blob: 1e87f2a518cb1c7845a99d6a13330e7a13436eca [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
* Create test that a CSS property computes to the expected value.
* The document element #target is used to perform the test.
* @param {string} property The name of the CSS property being tested.
* @param {string} specified A specified value for the property.
* @param {string|array} computed The expected computed value,
* or an array of permitted computed value.
* If omitted, defaults to specified.
function test_computed_value(property, specified, computed) {
if (!computed)
computed = specified;
let computedDesc = "'" + computed + "'";
if (Array.isArray(computed))
computedDesc = '[' + => "'" + e + "'").join(' or ') + ']';
test(() => {
const target = document.getElementById('target');
assert_true(property in getComputedStyle(target), property + " doesn't seem to be supported in the computed style");
assert_true(CSS.supports(property, specified), "'" + specified + "' is a supported value for " + property + ".");[property] = '';[property] = specified;
let readValue = getComputedStyle(target)[property];
if (Array.isArray(computed)) {
assert_in_array(readValue, computed);
} else {
assert_equals(readValue, computed);
if (readValue !== specified) {[property] = '';[property] = readValue;
assert_equals(getComputedStyle(target)[property], readValue,
'computed value should round-trip');
}, "Property " + property + " value '" + specified + "' computes to " +