| // Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. |
| // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. |
| info: RegExp instance type is RegExp |
| Checking type of RegExp instance with operators typeof, instanceof |
| and check it constructor. RegExp instance is /[^a]* / |
| if (typeof __re !== "object") { |
| $ERROR('#1: __re = /[^a]*/; typeof __re === "object". Actual: ' + (typeof __re)); |
| if (__re.constructor !== RegExp) { |
| $ERROR('#2: __re = /[^a]*/; __re.constructor === RegExp. Actual: ' + (__re.constructor)); |
| if ((__re instanceof RegExp) !== true) { |
| $ERROR('#3: __re = /[^a]*/; (__re instanceof RegExp) === true'); |