| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
| * are met: |
| * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| WebInspector.Notification = { |
| GlobalModifierKeysDidChange: "global-modifiers-did-change", |
| PageArchiveStarted: "page-archive-started", |
| PageArchiveEnded: "page-archive-ended" |
| }; |
| |
| WebInspector.ContentViewCookieType = { |
| ApplicationCache: "application-cache", |
| CookieStorage: "cookie-storage", |
| Database: "database", |
| DatabaseTable: "database-table", |
| DOMStorage: "dom-storage", |
| Resource: "resource", // includes Frame too. |
| Timelines: "timelines", |
| |
| }; |
| |
| WebInspector.SelectedSidebarPanelCookieKey = "selected-sidebar-panel"; |
| WebInspector.TypeIdentifierCookieKey = "represented-object-type"; |
| |
| WebInspector.loaded = function() |
| { |
| // Tell the InspectorFrontendHost we loaded first to establish communication with InspectorBackend. |
| InspectorFrontendHost.loaded(); |
| |
| // Initialize WebSocket to communication |
| this._initializeWebSocketIfNeeded(); |
| |
| // Register observers for events from the InspectorBackend. |
| InspectorBackend.registerInspectorDispatcher(new WebInspector.InspectorObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerPageDispatcher(new WebInspector.PageObserver); |
| if (InspectorBackend.registerCanvasDispatcher) |
| InspectorBackend.registerCanvasDispatcher(new WebInspector.CanvasObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerConsoleDispatcher(new WebInspector.ConsoleObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerNetworkDispatcher(new WebInspector.NetworkObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerDOMDispatcher(new WebInspector.DOMObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerDebuggerDispatcher(new WebInspector.DebuggerObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerDatabaseDispatcher(new WebInspector.DatabaseObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerDOMStorageDispatcher(new WebInspector.DOMStorageObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerApplicationCacheDispatcher(new WebInspector.ApplicationCacheObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerTimelineDispatcher(new WebInspector.TimelineObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerProfilerDispatcher(new WebInspector.ProfilerObserver); |
| InspectorBackend.registerCSSDispatcher(new WebInspector.CSSObserver); |
| if (InspectorBackend.registerLayerTreeDispatcher) |
| InspectorBackend.registerLayerTreeDispatcher(new WebInspector.LayerTreeObserver); |
| if (InspectorBackend.registerRuntimeDispatcher) |
| InspectorBackend.registerRuntimeDispatcher(new WebInspector.RuntimeObserver); |
| |
| // Enable agents. |
| InspectorAgent.enable(); |
| |
| // Perform one-time tasks. |
| WebInspector.CSSCompletions.requestCSSNameCompletions(); |
| this._generateDisclosureTriangleImages(); |
| |
| // Create the singleton managers next, before the user interface elements, so the user interface can register |
| // as event listeners on these managers. |
| this.branchManager = new WebInspector.BranchManager; |
| this.frameResourceManager = new WebInspector.FrameResourceManager; |
| this.storageManager = new WebInspector.StorageManager; |
| this.domTreeManager = new WebInspector.DOMTreeManager; |
| this.cssStyleManager = new WebInspector.CSSStyleManager; |
| this.logManager = new WebInspector.LogManager; |
| this.issueManager = new WebInspector.IssueManager; |
| this.runtimeManager = new WebInspector.RuntimeManager; |
| this.applicationCacheManager = new WebInspector.ApplicationCacheManager; |
| this.timelineManager = new WebInspector.TimelineManager; |
| this.profileManager = new WebInspector.ProfileManager; |
| this.debuggerManager = new WebInspector.DebuggerManager; |
| this.sourceMapManager = new WebInspector.SourceMapManager; |
| this.layerTreeManager = new WebInspector.LayerTreeManager; |
| this.dashboardManager = new WebInspector.DashboardManager; |
| |
| // Enable the Console Agent after creating the singleton managers. |
| ConsoleAgent.enable(); |
| |
| // Register for events. |
| this.debuggerManager.addEventListener(WebInspector.DebuggerManager.Event.Paused, this._debuggerDidPause, this); |
| this.domTreeManager.addEventListener(WebInspector.DOMTreeManager.Event.InspectModeStateChanged, this._inspectModeStateChanged, this); |
| this.domTreeManager.addEventListener(WebInspector.DOMTreeManager.Event.DOMNodeWasInspected, this._domNodeWasInspected, this); |
| this.frameResourceManager.addEventListener(WebInspector.FrameResourceManager.Event.MainFrameDidChange, this._mainFrameDidChange, this); |
| |
| WebInspector.Frame.addEventListener(WebInspector.Frame.Event.MainResourceDidChange, this._mainResourceDidChange, this); |
| WebInspector.Frame.addEventListener(WebInspector.Frame.Event.ProvisionalLoadCommitted, this._provisionalLoadCommitted, this); |
| |
| document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this.contentLoaded.bind(this)); |
| |
| document.addEventListener("beforecopy", this._beforecopy.bind(this)); |
| document.addEventListener("copy", this._copy.bind(this)); |
| |
| document.addEventListener("click", this._mouseWasClicked.bind(this)); |
| document.addEventListener("dragover", this._dragOver.bind(this)); |
| document.addEventListener("focus", WebInspector._focusChanged.bind(this), true); |
| |
| window.addEventListener("focus", this._windowFocused.bind(this)); |
| window.addEventListener("blur", this._windowBlurred.bind(this)); |
| window.addEventListener("resize", this._windowResized.bind(this)); |
| window.addEventListener("keydown", this._windowKeyDown.bind(this)); |
| window.addEventListener("keyup", this._windowKeyUp.bind(this)); |
| window.addEventListener("mousemove", this._mouseMoved.bind(this), true); |
| window.addEventListener("pagehide", this._pageHidden.bind(this)); |
| |
| // Create settings. |
| this._lastInspectorViewStateCookieSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("last-content-view-state-cookie", {}); |
| |
| this._navigationSidebarCollapsedSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("navigation-sidebar-collapsed", false); |
| this._navigationSidebarWidthSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("navigation-sidebar-width", null); |
| |
| this._lastSelectedDetailsSidebarPanelSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("last-selected-details-sidebar-panel", null); |
| this._detailsSidebarCollapsedSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("details-sidebar-collapsed", true); |
| this._detailsSidebarWidthSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("details-sidebar-width", null); |
| |
| this._toolbarDockedRightDisplayModeSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("toolbar-docked-right-display-mode", WebInspector.Toolbar.DisplayMode.IconAndLabelVertical); |
| this._toolbarDockedRightSizeModeSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("toolbar-docked-right-size-mode",WebInspector.Toolbar.SizeMode.Normal); |
| |
| this._toolbarDockedBottomDisplayModeSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("toolbar-docked-display-mode", WebInspector.Toolbar.DisplayMode.IconAndLabelHorizontal); |
| this._toolbarDockedBottomSizeModeSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("toolbar-docked-size-mode",WebInspector.Toolbar.SizeMode.Small); |
| |
| this._toolbarUndockedDisplayModeSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("toolbar-undocked-display-mode", WebInspector.Toolbar.DisplayMode.IconAndLabelVertical); |
| this._toolbarUndockedSizeModeSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("toolbar-undocked-size-mode",WebInspector.Toolbar.SizeMode.Normal); |
| |
| this._showingSplitConsoleSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("showing-split-console", false); |
| this._splitConsoleHeightSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("split-console-height", 150); |
| |
| this._dockButtonToggledSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("dock-button-toggled", false); |
| |
| this.showShadowDOMSetting = new WebInspector.Setting("show-shadow-dom", false); |
| |
| this.mouseCoords = { |
| x: 0, |
| y: 0 |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.contentLoaded = function() |
| { |
| // Check for a nightly build by looking for a plus in the version number and a small number of stylesheets (indicating combined resources). |
| var versionMatch = / AppleWebKit\/([^ ]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent); |
| if (versionMatch && versionMatch[1].indexOf("+") !== -1 && document.styleSheets.length < 10) |
| document.body.classList.add("nightly-build"); |
| |
| // Create the user interface elements. |
| this.toolbar = new WebInspector.Toolbar(document.getElementById("toolbar")); |
| this.toolbar.addEventListener(WebInspector.Toolbar.Event.DisplayModeDidChange, this._toolbarDisplayModeDidChange, this); |
| this.toolbar.addEventListener(WebInspector.Toolbar.Event.SizeModeDidChange, this._toolbarSizeModeDidChange, this); |
| |
| var contentElement = document.getElementById("content"); |
| contentElement.setAttribute("role", "main"); |
| contentElement.setAttribute("aria-label", WebInspector.UIString("Content")); |
| |
| this.contentBrowser = new WebInspector.ContentBrowser(document.getElementById("content-browser"), this); |
| this.contentBrowser.addEventListener(WebInspector.ContentBrowser.Event.CurrentRepresentedObjectsDidChange, this._contentBrowserRepresentedObjectsDidChange, this); |
| this.contentBrowser.addEventListener(WebInspector.ContentBrowser.Event.CurrentContentViewDidChange, this._contentBrowserCurrentContentViewDidChange, this); |
| |
| this.splitContentBrowser = new WebInspector.ContentBrowser(document.getElementById("split-content-browser"), this, true); |
| this.splitContentBrowser.navigationBar.element.addEventListener("mousedown", this._consoleResizerMouseDown.bind(this)); |
| |
| this.quickConsole = new WebInspector.QuickConsole(document.getElementById("quick-console")); |
| this.quickConsole.addEventListener(WebInspector.QuickConsole.Event.DidResize, this._quickConsoleDidResize, this); |
| |
| this._consoleRepresentedObject = new WebInspector.LogObject; |
| this._consoleTreeElement = new WebInspector.LogTreeElement(this._consoleRepresentedObject); |
| this.consoleContentView = WebInspector.contentBrowser.contentViewForRepresentedObject(this._consoleRepresentedObject); |
| |
| // FIXME: The sidebars should be flipped in RTL languages. |
| this.leftSidebar = this.navigationSidebar = new WebInspector.Sidebar(document.getElementById("navigation-sidebar"), WebInspector.Sidebar.Sides.Left); |
| this.navigationSidebar.addEventListener(WebInspector.Sidebar.Event.CollapsedStateDidChange, this._sidebarCollapsedStateDidChange, this); |
| this.navigationSidebar.addEventListener(WebInspector.Sidebar.Event.WidthDidChange, this._sidebarWidthDidChange, this); |
| this.navigationSidebar.addEventListener(WebInspector.Sidebar.Event.SidebarPanelSelected, this._navigationSidebarPanelSelected, this); |
| |
| this.rightSidebar = this.detailsSidebar = new WebInspector.Sidebar(document.getElementById("details-sidebar"), WebInspector.Sidebar.Sides.Right, null, null, WebInspector.UIString("Details")); |
| this.detailsSidebar.addEventListener(WebInspector.Sidebar.Event.CollapsedStateDidChange, this._sidebarCollapsedStateDidChange, this); |
| this.detailsSidebar.addEventListener(WebInspector.Sidebar.Event.WidthDidChange, this._sidebarWidthDidChange, this); |
| this.detailsSidebar.addEventListener(WebInspector.Sidebar.Event.SidebarPanelSelected, this._detailsSidebarPanelSelected, this); |
| |
| this._reloadPageKeyboardShortcut = new WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut(WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifier.CommandOrControl, "R", this._reloadPage.bind(this)); |
| this._reloadPageIgnoringCacheKeyboardShortcut = new WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut(WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifier.CommandOrControl | WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifier.Shift, "R", this._reloadPageIgnoringCache.bind(this)); |
| |
| this._inspectModeKeyboardShortcut = new WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut(WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifier.CommandOrControl | WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifier.Shift, "C", this._toggleInspectMode.bind(this)); |
| |
| this._undoKeyboardShortcut = new WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut(WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifier.CommandOrControl, "Z", this._undoKeyboardShortcut.bind(this)); |
| this._redoKeyboardShortcut = new WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut(WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifier.CommandOrControl | WebInspector.KeyboardShortcut.Modifier.Shift, "Z", this._redoKeyboardShortcut.bind(this)); |
| this._undoKeyboardShortcut.implicitlyPreventsDefault = this._redoKeyboardShortcut.implicitlyPreventsDefault = false; |
| |
| this.undockButtonNavigationItem = new WebInspector.ToggleControlToolbarItem("undock", WebInspector.UIString("Detach into separate window"), "", "Images/Undock.svg", "", 16, 14); |
| this.undockButtonNavigationItem.addEventListener(WebInspector.ButtonNavigationItem.Event.Clicked, this._undock, this); |
| |
| this.closeButtonNavigationItem = new WebInspector.ControlToolbarItem("dock-close", WebInspector.UIString("Close"), "Images/Close.svg", 16, 14); |
| this.closeButtonNavigationItem.addEventListener(WebInspector.ButtonNavigationItem.Event.Clicked, this.close, this); |
| |
| this.toolbar.addToolbarItem(this.closeButtonNavigationItem, WebInspector.Toolbar.Section.Control); |
| this.toolbar.addToolbarItem(this.undockButtonNavigationItem, WebInspector.Toolbar.Section.Control); |
| |
| this.resourceSidebarPanel = new WebInspector.ResourceSidebarPanel; |
| this.timelineSidebarPanel = new WebInspector.TimelineSidebarPanel; |
| this.debuggerSidebarPanel = new WebInspector.DebuggerSidebarPanel; |
| |
| this.navigationSidebar.addSidebarPanel(this.resourceSidebarPanel); |
