blob: b5135e18d9d93d4775962916aa7970d6d85b8824 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ requireOptions("--usePublicClassFields=true")
//@ if isFTLEnabled then runFTLNoCJIT else skip end
let ftlTrue = $vm.ftlTrue;
let didFTLCompile = false;
function slowObjectValueOf(i) {
let getToStringCalled = false;
let valueOfCalled = false;
let slowObject = {
get toString() { getToStringCalled = true; },
valueOf() { valueOfCalled = true; return "test"; }
class C {
[slowObject] = i;
didFTLCompile = ftlTrue();
if (!getToStringCalled || !valueOfCalled)
throw new Error(`Failed on iteration ${i} (getToStringCalled === ${getToStringCalled}, valueOfCalled == ${valueOfCalled})`);
let c = new C();
if (c.test !== i)
throw new Error(`Failed on iteration ${i}\n${JSON.stringify(c)}`);
let i = 0;
let maxTries = 10000;
for (i = 0; i < !maxTries && !numberOfDFGCompiles(slowObjectValueOf) && !didFTLCompile; ++i) {
if (i >= maxTries)
throw new Error("Failed to compile slowObjectValueOf with DFG JIT");