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF00 | address] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteMBCRAM = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled || settings[10]) {
parentObj.MBCRam[address + parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteMBC3RAM = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.MBCRAMBanksEnabled || settings[10]) {
switch (parentObj.currMBCRAMBank) {
case 0x00:
case 0x01:
case 0x02:
case 0x03:
parentObj.MBCRam[address + parentObj.currMBCRAMBankPosition] = data;
case 0x08:
if (data < 60) {
parentObj.RTCSeconds = data;
else {
cout("(Bank #" + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank + ") RTC write out of range: " + data, 1);
case 0x09:
if (data < 60) {
parentObj.RTCMinutes = data;
else {
cout("(Bank #" + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank + ") RTC write out of range: " + data, 1);
case 0x0A:
if (data < 24) {
parentObj.RTCHours = data;
else {
cout("(Bank #" + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank + ") RTC write out of range: " + data, 1);
case 0x0B:
parentObj.RTCDays = (data & 0xFF) | (parentObj.RTCDays & 0x100);
case 0x0C:
parentObj.RTCDayOverFlow = (data > 0x7F);
parentObj.RTCHalt = (data & 0x40) == 0x40;
parentObj.RTCDays = ((data & 0x1) << 8) | (parentObj.RTCDays & 0xFF);
cout("Invalid MBC3 bank address selected: " + parentObj.currMBCRAMBank, 0);
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteGBCRAM = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.GBCMemory[address + parentObj.gbcRamBankPosition] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteOAMRAM = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 2) { //OAM RAM cannot be written to in mode 2 & 3
if (parentObj.memory[address] != data) {
parentObj.memory[address] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteECHOGBCRAM = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.GBCMemory[address + parentObj.gbcRamBankPositionECHO] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.memoryWriteECHONormal = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[address - 0x2000] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMGBDATAWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 3) { //VRAM cannot be written to during mode 3
if (parentObj.memory[address] != data) {
//JIT the graphics render queue:
parentObj.memory[address] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMGBDATAUpperWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 3) { //VRAM cannot be written to during mode 3
if (parentObj.memory[address] != data) {
//JIT the graphics render queue:
parentObj.memory[address] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMGBCDATAWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 3) { //VRAM cannot be written to during mode 3
if (parentObj.currVRAMBank == 0) {
if (parentObj.memory[address] != data) {
//JIT the graphics render queue:
parentObj.memory[address] = data;
else {
address &= 0x1FFF;
if (parentObj.VRAM[address] != data) {
//JIT the graphics render queue:
parentObj.VRAM[address] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMGBCHRMAPWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 3) { //VRAM cannot be written to during mode 3
address &= 0x7FF;
if (parentObj.BGCHRBank1[address] != data) {
//JIT the graphics render queue:
parentObj.BGCHRBank1[address] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.VRAMGBCCHRMAPWrite = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.modeSTAT < 3) { //VRAM cannot be written to during mode 3
address &= 0x7FF;
if (parentObj.BGCHRCurrentBank[address] != data) {
//JIT the graphics render queue:
parentObj.BGCHRCurrentBank[address] = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.DMAWrite = function (tilesToTransfer) {"use strict";
if (!this.halt) {
//Clock the CPU for the DMA transfer (CPU is halted during the transfer):
this.CPUTicks += 4 | ((tilesToTransfer << 5) << this.doubleSpeedShifter);
//Source address of the transfer:
var source = (this.memory[0xFF51] << 8) | this.memory[0xFF52];
//Destination address in the VRAM memory range:
var destination = (this.memory[0xFF53] << 8) | this.memory[0xFF54];
//Creating some references:
var memoryReader = this.memoryReader;
//JIT the graphics render queue:
var memory = this.memory;
//Determining which bank we're working on so we can optimize:
if (this.currVRAMBank == 0) {
//DMA transfer for VRAM bank 0:
do {
if (destination < 0x1800) {
memory[0x8000 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x8001 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x8002 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x8003 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x8004 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x8005 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x8006 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x8007 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x8008 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x8009 | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x800A | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x800B | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x800C | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x800D | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x800E | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
memory[0x800F | destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
destination += 0x10;
else {
destination &= 0x7F0;
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank1[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
destination = (destination + 0x1800) & 0x1FF0;
source &= 0xFFF0;
} while (tilesToTransfer > 0);
else {
var VRAM = this.VRAM;
//DMA transfer for VRAM bank 1:
do {
if (destination < 0x1800) {
VRAM[destination] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0x1] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0x2] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0x3] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0x4] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0x5] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0x6] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0x7] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0x8] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0x9] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0xA] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0xB] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0xC] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0xD] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0xE] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
VRAM[destination | 0xF] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
destination += 0x10;
else {
destination &= 0x7F0;
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
this.BGCHRBank2[destination++] = memoryReader[source](this, source++);
destination = (destination + 0x1800) & 0x1FF0;
source &= 0xFFF0;
} while (tilesToTransfer > 0);
//Update the HDMA registers to their next addresses:
memory[0xFF51] = source >> 8;
memory[0xFF52] = source & 0xF0;
memory[0xFF53] = destination >> 8;
memory[0xFF54] = destination & 0xF0;
GameBoyCore.prototype.registerWriteJumpCompile = function () {"use strict";
//I/O Registers (GB + GBC):
this.memoryHighWriter[0] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF00] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF00] = (data & 0x30) | ((((data & 0x20) == 0) ? (parentObj.JoyPad >> 4) : 0xF) & (((data & 0x10) == 0) ? (parentObj.JoyPad & 0xF) : 0xF));
//SB (Serial Transfer Data)
this.memoryHighWriter[0x1] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF01] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF02] < 0x80) { //Cannot write while a serial transfer is active.
parentObj.memory[0xFF01] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x4] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF04] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.DIVTicks &= 0xFF; //Update DIV for realignment.
parentObj.memory[0xFF04] = 0;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x5] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF05] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF05] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x6] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF06] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF06] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x7] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF07] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF07] = data & 0x07;
parentObj.TIMAEnabled = (data & 0x04) == 0x04;
parentObj.TACClocker = Math.pow(4, ((data & 0x3) != 0) ? (data & 0x3) : 4) << 2; //TODO: Find a way to not make a conditional in here...
