blob: 3e18ec4b1b610593072d1a6ff294a51bacfe5ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
// - src/annex-b-fns/
// - src/annex-b-fns/eval-global/direct-if-decl-no-else.template
description: Does not re-initialize binding created by similar forms (IfStatement without an else clause in eval code)
esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses
es6id: B.3.4
flags: [generated, noStrict]
info: |
The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6:
IfStatement[Yield, Return]:
if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return]
if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield]
if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield]
if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield]
B.3.3.3 Changes to EvalDeclarationInstantiation
a. If declaredFunctionOrVarNames does not contain F, then
'assert.sameValue(f, undefined);\
function f() {}\
}if (true) function f() { }'