blob: 5efbf57212c57fdd8631ca5747d099f758592d24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2015 Mozilla Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
author: Jeff Walden
description: >
let: |let let| split across two lines is not subject to automatic semicolon insertion.
info: >
|let| followed by a name is a lexical declaration. This is so even if the
name is on a new line. ASI applies *only* if an offending token not allowed
by the grammar is encountered, and there's no [no LineTerminator here]
restriction in LexicalDeclaration or ForDeclaration forbidding a line break.
It's a tricky point, but this is true *even if* the name is "let", a name that
can't be bound by LexicalDeclaration or ForDeclaration. Per 5.3, static
semantics early errors are validated *after* determining productions matching
the source text.
So in this testcase, the eval text matches LexicalDeclaration. No ASI occurs,
because "let\nlet = ..." matches LexicalDeclaration before static semantics
are considered. *Then*'s static semantics for the LexicalDeclaration
just chosen, per 5.3, are validated to recognize the Script as invalid. Thus
the eval script can't be evaluated, and a SyntaxError is thrown.
negative: SyntaxError
throw NotEarlyError;
let // start of a LexicalDeclaration, *not* an ASI opportunity
let = "irrelevant initializer";