//IF (Interrupt Request)
this.memoryHighWriter[0xF] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF0F] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.interruptsRequested = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x10] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF10] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
if (parentObj.channel1decreaseSweep && (data & 0x08) == 0) {
if (parentObj.channel1numSweep != parentObj.channel1frequencySweepDivider) {
parentObj.channel1SweepFault = true;
parentObj.channel1lastTimeSweep = (data & 0x70) >> 4;
parentObj.channel1frequencySweepDivider = data & 0x07;
parentObj.channel1decreaseSweep = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08);
parentObj.memory[0xFF10] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x11] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF11] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled || !parentObj.cGBC) {
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
else {
data &= 0x3F;
parentObj.channel1CachedDuty = parentObj.dutyLookup[data >> 6];
parentObj.channel1totalLength = 0x40 - (data & 0x3F);
parentObj.memory[0xFF11] = data & 0xC0;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x12] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF12] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
if (parentObj.channel1Enabled && parentObj.channel1envelopeSweeps == 0) {
//Zombie Volume PAPU Bug:
if (((parentObj.memory[0xFF12] ^ data) & 0x8) == 0x8) {
if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF12] & 0x8) == 0) {
if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF12] & 0x7) == 0x7) {
parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume += 2;
else {
parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume = (16 - parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume) & 0xF;
else if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF12] & 0xF) == 0x8) {
parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume = (1 + parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume) & 0xF;
parentObj.channel1envelopeType = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08);
parentObj.memory[0xFF12] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x13] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF13] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
parentObj.channel1frequency = (parentObj.channel1frequency & 0x700) | data;
parentObj.channel1FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - parentObj.channel1frequency) << 2;
parentObj.memory[0xFF13] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x14] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF14] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
parentObj.channel1consecutive = ((data & 0x40) == 0x0);
parentObj.channel1frequency = ((data & 0x7) << 8) | (parentObj.channel1frequency & 0xFF);
parentObj.channel1FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - parentObj.channel1frequency) << 2;
if (data > 0x7F) {
//Reload 0xFF10:
parentObj.channel1timeSweep = parentObj.channel1lastTimeSweep;
parentObj.channel1numSweep = parentObj.channel1frequencySweepDivider;
//Reload 0xFF12:
var nr12 = parentObj.memory[0xFF12];
parentObj.channel1envelopeVolume = nr12 >> 4;
parentObj.channel1envelopeSweepsLast = (nr12 & 0x7) - 1;
if (parentObj.channel1totalLength == 0) {
parentObj.channel1totalLength = 0x40;
if (parentObj.channel1lastTimeSweep > 0 || parentObj.channel1frequencySweepDivider > 0) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x1;
else {
parentObj.memory[0xFF26] &= 0xFE;
if ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x1;
parentObj.channel1ShadowFrequency = parentObj.channel1frequency;
//Reset frequency overflow check + frequency sweep type check:
parentObj.channel1SweepFault = false;
//Supposed to run immediately:
parentObj.memory[0xFF14] = data & 0x40;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x16] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF16] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled || !parentObj.cGBC) {
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
else {
data &= 0x3F;
parentObj.channel2CachedDuty = parentObj.dutyLookup[data >> 6];
parentObj.channel2totalLength = 0x40 - (data & 0x3F);
parentObj.memory[0xFF16] = data & 0xC0;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x17] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF17] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
if (parentObj.channel2Enabled && parentObj.channel2envelopeSweeps == 0) {
//Zombie Volume PAPU Bug:
if (((parentObj.memory[0xFF17] ^ data) & 0x8) == 0x8) {
if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF17] & 0x8) == 0) {
if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF17] & 0x7) == 0x7) {
parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume += 2;
else {
parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume = (16 - parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume) & 0xF;
else if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF17] & 0xF) == 0x8) {
parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume = (1 + parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume) & 0xF;
parentObj.channel2envelopeType = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08);
parentObj.memory[0xFF17] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x18] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF18] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
parentObj.channel2frequency = (parentObj.channel2frequency & 0x700) | data;
parentObj.channel2FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - parentObj.channel2frequency) << 2;
parentObj.memory[0xFF18] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x19] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF19] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
if (data > 0x7F) {
//Reload 0xFF17:
var nr22 = parentObj.memory[0xFF17];
parentObj.channel2envelopeVolume = nr22 >> 4;
parentObj.channel2envelopeSweepsLast = (nr22 & 0x7) - 1;
if (parentObj.channel2totalLength == 0) {
parentObj.channel2totalLength = 0x40;
if ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x2;
parentObj.channel2consecutive = ((data & 0x40) == 0x0);
parentObj.channel2frequency = ((data & 0x7) << 8) | (parentObj.channel2frequency & 0xFF);
parentObj.channel2FrequencyTracker = (0x800 - parentObj.channel2frequency) << 2;
parentObj.memory[0xFF19] = data & 0x40;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x1A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF1A] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
if (!parentObj.channel3canPlay && data >= 0x80) {
parentObj.channel3lastSampleLookup = 0;
parentObj.channel3canPlay = (data > 0x7F);
if (parentObj.channel3canPlay && parentObj.memory[0xFF1A] > 0x7F && !parentObj.channel3consecutive) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x4;
parentObj.memory[0xFF1A] = data & 0x80;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x1B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF1B] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled || !parentObj.cGBC) {
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
parentObj.channel3totalLength = 0x100 - data;
parentObj.memory[0xFF1B] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x1C] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF1C] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
data &= 0x60;
parentObj.memory[0xFF1C] = data;
parentObj.channel3patternType = (data == 0) ? 4 : ((data >> 5) - 1);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x1D] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF1D] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
parentObj.channel3frequency = (parentObj.channel3frequency & 0x700) | data;
parentObj.channel3FrequencyPeriod = (0x800 - parentObj.channel3frequency) << 1;
parentObj.memory[0xFF1D] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x1E] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF1E] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
if (data > 0x7F) {
if (parentObj.channel3totalLength == 0) {
parentObj.channel3totalLength = 0x100;
parentObj.channel3lastSampleLookup = 0;
if ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x4;
parentObj.channel3consecutive = ((data & 0x40) == 0x0);
parentObj.channel3frequency = ((data & 0x7) << 8) | (parentObj.channel3frequency & 0xFF);
parentObj.channel3FrequencyPeriod = (0x800 - parentObj.channel3frequency) << 1;
parentObj.memory[0xFF1E] = data & 0x40;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x20] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF20] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled || !parentObj.cGBC) {
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
parentObj.channel4totalLength = 0x40 - (data & 0x3F);
parentObj.memory[0xFF20] = data | 0xC0;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x21] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF21] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
if (parentObj.channel4Enabled && parentObj.channel4envelopeSweeps == 0) {
