Checking Out the Code and Installing Required Applications

The instructions assume you‘re using Mac OS X (Mavericks for case and Mountain Lion without as the host server, and assume that we’re installing this application at /Volumes/Data/WebKitPerfMonitor.

You can choose between using or install the required tools separately

  1. Install (if you don't want to use, install PostgreSQL:
  2. Install node.
  3. Install Xcode with command line tools (only needed for svn)
  4. svn co /Volumes/Data/WebKitPerfMonitor
  5. Inside /Volumes/Data/WebKitPerfMonitor, run npm install pg.

Configuring Apache

You can use apachectl to start/stop/restart apache server from the command line:

  • Starting httpd: sudo apachectl start
  • Stopping httpd: sudo apachectl stop
  • Restarting httpd: sudo apachectl restart

Instructions if you're using

  • Enable PHP web applications
  • Go to Server Website / Store Site Files In, change it to /Volumes/Data/WebKitPerfMonitor/public/`
  • Go to Server Website / Edit advanced settings, enable Allow overrides using .htaccess files

Instructions if you're not using

  • Edit /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf

    1. Change DocumentRoot to /Volumes/Data/WebKitPerfMonitor/public/
    2. Uncomment "LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/"
    3. Modify the directives for the document root and / to allow overriding "All"
    4. Delete directives on CGI-Executables

Common directives for the related apache config file

httpd config file is located at:

- With /Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2/sites/0000_any_80.conf (and/or 0000_any_`PORT#`.conf)
- Without: /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  1. Update ServerAdmin to your email address

  2. Add the following directives to enable gzip:

    <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
        AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/xml text/plain application/json application/xml application/xhtml+xml
  3. Add the following directives to enable zlib compression and MultiViews on WebKitPerfMonitor/public:

    Options Indexes MultiViews
    php_flag zlib.output_compression on

The apache logs are located at /private/var/log/apache2.

Protecting the Administrative Pages to Prevent Execution of Arbitrary Code

By default, the application gives the administrative privilege to everyone. Anyone can add, remove, or edit tests, builders, and other entities in the database and may even execute arbitrary JavaScript on the server via aggregators.

We recommend protection via Digest Auth on https connection.

Generate a password file via htdigest -c <path> <realm> <username>, and then create admin/.htaccess with:

AuthType Digest
AuthName "<Realm>"
AuthDigestProvider file
AuthUserFile "<Realm>"
Require valid-user

where is replaced with the realm of your choice, which will be displayed on the username/password input box.

Configuring PostgreSQL

  1. Create database: /Applications/ /Volumes/Data/WebKitPerfMonitor/PostgresSQL
  2. Start database: /Applications/ -D /Volumes/Data/WebKitPerfMonitor/PostgresSQL -l logfile -o "-k /Volumes/Data/WebKitPerfMonitor/PostgresSQL" start

Creating a Database and a User

The binaries located in PostgreSQL‘s directory, or if you’re using in /Applications/

  1. Create a database: createdb webkit-perf-db -h localhost
  2. Create a user: createuser -P -S -e webkit-perf-db-user -h localhost
  3. Connect to database: psql webkit-perf-db -h localhost
  4. Grant all permissions to the new user: grant all privileges on database "webkit-perf-db" to "webkit-perf-db-user";
  5. Update database/config.json.

Initializing the Database

Run database/init-database.sql in psql as webkit-perf-db-user: psql webkit-perf-db -h localhost --username webkit-perf-db-user -f database/init-database.sql

Making a Backup of the Database

Run /Applications/ -h localhost --no-owner -f <filepath> safari-perf-db