| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> |
| <g fill="orange"> |
| <rect width="100" height="100" fill="red"/> |
| <rect width="100" height="100" fill="url(#notthere)"/> |
| <g fill="black"> |
| <text x="10" y="130">The above rect should be BLACK.</text> |
| <text x="10" y="150">SVG 1.1 FULL says there should be a "highly perceivable error" message when an invalid fill url is used.</text> |
| <text x="10" y="170">Browsers don't display such an error, instead use some sort of fill-fallback.</text> |
| <text x="10" y="190">Opera falls back to 'black' (default), Firefox to 'none', and Safari to 'black'. Bug 11017.</text> |
| </g> |
| </g> |
| </svg> |