| this.navigationSidebar.addSidebarPanel(this.timelineSidebarPanel); |
| this.navigationSidebar.addSidebarPanel(this.debuggerSidebarPanel); |
| |
| this.toolbar.addToolbarItem(this.resourceSidebarPanel.toolbarItem, WebInspector.Toolbar.Section.Left); |
| this.toolbar.addToolbarItem(this.timelineSidebarPanel.toolbarItem, WebInspector.Toolbar.Section.Left); |
| this.toolbar.addToolbarItem(this.debuggerSidebarPanel.toolbarItem, WebInspector.Toolbar.Section.Left); |
| |
| // The toolbar button for the console. |
| const consoleKeyboardShortcut = "\u2325\u2318C"; // Option-Command-C |
| var toolTip = WebInspector.UIString("Show console (%s)").format(consoleKeyboardShortcut); |
| var activatedToolTip = WebInspector.UIString("Hide console"); |
| this._consoleToolbarButton = new WebInspector.ActivateButtonToolbarItem("console", toolTip, activatedToolTip, WebInspector.UIString("Console"), "Images/NavigationItemLog.svg"); |
| this._consoleToolbarButton.addEventListener(WebInspector.ButtonNavigationItem.Event.Clicked, this.toggleConsoleView, this); |
| this.toolbar.addToolbarItem(this._consoleToolbarButton, WebInspector.Toolbar.Section.Center); |
| |
| this.toolbar.addToolbarItem(this.dashboardManager.toolbarItem, WebInspector.Toolbar.Section.Center); |
| |
| // The toolbar button for node inspection. |
| var toolTip = WebInspector.UIString("Enable point to inspect mode (%s)").format(WebInspector._inspectModeKeyboardShortcut.displayName); |
| var activatedToolTip = WebInspector.UIString("Disable point to inspect mode (%s)").format(WebInspector._inspectModeKeyboardShortcut.displayName); |
| this._inspectModeToolbarButton = new WebInspector.ActivateButtonToolbarItem("inspect", toolTip, activatedToolTip, WebInspector.UIString("Inspect"), "Images/Crosshair.svg"); |
| this._inspectModeToolbarButton.addEventListener(WebInspector.ButtonNavigationItem.Event.Clicked, this._toggleInspectMode, this); |
| this.toolbar.addToolbarItem(this._inspectModeToolbarButton, WebInspector.Toolbar.Section.Center); |
| |
| this.resourceDetailsSidebarPanel = new WebInspector.ResourceDetailsSidebarPanel; |
| this.domNodeDetailsSidebarPanel = new WebInspector.DOMNodeDetailsSidebarPanel; |
| this.cssStyleDetailsSidebarPanel = new WebInspector.CSSStyleDetailsSidebarPanel; |
| this.applicationCacheDetailsSidebarPanel = new WebInspector.ApplicationCacheDetailsSidebarPanel; |
| this.scopeChainDetailsSidebarPanel = new WebInspector.ScopeChainDetailsSidebarPanel; |
| |
| this.detailsSidebarPanels = [this.resourceDetailsSidebarPanel, this.applicationCacheDetailsSidebarPanel, this.scopeChainDetailsSidebarPanel, |
| this.domNodeDetailsSidebarPanel, this.cssStyleDetailsSidebarPanel]; |
| |
| if (window.LayerTreeAgent) { |
| this.layerTreeSidebarPanel = new WebInspector.LayerTreeSidebarPanel; |
| this.detailsSidebarPanels.splice(this.detailsSidebarPanels.length - 1, 0, this.layerTreeSidebarPanel); |
| } |
| |
| this.modifierKeys = {altKey: false, metaKey: false, shiftKey: false}; |
| |
| // Add the items in reverse order since the last items appear and disappear the least. So they |
| // will not cause the other buttons to visually shift around, keeping things more stable. |
| for (var i = this.detailsSidebarPanels.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { |
| var toolbarItem = this.detailsSidebarPanels[i].toolbarItem; |
| toolbarItem.hidden = true; |
| this.toolbar.addToolbarItem(toolbarItem, WebInspector.Toolbar.Section.Right); |
| } |
| |
| this.toolbar.element.addEventListener("mousedown", this._toolbarMouseDown.bind(this)); |
| document.getElementById("docked-resizer").addEventListener("mousedown", this._dockedResizerMouseDown.bind(this)); |
| |
| this._updateToolbarHeight(); |
| |
| if (this._navigationSidebarWidthSetting.value) |
| this.navigationSidebar.width = this._navigationSidebarWidthSetting.value; |
| |
| if (this._detailsSidebarWidthSetting.value) |
| this.detailsSidebar.width = this._detailsSidebarWidthSetting.value; |
| |
| // Update the docked state based on the query string passed when the Web Inspector was loaded. |
| this.updateDockedState(parseLocationQueryParameters().dockSide || "undocked"); |
| |
| // Tell the frontend API we are loaded so any pending frontend commands can be dispatched. |
| InspectorFrontendAPI.loadCompleted(); |
| |
| // Set collapsed after loading the pending frontend commands are dispatched so only the final |
| // selected sidebar panel gets shown and has a say in what content view gets shown. |
| this.navigationSidebar.collapsed = this._navigationSidebarCollapsedSetting.value; |
| |
| // If InspectorFrontendAPI didn't show a content view, then try to restore the last saved view state. |
| if (!this.contentBrowser.currentContentView && !this.ignoreLastContentCookie) |
| this._restoreInspectorViewStateFromCookie(this._lastInspectorViewStateCookieSetting.value); |
| |
| this._updateSplitConsoleHeight(this._splitConsoleHeightSetting.value); |
| |
| if (this._showingSplitConsoleSetting.value) |
| this.showSplitConsole(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.sidebarPanelForCurrentContentView = function() |
| { |
| var currentContentView = this.contentBrowser.currentContentView; |
| if (!currentContentView) |
| return null; |
| return this.sidebarPanelForRepresentedObject(currentContentView.representedObject); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.sidebarPanelForRepresentedObject = function(representedObject) |
| { |
| if (representedObject instanceof WebInspector.Frame || representedObject instanceof WebInspector.Resource || |
| representedObject instanceof WebInspector.Script || representedObject instanceof WebInspector.ContentFlow) |
| return this.resourceSidebarPanel; |
| |
| if (representedObject instanceof WebInspector.DOMStorageObject || representedObject instanceof WebInspector.CookieStorageObject || |
| representedObject instanceof WebInspector.DatabaseTableObject || representedObject instanceof WebInspector.DatabaseObject || |
| representedObject instanceof WebInspector.ApplicationCacheFrame) |
| return this.resourceSidebarPanel; |
| |
| if (representedObject instanceof WebInspector.TimelineRecording) |
| return this.timelineSidebarPanel; |
| |
| // The console does not have a sidebar. |
| if (representedObject instanceof WebInspector.LogObject) |
| return null; |
| |
| console.error("Unknown representedObject: ", representedObject); |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.contentBrowserTreeElementForRepresentedObject = function(contentBrowser, representedObject) |
| { |
| // The console does not have a sidebar, so return a tree element here so something is shown. |
| if (representedObject instanceof WebInspector.LogObject) |
| return this._consoleTreeElement; |
| |
| var sidebarPanel = this.sidebarPanelForRepresentedObject(representedObject); |
| if (sidebarPanel) |
| return sidebarPanel.treeElementForRepresentedObject(representedObject); |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.updateWindowTitle = function() |
| { |
| var mainFrame = this.frameResourceManager.mainFrame; |
| console.assert(mainFrame); |
