| // Copyright 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
| // This code is governed by the license found in the LICENSE file.
| description: Source array with boundary values
| var array = [ Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.NaN, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ];
| function mapFn(value, index) {
| assert.sameValue(value, array[this.arrayIndex], "Value mismatch in mapFn at index " + index + ".");
| assert.sameValue(index, this.arrayIndex, "Index mismatch in mapFn.");
| var a = Array.from(array, mapFn, this);
| assert.sameValue(a.length, array.length, "Length mismatch.");
| assert.sameValue(a[0], Number.MAX_VALUE, "Element mismatch for mapped array at index 0.");
| assert.sameValue(a[1], Number.MIN_VALUE, "Element mismatch for mapped array at index 1.");
| assert.sameValue(a[2], Number.NaN, "Element mismatch for mapped array at index 2.");
| assert.sameValue(a[3], Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, "Element mismatch for mapped array at index 3.");
| assert.sameValue(a[4], Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, "Element mismatch for mapped array at index 4.");