blob: 6823707f3b5c434e763eb1d0ea5a78d3c63373a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: >
Type(x) and Type(y) are String-s.
Return true, if x and y are exactly the same sequence of characters; otherwise, return false
es5id: 11.9.1_A5.1
description: x and y are primitive string
if (("" == "") !== true) {
$ERROR('#1: ("" == "") === true');
if ((" " == " ") !== true) {
$ERROR('#2: " (" == " ") === true');
if ((" " == "") !== false) {
$ERROR('#3: " (" == "") === false');
if (("string" == "string") !== true) {
$ERROR('#4: ("string" == "string") === true');
if ((" string" == "string ") !== false) {
$ERROR('#5: (" string" == "string ") === false');
if (("1.0" == "1") !== false) {
$ERROR('#6: ("1.0" == "1") === false');
if (("0xff" == "255") !== false) {
$ERROR('#7: ("0xff" == "255") === false');