blob: d50fca56cea31698658bbbe3272b078bf14db6a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Mozilla Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the license found in the LICENSE file.
es5id: 12.2.3_b
description: >
Tests that Intl.DateTimeFormat does not accept Unicode locale
extension keys and values that are not allowed.
author: Norbert Lindenberg
includes: [testIntl.js]
var locales = ["ja-JP", "zh-Hans-CN", "zh-Hant-TW"];
var input = new Date(Date.parse("1989-11-09T17:57:00Z"));
locales.forEach(function (locale) {
var defaultDateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat([locale]);
var defaultOptions = defaultDateTimeFormat.resolvedOptions();
var defaultOptionsJSON = JSON.stringify(defaultOptions);
var defaultLocale = defaultOptions.locale;
var defaultFormatted = defaultDateTimeFormat.format(input);
var keyValues = {
"cu": ["USD", "EUR", "JPY", "CNY", "TWD", "invalid"], // DateTimeFormat internally uses NumberFormat
"nu": ["native", "traditio", "finance", "invalid"],
"tz": ["usnavajo", "utcw01", "aumel", "uslax", "usnyc", "deber", "invalid"]
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(keyValues).forEach(function (key) {
keyValues[key].forEach(function (value) {
var dateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat([locale + "-u-" + key + "-" + value]);
var options = dateTimeFormat.resolvedOptions();
if (options.locale !== defaultLocale) {
$ERROR("Locale " + options.locale + " is affected by key " +
key + "; value " + value + ".");
if (JSON.stringify(options) !== defaultOptionsJSON) {
$ERROR("Resolved options " + JSON.stringify(options) + " are affected by key " +
key + "; value " + value + ".");
if (defaultFormatted !== dateTimeFormat.format(input)) {
$ERROR("Formatted value " + dateTimeFormat.format(input) + " is affected by key " +
key + "; value " + value + ".");