| // Copyright (C) 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. |
| // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. |
| Limit appended substitutions arguments to template.raw.length - 1. |
| String.raw ( template , ...substitutions ) |
| 10. Let stringElements be a new List. |
| a. Let nextKey be ToString(nextIndex). |
| b. Let nextSeg be ToString(Get(raw, nextKey)). |
| c. ReturnIfAbrupt(nextSeg). |
| d. Append in order the code unit elements of nextSeg to the end of |
| e. If nextIndex + 1 = literalSegments, then |
| i. Return the String value whose code units are, in order, the elements in |
| the List stringElements. If stringElements has no elements, the empty |
| throw new Test262Error(); |
| assert.sameValue(String.raw(template, 'b', 'd', obj), 'abcde'); |