blob: f752bc678059a27d8a3291ed5d62b00d536af387 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 Ecma International. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: ES5 Attributes - all attributes in Object.isFrozen are correct
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object, "isFrozen");
var propertyAreCorrect = (desc.writable === true && desc.enumerable === false && desc.configurable === true);
var temp = Object.isFrozen;
Object.isFrozen = "2010";
var isWritable = (Object.isFrozen === "2010");
var isEnumerable = false;
for (var prop in Object) {
if (prop === "isFrozen") {
isEnumerable = true;
delete Object.isFrozen;
var isConfigurable = !Object.hasOwnProperty("isFrozen");
assert(propertyAreCorrect, 'propertyAreCorrect !== true');
assert(isWritable, 'isWritable !== true');
assert.sameValue(isEnumerable, false, 'isEnumerable');
assert(isConfigurable, 'isConfigurable !== true');