blob: 76a0481de9190d4272ca9261676ecea0f8e25ca9 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
// ==============================
// Common keyframe test data
// ==============================
// ------------------------------
// Composite values
// ------------------------------
const gGoodKeyframeCompositeValueTests = [
'replace', 'add', 'accumulate', 'auto'
const gBadKeyframeCompositeValueTests = [
'unrecognised', 'replace ', 'Replace', null
const gGoodOptionsCompositeValueTests = [
'replace', 'add', 'accumulate'
const gBadOptionsCompositeValueTests = [
'unrecognised', 'replace ', 'Replace', null
// ------------------------------
// Keyframes
// ------------------------------
const gEmptyKeyframeListTests = [
// Helper methods to make defining computed keyframes more readable.
const offset = offset => ({
computedOffset: offset,
const computedOffset = computedOffset => ({
offset: null,
const keyframe = (offset, props, easing='linear', composite) => {
// The object spread operator is not yet available in all browsers so we use
// Object.assign instead.
const result = {};
Object.assign(result, offset, props, { easing });
result.composite = composite || 'auto';
return result;
const gKeyframesTests = [
// ----------- Property-indexed keyframes: property handling -----------
desc: 'a one property two value property-indexed keyframes specification',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '20px' })],
desc: 'a one shorthand property two value property-indexed keyframes'
+ ' specification',
input: { margin: ['10px', '10px 20px 30px 40px'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { margin: '10px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { margin: '10px 20px 30px 40px' })],
desc: 'a two property (one shorthand and one of its longhand components)'
+ ' two value property-indexed keyframes specification',
input: { marginTop: ['50px', '60px'],
margin: ['10px', '10px 20px 30px 40px'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0),
{ marginTop: '50px', margin: '10px' }),
{ marginTop: '60px', margin: '10px 20px 30px 40px' })],
desc: 'a two property two value property-indexed keyframes specification',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px'],
top: ['30px', '40px'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px', top: '30px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '20px', top: '40px' })],
desc: 'a two property property-indexed keyframes specification with'
+ ' different numbers of values',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
top: ['40px', '50px'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px', top: '40px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px', top: '50px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframes specification with an invalid value',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px', '40px', '50px'],
top: ['15px', '25px', 'invalid', '45px', '55px'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px', top: '15px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.25), { left: '20px', top: '25px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '30px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.75), { left: '40px', top: '45px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '50px', top: '55px' })],
desc: 'a one property two value property-indexed keyframes specification'
+ ' that needs to stringify its values',
input: { opacity: [0, 1] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { opacity: '0' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { opacity: '1' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframes specification with a CSS variable'
+ ' reference',
input: { left: [ 'var(--dist)', 'calc(var(--dist) + 100px)' ] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: 'var(--dist)' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: 'calc(var(--dist) + 100px)' })]
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframes specification with a CSS variable'
+ ' reference in a shorthand property',
input: { margin: [ 'var(--dist)', 'calc(var(--dist) + 100px)' ] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0),
{ margin: 'var(--dist)' }),
{ margin: 'calc(var(--dist) + 100px)' })],
desc: 'a one property one value property-indexed keyframes specification',
input: { left: ['10px'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '10px' })],
desc: 'a one property one non-array value property-indexed keyframes'
+ ' specification',
input: { left: '10px' },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '10px' })],
desc: 'a one property two value property-indexed keyframes specification'
+ ' where the first value is invalid',
input: { left: ['invalid', '10px'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), {}),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '10px' })]
desc: 'a one property two value property-indexed keyframes specification'
+ ' where the second value is invalid',
input: { left: ['10px', 'invalid'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), {})]
// ----------- Property-indexed keyframes: offset handling -----------
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with a single offset',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'], offset: 0.5 },
output: [keyframe(offset(0.5), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.75), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'], offset: [ 0.1, 0.25, 0.8 ] },
output: [keyframe(offset(0.1), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.25), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.8), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets that is too'
+ ' short',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'], offset: [ 0, 0.25 ] },
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.25), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets that is too'
+ ' long',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
offset: [ 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 ] },
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.25), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.5), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an empty array of offsets',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'], offset: [] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets with an'
