| // Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. |
| // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. |
| info: The [[Class]] property of the newly constructed object is set to "String" |
| Creating string object with "new String(string)" and changing |
| toString property to Object.prototype.toString |
| var __str__obj = new String("seamaid"); |
| __str__obj.toString = Object.prototype.toString; |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| if (__str__obj.toString() !== "[object "+"String"+"]") { |
| $ERROR('#1: var __str__obj = new String("seamaid"); __str__obj.toString = Object.prototype.toString; __str__obj.toString() === "[object String]". Actual: __str__obj.toString() ==='+__str__obj.toString() ); |
| ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |