| // Copyright (C) 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. |
| // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. |
| Completion value when iteration completes due to expression value |
| IterationStatement : do Statement while ( Expression ) ; |
| a. Let stmt be the result of evaluating Statement. |
| b. If LoopContinues(stmt, labelSet) is false, return |
| Completion(UpdateEmpty(stmt, V)). |
| c. If stmt.[[value]] is not empty, let V = stmt.[[value]]. |
| d. Let exprRef be the result of evaluating Expression. |
| e. Let exprValue be GetValue(exprRef). |
| f. ReturnIfAbrupt(exprValue). |
| g. If ToBoolean(exprValue) is false, return NormalCompletion(V). |
| assert.sameValue(eval('1; do { } while (false)'), undefined); |
| assert.sameValue(eval('2; do { 3; } while (false)'), 3); |