//Zombie Volume PAPU Bug:
if (((parentObj.memory[0xFF21] ^ data) & 0x8) == 0x8) {
if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF21] & 0x8) == 0) {
if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF21] & 0x7) == 0x7) {
parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume += 2;
else {
parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume = (16 - parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume) & 0xF;
else if ((parentObj.memory[0xFF21] & 0xF) == 0x8) {
parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume = (1 + parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume) & 0xF;
parentObj.channel4currentVolume = parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume << parentObj.channel4VolumeShifter;
parentObj.channel4envelopeType = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08);
parentObj.memory[0xFF21] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x22] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF22] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
parentObj.channel4FrequencyPeriod = Math.max((data & 0x7) << 4, 8) << (data >> 4);
var bitWidth = (data & 0x8);
if ((bitWidth == 0x8 && parentObj.channel4BitRange == 0x7FFF) || (bitWidth == 0 && parentObj.channel4BitRange == 0x7F)) {
parentObj.channel4lastSampleLookup = 0;
parentObj.channel4BitRange = (bitWidth == 0x8) ? 0x7F : 0x7FFF;
parentObj.channel4VolumeShifter = (bitWidth == 0x8) ? 7 : 15;
parentObj.channel4currentVolume = parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume << parentObj.channel4VolumeShifter;
parentObj.noiseSampleTable = (bitWidth == 0x8) ? parentObj.LSFR7Table : parentObj.LSFR15Table;
parentObj.memory[0xFF22] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x23] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF23] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF23] = data;
parentObj.channel4consecutive = ((data & 0x40) == 0x0);
if (data > 0x7F) {
var nr42 = parentObj.memory[0xFF21];
parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume = nr42 >> 4;
parentObj.channel4currentVolume = parentObj.channel4envelopeVolume << parentObj.channel4VolumeShifter;
parentObj.channel4envelopeSweepsLast = (nr42 & 0x7) - 1;
if (parentObj.channel4totalLength == 0) {
parentObj.channel4totalLength = 0x40;
if ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF26] |= 0x8;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x24] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF24] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled && parentObj.memory[0xFF24] != data) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF24] = data;
parentObj.VinLeftChannelMasterVolume = ((data >> 4) & 0x07) + 1;
parentObj.VinRightChannelMasterVolume = (data & 0x07) + 1;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x25] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF25] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled && parentObj.memory[0xFF25] != data) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF25] = data;
parentObj.rightChannel1 = ((data & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.rightChannel2 = ((data & 0x02) == 0x02);
parentObj.rightChannel3 = ((data & 0x04) == 0x04);
parentObj.rightChannel4 = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08);
parentObj.leftChannel1 = ((data & 0x10) == 0x10);
parentObj.leftChannel2 = ((data & 0x20) == 0x20);
parentObj.leftChannel3 = ((data & 0x40) == 0x40);
parentObj.leftChannel4 = (data > 0x7F);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x26] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF26] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.soundMasterEnabled && data > 0x7F) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF26] = 0x80;
parentObj.soundMasterEnabled = true;
else if (parentObj.soundMasterEnabled && data < 0x80) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF26] = 0;
parentObj.soundMasterEnabled = false;
//GBDev wiki says the registers are written with zeros on power off:
for (var index = 0xFF10; index < 0xFF26; index++) {
parentObj.memoryWriter[index](parentObj, index, 0);
//0xFF27 to 0xFF2F don't do anything...
this.memoryHighWriter[0x27] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF27] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x28] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF28] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x29] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF29] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x2A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2A] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x2B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2B] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x2C] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2C] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x2D] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2D] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x2E] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2E] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x2F] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF2F] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x30] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF30] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x31] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF31] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x1, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x32] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF32] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x2, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x33] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF33] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x3, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x34] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF34] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x4, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x35] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF35] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x5, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x36] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF36] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x6, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x37] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF37] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x7, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x38] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF38] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x8, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x39] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF39] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0x9, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x3A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3A] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xA, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x3B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3B] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xB, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x3C] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3C] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xC, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x3D] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3D] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xD, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x3E] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3E] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xE, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x3F] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF3F] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.channel3WriteRAM(0xF, data);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x42] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF42] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.backgroundY != data) {
parentObj.backgroundY = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x43] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF43] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.backgroundX != data) {
parentObj.backgroundX = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x44] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF44] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
//Read Only:
if (parentObj.LCDisOn) {
//Gambatte says to do this:
parentObj.modeSTAT = 2;
parentObj.midScanlineOffset = -1;
parentObj.totalLinesPassed = parentObj.currentX = parentObj.queuedScanLines = parentObj.lastUnrenderedLine = parentObj.LCDTicks = parentObj.STATTracker = parentObj.actualScanLine = parentObj.memory[0xFF44] = 0;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x45] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF45] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF45] != data) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF45] = data;
if (parentObj.LCDisOn) {
parentObj.matchLYC(); //Get the compare of the first scan line.
