| // Copyright (c) 2012 Ecma International. All rights reserved. |
| // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. |
| description: Array.isArray return false if its argument is not an Array |
| var b_num = Array.isArray(42); |
| var b_undef = Array.isArray(undefined); |
| var b_bool = Array.isArray(true); |
| var b_str = Array.isArray("abc"); |
| var b_obj = Array.isArray({}); |
| var b_null = Array.isArray(null); |
| assert.sameValue(b_num, false, 'b_num'); |
| assert.sameValue(b_undef, false, 'b_undef'); |
| assert.sameValue(b_bool, false, 'b_bool'); |
| assert.sameValue(b_str, false, 'b_str'); |
| assert.sameValue(b_obj, false, 'b_obj'); |
| assert.sameValue(b_null, false, 'b_null'); |