blob: 9c99c3e861e3988b3e2c0f22ab6fafeffbde3cb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
if (this.WScript && this.WScript.LoadScriptFile) { // Check for running in ch
function verifyObjectDescriptors(descriptors, allTruePropName, allFalsePropName) {
var allProperties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(descriptors).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(descriptors));
assert.areEqual([allTruePropName, allFalsePropName], allProperties, "Result should have one descriptor for each own property");
assert.isTrue(descriptors.hasOwnProperty(allTruePropName), "Result should contain all own properties");
assert.isTrue(descriptors.hasOwnProperty(allFalsePropName), "Result should contain all own properties");
assert.areEqual(descriptors[allTruePropName].value, "fooAllTrue", "Result value attribute should match the value set by defineProperties");
assert.areEqual(descriptors[allFalsePropName].value, "fooAllFalse", "Result value attribute should match the value set by defineProperties");
var expectedProps = ['configurable', 'writable', 'enumerable'];
for (var i in expectedProps) {
assert.isTrue(descriptors[allTruePropName][expectedProps[i]], "Result value attribute should match the value set by defineProperties");
assert.isFalse(descriptors[allFalsePropName][expectedProps[i]], "Result value attribute should match the value set by defineProperties");
var tests = [
name: "Object has getOwnPropertyDescriptors method",
body: function() {
assert.isTrue(Object.hasOwnProperty("getOwnPropertyDescriptors"), 'Object should have getOwnPropertyDescriptors method');
assert.isFalse(Object.hasOwnProperty({}, "getOwnPropertyDescriptors"), 'New objects should have a property getOwnPropertyDescriptors');
assert.isUndefined(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({}, "getOwnPropertyDescriptors"), 'Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({}, "getOwnPropertyDescriptors") should be undefined');
for (var p in {}) {
assert.isTrue(p != "getOwnPropertyDescriptors", "getOwnPropertyDescriptors should not be enumerable on new objects");
assert.areEqual(1, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors.length, "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors requires exactly one parameter.");
name: "Correctly handles bad parameters.",
body: function() {
assert.throws(function() {
}, TypeError, "Missing first parameter should cause a TypeError.", "Object expected");
assert.throws(function() {
}, TypeError, "Null first parameter should cause a TypeError", "Object expected");
name: "The resulting get and set are identical with the original get and set.",
body: function() {
// This test is adapted from
var a = {
get a() {},
set a(value) {}
var b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(a);
assert.isTrue(b.a.get === Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, 'a').get);
assert.isTrue(b.a.set === Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, 'a').set);
name: "For properties with string names, the list of property descriptors includes all own properties with correct descriptors",
body: function() {
var foo = {}
Object.defineProperties(foo, {
"fooAllTrue": {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
value: "fooAllTrue",
writable: true
"fooAllFalse": {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
value: "fooAllFalse",
writable: false
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(foo);
assert.isTrue(desc instanceof Object, "Result must be an object");
verifyObjectDescriptors(desc, "fooAllTrue", "fooAllFalse");
name: "For properties with number names, the list of property descriptors includes all own properties with correct descriptors",
body: function() {
var foo = {}
var allTrueNum = 1234;
var allFalseNum = 5678;
Object.defineProperties(foo, {
[allTrueNum]: {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
value: "fooAllTrue",
writable: true
[allFalseNum]: {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
value: "fooAllFalse",
writable: false
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(foo);
assert.isTrue(desc instanceof Object, "Result must be an object");
verifyObjectDescriptors(desc, allTrueNum.toString(), allFalseNum.toString());
// Also verify that the properties are accessible as numbers
assert.areEqual(desc[allTrueNum].value, "fooAllTrue", "For properties with number names, resulting properties should be accessible with numeric names.")
assert.areEqual(desc[allFalseNum].value, "fooAllFalse", "For properties with number names, resulting properties should be accessible with numeric names.")
name: "For properties with symbol names, the list of property descriptors includes all own properties with correct descriptors",
body: function() {
var foo = {}
var allTrueSymbol = Symbol("allTrue");
var allFalseSymbol = Symbol("allFalse");
Object.defineProperties(foo, {
[allTrueSymbol]: {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
value: "fooAllTrue",
writable: true
[allFalseSymbol]: {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
value: "fooAllFalse",
writable: false
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(foo);
assert.isTrue(desc instanceof Object, "Result must be an object");
verifyObjectDescriptors(desc, allTrueSymbol, allFalseSymbol);
name:"For any property, if getOwnPropertyDescriptor(property) is undefined, that property should not be present on the result.",
body: function() {
// Adapted from:
var proxyHandler = {
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function () {},
var key = "a";
var obj = {};
obj[key] = "value";
var proxy = new Proxy(obj, proxyHandler);
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, key);
assert.areEqual(undefined, descriptor, "Descriptor matches result of [[GetOwnPropertyDescriptor]] trap");
var result = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(proxy);
assert.isFalse(result.hasOwnProperty(key), "key should not be present in result");
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });