blob: 33c86bf1cde9a8dab118e0e4cb0bacd59b7491e9 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as assert from '../assert.js'
This test loads a WebAssembly file compiled by Emscripten with:
./emsdk-portable/emscripten/incoming/em++ ./ -O2 -g4 -s WASM=1 -o nameSection.js -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_parrot']"
From the following C++ source file:
extern "C" {
int silly(int);
__attribute__((noinline)) int eggs(int i) { return silly(i); }
__attribute__((noinline)) int bacon(int i) { return eggs(i); }
__attribute__((noinline)) int spam(int i) { return bacon(i); }
__attribute__((noinline)) int parrot(int i) { return spam(i); }
const verbose = false;
const wasmFile = 'nameSection.wasm';
const compile = (location, importObject = {}) => {
if (verbose)
print(`Processing ${location}`);
let buf = typeof readbuffer !== "undefined"? readbuffer(location) : read(location, 'binary');
if (verbose)
print(` Size: ${buf.byteLength}`);
let t0 =;
let module = new WebAssembly.Module(buf);
let t1 =;
if (verbose)
print(`new WebAssembly.Module(buf) took ${t1-t0} ms.`);
if (verbose)
print(`Creating fake import object with ${WebAssembly.Module.imports(module).length} imports`);
for (let imp of WebAssembly.Module.imports(module)) {
if (typeof importObject[imp.module] === "undefined")
importObject[imp.module] = {};
if (typeof importObject[imp.module][] === "undefined") {
switch (imp.kind) {
case "function": importObject[imp.module][] = () => {}; break;
case "table": importObject[imp.module][] = new WebAssembly.Table({ initial: 6, maximum: 6, element: "funcref" }); break;
case "memory": importObject[imp.module][] = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 16777216 / (64 * 1024), maximum: 16777216 / (64 * 1024) }); break;
case "global": importObject[imp.module][] = 0; break;
let t2 =;
let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, importObject);
let t3 =;
if (verbose)
print(`new WebAssembly.Module(buf) took ${t3-t2} ms.`);
return instance;
let stacktrace;
const importObject = { env: { _silly: i => { stacktrace = (new Error).stack; return i + 42; } } };
const instance = compile(wasmFile, importObject);
const result = instance.exports._parrot(1);
assert.eq(result, 1 + 42);
stacktrace = stacktrace.split("\n");
assert.falsy(stacktrace[0].indexOf("_silly") === -1);
assert.eq(stacktrace[1], "wasm-stub@[wasm code]"); // the wasm->js stub
assert.eq(stacktrace[2], "<?>.wasm-function[_eggs]@[wasm code]");
assert.eq(stacktrace[3], "<?>.wasm-function[_bacon]@[wasm code]");
assert.eq(stacktrace[4], "<?>.wasm-function[_spam]@[wasm code]");
assert.eq(stacktrace[5], "<?>.wasm-function[_parrot]@[wasm code]");
assert.eq(stacktrace[6], "wasm-stub@[native code]"); // wasm entry