| |
| var urlComponents = mainFrame.mainResource.urlComponents; |
| |
| var lastPathComponent; |
| try { |
| lastPathComponent = decodeURIComponent(urlComponents.lastPathComponent || ""); |
| } catch (e) { |
| lastPathComponent = urlComponents.lastPathComponent; |
| } |
| |
| // Build a title based on the URL components. |
| if (urlComponents.host && lastPathComponent) |
| var title = this.displayNameForHost(urlComponents.host) + " \u2014 " + lastPathComponent; |
| else if (urlComponents.host) |
| var title = this.displayNameForHost(urlComponents.host); |
| else if (lastPathComponent) |
| var title = lastPathComponent; |
| else |
| var title = mainFrame.url; |
| |
| // The name "inspectedURLChanged" sounds like the whole URL is required, however this is only |
| // used for updating the window title and it can be any string. |
| InspectorFrontendHost.inspectedURLChanged(title); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.updateDockedState = function(side) |
| { |
| if (this._dockSide === side) |
| return; |
| |
| this._dockSide = side; |
| |
| this.docked = side !== "undocked"; |
| |
| this._ignoreToolbarModeDidChangeEvents = true; |
| |
| if (side === "bottom") { |
| document.body.classList.add("docked"); |
| document.body.classList.add("bottom"); |
| |
| document.body.classList.remove("window-inactive"); |
| document.body.classList.remove("right"); |
| |
| this.toolbar.displayMode = this._toolbarDockedBottomDisplayModeSetting.value; |
| this.toolbar.sizeMode = this._toolbarDockedBottomSizeModeSetting.value; |
| } else if (side === "right") { |
| document.body.classList.add("docked"); |
| document.body.classList.add("right"); |
| |
| document.body.classList.remove("window-inactive"); |
| document.body.classList.remove("bottom"); |
| |
| this.toolbar.displayMode = this._toolbarDockedRightDisplayModeSetting.value; |
| this.toolbar.sizeMode = this._toolbarDockedRightSizeModeSetting.value; |
| } else { |
| document.body.classList.remove("docked"); |
| document.body.classList.remove("right"); |
| document.body.classList.remove("bottom"); |
| |
| this.toolbar.displayMode = this._toolbarUndockedDisplayModeSetting.value; |
| this.toolbar.sizeMode = this._toolbarUndockedSizeModeSetting.value; |
| } |
| |
| this._ignoreToolbarModeDidChangeEvents = false; |
| |
| this._updateDockNavigationItems(); |
| this._updateToolbarHeight(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.handlePossibleLinkClick = function(event, frame, alwaysOpenExternally) |
| { |
| var anchorElement = event.target.enclosingNodeOrSelfWithNodeName("a"); |
| if (!anchorElement || !anchorElement.href) |
| return false; |
| |
| if (WebInspector.isBeingEdited(anchorElement)) { |
| // Don't follow the link when it is being edited. |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| // Prevent the link from navigating, since we don't do any navigation by following links normally. |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| event.stopPropagation(); |
| |
| this.openURL(anchorElement.href, frame, false, anchorElement.lineNumber); |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.openURL = function(url, frame, alwaysOpenExternally, lineNumber) |
| { |
| console.assert(url); |
| if (!url) |
| return; |
| |
| // If alwaysOpenExternally is not defined, base it off the command/meta key for the current event. |
| if (alwaysOpenExternally === undefined || alwaysOpenExternally === null) |
| alwaysOpenExternally = window.event ? window.event.metaKey : false; |
| |
| if (alwaysOpenExternally) { |
| InspectorFrontendHost.openInNewTab(url); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var parsedURL = parseURL(url); |
| if (parsedURL.scheme === WebInspector.ProfileType.ProfileScheme) { |
| var profileType = parsedURL.host.toUpperCase(); |
| var profileTitle = parsedURL.path; |
| |
| // The path of of the profile URL starts with a slash, remove it, so |
| // we can get the actual title. |
| console.assert(profileTitle[0] === '/'); |
| profileTitle = profileTitle.substring(1); |
| |
| this.timelineSidebarPanel.showProfile(profileType, profileTitle); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var searchChildFrames = false; |
| if (!frame) { |
| frame = this.frameResourceManager.mainFrame; |
| searchChildFrames = true; |
| } |
| |
| console.assert(frame); |
| |
| // WebInspector.Frame.resourceForURL does not check the main resource, only sub-resources. So check both. |
| var resource = frame.url === url ? frame.mainResource : frame.resourceForURL(url, searchChildFrames); |
| if (resource) { |
| var position = new WebInspector.SourceCodePosition(lineNumber, 0); |
| this.resourceSidebarPanel.showSourceCode(resource, position); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| InspectorFrontendHost.openInNewTab(url); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.close = function() |
| { |
| if (this._isClosing) |
| return; |
| |
| this._isClosing = true; |
| |
| InspectorFrontendHost.closeWindow(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.isConsoleFocused = function() |
| { |
| return this.quickConsole.prompt.focused; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.isShowingSplitConsole = function() |
| { |
| return !this.splitContentBrowser.element.classList.contains("hidden"); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.currentViewSupportsSplitContentBrowser = function() |
| { |
| var currentContentView = this.contentBrowser.currentContentView; |
| return !currentContentView || currentContentView.supportsSplitContentBrowser; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.toggleSplitConsole = function() |
| { |
| if (!this.currentViewSupportsSplitContentBrowser()) { |
| this.toggleConsoleView(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (this.isShowingSplitConsole()) |
| this.hideSplitConsole(); |
| else |
| this.showSplitConsole(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.showSplitConsole = function() |
| { |
| if (!this.currentViewSupportsSplitContentBrowser()) { |
| this.showFullHeightConsole(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| this.splitContentBrowser.element.classList.remove("hidden"); |
| |
| this._showingSplitConsoleSetting.value = true; |
| |
| if (this.splitContentBrowser.currentContentView !== this.consoleContentView) { |
| // Be sure to close any existing log view in the main content browser before showing it in the |
| // split content browser. We can only show a content view in one browser at a time. |
| this.contentBrowser.contentViewContainer.closeAllContentViewsOfPrototype(WebInspector.LogContentView); |
| this.splitContentBrowser.showContentView(this.consoleContentView); |
| } else { |
| // This causes the view to know it was shown and focus the prompt. |
| this.splitContentBrowser.contentViewContainer.shown(); |
| } |
| |
| if (this._wasShowingNavigationSidebarBeforeFullHeightConsole) |
| this.navigationSidebar.collapsed = false; |
| |
| this.quickConsole.consoleLogVisibilityChanged(true); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.hideSplitConsole = function() |
