blob: 0f90aca7cf31a290f1c08e498194f20a1f98bb23 [file] [log] [blame]
/* This is the helper function to run animation tests:
Test page requirements:
- The body must contain an empty div with id "result"
- Call this function directly from the <script> inside the test page
Function parameters:
expected [required]: an array of arrays defining a set of CSS properties that must have given values at specific times (see below)
callback [optional]: a function to be executed just before the test starts (none by default)
event [optional]: which DOM event to wait for before starting the test ("webkitAnimationStart" by default)
Each sub-array must contain these items in this order:
- the name of the CSS animation (may be null) [1]
- the time in seconds at which to snapshot the CSS property
- the id of the element on which to get the CSS property value [2]
- the name of the CSS property to get [3]
- the expected value for the CSS property
- the tolerance to use when comparing the effective CSS property value with its expected value
[1] If null is passed, a regular setTimeout() will be used instead to snapshot the animated property in the future,
instead of fast forwarding using the pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElement() JS API from Internals.
[2] If a single string is passed, it is the id of the element to test. If an array with 2 elements is passed they
are the ids of 2 elements, whose values are compared for equality. In this case the expected value is ignored
but the tolerance is used in the comparison. If the second element is prefixed with "static:", no animation on that
element is required, allowing comparison with an unanimated "expected value" element.
If a string with a '.' is passed, this is an element in an iframe. The string before the dot is the iframe id
and the string after the dot is the element name in that iframe.
[3] If the CSS property name is "webkitTransform", expected value must be an array of 1 or more numbers corresponding to the matrix elements,
or a string which will be compared directly (useful if the expected value is "none")
If the CSS property name is "webkitTransform.N", expected value must be a number corresponding to the Nth element of the matrix
function isCloseEnough(actual, expected, tolerance)
if (isNaN(actual) || isNaN(expected))
return false;
var diff = Math.abs(actual - expected);
return diff <= tolerance;
function matrixStringToArray(s)
if (s == "none")
return [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ];
var m = s.split("(");
m = m[1].split(")");
return m[0].split(",");
function parseCSSImage(s)
// Special case none.
if (s == "none")
return ["none"];
// Separate function name from function value.
var matches = s.match("([\\w\\-]+)\\((.*)\\)");
if (!matches){
console.error("Parsing error. Value not a CSS Image function ", s);
return false;
var functionName = matches[1];
var functionValue = matches[2];
// Generator functions can have CSS images as values themself.
// These functions will call parseCSSImage for each CSS Image.
switch (functionName) {
case "filter":
return parseFilterImage(functionValue);
case "cross-fade":
case "-webkit-cross-fade":
return parseCrossFade(functionValue);
case "url":
return ["url", functionValue];
// FIXME: Add support for linear and redial gradient.
// All supported filter functions must be listed above.
return false;
// This should just be called by parseCSSImage.
function parseCrossFade(s)
var matches = s.match("(.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\s*");
if (!matches) {
console.error("Parsing error on 'cross-fade()'.");
return null;
var from = parseCSSImage(matches[1]);
var to = parseCSSImage(matches[2]);
if (!from || !to) {
console.error("Parsing error on images passed to 'cross-fade()' ", s);
return null;
var fadeValue = matches[3];
var percent;
if (isNaN(fadeValue)) {
// Check if last char is '%' and rip it off.
// Normalize it to number.
if ('%') != fadeValue.length - 1) {
console.error("Passed value to 'cross-fade()' is not a number or percentage ", fadeValue);
return null;
fadeValue = fadeValue.slice(0, fadeValue.length - 1);
if (isNaN(fadeValue)) {
console.error("Passed value to 'cross-fade()' is not a number or percentage ", fadeValue);
return null;
percent = parseFloat(fadeValue) / 100;
} else
percent = parseFloat(fadeValue);
return ["cross-fade", from, to, percent];
// This should just be called by parseCSSImage.
function parseFilterImage(s)
// Separate image value from filter function list.
