Fix by Mitz Pettel, reviewed by Hyatt.
- fix
Incomplete repaint when changing an inline's border
Test: fast/repaint/line-overflow.html
* rendering/RenderBlock.h:
* rendering/bidi.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren): Added repaintTop and repaintBottom
variables to track the vertical edges of the area that changed, accounting for
lines that were deleted, inserted or moved. Removed unnecessary updating of
(WebCore::RenderBlock::determineStartPosition): Removed unnecessary updating of
(WebCore::RenderBlock::matchedEndLine): Added repaintTop and repaintBottom
arguments, which this method updates to account for deleted lines.
(WebCore::RenderBlock::checkLinesForOverflow): Removed outdated FIXME.
git-svn-id: 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
diff --git a/WebCore/rendering/bidi.cpp b/WebCore/rendering/bidi.cpp
index 15d745c..b2de68d 100644
--- a/WebCore/rendering/bidi.cpp
+++ b/WebCore/rendering/bidi.cpp
@@ -1480,7 +1480,8 @@
BidiState bidi;
bool useRepaintRect = false;
- IntRect repaintRect(0,0,0,0);
+ int repaintTop = 0;
+ int repaintBottom = 0;
m_overflowHeight = 0;
@@ -1509,9 +1510,6 @@
if (hasTextOverflow)
- int oldLineBottom = lastRootBox() ? lastRootBox()->bottomOverflow() : m_height;
- int startLineBottom = 0;
if (firstChild()) {
// layout replaced elements
bool endOfInline = false;
@@ -1595,11 +1593,13 @@
if (startLine) {
useRepaintRect = true;
- startLineBottom = startLine->bottomOverflow();
- repaintRect.setY(min(m_height, startLine->topOverflow()));
+ repaintTop = m_height;
+ repaintBottom = m_height;
RenderArena* arena = renderArena();
RootInlineBox* box = startLine;
while (box) {
+ repaintTop = min(repaintTop, box->topOverflow());
+ repaintBottom = max(repaintBottom, box->bottomOverflow());
RootInlineBox* next = box->nextRootBox();
box = next;
@@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@
bool endLineMatched = false;
while (!end.atEnd()) {
start = end;
- if (endLine && (endLineMatched = matchedEndLine(start, bidi.status, bidi.context.get(), cleanLineStart, cleanLineBidiStatus, cleanLineBidiContext, endLine, endLineYPos)))
+ if (endLine && (endLineMatched = matchedEndLine(start, bidi.status, bidi.context.get(), cleanLineStart, cleanLineBidiStatus, cleanLineBidiContext, endLine, endLineYPos, repaintBottom, repaintTop)))
betweenMidpoints = false;
@@ -1661,8 +1661,13 @@
bidi.adjustEmbedding = false;
- if (lineBox)
+ if (lineBox) {
lineBox->setLineBreakInfo(end.obj, end.pos, &bidi.status, bidi.context.get());
+ if (useRepaintRect) {
+ repaintTop = min(repaintTop, lineBox->topOverflow());
+ repaintBottom = max(repaintBottom, lineBox->bottomOverflow());
+ }
+ }
m_firstLine = false;
@@ -1676,12 +1681,6 @@
if (endLine) {
if (endLineMatched) {
- // Note our current y-position for correct repainting when no lines move. If no lines move, we still have to
- // repaint up to the maximum of the bottom overflow of the old start line or the bottom overflow of the new last line.
- int currYPos = max(startLineBottom, m_height);
- if (lastRootBox())
- currYPos = max(currYPos, lastRootBox()->bottomOverflow());
// Attach all the remaining lines, and then adjust their y-positions as needed.
for (RootInlineBox* line = endLine; line; line = line->nextRootBox())
@@ -1689,28 +1688,21 @@
// Now apply the offset to each line if needed.
int delta = m_height - endLineYPos;
if (delta) {
- for (RootInlineBox* line = endLine; line; line = line->nextRootBox())
+ for (RootInlineBox* line = endLine; line; line = line->nextRootBox()) {
+ repaintTop = min(repaintTop, line->topOverflow() + (delta < 0 ? delta : 0));
+ repaintBottom = max(repaintBottom, line->bottomOverflow() + (delta > 0 ? delta : 0));
line->adjustPosition(0, delta);
+ }
m_height = lastRootBox()->blockHeight();
- m_overflowHeight = max(m_height, m_overflowHeight);
- int bottomOfLine = lastRootBox()->bottomOverflow();
- if (bottomOfLine > m_height && bottomOfLine > m_overflowHeight)
- m_overflowHeight = bottomOfLine;
- if (delta)
- repaintRect.setHeight(max(m_overflowHeight-delta, m_overflowHeight) - repaintRect.y());
- else
- repaintRect.setHeight(currYPos - repaintRect.y());
- }
- else {
+ } else {
// Delete all the remaining lines.
