blob: 4ff588c140becd0dce4634461c34f5cf73501b1a [file] [log] [blame]
// META: title=PushManager tests
// META: global=window,serviceworker
// META: script=constants.js
let registration = null;
let pushManager = null;
let isServiceWorker = 'ServiceWorkerGlobalScope' in self && self instanceof self.ServiceWorkerGlobalScope;
if (isServiceWorker) {
promise_test(async (test) => {
registration = self.registration;
pushManager = registration.pushManager;
assert_true(!, "service worker should not yet be active");
return promise_rejects_dom(test, "InvalidStateError", registration.pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: VALID_BASE64_SERVER_KEY
}, "subscribe should fail if there is no active service worker");
promise_test(async (test) => {
if (!
return new Promise(resolve => self.addEventListener('activate', resolve));
}, "wait for active service worker");
} else {
promise_test(async (test) => {
registration = await navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration();
if (registration) {
await serviceWorkerRegistration.unregister();
registration = await navigator.serviceWorker.register("emptyWorker.js");
pushManager = registration.pushManager;
let serviceWorker = registration.installing;
assert_true(!!serviceWorker, "service worker should be installing");
return promise_rejects_dom(test, "InvalidStateError", registration.pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: VALID_BASE64_SERVER_KEY
}, "subscribe should fail if there is no active service worker");
promise_test(async (test) => {
if (! {
let serviceWorker = registration.installing || registration.waiting;
assert_true(!!serviceWorker, "registration should be associated with a service worker");
return new Promise(resolve => {
serviceWorker.addEventListener("statechange", () => {
if (serviceWorker.state === "activated")
}, "wait for active service worker");
test((test) => assert_true(PushManager.supportedContentEncodings.includes("aes128gcm")), "aes128gcm should be supported");
test((test) => assert_true(Object.isFrozen(PushManager.supportedContentEncodings)), "supportedContentEncodings should be frozen");
promise_test(async (test) => {
assert_equals(pushManager, registration.pushManager);
}, "pushManager should return same object");
promise_test(async (test) => {
return promise_rejects_dom(test, "NotAllowedError", pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: false,
applicationServerKey: VALID_BASE64_SERVER_KEY
}, "subscribe requires userVisibleOnly to be true");
promise_test(async (test) => {
return promise_rejects_dom(test, "NotSupportedError", pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: true
}, "subscribe requires applicationServerKey");
promise_test(async (test) => {
return promise_rejects_dom(test, "InvalidCharacterError", pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: VALID_BASE64_SERVER_KEY + "/"
}, "applicationServerKey string should be base64url-encoded");
promise_test(async (test) => {
return promise_rejects_dom(test, "InvalidAccessError", pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: INVALID_SERVER_KEY
}, "applicationServerKey buffer should be a valid point on the P-256 curve");
promise_test(async (test) => {
return promise_rejects_dom(test, "InvalidAccessError", pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: INVALID_BASE64_SERVER_KEY
}, "applicationServerKey string should be a valid point on the P-256 curve");
promise_test(async (test) => {
// TODO: change this to make sure that subscription is valid once we fully implement subscribe.
return promise_rejects_dom(test, "NotAllowedError", pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: VALID_SERVER_KEY
}, "can subscribe with valid applicationServerKey buffer");
promise_test(async (test) => {
// TODO: change this to make sure that subscription is valid once we fully implement subscribe.
return promise_rejects_dom(test, "NotAllowedError", pushManager.subscribe({
userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: VALID_BASE64_SERVER_KEY
}, "can subscribe with valid applicationServerKey string");
if (!isServiceWorker)
promise_test((test) => registration.unregister(), "unregister service worker");