var matches = s.match("([\\-\\w]+\\(.*\\))\\s*,\\s*(.*)\\s*");
if (!matches) {
console.error("Parsing error on 'filter()' ", s);
return false;
var image = parseCSSImage(matches[1]);
if (!image) {
console.error("Parsing error on image passed to 'filter()' ", s);
return false;
var filterFunctionList = parseFilterFunctionList(matches[2]);
if (!filterFunctionList) {
console.error("Parsing error on filter function list passed to 'filter()' ", s);
return false;
return ["-webkit-filter", image, filterFunctionList];
function parseFilterFunctionList(s)
var reg = /\)*\s*(blur|brightness|contrast|drop\-shadow|grayscale|hue\-rotate|invert|opacity|saturate|sepia|url)\(/
var matches = s.split(reg);
// First item must be empty. All other items are of functionName, functionValue.
if (!matches || matches.shift() != "")
return null;
// Odd items are the function name, even items the function value.
if (!matches.length || matches.length % 2)
return null;
var functionList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i += 2) {
var functionName = matches[i];
var functionValue = matches[i+1];
if (functionName == "drop-shadow" || functionName == "url") {
// FIXME: Support parsing of drop-shadow.
return functionList;
function parseBasicShape(s)
var shapeFunction = s.match(/(\w+)\((.+)\)/);
if (!shapeFunction)
return null;
var matches;
switch (shapeFunction[1]) {
case "inset":
matches = s.match("inset\\(\\s*(.*)\\s*\\)");
matches = matches[1].split(/\s+/);
case "circle":
matches = s.match("circle\\((.*)\\s+at\\s+(.*)\\s+(.*)\\)");
case "ellipse":
matches = s.match("ellipse\\((.*)\\s+(.*)\\s+at\\s+(.*)\\s+(.*)\\)");
case "polygon":
matches = s.match("polygon\\(\\s*(.*)\\s*\\)");
matches = matches[1].split(/\s*,\s*/);
matches = {
return match.split(/\s+/);
matches = Array.prototype.concat.apply([s], matches);
return null;
if (!matches)
return null;
var i = 0;
if (shapeFunction[1] == "polygon")
i++; // skip nonzero|evenodd below
// Normalize percentage values.
for (; i < matches.length; ++i) {
var param = parseFloat(matches[i]);
if (isNaN(param))
if (matches[i].indexOf('%') != -1)
matches[i] = param / 100;
matches[i] = param;
return {"shape": shapeFunction[1], "params": matches};
function compareCSSImages(computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance)
var actual = typeof computedValue === "string" ? parseCSSImage(computedValue) : computedValue;
var expected = typeof expectedValue === "string" ? parseCSSImage(expectedValue) : expectedValue;
if (!actual || !Array.isArray(actual) // Check that: actual is an array,
|| !expected || !Array.isArray(expected) // expected is an array,
|| actual[0] != expected[0]) { // and image function names are the same.
console.error("Unexpected mismatch between CSS Image functions.");
return false;
switch (actual[0]) {
case "none":
return true;
case "-webkit-filter":
return compareCSSImages(actual[1], expected[1], tolerance)
&& compareFilterFunctions(actual[2], expected[2], tolerance);
case "cross-fade":
case "-webkit-cross-fade":
return compareCSSImages(actual[1], expected[1], tolerance)
&& compareCSSImages(actual[2], expected[2], tolerance)
&& isCloseEnough(actual[3], expected[3], tolerance);
case "url":
return actual[1].search(expected[1]) >= 0;
console.error("Unknown CSS Image function ", actual[0]);
return false;
function compareFontVariationSettings(computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance)
if (!computedValue)
return false;
if (computedValue == "normal" || expectedValue == "normal")
return computedValue == expectedValue;
var computed = computedValue.split(", ");
var expected = expectedValue.split(", ");
if (computed.length != expected.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < computed.length; ++i) {
var computedPieces = computed[i].split(" ");
var expectedPieces = expected[i].split(" ");
if (computedPieces.length != 2 || expectedPieces.length != 2)
return false;
if (computedPieces[0] != expectedPieces[0])
return false;
var computedNumber = Number.parseFloat(computedPieces[1]);
var expectedNumber = Number.parseFloat(expectedPieces[1]);
if (Math.abs(computedNumber - expectedNumber) > tolerance)
return false;
return true;
// Called by CSS Image function filter() as well as filter property.
