blob: 16c8877984af90c858f2852543879f1690bfecfb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
var failed = 0;
function runtest(name, func, throwException)
if (throwException)
WScript.Echo(name + ": Test failed, unexpected no exception thrown");
WScript.Echo(name + ": Test passed, expected no exception thrown");
catch (e)
if (!throwException || ( != "TypeError" && != "ReferenceError"))
WScript.Echo(name + ": test failed, unexpected " + + "-" + e.message);
WScript.Echo(name + ": Test passed, expected " + + "-" + e.message);
function assert(cond)
if (!cond)
throw new Error("AssertFailed");
// Test 1 - success, new plain function without prototype returning an object, so the result is the object returned
function ReturnObject()
this.hello = "yay2";
var o = new Object();
o.obj = this;
return o;
function test1()
var o = new ReturnObject();
assert(o.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor);
assert(o.hello == undefined);
assert(o.obj.constructor == ReturnObject);
assert(o.obj.hello == "yay2");
// Test 2 - success, new plain function without prototype returning int, so the result is the new object
function ReturnInt()
this.hello = "yay3";
return 3;
function test2()
var o = new ReturnInt();
assert(o.constructor == ReturnInt);
assert(o.hello == "yay3");
// Test 3 - success, new plain function without prototype returning float, so the result is the new object
function ReturnFloat()
this.hello = "yay4";
return 3.3;
function test3()
var o = new ReturnFloat();
assert(o.constructor == ReturnFloat);
assert(o.hello == "yay4");
// Test 4 - success, new plain function without prototype returning string, so the result is the new object
function ReturnString()
this.hello = "yay5";
return "blah" + this.hello;
function test4()
var o = new ReturnString();
assert(o.constructor == ReturnString);
assert(o.hello == "yay5");
// Test 5 - success, new plain function without prototype returning bool, so the result is the new object
function ReturnBool()
this.hello = "yay6";
return this.hello == "yay6";
function test5()
var o = new ReturnBool();
assert(o.constructor == ReturnBool);
assert(o.hello == "yay6");
runtest("test1", test1, false);
runtest("test2", test2, false);
runtest("test3", test3, false);
runtest("test4", test4, false);
runtest("test5", test5, false);
if (failed == 0)