| // Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. |
| // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /*--- |
| info: > |
| Parentheses of the form ( Disjunction ) serve both to group the components of the Disjunction pattern together and to save the result of the match. |
| The result can be used either in a backreference (\ followed by a nonzero decimal number), |
| referenced in a replace string, |
| or returned as part of an array from the regular expression matching function |
| es5id: |
| description: "see bug http:bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=119909" |
| ---*/ |
| |
| var __strOriginal = "hello"; |
| var __openParen = '('; |
| var __closeParen = ')'; |
| var __pattern = ''; |
| var numParens = 200; |
| |
| for (var i=0; i<numParens; i++) |
| __pattern += __openParen; |
| |
| __pattern += __strOriginal; |
| |
| for (i=0; i<numParens; i++) |
| __pattern += __closeParen; |
| |
| var __re = new RegExp(__pattern); |
| |
| var __executed = __re.exec(__strOriginal); |
| |
| var __expected = []; |
| for (var i=0; i<=numParens; i++) |
| __expected.push(__strOriginal); |
| __expected.index = 0; |
| __expected.input = __strOriginal; |
| |
| //CHECK#1 |
| if (__executed.length !== __expected.length) { |
| $ERROR('#1: __re = new RegExp(__pattern); __executed = __re.exec(__strOriginal); __executed.length === ' + __expected.length + '. Actual: ' + __executed.length); |
| } |
| |
| //CHECK#2 |
| if (__executed.index !== __expected.index) { |
| $ERROR('#2: __re = new RegExp(__pattern); __executed = __re.exec(__strOriginal); __executed.index === ' + __expected.index + '. Actual: ' + __executed.index); |
| } |
| |
| //CHECK#3 |
| if (__executed.input !== __expected.input) { |
| $ERROR('#3: __re = new RegExp(__pattern); __executed = __re.exec(__strOriginal); __executed.input === ' + __expected.input + '. Actual: ' + __executed.input); |
| } |
| |
| //CHECK#4 |
| for(var index=0; index<__expected.length; index++) { |
| if (__executed[index] !== __expected[index]) { |
| $ERROR('#4: __re = new RegExp(__pattern); __executed = __re.exec(__strOriginal); __executed[' + index + '] === ' + __expected[index] + '. Actual: ' + __executed[index]); |
| } |
| } |