| Test that clip-path shapes accept different length units |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none") is "none" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none, none") is "none, none" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none, none, none") is "none, none, none" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "url(file:///image.png), none") is "url(\"file:///image.png\"), none" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none, url(file:///image.png)") is "none, url(\"file:///image.png\")" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "top left") is "left top" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "bottom right") is "right bottom" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "left bottom") is "left bottom" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "right top") is "right top" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "center") is "center center" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none top") is "none center top" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none bottom") is "none center bottom" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none right") is "none right center" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none top right") is "none right top" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none bottom left") is "none left bottom" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none right") is "none right center" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left") is "none left center" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "center 50%") is "center 50%" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "50px 50%") is "50px 50%" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "center left") is "left center" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "top center") is "center top" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "left 10px top 15px") is "left 10px top 15px" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "left 10% top 30%") is "left 10% top 30%" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "right top 15px") is "right top 15px" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "left 10px center") is "left 10px center" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "center top 20px") is "center top 20px" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "center left 30px") is "left 30px center" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "left 20% top") is "left 20% top" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "center center") is "center center" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-position", "left 10px top 15px") is "left 10px top 15px" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-position", "left 10% top 30%") is "left 10% top 30%" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-position", "right top 15px") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-position", "left 10px center") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-position", "center top 20px") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-position", "center left 30px") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-position", "left 20% top") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none alpha") is "none alpha" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none luminance, none alpha") is "none luminance, none alpha" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none match-source, none, none luminance") is "none match-source, none, none luminance" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-mode", "alpha") is "alpha" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-mode", "luminance") is "luminance" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-mode", "match-source") is "match-source" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask-mode", "alpha") is "alpha" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask-mode", "match-source") is "match-source" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask-mode", "luminance") is "luminance" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask-mode", "") is "match-source" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "repeat-x") is "repeat-x" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "repeat-y") is "repeat-y" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "repeat") is "repeat" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "space") is "space" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "no-repeat") is "no-repeat" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "repeat space") is "repeat space" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "repeat round") is "repeat round" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "repeat no-repeat") is "repeat no-repeat" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "repeat space, repeat-x") is "repeat space, repeat-x" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "repeat none") is "none repeat" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none repeat") is "none repeat" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "padding-box") is "padding-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "border-box") is "border-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "content-box") is "content-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "padding-box none") is "none padding-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none padding-box") is "none padding-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "padding-box content-box") is "padding-box content-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "content-box content-box") is "content-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "padding-box border-box") is "padding-box border-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "padding-box border-box none") is "none padding-box border-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none padding-box border-box") is "none padding-box border-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left top / auto") is "none left top / auto" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left top / auto auto") is "none left top / auto" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left top / 100%") is "none left top / 100%" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left top / 100% 100%") is "none left top / 100% 100%" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left top / 0%") is "none left top / 0%" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left top / auto 0%") is "none left top / auto 0%" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left top / cover") is "none left top / cover" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left top / contain") is "none left top / contain" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left 20px top 10px / contain") is "none left 20px top 10px / contain" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none left 20px top / contain") is "none left 20px top / contain" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none padding-box content-box") is "none padding-box content-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none padding-box") is "none padding-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none top") is "none center top" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none center right 20px") is "none right 20px center" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none border-box left top") is "none left top border-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none border-box left top 20px") is "none left top 20px border-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none border-box content-box left top repeat-x") is "none left top repeat-x border-box content-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none border-box content-box left top / auto repeat-x") is "none left top / auto repeat-x border-box content-box" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none border-box content-box right 0px center / auto repeat-x") is "none right 0px center / auto repeat-x border-box content-box" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "top left") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "bottom right") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "left bottom") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "right top") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "center") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none top") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none bottom") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none right") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none top right") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none bottom left") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none right") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none left") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "center 50%") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "50px 50%") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "center left") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "top center") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "left 10px top 15px") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "left 10% top 30%") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "right top 15px") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "left 10px center") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "center top 20px") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "center left 30px") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "left 20% top") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "center center") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "repeat-x") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "repeat-y") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "repeat") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "space") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "no-repeat") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "repeat space") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "repeat round") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "repeat no-repeat") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "repeat none") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none repeat") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "padding-box") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "border-box") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "content-box") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "padding-box none") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none padding-box") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "padding-box content-box") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "content-box content-box") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "padding-box border-box") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "padding-box border-box none") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none padding-box border-box") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none left top / auto") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none left top / auto auto") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none left top / 100%") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none left top / 0%") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none left top / auto 0%") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none left top / cover") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none left top / contain") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none left 20px top 10px / contain") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none left 20px top / contain") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none padding-box content-box") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none padding-box") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none top") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none center right 20px") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none border-box left top") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none border-box left top 20px") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none border-box content-box left top repeat-x") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none border-box content-box left top / auto repeat-x") is "none" |
| PASS computedStyle("mask", "none border-box content-box right 0px center / auto repeat-x") is "none" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "top none left") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "right none bottom") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "right right") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "left left") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "top top") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "bottom bottom") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "50% none 50%") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "repeat-x repeat-x") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "space repeat-y") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "repeat space space") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "padding-box border-box content-box") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none / auto") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none repeat-x / auto") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none border-box / auto") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none top left / cover 100%") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "scroll") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "fixed") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "local") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "space scroll") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none scroll") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none top left / auto repeat-x scroll border-box border-box") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "right top left") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "center left center") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "center top center") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "center right bottom") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "top solid bottom") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none top left right center top / auto repeat-x scroll border-box border-box") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none center center 20px / auto repeat-x scroll border-box border-box") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none top 20px right 30px center / auto repeat-x scroll border-box border-box") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none top 20px top 30px / auto repeat-x scroll border-box border-box") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none top 20px bottom / auto repeat-x scroll border-box border-box") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none alpha, none match-source alpha") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask", "none alpha luminance") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-mode", "auto") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-mode", "rubbish") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-mode", "") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-mode", "center") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-mode", "repeat") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-position-x", "left") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-position-y", "top") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-repeat-x", "repeat") is "" |
| PASS innerStyle("mask-repeat-y", "repeat") is "" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
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