blob: 1fa9d2e71b10df474db52bacd615eecc3363a262 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: >
Result of boolean conversion from number value is false if the argument
is +0, -0, or NaN; otherwise, is true
es5id: 9.2_A4_T4
description: >
Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE and some other numbers are
converted to Boolean by implicit transformation
// CHECK#1
if (!(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) !== false) {
$ERROR('#1: !(+Infinity) === false. Actual: ' + (!(+Infinity)));
// CHECK#2;
if (!(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) !== false) {
$ERROR('#2: !(-Infinity) === false. Actual: ' + (!(-Infinity)));
// CHECK#3
if (!(Number.MAX_VALUE) !== false) {
$ERROR('#3: !(Number.MAX_VALUE) === false. Actual: ' + (!(Number.MAX_VALUE)));
// CHECK#4
if (!(Number.MIN_VALUE) !== false) {
$ERROR('#4: !(Number.MIN_VALUE) === false. Actual: ' + (!(Number.MIN_VALUE)));
// CHECK#5
if (!(13) !== false) {
$ERROR('#5: !(13) === false. Actual: ' + (!(13)));
// CHECK#6
if (!(-13) !== false) {
$ERROR('#6: !(-13) === false. Actual: ' + (!(-13)));
// CHECK#7
if (!(1.3) !== false) {
$ERROR('#7: !(1.3) === false. Actual: ' + (!(1.3)));
// CHECK#8
if (!(-1.3) !== false) {
$ERROR('#8: !(-1.3) === false. Actual: ' + (!(-1.3)));