function compareFilterFunctions(computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance)
var actual = typeof computedValue === "string" ? parseFilterFunctionList(computedValue) : computedValue;
var expected = typeof expectedValue === "string" ? parseFilterFunctionList(expectedValue) : expectedValue;
if (!actual || !Array.isArray(actual) // Check that: actual is an array,
|| !expected || !Array.isArray(expected) // expected is an array,
|| !actual.length // actual array has entries,
|| actual.length != expected.length // actual and expected have same length
|| actual.length % 2 == 1) // and image function names are the same.
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i += 2) {
if (actual[i] != expected[i]) {
console.error("Filter functions do not match.");
return false;
if (!isCloseEnough(actual[i+1], expected[i+1], tolerance)) {
console.error("Filter function values do not match.");
return false;
return true;
function basicShapeParametersMatch(paramList1, paramList2, tolerance)
if (paramList1.shape != paramList2.shape
|| paramList1.params.length != paramList2.params.length)
return false;
var i = 0;
for (; i < paramList1.params.length; ++i) {
var param1 = paramList1.params[i],
param2 = paramList2.params[i];
if (param1 === param2)
var match = isCloseEnough(param1, param2, tolerance);
if (!match)
return false;
return true;
function checkExpectedValue(expected, index)
var animationName = expected[index][0];
var time = expected[index][1];
var elementId = expected[index][2];
var property = expected[index][3];
var expectedValue = expected[index][4];
var tolerance = expected[index][5];
// Check for a pair of element Ids
var compareElements = false;
var element2Static = false;
var elementId2;
if (typeof elementId != "string") {
if (elementId.length != 2)
elementId2 = elementId[1];
elementId = elementId[0];
if (elementId2.indexOf("static:") == 0) {
elementId2 = elementId2.replace("static:", "");
element2Static = true;
compareElements = true;
// Check for a dot separated string
var iframeId;
if (!compareElements) {
var array = elementId.split('.');
if (array.length == 2) {
iframeId = array[0];
elementId = array[1];
if (animationName && hasPauseAnimationAPI && !internals.pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElement(animationName, time, document.getElementById(elementId))) {
result += "FAIL - animation \"" + animationName + "\" is not running" + "<br>";
if (compareElements && !element2Static && animationName && hasPauseAnimationAPI && !internals.pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElement(animationName, time, document.getElementById(elementId2))) {
result += "FAIL - animation \"" + animationName + "\" is not running" + "<br>";
var computedValue, computedValue2;
if (compareElements) {
computedValue = getPropertyValue(property, elementId, iframeId);
computedValue2 = getPropertyValue(property, elementId2, iframeId);
if (comparePropertyValue(property, computedValue, computedValue2, tolerance))
result += "PASS - \"" + property + "\" property for \"" + elementId + "\" and \"" + elementId2 +
"\" elements at " + time + "s are close enough to each other" + "<br>";
result += "FAIL - \"" + property + "\" property for \"" + elementId + "\" and \"" + elementId2 +
"\" elements at " + time + "s saw: \"" + computedValue + "\" and \"" + computedValue2 +
"\" which are not close enough to each other" + "<br>";
} else {
var elementName;
if (iframeId)
elementName = iframeId + '.' + elementId;
elementName = elementId;
computedValue = getPropertyValue(property, elementId, iframeId);
if (comparePropertyValue(property, computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance))
result += "PASS - \"" + property + "\" property for \"" + elementName + "\" element at " + time +
"s saw something close to: " + expectedValue + "<br>";
result += "FAIL - \"" + property + "\" property for \"" + elementName + "\" element at " + time +
"s expected: " + expectedValue + " but saw: " + computedValue + "<br>";
function getPropertyValue(property, elementId, iframeId)
var computedValue;
var element;
if (iframeId)
element = document.getElementById(iframeId).contentDocument.getElementById(elementId);
element = document.getElementById(elementId);
if (property == "lineHeight")
computedValue = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(element).lineHeight);
else if (property == "backgroundImage"
