| //@ requireOptions("--useTemporal=1") |
| |
| function shouldBe(actual, expected) { |
| if (actual !== expected) |
| throw new Error(`expected ${expected} but got ${actual}`); |
| } |
| |
| function shouldNotThrow(func) { |
| func(); |
| } |
| |
| function shouldThrow(func, errorType) { |
| let error; |
| try { |
| func(); |
| } catch (e) { |
| error = e; |
| } |
| |
| if (!(error instanceof errorType)) |
| throw new Error(`Expected ${errorType.name}!`); |
| } |
| |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration instanceof Function, true); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.length, 0); |
| shouldBe(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Temporal.Duration, 'prototype').writable, false); |
| shouldBe(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Temporal.Duration, 'prototype').enumerable, false); |
| shouldBe(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Temporal.Duration, 'prototype').configurable, false); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration(), TypeError); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.prototype.constructor, Temporal.Duration); |
| |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration() instanceof Temporal.Duration, true); |
| { |
| class DerivedDuration extends Temporal.Duration {} |
| |
| const dd = new DerivedDuration(); |
| shouldBe(dd instanceof DerivedDuration, true); |
| shouldBe(dd instanceof Temporal.Duration, true); |
| shouldBe(dd.negated, Temporal.Duration.prototype.negated); |
| shouldBe(Object.getPrototypeOf(dd), DerivedDuration.prototype); |
| shouldBe(Object.getPrototypeOf(DerivedDuration.prototype), Temporal.Duration.prototype); |
| } |
| |
| shouldThrow(() => new Temporal.Duration(1, -1), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => new Temporal.Duration(Infinity), RangeError); |
| |
| const fields = ['years', 'months', 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'milliseconds', 'microseconds', 'nanoseconds']; |
| const zero = new Temporal.Duration(); |
| const pos = new Temporal.Duration(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); |
| const neg = new Temporal.Duration(-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9,-10); |
| |
| fields.forEach((field, i) => { |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.prototype[field], TypeError); |
| shouldBe(zero[field], 0); |
| shouldBe(pos[field], i + 1); |
| shouldBe(neg[field], -i - 1); |
| }); |
| |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.prototype.sign, TypeError); |
| shouldBe(zero.sign, 0); |
| shouldBe(pos.sign, 1); |
| shouldBe(neg.sign, -1); |
| |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.prototype.blank, TypeError); |
| shouldBe(zero.blank, true); |
| shouldBe(pos.blank, false); |
| shouldBe(neg.blank, false); |
| |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from.length, 1); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from(), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from({}), TypeError); |
| { |
| const badStrings = [ |
| '', '+', '+P', '-P', '+-P', |
| 'P', 'P1', 'PT', 'P1YT', 'PT1', |
| 'PT20.S', 'PT.20S', |
| 'P1W1Y', 'PT1S1M', |
| 'P1.1Y', 'PT1.1H1M', 'PT1.1M1S', |
| 'PT1.1111111111H', 'PT1.1111111111M', 'PT1.1111111111S', |
| `P${Array(309).fill(9).join('')}Y` |
| ]; |
| for (const badString in badStrings) |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from(badString), RangeError); |
| |
| const fromString = Temporal.Duration.from('P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008009010S'); |
| |
| const durationLike = {}; |
| fields.forEach((field, i) => { durationLike[field] = i + 1; }); |
| const fromDurationLike = Temporal.Duration.from(durationLike); |
| |
| for (const field of fields) { |
| shouldBe(fromString[field], pos[field]); |
| shouldBe(fromDurationLike[field], pos[field]); |
| } |
| } |
| shouldNotThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from(`P${Array(308).fill(9).join('')}Y`)); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('−p1y2m3w4dt5h6m7,008009010s').toString(), '-P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.00800901S'); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('+P1Y2DT3H4.0S').toString(), 'P1Y2DT3H4S'); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('PT1.03125H').toString(), 'PT1H1M52.5S'); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('PT1.03125M').toString(), 'PT1M1.875S'); |
| |
| const posAbsolute = new Temporal.Duration(0,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); |
| |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.compare.length, 2); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.compare(), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.compare({}), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.compare(zero), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.compare(zero, {}), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.compare({ years: 1 }, zero), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.compare({ months: 1 }, zero), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.compare({ weeks: 1 }, zero), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.compare(zero, { years: 1 }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.compare(zero, { months: 1 }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.compare(zero, { weeks: 1 }), RangeError); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.compare(posAbsolute, posAbsolute), 0); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.compare(posAbsolute, zero), 1); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.compare(zero, posAbsolute), -1); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.compare('PT86400S', 'P1D'), 0); |
| |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.prototype.with.length, 1); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.prototype.with.call({}, { years: 1 }), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.with(), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.with({}), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.with({ years: 1.1 }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => pos.with({ years: -1 }), RangeError); |
