blob: d775076e716db1e87ab0f0df930b8a0f8b746b24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: >
If (Evaluate Statement).type is "continue" and (Evaluate
Statement).target is in the current label set, iteration of labeled loop
es5id: 12.6.3_A11_T2
description: Embedded loops
var __str, index, index_n;
outer : for(index=0; index<4; index+=1) {
nested : for(index_n=0; index_n<=index; index_n++) {
if (index*index_n == 6)continue nested;
if (__str !== "001011202122303133") {
$ERROR('#1: __str === "001011202122303133". Actual: __str ==='+ __str );
outer : for(index=0; index<4; index+=1) {
nested : for(index_n=0; index_n<=index; index_n++) {
if (index*index_n == 6)continue outer;
if (__str !== "0010112021223031") {
$ERROR('#2: __str === "0010112021223031". Actual: __str ==='+ __str );
outer : for(index=0; index<4; index+=1) {
nested : for(index_n=0; index_n<=index; index_n++) {
if (index*index_n == 6)continue ;
if (__str !== "001011202122303133") {
$ERROR('#3: __str === "001011202122303133". Actual: __str ==='+ __str );