| { |
| this.splitContentBrowser.element.classList.add("hidden"); |
| |
| this._showingSplitConsoleSetting.value = false; |
| |
| // This causes the view to know it was hidden. |
| this.splitContentBrowser.contentViewContainer.hidden(); |
| |
| this.quickConsole.consoleLogVisibilityChanged(false); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.showFullHeightConsole = function(scope) |
| { |
| this.splitContentBrowser.element.classList.add("hidden"); |
| |
| this._showingSplitConsoleSetting.value = false; |
| |
| scope = scope || WebInspector.LogContentView.Scopes.All; |
| |
| // If the requested scope is already selected and the console is showing, then switch back to All. |
| if (this.isShowingConsoleView() && this.consoleContentView.scopeBar.item(scope).selected) |
| scope = WebInspector.LogContentView.Scopes.All; |
| |
| this.consoleContentView.scopeBar.item(scope).selected = true; |
| |
| if (this.contentBrowser.currentContentView !== this.consoleContentView) { |
| this._wasShowingNavigationSidebarBeforeFullHeightConsole = !this.navigationSidebar.collapsed; |
| |
| // Collapse the sidebar before showing the console view, so the check for the collapsed state in |
| // _revealAndSelectRepresentedObjectInNavigationSidebar returns early and does not deselect any |
| // tree elements in the current sidebar. |
| this.navigationSidebar.collapsed = true; |
| |
| // Be sure to close any existing log view in the split content browser before showing it in the |
| // main content browser. We can only show a content view in one browser at a time. |
| this.splitContentBrowser.contentViewContainer.closeAllContentViewsOfPrototype(WebInspector.LogContentView); |
| this.contentBrowser.showContentView(this.consoleContentView); |
| } |
| |
| console.assert(this.isShowingConsoleView()); |
| console.assert(this._consoleToolbarButton.activated); |
| |
| this.quickConsole.consoleLogVisibilityChanged(true); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.isShowingConsoleView = function() |
| { |
| return this.contentBrowser.currentContentView instanceof WebInspector.LogContentView; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.showConsoleView = function(scope) |
| { |
| this.showFullHeightConsole(scope); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.toggleConsoleView = function() |
| { |
| if (this.isShowingConsoleView()) { |
| if (this.contentBrowser.canGoBack()) |
| this.contentBrowser.goBack(); |
| else |
| this.resourceSidebarPanel.showMainFrameSourceCode(); |
| |
| if (this._wasShowingNavigationSidebarBeforeFullHeightConsole) |
| this.navigationSidebar.collapsed = false; |
| } else |
| this.showFullHeightConsole(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.UIString = function(string, vararg) |
| { |
| if (WebInspector.dontLocalizeUserInterface) |
| return string; |
| |
| if (window.localizedStrings && string in window.localizedStrings) |
| return window.localizedStrings[string]; |
| |
| if (!this._missingLocalizedStrings) |
| this._missingLocalizedStrings = {}; |
| |
| if (!(string in this._missingLocalizedStrings)) { |
| console.error("Localized string \"" + string + "\" was not found."); |
| this._missingLocalizedStrings[string] = true; |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.restoreFocusFromElement = function(element) |
| { |
| if (element && element.isSelfOrAncestor(this.currentFocusElement)) |
| this.previousFocusElement.focus(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._focusChanged = function(event) |
| { |
| // Make a caret selection inside the focused element if there isn't a range selection and there isn't already |
| // a caret selection inside. This is needed (at least) to remove caret from console when focus is moved. |
| // The selection change should not apply to text fields and text areas either. |
| |
| if (WebInspector.isEventTargetAnEditableField(event)) |
| return; |
| |
| var selection = window.getSelection(); |
| if (!selection.isCollapsed) |
| return; |
| |
| var element = event.target; |
| |
| if (element !== this.currentFocusElement) { |
| this.previousFocusElement = this.currentFocusElement; |
| this.currentFocusElement = element; |
| } |
| |
| if (element.isInsertionCaretInside()) |
| return; |
| |
| var selectionRange = element.ownerDocument.createRange(); |
| selectionRange.setStart(element, 0); |
| selectionRange.setEnd(element, 0); |
| |
| selection.removeAllRanges(); |
| selection.addRange(selectionRange); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._mouseWasClicked = function(event) |
| { |
| this.handlePossibleLinkClick(event); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._dragOver = function(event) |
| { |
| // Do nothing if another event listener handled the event already. |
| if (event.defaultPrevented) |
| return; |
| |
| // Allow dropping into editable areas. |
| if (WebInspector.isEventTargetAnEditableField(event)) |
| return; |
| |
| // Prevent the drop from being accepted. |
| event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none"; |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._debuggerDidPause = function(event) |
| { |
| this.debuggerSidebarPanel.show(); |
| |
| // Since the Scope Chain details sidebar panel might not be in the sidebar yet, |
| // set a flag to select and show it when it does become available. |
| this._selectAndShowScopeChainDetailsSidebarPanelWhenAvailable = true; |
| |
| InspectorFrontendHost.bringToFront(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._mainFrameDidChange = function(event) |
| { |
| this.updateWindowTitle(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._mainResourceDidChange = function(event) |
| { |
| if (!event.target.isMainFrame()) |
| return; |
| |
| this._restoreInspectorViewStateFromCookie(this._lastInspectorViewStateCookieSetting.value, true); |
| |
| this.updateWindowTitle(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._provisionalLoadCommitted = function(event) |
| { |
| if (!event.target.isMainFrame()) |
| return; |
| |
| this._updateCookieForInspectorViewState(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._windowFocused = function(event) |
| { |
| if (event.target.document.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || this.docked) |
| return; |
| |
| // FIXME: We should use the :window-inactive pseudo class once https://webkit.org/b/38927 is fixed. |
| document.body.classList.remove("window-inactive"); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._windowBlurred = function(event) |
| { |
| if (event.target.document.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || this.docked) |
| return; |
| |
| // FIXME: We should use the :window-inactive pseudo class once https://webkit.org/b/38927 is fixed. |
| document.body.classList.add("window-inactive"); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._windowResized = function(event) |
| { |
| this.toolbar.updateLayout(); |
| |
| this._contentBrowserSizeDidChange(event); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._updateModifierKeys = function(event) |
| { |