| { |
| const fullyUpdated = pos.with(neg); |
| for (const field of fields) { |
| shouldBe(zero.with({ [field]: 1 })[field], 1); |
| shouldBe(fullyUpdated[field], neg[field]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.prototype.negated.length, 0); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.prototype.negated.call({}), TypeError); |
| { |
| const negatedZero = zero.negated(); |
| const negatedPos = pos.negated(); |
| const negatedNeg = neg.negated(); |
| for (const field of fields) { |
| shouldBe(negatedZero[field], zero[field]); |
| shouldBe(negatedNeg[field], pos[field]); |
| shouldBe(negatedPos[field], neg[field]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.prototype.abs.length, 0); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.prototype.abs.call({}), TypeError); |
| { |
| const absZero = zero.abs(); |
| const absPos = pos.abs(); |
| const absNeg = neg.abs(); |
| for (const field of fields) { |
| shouldBe(absZero[field], zero[field]); |
| shouldBe(absPos[field], pos[field]); |
| shouldBe(absNeg[field], pos[field]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (const method of ['add', 'subtract']) { |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.prototype[method].length, 1); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.prototype[method].call({ hours: 1 }), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero[method](), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero[method]({}), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero[method]({ years: 1 }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero[method]({ months: 1 }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero[method]({ weeks: 1 }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => pos[method]({ seconds: 1 }), RangeError); |
| } |
| { |
| const posDurationLike = { days: 1, hours: 2, minutes: 3, seconds: 4, milliseconds: 5, microseconds: 6, nanoseconds: 7 }; |
| const negString = '-P1DT2H3M4.005006007S'; |
| |
| const addZero = posAbsolute.add(zero); |
| const addPos = posAbsolute.add(posDurationLike); |
| const addNeg = posAbsolute.add(negString); |
| const subZero = posAbsolute.subtract(zero); |
| const subPos = posAbsolute.subtract(posDurationLike); |
| const subNeg = posAbsolute.subtract(negString); |
| for (const field of fields) { |
| shouldBe(addZero[field], posAbsolute[field]); |
| shouldBe(addPos[field], 2 * posAbsolute[field]); |
| shouldBe(addNeg[field], 0); |
| shouldBe(subZero[field], posAbsolute[field]); |
| shouldBe(subPos[field], 0); |
| shouldBe(subNeg[field], 2 * posAbsolute[field]); |
| } |
| } |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('P1DT13H31M31S').add('P1DT13H31M31S').toString(), 'P3DT3H3M2S'); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('-PT1M59S').subtract('PT1M59S').toString(), '-PT3M58S'); |
| |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.prototype.round.length, 1); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.prototype.round.call({}), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.round(), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.round({}), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.round({ smallestUnit: 'bogus' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.round({ largestUnit: 'bogus' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.round({ smallestUnit: 'hour', largestUnit: 'nanosecond' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.round({ smallestUnit: 'nanosecond', roundingMode: 'bogus' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.round({ smallestUnit: 'nanosecond', roundingIncrement: 3 }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from('P1Y').round({ largestUnit: 'seconds' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from('P1M').round({ largestUnit: 'seconds' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from('P1W').round({ largestUnit: 'seconds' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from('P1D').round({ largestUnit: 'months' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from('P1D').round({ largestUnit: 'weeks' }), RangeError); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round('day').toString(), 'P1D'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ largestUnit: 'day' }).toString(), 'P1DT2H3M4.005006007S'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ largestUnit: 'auto' }).toString(), 'P1DT2H3M4.005006007S'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ smallestUnit: 'day' }).toString(), 'P1D'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ smallestUnit: 'second' }).toString(), 'P1DT2H3M4S'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ largestUnit: 'hour', smallestUnit: 'second' }).toString(), 'PT26H3M4S'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ largestUnit: 'minute', smallestUnit: 'second' }).toString(), 'PT1563M4S'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ largestUnit: 'second', smallestUnit: 'millisecond' }).toString(), 'PT93784.005S'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ largestUnit: 'millisecond', smallestUnit: 'microsecond' }).toString(), 'PT93784.005006S'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ largestUnit: 'microsecond', smallestUnit: 'microsecond' }).toString(), 'PT93784.005006S'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ largestUnit: 'nanosecond' }).toString(), 'PT93784.005006007S'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ smallestUnit: 'second', roundingIncrement: 30 }).toString(), 'P1DT2H3M'); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.round({ smallestUnit: 'second', roundingIncrement: 30, roundingMode: 'ceil' }).toString(), 'P1DT2H3M30S'); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('-PT31S').round({ smallestUnit: 'second', roundingIncrement: 30 }).toString(), '-PT30S'); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('-PT31S').round({ smallestUnit: 'second', roundingIncrement: 30, roundingMode: 'floor' }).toString(), '-PT60S'); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('-PT45S').round({ smallestUnit: 'second', roundingIncrement: 30 }).toString(), '-PT60S'); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('-PT45S').round({ smallestUnit: 'second', roundingIncrement: 30, roundingMode: 'trunc' }).toString(), '-PT30S'); |
