blob: 48db6f9bac7305c458f1a8567ec7663b342a57af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: >
The production IterationStatement: "for (var VariableDeclarationNoIn in
Expression) Statement"
es5id: 12.6.4_A3.1
description: >
Using an array as an Expression is appropriate. Here Expression is
an array of numbers
var __str, __evaluated, arr;
__evaluated = eval("for(var ind in (arr=[2,1,4,3]))__str+=arr[ind]");
if (__evaluated !== __str) {
$ERROR('#1: __evaluated === __str. Actual: __evaluated ==='+ __evaluated );
if (!( (__str.indexOf("2")!==-1)&&(__str.indexOf("1")!==-1)&&(__str.indexOf("4")!==-1)&&(__str.indexOf("3")!==-1) )) {
$ERROR('#2: (__str.indexOf("2")!==-1)&&(__str.indexOf("1")!==-1)&&(__str.indexOf("4")!==-1)&&(__str.indexOf("3")!==-1)');