this.memoryHighWriter[0x4A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4A] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.windowY != data) {
parentObj.windowY = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x4B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4B] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF4B] != data) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF4B] = data;
parentObj.windowX = data - 7;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x72] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF72] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF72] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x73] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF73] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF73] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x75] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF75] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF75] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x76] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF76] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x77] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF77] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
//IE (Interrupt Enable)
this.memoryHighWriter[0xFF] = this.memoryWriter[0xFFFF] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.interruptsEnabled = data;
GameBoyCore.prototype.recompileModelSpecificIOWriteHandling = function () {"use strict";
if (this.cGBC) {
//GameBoy Color Specific I/O:
//SC (Serial Transfer Control Register)
this.memoryHighWriter[0x2] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF02] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (((data & 0x1) == 0x1)) {
//Internal clock:
parentObj.memory[0xFF02] = (data & 0x7F);
parentObj.serialTimer = ((data & 0x2) == 0) ? 4096 : 128; //Set the Serial IRQ counter.
parentObj.serialShiftTimer = parentObj.serialShiftTimerAllocated = ((data & 0x2) == 0) ? 512 : 16; //Set the transfer data shift counter.
else {
//External clock:
parentObj.memory[0xFF02] = data;
parentObj.serialShiftTimer = parentObj.serialShiftTimerAllocated = parentObj.serialTimer = 0; //Zero the timers, since we're emulating as if nothing is connected.
this.memoryHighWriter[0x40] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF40] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF40] != data) {
var temp_var = (data > 0x7F);
if (temp_var != parentObj.LCDisOn) {
//When the display mode changes...
parentObj.LCDisOn = temp_var;
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x78;
parentObj.midScanlineOffset = -1;
parentObj.totalLinesPassed = parentObj.currentX = parentObj.queuedScanLines = parentObj.lastUnrenderedLine = parentObj.STATTracker = parentObj.LCDTicks = parentObj.actualScanLine = parentObj.memory[0xFF44] = 0;
if (parentObj.LCDisOn) {
parentObj.modeSTAT = 2;
parentObj.matchLYC(); //Get the compare of the first scan line.
else {
parentObj.modeSTAT = 0;
parentObj.interruptsRequested &= 0xFD;
parentObj.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition = ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) ? 0x400 : 0;
parentObj.gfxWindowDisplay = ((data & 0x20) == 0x20);
parentObj.gfxBackgroundBankOffset = ((data & 0x10) == 0x10) ? 0 : 0x80;
parentObj.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08) ? 0x400 : 0;
parentObj.gfxSpriteNormalHeight = ((data & 0x04) == 0);
parentObj.gfxSpriteShow = ((data & 0x02) == 0x02);
parentObj.BGPriorityEnabled = ((data & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.priorityFlaggingPathRebuild(); //Special case the priority flagging as an optimization.
parentObj.memory[0xFF40] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x41] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF41] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x40) == 0x40);
parentObj.mode2TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x20) == 0x20);
parentObj.mode1TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x10) == 0x10);
parentObj.mode0TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08);
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] = data & 0x78;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x46] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF46] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF46] = data;
if (data < 0xE0) {
data <<= 8;
address = 0xFE00;
var stat = parentObj.modeSTAT;
parentObj.modeSTAT = 0;
var newData = 0;
do {
newData = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++);
if (newData != parentObj.memory[address]) {
//JIT the graphics render queue:
parentObj.modeSTAT = stat;
parentObj.modeSTAT = 0;
parentObj.memory[address++] = newData;
} while (++address < 0xFEA0);
if (address < 0xFEA0) {
do {
parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++);
parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++);
parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++);
parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++);
} while (address < 0xFEA0);
parentObj.modeSTAT = stat;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x4D] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4D] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] = (data & 0x7F) | (parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] & 0x80);
this.memoryHighWriter[0x4F] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4F] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.currVRAMBank = data & 0x01;
if (parentObj.currVRAMBank > 0) {
parentObj.BGCHRCurrentBank = parentObj.BGCHRBank2;
else {
parentObj.BGCHRCurrentBank = parentObj.BGCHRBank1;
//Only writable by GBC.
this.memoryHighWriter[0x51] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF51] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF51] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x52] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF52] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF52] = data & 0xF0;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x53] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF53] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF53] = data & 0x1F;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x54] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF54] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF54] = data & 0xF0;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x55] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF55] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning) {
if ((data & 0x80) == 0) {
parentObj.DMAWrite((data & 0x7F) + 1);
parentObj.memory[0xFF55] = 0xFF; //Transfer completed.
