blob: bf9ef601544fb68ab650d81fcd5702060bac0aa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: >
When the Object constructor is called with no arguments the following steps are taken:
(The argument value was not supplied or its type was Null or Undefined.)
i) Create a new native ECMAScript object.
ii) The [[Prototype]] property of the newly constructed object is set to the Object prototype object.
iii) The [[Class]] property of the newly constructed object is set to "Object".
iv) The newly constructed object has no [[Value]] property.
v) Return the newly created native object
description: >
Creating new Object(x), where x is "undefined", and checking it
var obj = new Object(x);
// CHECK#0
if (obj === undefined) {
$ERROR('#0: new Object(undefined) return the newly created native object.');
// CHECK#1
if (obj.constructor !== Object) {
$ERROR('#1: new Object(undefined) create a new native ECMAScript object');
// CHECK#2
if (!(Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj))) {
$ERROR('#2: when new Object(undefined) calls the [[Prototype]] property of the newly constructed object is set to the Object prototype object.');
// CHECK#3
var to_string_result = '[object '+ 'Object' +']';
if (obj.toString() !== to_string_result) {
$ERROR('#3: when new Object(undefined) calls the [[Class]] property of the newly constructed object is set to "Object".');
// CHECK#4
if (obj.valueOf().toString() !== to_string_result.toString()) {
$ERROR('#4: when new Object(undefined) calls the newly constructed object has no [[Value]] property.');
var x;