+ ' embedded null value',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
offset: [ 0, null, 0.5 ] },
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.25), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.5), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets with a'
+ ' trailing null value',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
offset: [ 0, 0.25, null ] },
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.25), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets with leading'
+ ' and trailing null values',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
offset: [ null, 0.25, null ] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.25), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets with'
+ ' adjacent null values',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
offset: [ null, null, 0.5 ] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.25), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.5), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets with'
+ ' all null values (and too many at that)',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
offset: [ null, null, null, null, null ] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with a single null offset',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'], offset: null },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of offsets that is not'
+ ' strictly ascending in the unused part of the array',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
offset: [ 0, 0.2, 0.8, 0.6 ] },
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.2), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.8), { left: '30px' })],
// ----------- Property-indexed keyframes: easing handling -----------
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe without any specified easing',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'linear'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }, 'linear'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' }, 'linear')],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with a single easing',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'], easing: 'ease-in' },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'ease-in'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }, 'ease-in'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' }, 'ease-in')],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of easings',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
easing: ['ease-in', 'ease-out', 'ease-in-out'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'ease-in'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }, 'ease-out'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' }, 'ease-in-out')],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of easings that is too'
+ ' short',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
easing: ['ease-in', 'ease-out'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'ease-in'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }, 'ease-out'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' }, 'ease-in')],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with a single-element array of'
+ ' easings',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'], easing: ['ease-in'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'ease-in'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }, 'ease-in'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' }, 'ease-in')],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an empty array of easings',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'], easing: [] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'linear'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }, 'linear'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' }, 'linear')],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with an array of easings that is too'
+ ' long',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
easing: ['steps(1)', 'steps(2)', 'steps(3)', 'steps(4)'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'steps(1)'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }, 'steps(2)'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' }, 'steps(3)')],
// ----------- Property-indexed keyframes: composite handling -----------
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with a single composite operation',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'], composite: 'add' },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'linear', 'add'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }, 'linear', 'add'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' }, 'linear', 'add')],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with a composite array',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
composite: ['add', 'replace', 'accumulate'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' },
'linear', 'add'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' },
'linear', 'replace'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' },
'linear', 'accumulate')],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with a composite array that is too'
+ ' short',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px', '40px', '50px'],
composite: ['add', 'replace'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' },
'linear', 'add'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.25), { left: '20px' },
'linear', 'replace'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '30px' },
'linear', 'add'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.75), { left: '40px' },
'linear', 'replace'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '50px' },
'linear', 'add')],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with a composite array that is too'
+ ' long',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px'],
composite: ['add', 'replace', 'accumulate'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' },
'linear', 'add'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '20px' },
'linear', 'replace')],
desc: 'a property-indexed keyframe with a single-element composite array',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
composite: ['add'] },