else {
//H-Blank DMA
parentObj.hdmaRunning = true;
parentObj.memory[0xFF55] = data & 0x7F;
else if ((data & 0x80) == 0) {
//Stop H-Blank DMA
parentObj.hdmaRunning = false;
parentObj.memory[0xFF55] |= 0x80;
else {
parentObj.memory[0xFF55] = data & 0x7F;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x68] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF68] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF69] = parentObj.gbcBGRawPalette[data & 0x3F];
parentObj.memory[0xFF68] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x69] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF69] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.updateGBCBGPalette(parentObj.memory[0xFF68] & 0x3F, data);
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF68] > 0x7F) { // high bit = autoincrement
var next = ((parentObj.memory[0xFF68] + 1) & 0x3F);
parentObj.memory[0xFF68] = (next | 0x80);
parentObj.memory[0xFF69] = parentObj.gbcBGRawPalette[next];
else {
parentObj.memory[0xFF69] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x6A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6A] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF6B] = parentObj.gbcOBJRawPalette[data & 0x3F];
parentObj.memory[0xFF6A] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x6B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6B] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.updateGBCOBJPalette(parentObj.memory[0xFF6A] & 0x3F, data);
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF6A] > 0x7F) { // high bit = autoincrement
var next = ((parentObj.memory[0xFF6A] + 1) & 0x3F);
parentObj.memory[0xFF6A] = (next | 0x80);
parentObj.memory[0xFF6B] = parentObj.gbcOBJRawPalette[next];
else {
parentObj.memory[0xFF6B] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x70] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF70] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
var addressCheck = (parentObj.memory[0xFF51] << 8) | parentObj.memory[0xFF52]; //Cannot change the RAM bank while WRAM is the source of a running HDMA.
if (!parentObj.hdmaRunning || addressCheck < 0xD000 || addressCheck >= 0xE000) {
parentObj.gbcRamBank = Math.max(data & 0x07, 1); //Bank range is from 1-7
parentObj.gbcRamBankPosition = ((parentObj.gbcRamBank - 1) << 12) - 0xD000;
parentObj.gbcRamBankPositionECHO = parentObj.gbcRamBankPosition - 0x2000;
parentObj.memory[0xFF70] = data; //Bit 6 cannot be written to.
this.memoryHighWriter[0x74] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF74] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF74] = data;
else {
//Fill in the GameBoy Color I/O registers as normal RAM for GameBoy compatibility:
//SC (Serial Transfer Control Register)
this.memoryHighWriter[0x2] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF02] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (((data & 0x1) == 0x1)) {
//Internal clock:
parentObj.memory[0xFF02] = (data & 0x7F);
parentObj.serialTimer = 4096; //Set the Serial IRQ counter.
parentObj.serialShiftTimer = parentObj.serialShiftTimerAllocated = 512; //Set the transfer data shift counter.
else {
//External clock:
parentObj.memory[0xFF02] = data;
parentObj.serialShiftTimer = parentObj.serialShiftTimerAllocated = parentObj.serialTimer = 0; //Zero the timers, since we're emulating as if nothing is connected.
this.memoryHighWriter[0x40] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF40] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF40] != data) {
var temp_var = (data > 0x7F);
if (temp_var != parentObj.LCDisOn) {
//When the display mode changes...
parentObj.LCDisOn = temp_var;
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] &= 0x78;
parentObj.midScanlineOffset = -1;
parentObj.totalLinesPassed = parentObj.currentX = parentObj.queuedScanLines = parentObj.lastUnrenderedLine = parentObj.STATTracker = parentObj.LCDTicks = parentObj.actualScanLine = parentObj.memory[0xFF44] = 0;
if (parentObj.LCDisOn) {
parentObj.modeSTAT = 2;
parentObj.matchLYC(); //Get the compare of the first scan line.
else {
parentObj.modeSTAT = 0;
parentObj.interruptsRequested &= 0xFD;
parentObj.gfxWindowCHRBankPosition = ((data & 0x40) == 0x40) ? 0x400 : 0;
parentObj.gfxWindowDisplay = (data & 0x20) == 0x20;
parentObj.gfxBackgroundBankOffset = ((data & 0x10) == 0x10) ? 0 : 0x80;
parentObj.gfxBackgroundCHRBankPosition = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08) ? 0x400 : 0;
parentObj.gfxSpriteNormalHeight = ((data & 0x04) == 0);
parentObj.gfxSpriteShow = (data & 0x02) == 0x02;
parentObj.bgEnabled = ((data & 0x01) == 0x01);
parentObj.memory[0xFF40] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x41] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF41] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.LYCMatchTriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x40) == 0x40);
parentObj.mode2TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x20) == 0x20);
parentObj.mode1TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x10) == 0x10);
parentObj.mode0TriggerSTAT = ((data & 0x08) == 0x08);
parentObj.memory[0xFF41] = data & 0x78;
if ((!parentObj.usedBootROM || !parentObj.usedGBCBootROM) && parentObj.LCDisOn && parentObj.modeSTAT < 2) {
parentObj.interruptsRequested |= 0x2;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x46] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF46] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF46] = data;
if (data > 0x7F && data < 0xE0) { //DMG cannot DMA from the ROM banks.
data <<= 8;
address = 0xFE00;
var stat = parentObj.modeSTAT;
parentObj.modeSTAT = 0;
var newData = 0;
do {
newData = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++);
if (newData != parentObj.memory[address]) {
//JIT the graphics render queue:
parentObj.modeSTAT = stat;
parentObj.modeSTAT = 0;
parentObj.memory[address++] = newData;
} while (++address < 0xFEA0);
if (address < 0xFEA0) {
do {
parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++);
parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++);
parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++);
parentObj.memory[address++] = parentObj.memoryReader[data](parentObj, data++);
} while (address < 0xFEA0);
parentObj.modeSTAT = stat;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x47] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF47] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF47] != data) {
parentObj.memory[0xFF47] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x48] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF48] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF48] != data) {
parentObj.updateGBOBJPalette(0, data);
parentObj.memory[0xFF48] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x49] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF49] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.memory[0xFF49] != data) {
parentObj.updateGBOBJPalette(4, data);
parentObj.memory[0xFF49] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x4D] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4D] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
parentObj.memory[0xFF4D] = data;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x4F] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF4F] = this.cartIgnoreWrite; //Not writable in DMG mode.