| var didChange = this.modifierKeys.altKey !== event.altKey || this.modifierKeys.metaKey !== event.metaKey || this.modifierKeys.shiftKey !== event.shiftKey; |
| |
| this.modifierKeys = {altKey: event.altKey, metaKey: event.metaKey, shiftKey: event.shiftKey}; |
| |
| if (didChange) |
| this.notifications.dispatchEventToListeners(WebInspector.Notification.GlobalModifierKeysDidChange, event); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._windowKeyDown = function(event) |
| { |
| this._updateModifierKeys(event); |
| |
| var opposite = !this._dockButtonToggledSetting.value; |
| this.undockButtonNavigationItem.toggled = (event.altKey && !event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey) ? opposite : !opposite; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._windowKeyUp = function(event) |
| { |
| this._updateModifierKeys(event); |
| |
| var opposite = !this._dockButtonToggledSetting.value; |
| this.undockButtonNavigationItem.toggled = (event.altKey && !event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey) ? opposite : !opposite; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._mouseMoved = function(event) |
| { |
| this._updateModifierKeys(event); |
| this.mouseCoords = { |
| x: event.pageX, |
| y: event.pageY |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._pageHidden = function(event) |
| { |
| this._updateCookieForInspectorViewState(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._undock = function(event) |
| { |
| this._dockButtonToggledSetting.value = this.undockButtonNavigationItem.toggled; |
| |
| if (this.undockButtonNavigationItem.toggled) |
| InspectorFrontendHost.requestSetDockSide(this._dockSide === "bottom" ? "right" : "bottom"); |
| else |
| InspectorFrontendHost.requestSetDockSide("undocked"); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._updateDockNavigationItems = function() |
| { |
| // The close and undock buttons are only available when docked. |
| var docked = this.docked; |
| this.closeButtonNavigationItem.hidden = !docked; |
| this.undockButtonNavigationItem.hidden = !docked; |
| |
| if (docked) { |
| this.undockButtonNavigationItem.alternateImage = this._dockSide === "bottom" ? "Images/DockRight.svg" : "Images/DockBottom.svg"; |
| this.undockButtonNavigationItem.alternateToolTip = this._dockSide === "bottom" ? WebInspector.UIString("Dock to right of window") : WebInspector.UIString("Dock to bottom of window"); |
| } |
| |
| this.undockButtonNavigationItem.toggled = this._dockButtonToggledSetting.value; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._sidebarCollapsedStateDidChange = function(event) |
| { |
| if (event.target === this.navigationSidebar) { |
| this._navigationSidebarCollapsedSetting.value = this.navigationSidebar.collapsed; |
| this._updateNavigationSidebarForCurrentContentView(); |
| } else if (event.target === this.detailsSidebar) { |
| if (!this._ignoreDetailsSidebarPanelCollapsedEvent) |
| this._detailsSidebarCollapsedSetting.value = this.detailsSidebar.collapsed; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._detailsSidebarPanelSelected = function(event) |
| { |
| if (!this.detailsSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel || this._ignoreDetailsSidebarPanelSelectedEvent) |
| return; |
| |
| this._lastSelectedDetailsSidebarPanelSetting.value = this.detailsSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel.identifier; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._revealAndSelectRepresentedObjectInNavigationSidebar = function(representedObject) |
| { |
| if (this.navigationSidebar.collapsed) |
| return; |
| |
| var selectedSidebarPanel = this.navigationSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel; |
| if (!selectedSidebarPanel) |
| return; |
| |
| // If the tree outline is processing a selection currently then we can assume the selection does not |
| // need to be changed. This is needed to allow breakpoints tree elements to be selected without jumping |
| // back to selecting the resource tree element. |
| if (selectedSidebarPanel.contentTreeOutline.processingSelectionChange) |
| return; |
| |
| var treeElement = selectedSidebarPanel.treeElementForRepresentedObject(representedObject); |
| if (treeElement) |
| treeElement.revealAndSelect(true, false, true, true); |
| else if (selectedSidebarPanel.contentTreeOutline.selectedTreeElement) |
| selectedSidebarPanel.contentTreeOutline.selectedTreeElement.deselect(true); |
| |
| if (!selectedSidebarPanel.contentTreeOutline.selectedTreeElement) |
| selectedSidebarPanel.showDefaultContentView(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._updateNavigationSidebarForCurrentContentView = function() |
| { |
| if (this.navigationSidebar.collapsed) |
| return; |
| |
| var selectedSidebarPanel = this.navigationSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel; |
| if (!selectedSidebarPanel) |
| return; |
| |
| var currentContentView = this.contentBrowser.currentContentView; |
| if (!currentContentView) |
| return; |
| |
| // Ensure the navigation sidebar panel is allowed by the current content view, if not ask the sidebar panel |
| // to show the content view for the current selection. |
| var allowedNavigationSidebarPanels = currentContentView.allowedNavigationSidebarPanels; |
| if (allowedNavigationSidebarPanels.length && !allowedNavigationSidebarPanels.contains(selectedSidebarPanel.identifier)) { |
| selectedSidebarPanel.showContentViewForCurrentSelection(); |
| |
| // Fetch the current content view again, since it likely changed. |
| currentContentView = this.contentBrowser.currentContentView; |
| } |
| |
| if (!allowedNavigationSidebarPanels.length || allowedNavigationSidebarPanels.contains(selectedSidebarPanel.identifier)) |
| currentContentView.__lastNavigationSidebarPanelIdentifer = selectedSidebarPanel.identifier; |
| |
| this._revealAndSelectRepresentedObjectInNavigationSidebar(currentContentView.representedObject); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._navigationSidebarPanelSelected = function(event) |
| { |
| var selectedSidebarPanel = this.navigationSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel; |
| if (!selectedSidebarPanel) |
| return; |
| |
| this._updateNavigationSidebarForCurrentContentView(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._domNodeWasInspected = function(event) |
| { |
| WebInspector.domTreeManager.highlightDOMNodeForTwoSeconds(event.data.node.id); |
| |
| // Select the Style details sidebar panel if one of the DOM details sidebar panels isn't already selected. |
| if (!(this.detailsSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel instanceof WebInspector.DOMDetailsSidebarPanel)) |
| this.detailsSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel = this.cssStyleDetailsSidebarPanel; |
| |
| InspectorFrontendHost.bringToFront(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._contentBrowserSizeDidChange = function(event) |
| { |
| this.contentBrowser.updateLayout(); |
| this.splitContentBrowser.updateLayout(); |
| this.quickConsole.updateLayout(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._quickConsoleDidResize = function(event) |