|| property == "borderImageSource"
|| property == "listStyleImage"
|| property == "webkitMaskImage"
|| property == "webkitMaskBoxImage"
|| property == "webkitFilter"
|| property == "webkitBackdropFilter"
|| property == "webkitClipPath"
|| property == "webkitShapeInside"
|| property == "webkitShapeOutside"
|| property == "font-variation-settings"
|| !property.indexOf("webkitTransform")
|| !property.indexOf("transform")) {
computedValue = window.getComputedStyle(element)[property.split(".")[0]];
} else {
var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyCSSValue(property);
computedValue = computedStyle.getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER);
return computedValue;
function comparePropertyValue(property, computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance)
var result = true;
if (!property.indexOf("webkitTransform") || !property.indexOf("transform")) {
if (typeof expectedValue == "string")
result = (computedValue == expectedValue);
else if (typeof expectedValue == "number") {
var m = matrixStringToArray(computedValue);
result = isCloseEnough(parseFloat(m[parseInt(property.substring(16))]), expectedValue, tolerance);
} else {
var m = matrixStringToArray(computedValue);
for (i = 0; i < expectedValue.length; ++i) {
result = isCloseEnough(parseFloat(m[i]), expectedValue[i], tolerance);
if (!result)
} else if (property == "webkitFilter" || property == "webkitBackdropFilter") {
var filterParameters = parseFilterFunctionList(computedValue);
var filter2Parameters = parseFilterFunctionList(expectedValue);
result = compareFilterFunctions(filterParameters, filter2Parameters, tolerance);
} else if (property == "webkitClipPath" || property == "webkitShapeInside" || property == "webkitShapeOutside") {
var clipPathParameters = parseBasicShape(computedValue);
var clipPathParameters2 = parseBasicShape(expectedValue);
if (!clipPathParameters || !clipPathParameters2)
result = false;
result = basicShapeParametersMatch(clipPathParameters, clipPathParameters2, tolerance);
} else if (property == "backgroundImage"
|| property == "borderImageSource"
|| property == "listStyleImage"
|| property == "webkitMaskImage"
|| property == "webkitMaskBoxImage")
result = compareCSSImages(computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance);
else if (property == "font-variation-settings")
result = compareFontVariationSettings(computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance);
result = isCloseEnough(computedValue, expectedValue, tolerance);
return result;
function endTest(finishCallback)
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = result;
if (finishCallback)
if (window.testRunner)
function checkExpectedValueCallback(expected, index)
return function() { checkExpectedValue(expected, index); };
var testStarted = false;
function startTest(expected, startCallback, finishCallback)
if (testStarted) return;
testStarted = true;
if (startCallback)
var maxTime = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
var animationName = expected[i][0];
var time = expected[i][1];
// We can only use the animation fast-forward mechanism if there's an animation name
// and Internals implements pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElement()
if (animationName && hasPauseAnimationAPI)
checkExpectedValue(expected, i);
else {
if (time > maxTime)
maxTime = time;
window.setTimeout(checkExpectedValueCallback(expected, i), time * 1000);
if (maxTime > 0)
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, maxTime * 1000 + 50);
var result = "";
var hasPauseAnimationAPI;
function runAnimationTest(expected, startCallback, event, disablePauseAnimationAPI, doPixelTest, finishCallback)
hasPauseAnimationAPI = 'internals' in window;
if (disablePauseAnimationAPI)
hasPauseAnimationAPI = false;
if (window.testRunner) {
if (!doPixelTest)
if (!expected)
throw("Expected results are missing!");
var target = document;
if (event == undefined)
waitForAnimationToStart(target, function() { startTest(expected, startCallback, finishCallback); });
else if (event == "load")
window.addEventListener(event, function() {
startTest(expected, startCallback, finishCallback);
}, false);
function waitForAnimationToStart(element, callback)
element.addEventListener('webkitAnimationStart', function() {
window.setTimeout(callback, 0); // delay to give hardware animations a chance to start
}, false);