this.memoryHighWriter[0x55] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF55] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x68] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF68] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x69] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF69] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x6A] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6A] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x6B] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6B] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x6C] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6C] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x70] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF70] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
this.memoryHighWriter[0x74] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF74] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
GameBoyCore.prototype.recompileBootIOWriteHandling = function () {"use strict";
//Boot I/O Registers:
if (this.inBootstrap) {
this.memoryHighWriter[0x50] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF50] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
cout("Boot ROM reads blocked: Bootstrap process has ended.", 0);
parentObj.inBootstrap = false;
parentObj.disableBootROM(); //Fill in the boot ROM ranges with ROM bank 0 ROM ranges
parentObj.memory[0xFF50] = data; //Bits are sustained in memory?
if (this.cGBC) {
this.memoryHighWriter[0x6C] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF6C] = function (parentObj, address, data) {"use strict";
if (parentObj.inBootstrap) {
parentObj.cGBC = ((data & 0x1) == 0);
//Exception to the GBC identifying code:
if ( + parentObj.gameCode + parentObj.ROM[0x143] == "Game and Watch 50") {
parentObj.cGBC = true;
cout("Created a boot exception for Game and Watch Gallery 2 (GBC ID byte is wrong on the cartridge).", 1);
cout("Booted to GBC Mode: " + parentObj.cGBC, 0);
parentObj.memory[0xFF6C] = data;
else {
//Lockout the ROMs from accessing the BOOT ROM control register:
this.memoryHighWriter[0x50] = this.memoryWriter[0xFF50] = this.cartIgnoreWrite;
//Helper Functions
GameBoyCore.prototype.toTypedArray = function (baseArray, memtype) {"use strict";
try {
// The following line was modified for benchmarking:
if (settings[5] || (memtype != "float32" && GameBoyWindow.opera && this.checkForOperaMathBug())) {
return baseArray;
if (!baseArray || !baseArray.length) {
return [];
var length = baseArray.length;
switch (memtype) {
case "uint8":
var typedArrayTemp = new Uint8Array(length);
case "int8":
var typedArrayTemp = new Int8Array(length);
case "int32":
var typedArrayTemp = new Int32Array(length);
case "float32":
var typedArrayTemp = new Float32Array(length);
for (var index = 0; index < length; index++) {
typedArrayTemp[index] = baseArray[index];
return typedArrayTemp;
catch (error) {
cout("Could not convert an array to a typed array: " + error.message, 1);
return baseArray;
GameBoyCore.prototype.fromTypedArray = function (baseArray) {"use strict";
try {
if (!baseArray || !baseArray.length) {
return [];
var arrayTemp = [];
for (var index = 0; index < baseArray.length; ++index) {
arrayTemp[index] = baseArray[index];
return arrayTemp;
catch (error) {
cout("Conversion from a typed array failed: " + error.message, 1);
return baseArray;
GameBoyCore.prototype.getTypedArray = function (length, defaultValue, numberType) {"use strict";
try {
if (settings[5]) {
throw(new Error(""));
// The following line was modified for benchmarking:
if (numberType != "float32" && GameBoyWindow.opera && this.checkForOperaMathBug()) {
//Caught Opera breaking typed array math:
throw(new Error(""));
switch (numberType) {
case "int8":
var arrayHandle = new Int8Array(length);
case "uint8":
var arrayHandle = new Uint8Array(length);
case "int32":
var arrayHandle = new Int32Array(length);
case "float32":
var arrayHandle = new Float32Array(length);
if (defaultValue != 0) {
var index = 0;
while (index < length) {
arrayHandle[index++] = defaultValue;
catch (error) {
cout("Could not convert an array to a typed array: " + error.message, 1);
var arrayHandle = [];
var index = 0;
while (index < length) {
arrayHandle[index++] = defaultValue;
return arrayHandle;
GameBoyCore.prototype.checkForOperaMathBug = function () {"use strict";
var testTypedArray = new Uint8Array(1);
testTypedArray[0] = -1;
testTypedArray[0] >>= 0;
if (testTypedArray[0] != 0xFF) {
cout("Detected faulty math by your browser.", 2);
return true;
else {
return false;
// End of js/GameBoyCore.js file.
// Start of js/GameBoyIO.js file.
"use strict";
var gameboy = null; //GameBoyCore object.
var gbRunInterval = null; //GameBoyCore Timer
var settings = [ //Some settings.
true, //Turn on sound.
false, //Boot with boot ROM first? (set to false for benchmarking)
false, //Give priority to GameBoy mode
[39, 37, 38, 40, 88, 90, 16, 13], //Keyboard button map.
true, //Colorize GB mode?
false, //Disallow typed arrays?
4, //Interval for the emulator loop.
15, //Audio buffer minimum span amount over x interpreter iterations.
30, //Audio buffer maximum span amount over x interpreter iterations.
false, //Override to allow for MBC1 instead of ROM only (compatibility for broken 3rd-party cartridges).
false, //Override MBC RAM disabling and always allow reading and writing to the banks.
false, //Use the GameBoy boot ROM instead of the GameBoy Color boot ROM.
false, //Scale the canvas in JS, or let the browser scale the canvas?
0x10, //Internal audio buffer pre-interpolation factor.
1 //Volume level set.
function start(canvas, ROM) {
autoSave(); //If we are about to load a new game, then save the last one...
gameboy = new GameBoyCore(canvas, ROM);
gameboy.openMBC = openSRAM;
gameboy.openRTC = openRTC;
function run() {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) {
if (!GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) {
gameboy.stopEmulator &= 1;
cout("Starting the iterator.", 0);
var dateObj = new_Date(); // The line is changed for benchmarking.
gameboy.firstIteration = dateObj.getTime();
gameboy.iterations = 0;
// The following lines are commented out for benchmarking.