| { |
| this.contentBrowser.updateLayout(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._sidebarWidthDidChange = function(event) |
| { |
| if (!event.target.collapsed) { |
| if (event.target === this.navigationSidebar) |
| this._navigationSidebarWidthSetting.value = this.navigationSidebar.width; |
| else if (event.target === this.detailsSidebar) |
| this._detailsSidebarWidthSetting.value = this.detailsSidebar.width; |
| } |
| |
| this._contentBrowserSizeDidChange(event); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._updateToolbarHeight = function() |
| { |
| InspectorFrontendHost.setToolbarHeight(this.toolbar.element.offsetHeight); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._toolbarDisplayModeDidChange = function(event) |
| { |
| if (this._ignoreToolbarModeDidChangeEvents) |
| return; |
| |
| if (this._dockSide === "bottom") |
| this._toolbarDockedBottomDisplayModeSetting.value = this.toolbar.displayMode; |
| else if (this._dockSide === "right") |
| this._toolbarDockedRightDisplayModeSetting.value = this.toolbar.displayMode; |
| else |
| this._toolbarUndockedDisplayModeSetting.value = this.toolbar.displayMode; |
| |
| this._updateToolbarHeight(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._toolbarSizeModeDidChange = function(event) |
| { |
| if (this._ignoreToolbarModeDidChangeEvents) |
| return; |
| |
| if (this._dockSide === "bottom") |
| this._toolbarDockedBottomSizeModeSetting.value = this.toolbar.sizeMode; |
| else if (this._dockSide === "right") |
| this._toolbarDockedRightSizeModeSetting.value = this.toolbar.sizeMode; |
| else |
| this._toolbarUndockedSizeModeSetting.value = this.toolbar.sizeMode; |
| |
| this._updateToolbarHeight(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._updateCookieForInspectorViewState = function() |
| { |
| var cookie = {}; |
| var currentContentView = this.contentBrowser.currentContentView; |
| |
| // The console does not have a sidebar, so create a cookie here. |
| if (currentContentView && currentContentView.representedObject instanceof WebInspector.LogObject) { |
| cookie[WebInspector.SelectedSidebarPanelCookieKey] = "console"; |
| this._lastInspectorViewStateCookieSetting.value = cookie; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var selectedSidebarPanel = this.navigationSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel; |
| if (!selectedSidebarPanel) |
| return; |
| |
| // Restoring view state after inspector re-open or page reload is delegated to navigation sidebars. |
| // This is because some navigation sidebar state (such as breakpoint selections) cannot be inferred |
| // solely based on which content view is visible, or multiple navigation sidebars could be shown. |
| cookie[WebInspector.SelectedSidebarPanelCookieKey] = selectedSidebarPanel.identifier; |
| selectedSidebarPanel.saveStateToCookie(cookie); |
| this._lastInspectorViewStateCookieSetting.value = cookie; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._contentBrowserCurrentContentViewDidChange = function(event) |
| { |
| var consoleViewShowing = this.isShowingConsoleView(); |
| this._consoleToolbarButton.activated = consoleViewShowing; |
| |
| if (!this.isShowingSplitConsole()) |
| this.quickConsole.consoleLogVisibilityChanged(consoleViewShowing); |
| |
| if (!this.currentViewSupportsSplitContentBrowser()) |
| this.hideSplitConsole(); |
| |
| var currentContentView = this.contentBrowser.currentContentView; |
| if (!currentContentView) |
| return; |
| |
| var selectedSidebarPanel = this.navigationSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel; |
| if (!selectedSidebarPanel) |
| return; |
| |
| // Ensure the navigation sidebar panel is allowed by the current content view, if not change the navigation sidebar panel |
| // to the last navigation sidebar panel used with the content view or the first one allowed. |
| var selectedSidebarPanelIdentifier = selectedSidebarPanel.identifier; |
| |
| var allowedNavigationSidebarPanels = currentContentView.allowedNavigationSidebarPanels; |
| if (allowedNavigationSidebarPanels.length && !allowedNavigationSidebarPanels.contains(selectedSidebarPanelIdentifier)) { |
| console.assert(!currentContentView.__lastNavigationSidebarPanelIdentifer || allowedNavigationSidebarPanels.contains(currentContentView.__lastNavigationSidebarPanelIdentifer)); |
| this.navigationSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel = currentContentView.__lastNavigationSidebarPanelIdentifer || allowedNavigationSidebarPanels[0]; |
| } |
| |
| if (!allowedNavigationSidebarPanels.length || allowedNavigationSidebarPanels.contains(selectedSidebarPanelIdentifier)) |
| currentContentView.__lastNavigationSidebarPanelIdentifer = selectedSidebarPanelIdentifier; |
| |
| this._revealAndSelectRepresentedObjectInNavigationSidebar(currentContentView.representedObject); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._contentBrowserRepresentedObjectsDidChange = function(event) |
| { |
| var currentRepresentedObjects = this.contentBrowser.currentRepresentedObjects; |
| var currentSidebarPanels = this.detailsSidebar.sidebarPanels; |
| var wasSidebarEmpty = !currentSidebarPanels.length; |
| |
| // Ignore any changes to the selected sidebar panel during this function so only user initiated |
| // changes are recorded in _lastSelectedDetailsSidebarPanelSetting. |
| this._ignoreDetailsSidebarPanelSelectedEvent = true; |
| |
| for (var i = 0; i < this.detailsSidebarPanels.length; ++i) { |
| var sidebarPanel = this.detailsSidebarPanels[i]; |
| if (sidebarPanel.inspect(currentRepresentedObjects)) { |
| var currentSidebarPanelIndex = currentSidebarPanels.indexOf(sidebarPanel); |
| if (currentSidebarPanelIndex !== -1) { |
| // Already showing the panel. |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| // The sidebar panel was not previously showing, so add the panel and show the toolbar item. |
| this.detailsSidebar.addSidebarPanel(sidebarPanel); |
| sidebarPanel.toolbarItem.hidden = false; |
| |
| if (this._selectAndShowScopeChainDetailsSidebarPanelWhenAvailable && sidebarPanel === this.scopeChainDetailsSidebarPanel) { |
| // Select the scope chain sidebar panel since it needs to be shown after pausing in the debugger. |
| delete this._selectAndShowScopeChainDetailsSidebarPanelWhenAvailable; |
| this.detailsSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel = this.scopeChainDetailsSidebarPanel; |
| |
| this._ignoreDetailsSidebarPanelCollapsedEvent = true; |
| this.detailsSidebar.collapsed = false; |
| delete this._ignoreDetailsSidebarPanelCollapsedEvent; |
| } else if (this._lastSelectedDetailsSidebarPanelSetting.value === sidebarPanel.identifier) { |
| // Restore the sidebar panel selection if this sidebar panel was the last one selected by the user. |
| this.detailsSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel = sidebarPanel; |
| } |
| } else { |
| // The sidebar panel can't inspect the current represented objects, so remove the panel and hide the toolbar item. |
| this.detailsSidebar.removeSidebarPanel(sidebarPanel); |
