blob: bf8456de106223b61cb912a2899df7449ff2ee77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// Tests the relationship between a parent and child object.
function print(x,str)
WScript.Echo("=== " + str + " ===");
WScript.Echo("x.q: " + x.q);
WScript.Echo("x[3]: " + x[3]);
WScript.Echo("x[4]: " + x[4]);
WScript.Echo("x[50]: " + x[50]);
WScript.Echo("x.p1: " + x.p1);
WScript.Echo("x.p2: " + x.p2);
WScript.Echo("x[\"m\"]: " + x["m"]);
var z = new Array(10);
for(var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
z[i] = i;
z.p1 = "test";
z.p2 = 3;
function F(x)
this[x] = 1;
F.prototype = z;
var x = new F("q");
print(x, "after object creation");
z.m = 14;
print(x, "after adding new property to parent");
F.prototype = new String("glah");
print(x, "after modifying constructor's prototype");
print(x, "after modifying parent");
z.p1 = undefined;
z[3] = undefined;
z[4] <<= 2;
z[50] = 42;
print(x, "after undefining properties on parent");
z.p1 = new String("new p1");
print(x, "after re-adding property on parent");
x.p1 = "x's p1";
z.p1 = undefined;
print(x, "after re-defining property on object");