// gbRunInterval = setInterval(function () {"use strict";
// if (!document.hidden && !document.msHidden && !document.mozHidden && !document.webkitHidden) {
// }
// }, settings[6]);
else {
cout("The GameBoy core is already running.", 1);
else {
cout("GameBoy core cannot run while it has not been initialized.", 1);
function pause() {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) {
if (GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) {
else {
cout("GameBoy core has already been paused.", 1);
else {
cout("GameBoy core cannot be paused while it has not been initialized.", 1);
function clearLastEmulation() {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized() && GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) {
gameboy.stopEmulator |= 2;
cout("The previous emulation has been cleared.", 0);
else {
cout("No previous emulation was found to be cleared.", 0);
function save() {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) {
try {
var state_suffix = 0;
while (findValue("FREEZE_" + + "_" + state_suffix) != null) {
setValue("FREEZE_" + + "_" + state_suffix, gameboy.saveState());
cout("Saved the current state as: FREEZE_" + + "_" + state_suffix, 0);
catch (error) {
cout("Could not save the current emulation state(\"" + error.message + "\").", 2);
else {
cout("GameBoy core cannot be saved while it has not been initialized.", 1);
function saveSRAM() {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) {
if (gameboy.cBATT) {
try {
var sram = gameboy.saveSRAMState();
if (sram.length > 0) {
cout("Saving the SRAM...", 0);
if (findValue("SRAM_" + != null) {
//Remove the outdated storage format save:
cout("Deleting the old SRAM save due to outdated format.", 0);
deleteValue("SRAM_" +;
setValue("B64_SRAM_" +, arrayToBase64(sram));
else {
cout("SRAM could not be saved because it was empty.", 1);
catch (error) {
cout("Could not save the current emulation state(\"" + error.message + "\").", 2);
else {
cout("Cannot save a game that does not have battery backed SRAM specified.", 1);
else {
cout("GameBoy core cannot be saved while it has not been initialized.", 1);
function saveRTC() { //Execute this when SRAM is being saved as well.
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) {
if (gameboy.cTIMER) {
try {
cout("Saving the RTC...", 0);
setValue("RTC_" +, gameboy.saveRTCState());
catch (error) {
cout("Could not save the RTC of the current emulation state(\"" + error.message + "\").", 2);
else {
cout("GameBoy core cannot be saved while it has not been initialized.", 1);
function autoSave() {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) {
cout("Automatically saving the SRAM.", 0);
function openSRAM(filename) {
try {
if (findValue("B64_SRAM_" + filename) != null) {
cout("Found a previous SRAM state (Will attempt to load).", 0);
return base64ToArray(findValue("B64_SRAM_" + filename));
else if (findValue("SRAM_" + filename) != null) {
cout("Found a previous SRAM state (Will attempt to load).", 0);
return findValue("SRAM_" + filename);
else {
cout("Could not find any previous SRAM copy for the current ROM.", 0);
catch (error) {
cout("Could not open the SRAM of the saved emulation state.", 2);
return [];
function openRTC(filename) {
try {
if (findValue("RTC_" + filename) != null) {
cout("Found a previous RTC state (Will attempt to load).", 0);
return findValue("RTC_" + filename);
else {
cout("Could not find any previous RTC copy for the current ROM.", 0);
catch (error) {
cout("Could not open the RTC data of the saved emulation state.", 2);
return [];
function openState(filename, canvas) {
try {
if (findValue(filename) != null) {
try {
cout("Attempting to run a saved emulation state.", 0);
gameboy = new GameBoyCore(canvas, "");
gameboy.savedStateFileName = filename;
catch (error) {
alert(error.message + " file: " + error.fileName + " line: " + error.lineNumber);
else {
cout("Could not find the save state " + filename + "\".", 2);
catch (error) {
cout("Could not open the saved emulation state.", 2);
function import_save(blobData) {
blobData = decodeBlob(blobData);
if (blobData && blobData.blobs) {
if (blobData.blobs.length > 0) {
for (var index = 0; index < blobData.blobs.length; ++index) {
cout("Importing blob \"" + blobData.blobs[index].blobID + "\"", 0);
if (blobData.blobs[index].blobContent) {
if (blobData.blobs[index].blobID.substring(0, 5) == "SRAM_") {
setValue("B64_" + blobData.blobs[index].blobID, base64(blobData.blobs[index].blobContent));
else {
setValue(blobData.blobs[index].blobID, JSON.parse(blobData.blobs[index].blobContent));
else if (blobData.blobs[index].blobID) {
cout("Save file imported had blob \"" + blobData.blobs[index].blobID + "\" with no blob data interpretable.", 2);
else {
cout("Blob chunk information missing completely.", 2);
else {
cout("Could not decode the imported file.", 2);
else {
cout("Could not decode the imported file.", 2);
function generateBlob(keyName, encodedData) {
//Append the file format prefix:
var saveString = "EMULATOR_DATA";
var consoleID = "GameBoy";
//Figure out the length:
var totalLength = (saveString.length + 4 + (1 + consoleID.length)) + ((1 + keyName.length) + (4 + encodedData.length));
//Append the total length in bytes:
saveString += to_little_endian_dword(totalLength);
//Append the console ID text's length:
saveString += to_byte(consoleID.length);
//Append the console ID text:
saveString += consoleID;
//Append the blob ID:
saveString += to_byte(keyName.length);
saveString += keyName;
//Now append the save data:
saveString += to_little_endian_dword(encodedData.length);
saveString += encodedData;
return saveString;
function generateMultiBlob(blobPairs) {
var consoleID = "GameBoy";
//Figure out the initial length:
var totalLength = 13 + 4 + 1 + consoleID.length;
//Append the console ID text's length:
var saveString = to_byte(consoleID.length);
//Append the console ID text:
saveString += consoleID;
var keyName = "";
var encodedData = "";
//Now append all the blobs:
for (var index = 0; index < blobPairs.length; ++index) {
keyName = blobPairs[index][0];
encodedData = blobPairs[index][1];
//Append the blob ID:
saveString += to_byte(keyName.length);
saveString += keyName;
//Now append the save data:
saveString += to_little_endian_dword(encodedData.length);
saveString += encodedData;
//Update the total length:
totalLength += 1 + keyName.length + 4 + encodedData.length;
//Now add the prefix:
saveString = "EMULATOR_DATA" + to_little_endian_dword(totalLength) + saveString;
return saveString;
function decodeBlob(blobData) {
/*Format is as follows:
- 13 byte string "EMULATOR_DATA"
- 4 byte total size (including these 4 bytes).
