blob: be7be457e8dde4537dd2d4733e728bba5ad633f6 [file] [log] [blame]
description("This tests support for the document.createTouchList and window.TouchEvent APIs.");
// To use TouchEvents use createEvent and initTouchEvent.
shouldBeTrue("'TouchEvent' in window");
shouldThrow('new TouchEvent()');
shouldBeTrue('"createTouchList" in document');
// Test createTouchList with no arguments.
var touchList = document.createTouchList();
shouldBe("touchList.length", "0");
// Test createTouchList with Touch objects as arguments.
try {
var t = document.createTouch(window, document.body, 12341, 60, 65, 100, 105);
var t2 = document.createTouch(window, document.body, 12342, 50, 55, 115, 120);
var tl = document.createTouchList(t, t2);
var evt = document.createEvent("TouchEvent");
evt.initTouchEvent("touchstart", false, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, false, false, false, tl, tl, tl, 1, 0);
document.body.addEventListener("touchstart", function handleTouchStart(ev) {
ts = ev;
shouldBe("ts.touches.length", "2");
shouldBe("ts.touches[0].identifier", "12341");
shouldBe("ts.touches[0].clientX", "60");
shouldBe("ts.touches[1].screenY", "120");
shouldBe("ts.ctrlKey", "true");
} catch(e) {
testFailed("An exception was thrown: " + e.message);
// Test createTouchList with invalid arguments which throws exceptions.
shouldThrow("var tl = document.createTouchList(1, 2)");
successfullyParsed = true;