blob: 2092ecf8835ed534fcfb933595c7d4b967327852 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: >
If MemberExpression does not implement the internal [[Call]] method,
throw TypeError
es5id: 11.2.3_A4_T2
description: Checking Number object case
try {
new Number(1)();
$ERROR('#1.1: new Number(1)() throw TypeError. Actual: ' + (new Number(1)()));
catch (e) {
if ((e instanceof TypeError) !== true) {
$ERROR('#1.2: new Number(1)() throw TypeError. Actual: ' + (e));
try {
var x = new Number(1);
$ERROR('#2.1: var x = new Number(1); x() throw TypeError. Actual: ' + (x()));
catch (e) {
if ((e instanceof TypeError) !== true) {
$ERROR('#2.2: var x = new Number(1); x() throw TypeError. Actual: ' + (e));