- m_overflowHeight = max(m_height, m_overflowHeight);
InlineRunBox* line = endLine;
RenderArena* arena = renderArena();
while (line) {
+ repaintTop = min(repaintTop, line->topOverflow());
+ repaintBottom = max(repaintBottom, line->bottomOverflow());
InlineRunBox* next = line->nextLineBox();
- if (!next)
- repaintRect.setHeight(max(m_overflowHeight, line->bottomOverflow()) - repaintRect.y());
line = next;
@@ -1737,11 +1729,12 @@
// See if any lines spill out of the block. If so, we need to update our overflow width.
+ IntRect repaintRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (useRepaintRect) {
- repaintRect.setWidth(max((int)m_width, m_overflowWidth) - m_overflowLeft);
- if (repaintRect.height() == 0)
- repaintRect.setHeight(max(oldLineBottom, m_overflowHeight) - repaintRect.y());
+ repaintRect.setWidth(m_overflowWidth - m_overflowLeft);
+ repaintRect.setY(repaintTop);
+ repaintRect.setHeight(repaintBottom - repaintTop);
if (hasOverflowClip())
// Don't allow this rect to spill out of our overflow box.
repaintRect.intersect(IntRect(0, 0, m_width, m_height));
@@ -1805,9 +1798,6 @@
previousLineBrokeCleanly = !last || last->endsWithBreak();
if (last) {
m_height = last->blockHeight();
- int bottomOfLine = last->bottomOverflow();
- if (bottomOfLine > m_height && bottomOfLine > m_overflowHeight)
- m_overflowHeight = bottomOfLine;
startObj = last->lineBreakObj();
pos = last->lineBreakPos();
bidi.status = last->lineBreakBidiStatus();
@@ -1846,7 +1836,7 @@
cleanLineStart = BidiIterator(this, prev->lineBreakObj(), prev->lineBreakPos());
cleanLineBidiStatus = prev->lineBreakBidiStatus();
cleanLineBidiContext = prev->lineBreakBidiContext();
- yPos = last->prevRootBox()->blockHeight();
+ yPos = prev->blockHeight();
for (RootInlineBox* line = last; line; line = line->nextRootBox())
line->extractLine(); // Disconnect all line boxes from their render objects while preserving
@@ -1856,8 +1846,8 @@
bool RenderBlock::matchedEndLine(const BidiIterator& start, const BidiStatus& status, BidiContext* context,
- const BidiIterator& endLineStart, const BidiStatus& endLineStatus,
- BidiContext* endLineContext, RootInlineBox*& endLine, int& endYPos)
+ const BidiIterator& endLineStart, const BidiStatus& endLineStatus, BidiContext* endLineContext,
+ RootInlineBox*& endLine, int& endYPos, int& repaintBottom, int& repaintTop)
if (start == endLineStart)
return status == endLineStatus && *context == *endLineContext;
@@ -1881,6 +1871,8 @@
RootInlineBox* boxToDelete = endLine;
RenderArena* arena = renderArena();
while (boxToDelete && boxToDelete != result) {
+ repaintTop = min(repaintTop, boxToDelete->topOverflow());
+ repaintBottom = max(repaintBottom, boxToDelete->bottomOverflow());
RootInlineBox* next = boxToDelete->nextRootBox();
boxToDelete = next;
@@ -2548,8 +2540,6 @@
void RenderBlock::checkLinesForOverflow()
- // FIXME: Inline blocks can have overflow. Need to understand when those objects are present on a line
- // and factor that in somehow.
m_overflowWidth = m_width;
for (RootInlineBox* curr = firstRootBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
m_overflowLeft = min(curr->leftOverflow(), m_overflowLeft);