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'linear', 'add'),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '20px' }, 'linear', 'add'),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '30px' }, 'linear', 'add')],
// ----------- Keyframe sequence: property handling -----------
desc: 'a one property one keyframe sequence',
input: [{ offset: 1, left: '10px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(1), { left: '10px' })],
desc: 'a one property two keyframe sequence',
input: [{ offset: 0, left: '10px' },
{ offset: 1, left: '20px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '20px' })],
desc: 'a two property two keyframe sequence',
input: [{ offset: 0, left: '10px', top: '30px' },
{ offset: 1, left: '20px', top: '40px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px', top: '30px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '20px', top: '40px' })],
desc: 'a one shorthand property two keyframe sequence',
input: [{ offset: 0, margin: '10px' },
{ offset: 1, margin: '20px 30px 40px 50px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { margin: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { margin: '20px 30px 40px 50px' })],
desc: 'a two property (a shorthand and one of its component longhands)'
+ ' two keyframe sequence',
input: [{ offset: 0, margin: '10px', marginTop: '20px' },
{ offset: 1, marginTop: '70px', margin: '30px 40px 50px 60px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { margin: '10px', marginTop: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { marginTop: '70px',
margin: '30px 40px 50px 60px' })],
desc: 'a two property keyframe sequence where one property is missing'
+ ' from the first keyframe',
input: [{ offset: 0, left: '10px' },
{ offset: 1, left: '20px', top: '30px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '20px', top: '30px' })],
desc: 'a two property keyframe sequence where one property is missing'
+ ' from the last keyframe',
input: [{ offset: 0, left: '10px', top: '20px' },
{ offset: 1, left: '30px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px', top: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '30px' })],
desc: 'a one property two keyframe sequence that needs to stringify'
+ ' its values',
input: [{ offset: 0, opacity: 0 },
{ offset: 1, opacity: 1 }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { opacity: '0' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { opacity: '1' })],
desc: 'a keyframe sequence with a CSS variable reference',
input: [{ left: 'var(--dist)' },
{ left: 'calc(var(--dist) + 100px)' }],
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: 'var(--dist)' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: 'calc(var(--dist) + 100px)' })]
desc: 'a keyframe sequence with a CSS variable reference in a shorthand'
+ ' property',
input: [{ margin: 'var(--dist)' },
{ margin: 'calc(var(--dist) + 100px)' }],
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0),
{ margin: 'var(--dist)' }),
{ margin: 'calc(var(--dist) + 100px)' })],
// ----------- Keyframe sequence: offset handling -----------
desc: 'a keyframe sequence with duplicate values for a given interior'
+ ' offset',
input: [{ offset: 0.0, left: '10px' },
{ offset: 0.5, left: '20px' },
{ offset: 0.5, left: '30px' },
{ offset: 0.5, left: '40px' },
{ offset: 1.0, left: '50px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.5), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.5), { left: '30px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.5), { left: '40px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '50px' })],
desc: 'a keyframe sequence with duplicate values for offsets 0 and 1',
input: [{ offset: 0, left: '10px' },
{ offset: 0, left: '20px' },
{ offset: 0, left: '30px' },
{ offset: 1, left: '40px' },
{ offset: 1, left: '50px' },
{ offset: 1, left: '60px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(0), { left: '30px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '40px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '50px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '60px' })],
desc: 'a two property four keyframe sequence',
input: [{ offset: 0, left: '10px' },
{ offset: 0, top: '20px' },
{ offset: 1, top: '30px' },
{ offset: 1, left: '40px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0), { top: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { top: '30px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '40px' })],
desc: 'a single keyframe sequence with omitted offset',
input: [{ left: '10px' }],
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '10px' })],
desc: 'a single keyframe sequence with null offset',
input: [{ offset: null, left: '10px' }],
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '10px' })],
desc: 'a single keyframe sequence with string offset',
input: [{ offset: '0.5', left: '10px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0.5), { left: '10px' })],
desc: 'a one property keyframe sequence with some omitted offsets',
input: [{ offset: 0.00, left: '10px' },
{ offset: 0.25, left: '20px' },
{ left: '30px' },
{ left: '40px' },
{ offset: 1.00, left: '50px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.25), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '30px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.75), { left: '40px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '50px' })],
desc: 'a one property keyframe sequence with some null offsets',
input: [{ offset: 0.00, left: '10px' },
{ offset: 0.25, left: '20px' },
{ offset: null, left: '30px' },
{ offset: null, left: '40px' },
{ offset: 1.00, left: '50px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.25), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '30px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.75), { left: '40px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '50px' })],
desc: 'a two property keyframe sequence with some omitted offsets',
input: [{ offset: 0.00, left: '10px', top: '20px' },
{ offset: 0.25, left: '30px' },
{ left: '40px' },
{ left: '50px', top: '60px' },
{ offset: 1.00, left: '70px', top: '80px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px', top: '20px' }),
keyframe(offset(0.25), { left: '30px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '40px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.75), { left: '50px', top: '60px' }),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '70px', top: '80px' })],
