blob: 0e4ddea27923c18218ee10dd3a4e1dd5550a9de6 [file] [log] [blame]
description('Test setting the pathname attribute of the URL in HTMLAnchorElement.');
var a = document.createElement('a');
debug("Set pathname that starts with slash");
a.href = "";
a.pathname = "/path name";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
// IE8 throws an "Invalid URL" exception.
try {
debug("Set pathname that does not start with slash and contains '?'");
a.href = "";
a.pathname = "pa?th";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
} catch(e) {
debug("Exception: " + e.description);
// IE8 throws an "Invalid URL" exception.
try {
debug("Set pathname that starts with double slash and contains '#'");
a.href = "";
a.pathname = "//path#name";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
} catch(e) {
debug("Exception: " + e.description);
debug("Set a pathname containing .. in it");
a.href = "";
a.pathname = "/it/../path";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
debug("Set pathname to null");
a.href = "";
a.pathname = null;
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
debug("Set pathname to empty string");
a.href = "";
a.pathname = "";
shouldBe("a.href", "''");
// The expected behavior should change when the character table is updated.
// IE8 considers this URL as valid.
debug("Set pathname that includes illegal characters to URL that contains illegal characters.");
a.href = "|d[]()";
a.pathname = "p$a|th";
shouldBe("a.href", "'|d[]()'");
// IE8 throws a security exception. Gecko parses this as a URL with an empty hostname.
try {
debug("Set pathname to URL that contains '@' in host");
a.href = "http://w@#ww";
a.pathname = "path";
shouldBe("a.href", "'http://w@#ww'");
} catch(e) {
debug("Exception: " + e.description);
// IE8 allows setting the pathname, for non-hierarchial URL.
// It is not supposed to allow that per
// .
debug("Set pathname to a URL with non-hierarchical protocol");
a.href = "tel:+1800-555-1212";
a.pathname = "the-path";
shouldBe("a.href", "'tel:+1800-555-1212'");