blob: 16f1e7ae3976ddea21aca626a5ef9deabfa685b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: Every function instance has a [[Call]] property
es5id: 15.3.5_A2_T2
description: >
For testing call (new Function("arg1,arg2","var x =arg1;
this.y=arg2;return arg1+arg2;"))("1",2)
if ((new Function("arg1,arg2","var x =arg1; this.y=arg2;return arg1+arg2;"))("1",2) !== "12") {
$ERROR('#1: Every function instance has a [[Call]] property');
if (typeof x !== "undefined") {
$ERROR('#2: Every function instance has a [[Call]] property');
if (y !== 2) {
$ERROR('#3: Every function instance has a [[Call]] property');