desc: 'a one property keyframe sequence with all omitted offsets',
input: [{ left: '10px' },
{ left: '20px' },
{ left: '30px' },
{ left: '40px' },
{ left: '50px' }],
output: [keyframe(computedOffset(0), { left: '10px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.25), { left: '20px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.5), { left: '30px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(0.75), { left: '40px' }),
keyframe(computedOffset(1), { left: '50px' })],
// ----------- Keyframe sequence: easing handling -----------
desc: 'a keyframe sequence with different easing values, but the same'
+ ' easing value for a given offset',
input: [{ offset: 0.0, easing: 'ease', left: '10px'},
{ offset: 0.0, easing: 'ease', top: '20px'},
{ offset: 0.5, easing: 'linear', left: '30px' },
{ offset: 0.5, easing: 'linear', top: '40px' },
{ offset: 1.0, easing: 'step-end', left: '50px' },
{ offset: 1.0, easing: 'step-end', top: '60px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'ease'),
keyframe(offset(0), { top: '20px' }, 'ease'),
keyframe(offset(0.5), { left: '30px' }, 'linear'),
keyframe(offset(0.5), { top: '40px' }, 'linear'),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '50px' }, 'steps(1)'),
keyframe(offset(1), { top: '60px' }, 'steps(1)')],
// ----------- Keyframe sequence: composite handling -----------
desc: 'a keyframe sequence with different composite values, but the'
+ ' same composite value for a given offset',
input: [{ offset: 0.0, composite: 'replace', left: '10px' },
{ offset: 0.0, composite: 'replace', top: '20px' },
{ offset: 0.5, composite: 'add', left: '30px' },
{ offset: 0.5, composite: 'add', top: '40px' },
{ offset: 1.0, composite: 'replace', left: '50px' },
{ offset: 1.0, composite: 'replace', top: '60px' }],
output: [keyframe(offset(0), { left: '10px' }, 'linear', 'replace'),
keyframe(offset(0), { top: '20px' }, 'linear', 'replace'),
keyframe(offset(0.5), { left: '30px' }, 'linear', 'add'),
keyframe(offset(0.5), { top: '40px' }, 'linear', 'add'),
keyframe(offset(1), { left: '50px' }, 'linear', 'replace'),
keyframe(offset(1), { top: '60px' }, 'linear', 'replace')],
const gInvalidKeyframesTests = [
desc: 'keyframes with an out-of-bounded positive offset',
input: [ { opacity: 0 },
{ opacity: 0.5, offset: 2 },
{ opacity: 1 } ],
desc: 'keyframes with an out-of-bounded negative offset',
input: [ { opacity: 0 },
{ opacity: 0.5, offset: -1 },
{ opacity: 1 } ],
desc: 'property-indexed keyframes not loosely sorted by offset',
input: { opacity: [ 0, 1 ], offset: [ 1, 0 ] },
desc: 'property-indexed keyframes not loosely sorted by offset even'
+ ' though not all offsets are specified',
input: { opacity: [ 0, 0.5, 1 ], offset: [ 0.5, 0 ] },
desc: 'property-indexed keyframes with offsets out of range',
input: { opacity: [ 0, 0.5, 1 ], offset: [ 0, 1.1 ] },
desc: 'keyframes not loosely sorted by offset',
input: [ { opacity: 0, offset: 1 },
{ opacity: 1, offset: 0 } ],
desc: 'property-indexed keyframes with an invalid easing value',
input: { opacity: [ 0, 0.5, 1 ],
easing: 'inherit' },
desc: 'property-indexed keyframes with an invalid easing value as one of'
+ ' the array values',
input: { opacity: [ 0, 0.5, 1 ],
easing: [ 'ease-in', 'inherit' ] },
desc: 'property-indexed keyframe with an invalid easing in the unused'
+ ' part of the array of easings',
input: { left: ['10px', '20px', '30px'],
easing: ['steps(1)', 'steps(2)', 'steps(3)', 'invalid'] },
desc: 'empty property-indexed keyframe with an invalid easing',
input: { easing: 'invalid' },
desc: 'empty property-indexed keyframe with an invalid easings array',
input: { easing: ['invalid'] },
desc: 'a keyframe sequence with an invalid easing value',
input: [ { opacity: 0, easing: 'jumpy' },
{ opacity: 1 } ],
desc: 'property-indexed keyframes with an invalid composite value',
input: { opacity: [ 0, 0.5, 1 ],
composite: 'alternate' },
desc: 'property-indexed keyframes with an invalid composite value as one'
+ ' of the array values',
input: { opacity: [ 0, 0.5, 1 ],
composite: [ 'add', 'alternate' ] },
desc: 'keyframes with an invalid composite value',
input: [ { opacity: 0, composite: 'alternate' },
{ opacity: 1 } ],
// ------------------------------
// KeyframeEffectOptions
// ------------------------------
const gKeyframeEffectOptionTests = [
desc: 'an empty KeyframeEffectOptions object',
input: { },
expected: { },
desc: 'a normal KeyframeEffectOptions object',
input: { delay: 1000,
fill: 'auto',
iterations: 5.5,
duration: 'auto',
direction: 'alternate' },
expected: { delay: 1000,
fill: 'auto',
iterations: 5.5,
duration: 'auto',
direction: 'alternate' },
desc: 'a double value',
input: 3000,
expected: { duration: 3000 },
desc: '+Infinity',
input: Infinity,
expected: { duration: Infinity },
desc: 'an Infinity duration',
input: { duration: Infinity },
expected: { duration: Infinity },
desc: 'an auto duration',
input: { duration: 'auto' },
expected: { duration: 'auto' },
desc: 'an Infinity iterations',
input: { iterations: Infinity },
expected: { iterations: Infinity },
desc: 'an auto fill',
input: { fill: 'auto' },
expected: { fill: 'auto' },
desc: 'a forwards fill',
input: { fill: 'forwards' },
expected: { fill: 'forwards' },
const gInvalidKeyframeEffectOptionTests = [
{ desc: '-Infinity', input: -Infinity },
{ desc: 'NaN', input: NaN },
{ desc: 'a negative value', input: -1 },
{ desc: 'a negative Infinity duration', input: { duration: -Infinity } },
{ desc: 'a NaN duration', input: { duration: NaN } },
{ desc: 'a negative duration', input: { duration: -1 } },
{ desc: 'a string duration', input: { duration: 'merrychristmas' } },
{ desc: 'a negative Infinity iterations', input: { iterations: -Infinity} },
{ desc: 'a NaN iterations', input: { iterations: NaN } },
{ desc: 'a negative iterations', input: { iterations: -1 } },
{ desc: 'a blank easing', input: { easing: '' } },
{ desc: 'an unrecognized easing', input: { easing: 'unrecognised' } },
{ desc: 'an \'initial\' easing', input: { easing: 'initial' } },
{ desc: 'an \'inherit\' easing', input: { easing: 'inherit' } },
{ desc: 'a variable easing', input: { easing: 'var(--x)' } },
{ desc: 'a multi-value easing', input: { easing: 'ease-in-out, ease-out' } },