blob: ba7ea2f54785ff40037dbece185b6f1d21afabad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Mozilla Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the license found in the LICENSE file.
es5id: 12.2.3_c
description: >
Tests that Intl.DateTimeFormat provides the required date-time
format component subsets.
author: Norbert Lindenberg
includes: [testIntl.js]
var locales = ["de-DE", "en-US", "hi-IN", "id-ID", "ja-JP", "th-TH", "zh-Hans-CN", "zh-Hant-TW", "zxx"];
var subsets = [
{weekday: "long", year: "numeric", month: "numeric", day: "numeric",
hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric"},
{weekday: "long", year: "numeric", month: "numeric", day: "numeric"},
{year: "numeric", month: "numeric", day: "numeric"},
{year: "numeric", month: "numeric"},
{month: "numeric", day: "numeric"},
{hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric"},
{hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric"}
locales.forEach(function (locale) {
subsets.forEach(function (subset) {
var format = new Intl.DateTimeFormat([locale], subset);
var actual = format.resolvedOptions();
getDateTimeComponents().forEach(function (component) {
if (actual.hasOwnProperty(component)) {
if (!subset.hasOwnProperty(component)) {
$ERROR("Unrequested component " + component +
" added to requested subset " + JSON.stringify(subset) +
"; locale " + locale + ".");
try {
testValidDateTimeComponentValue(component, actual[component]);
} catch (e) {
e.message += " (Testing locale " + locale + "; subset " +
JSON.stringify(subset) + ")";
throw e;
} else {
if (subset.hasOwnProperty(component)) {
$ERROR("Missing component " + component +
" from requested subset " + JSON.stringify(subset) +
"; locale " + locale + ".");