| |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.prototype.total.length, 1); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.prototype.total.call({}), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.total(), TypeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => zero.total({}), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from('P1Y').total({ unit: 'seconds' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from('P1M').total({ unit: 'seconds' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from('P1W').total({ unit: 'seconds' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from('P1D').total({ unit: 'months' }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.from('P1D').total({ unit: 'weeks' }), RangeError); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.total('days'), 1.0854630209028588); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.total({ unit: 'days' }), 1.0854630209028588); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.total({ unit: 'hours' }), 26.051112501668612); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.total({ unit: 'minutes' }), 1563.0667501001167); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.total({ unit: 'seconds' }), 93784.005006007); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.total({ unit: 'milliseconds' }), 93784005.006007); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.total({ unit: 'microseconds' }), 93784005006.007); |
| shouldBe(posAbsolute.total({ unit: 'nanoseconds' }), 93784005006007); |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.from('-PT123456789S').total({ unit: 'day' }), -1428.8980208333332); |
| |
| // At present, toLocaleString has the same behavior as toJSON or argumentless toString. |
| for (const method of ['toString', 'toJSON', 'toLocaleString']) { |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.prototype[method].length, 0); |
| shouldThrow(() => Temporal.Duration.prototype[method].call({}), TypeError); |
| |
| shouldBe(zero[method](), 'PT0S'); |
| shouldBe(pos[method](), 'P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.00800901S'); |
| shouldBe(neg[method](), '-P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.00800901S'); |
| |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration(1,1,1,1)[method](), 'P1Y1M1W1D'); |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration(0,0,0,0,1,1,1)[method](), 'PT1H1M1S'); |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100)[method](), 'PT0.1S'); |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100)[method](), 'PT0.0001S'); |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100)[method](), 'PT0.0000001S'); |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1001)[method](), 'PT2.001S'); |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1001)[method](), 'PT0.002001S'); |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1001)[method](), 'PT0.000002001S'); |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1001,1001,1001)[method](), 'PT2.002002001S'); |
| } |
| |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({}), pos.toString()); |
| |
| shouldThrow(() => pos.toString({ smallestUnit: 'foobar' }), RangeError); |
| for (const unit of ['year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute']) { |
| shouldThrow(() => pos.toString({ smallestUnit: unit }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => pos.toString({ smallestUnit: `${unit}s` }), RangeError); |
| } |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ smallestUnit: 'seconds' }), 'P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7S'); |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ smallestUnit: 'milliseconds' }), 'P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008S'); |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ smallestUnit: 'microseconds' }), 'P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008009S'); |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ smallestUnit: 'nanoseconds' }), 'P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.008009010S'); |
| for (const unit of ['second', 'millisecond', 'microsecond', 'nanosecond']) |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ smallestUnit: unit }), pos.toString({ smallestUnit: `${unit}s` })); |
| |
| shouldThrow(() => pos.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: -1 }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => pos.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 10 }), RangeError); |
| shouldThrow(() => pos.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 'bogus' }), RangeError); |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 0 }), 'P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7S'); |
| const decimalPart = '008009010'; |
| for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: i }), `P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.${decimalPart.slice(0,i)}S`); |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 'auto' }), pos.toString()); |
| shouldBe(zero.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 2 }), 'PT0.00S'); |
| shouldBe(new Temporal.Duration(1).toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 2 }), 'P1YT0.00S'); |
| |
| shouldThrow(() => pos.toString({ roundingMode: 'bogus' }), RangeError); |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ roundingMode: 'trunc' }), pos.toString()); |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 7, roundingMode: 'ceil' }), 'P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.0080091S'); |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 2, roundingMode: 'floor' }), 'P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.00S'); |
| shouldBe(pos.toString({ fractionalSecondDigits: 2, roundingMode: 'halfExpand' }), 'P1Y2M3W4DT5H6M7.01S'); |
| |
| shouldBe(Temporal.Duration.prototype.valueOf.length, 0); |
| shouldThrow(() => new Temporal.Duration().valueOf(), TypeError); |