- 1 byte Console type ID length
- Console type ID text of 8 bit size
blobs {
- 1 byte blob ID length
- blob ID text (Used to say what the data is (SRAM/freeze state/etc...))
- 4 byte blob length
- blob length of 32 bit size
var length = blobData.length;
var blobProperties = {};
blobProperties.consoleID = null;
var blobsCount = -1;
blobProperties.blobs = [];
if (length > 17) {
if (blobData.substring(0, 13) == "EMULATOR_DATA") {
var length = Math.min(((blobData.charCodeAt(16) & 0xFF) << 24) | ((blobData.charCodeAt(15) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((blobData.charCodeAt(14) & 0xFF) << 8) | (blobData.charCodeAt(13) & 0xFF), length);
var consoleIDLength = blobData.charCodeAt(17) & 0xFF;
if (length > 17 + consoleIDLength) {
blobProperties.consoleID = blobData.substring(18, 18 + consoleIDLength);
var blobIDLength = 0;
var blobLength = 0;
for (var index = 18 + consoleIDLength; index < length;) {
blobIDLength = blobData.charCodeAt(index++) & 0xFF;
if (index + blobIDLength < length) {
blobProperties.blobs[++blobsCount] = {};
blobProperties.blobs[blobsCount].blobID = blobData.substring(index, index + blobIDLength);
index += blobIDLength;
if (index + 4 < length) {
blobLength = ((blobData.charCodeAt(index + 3) & 0xFF) << 24) | ((blobData.charCodeAt(index + 2) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((blobData.charCodeAt(index + 1) & 0xFF) << 8) | (blobData.charCodeAt(index) & 0xFF);
index += 4;
if (index + blobLength <= length) {
blobProperties.blobs[blobsCount].blobContent = blobData.substring(index, index + blobLength);
index += blobLength;
else {
cout("Blob length check failed, blob determined to be incomplete.", 2);
else {
cout("Blob was incomplete, bailing out.", 2);
else {
cout("Blob was incomplete, bailing out.", 2);
return blobProperties;
function matchKey(key) { //Maps a keyboard key to a gameboy key.
//Order: Right, Left, Up, Down, A, B, Select, Start
for (var index = 0; index < settings[3].length; index++) {
if (settings[3][index] == key) {
return index;
return -1;
function GameBoyEmulatorInitialized() {
return (typeof gameboy == "object" && gameboy != null);
function GameBoyEmulatorPlaying() {
return ((gameboy.stopEmulator & 2) == 0);
function GameBoyKeyDown(e) {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized() && GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) {
var keycode = matchKey(e.keyCode);
if (keycode >= 0 && keycode < 8) {
gameboy.JoyPadEvent(keycode, true);
try {
catch (error) { }
function GameBoyKeyUp(e) {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized() && GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) {
var keycode = matchKey(e.keyCode);
if (keycode >= 0 && keycode < 8) {
gameboy.JoyPadEvent(keycode, false);
try {
catch (error) { }
function GameBoyGyroSignalHandler(e) {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized() && GameBoyEmulatorPlaying()) {
if (e.gamma || e.beta) {
gameboy.GyroEvent(e.gamma * Math.PI / 180, e.beta * Math.PI / 180);
else {
gameboy.GyroEvent(e.x, e.y);
try {
catch (error) { }
//The emulator will call this to sort out the canvas properties for (re)initialization.
function initNewCanvas() {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) {
gameboy.canvas.width = gameboy.canvas.clientWidth;
gameboy.canvas.height = gameboy.canvas.clientHeight;
//Call this when resizing the canvas:
function initNewCanvasSize() {
if (GameBoyEmulatorInitialized()) {
if (!settings[12]) {
if (gameboy.onscreenWidth != 160 || gameboy.onscreenHeight != 144) {
else {
if (gameboy.onscreenWidth != gameboy.canvas.clientWidth || gameboy.onscreenHeight != gameboy.canvas.clientHeight) {
// End of js/GameBoyIO.js file.
// Start of realtime.js file.
// ROM code from Public Domain LPC2000 Demo "realtime" by AGO.
var gameboy_rom='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iIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIsnxAQ8APcqEVz0odj0oOj0idwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwksLCXLZSgCJGgidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwksLCXLZSgCJGgidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwksLCXLZSgCJGgidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkidwkid8kicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAksLCUicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAksLCUicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAksLCUicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAksLCUicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAksLCUicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAksLCUicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAkicAloyfgAVF3wgjEAr/6gKAMxAL8B/wDFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcVia/nJJgJ+4JovPOCYfcZAb37gl+Cbr+CZ4JzgneCePkDgn8n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Aw==';
// End of realtime.js file.
// Runner
var success = true;
function NotifyStart(name) {
function NotifyError(name, error) {
WScript.Echo(name + " : ERROR : " +error.stack);
success = false;
function NotifyResult(name, score) {
if (success) {
WScript.Echo("### SCORE:", score);
function NotifyScore(score) {
NotifyStart : NotifyStart,
NotifyError : NotifyError,
NotifyResult : NotifyResult,
NotifyScore : NotifyScore