| sidebarPanel.toolbarItem.hidden = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!this.detailsSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel && currentSidebarPanels.length) |
| this.detailsSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel = currentSidebarPanels[0]; |
| |
| this._ignoreDetailsSidebarPanelCollapsedEvent = true; |
| |
| if (!this.detailsSidebar.sidebarPanels.length) |
| this.detailsSidebar.collapsed = true; |
| else if (wasSidebarEmpty) |
| this.detailsSidebar.collapsed = this._detailsSidebarCollapsedSetting.value; |
| |
| delete this._ignoreDetailsSidebarPanelCollapsedEvent; |
| |
| // Stop ignoring the sidebar panel selected event. |
| delete this._ignoreDetailsSidebarPanelSelectedEvent; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._restoreInspectorViewStateFromCookie = function(cookie, causedByReload) |
| { |
| if (!cookie) |
| return; |
| |
| // The console does not have a sidebar, so handle its special cookie here. |
| if (cookie[WebInspector.SelectedSidebarPanelCookieKey] === "console") { |
| this.showFullHeightConsole(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| const matchTypeOnlyDelayForReload = 2000; |
| const matchTypeOnlyDelayForReopen = 1000; |
| var sidebarPanelIdentifier = cookie[WebInspector.SelectedSidebarPanelCookieKey]; |
| var sidebarPanel = WebInspector.navigationSidebar.findSidebarPanel(sidebarPanelIdentifier); |
| if (!sidebarPanel) |
| return; |
| |
| WebInspector.navigationSidebar.selectedSidebarPanel = sidebarPanel; |
| |
| var relaxMatchDelay = causedByReload ? matchTypeOnlyDelayForReload : matchTypeOnlyDelayForReopen; |
| sidebarPanel.restoreStateFromCookie(cookie, relaxMatchDelay); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._initializeWebSocketIfNeeded = function() |
| { |
| if (!InspectorFrontendHost.initializeWebSocket) |
| return; |
| |
| var queryParams = parseLocationQueryParameters(); |
| |
| if ("ws" in queryParams) |
| var url = "ws://" + queryParams.ws; |
| else if ("page" in queryParams) { |
| var page = queryParams.page; |
| var host = "host" in queryParams ? queryParams.host : window.location.host; |
| var url = "ws://" + host + "/devtools/page/" + page; |
| } |
| |
| if (!url) |
| return; |
| |
| InspectorFrontendHost.initializeWebSocket(url); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._updateSplitConsoleHeight = function(height) |
| { |
| const minimumHeight = 64; |
| const maximumHeight = window.innerHeight * 0.55; |
| |
| height = Math.max(minimumHeight, Math.min(height, maximumHeight)); |
| |
| this.splitContentBrowser.element.style.height = height + "px"; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._consoleResizerMouseDown = function(event) |
| { |
| if (event.button !== 0 || event.ctrlKey) |
| return; |
| |
| // Only start dragging if the target is one of the elements that we expect. |
| if (!event.target.classList.contains("navigation-bar") && !event.target.classList.contains("flexible-space")) |
| return; |
| |
| var resizerElement = event.target; |
| var mouseOffset = resizerElement.offsetHeight - (event.pageY - resizerElement.totalOffsetTop); |
| |
| function dockedResizerDrag(event) |
| { |
| if (event.button !== 0) |
| return; |
| |
| var height = window.innerHeight - event.pageY - mouseOffset; |
| |
| this._splitConsoleHeightSetting.value = height; |
| |
| this._updateSplitConsoleHeight(height); |
| } |
| |
| function dockedResizerDragEnd(event) |
| { |
| if (event.button !== 0) |
| return; |
| |
| this.elementDragEnd(event); |
| } |
| |
| this.elementDragStart(resizerElement, dockedResizerDrag.bind(this), dockedResizerDragEnd.bind(this), event, "row-resize"); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._toolbarMouseDown = function(event) |
| { |
| if (event.ctrlKey) |
| return; |
| |
| if (this._dockSide === "right") |
| return; |
| |
| if (this.docked) |
| this._dockedResizerMouseDown(event); |
| else |
| this._moveWindowMouseDown(event); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._dockedResizerMouseDown = function(event) |
| { |
| if (event.button !== 0 || event.ctrlKey) |
| return; |
| |
| if (!this.docked) |
| return; |
| |
| // Only start dragging if the target is one of the elements that we expect. |
| if (event.target.id !== "docked-resizer" && !event.target.classList.contains("toolbar") && |
| !event.target.classList.contains("flexible-space") && !event.target.classList.contains("item-section")) |
| return; |
| |
| var windowProperty = this._dockSide === "bottom" ? "innerHeight" : "innerWidth"; |
| var eventProperty = this._dockSide === "bottom" ? "screenY" : "screenX"; |
| |
| var resizerElement = event.target; |
| var lastScreenPosition = event[eventProperty]; |
| |
| function dockedResizerDrag(event) |
| { |
| if (event.button !== 0) |
| return; |
| |
| var position = event[eventProperty]; |
| var dimension = window[windowProperty] - (position - lastScreenPosition); |
| |
| if (this._dockSide === "bottom") |
| InspectorFrontendHost.setAttachedWindowHeight(dimension); |
| else |
| InspectorFrontendHost.setAttachedWindowWidth(dimension); |
| |
| lastScreenPosition = position; |
| } |
| |
| function dockedResizerDragEnd(event) |
| { |
| if (event.button !== 0) |
| return; |
| |
| WebInspector.elementDragEnd(event); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.elementDragStart(resizerElement, dockedResizerDrag.bind(this), dockedResizerDragEnd.bind(this), event, this._dockSide === "bottom" ? "row-resize" : "col-resize"); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._moveWindowMouseDown = function(event) |
| { |
| console.assert(!this.docked); |
| |
| if (event.button !== 0 || event.ctrlKey) |
| return; |
| |
| // Only start dragging if the target is one of the elements that we expect. |
| if (!event.target.classList.contains("toolbar") && !event.target.classList.contains("flexible-space") && |
| !event.target.classList.contains("item-section")) |
| return; |
| |
| var lastScreenX = event.screenX; |
| var lastScreenY = event.screenY; |
| |
| function toolbarDrag(event) |
| { |
| if (event.button !== 0) |
| return; |
| |
| var x = event.screenX - lastScreenX; |
| var y = event.screenY - lastScreenY; |
| |
| InspectorFrontendHost.moveWindowBy(x, y); |
| |
| lastScreenX = event.screenX; |
| lastScreenY = event.screenY; |
| } |
| |
| function toolbarDragEnd(event) |
| { |
| if (event.button !== 0) |
| return; |
| |
| WebInspector.elementDragEnd(event); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.elementDragStart(event.target, toolbarDrag, toolbarDragEnd, event, "default"); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._inspectModeStateChanged = function(event) |
| { |
| this._inspectModeToolbarButton.activated = WebInspector.domTreeManager.inspectModeEnabled; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._toggleInspectMode = function(event) |
| { |
| WebInspector.domTreeManager.inspectModeEnabled = !WebInspector.domTreeManager.inspectModeEnabled; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._reloadPage = function(event) |
| { |
| PageAgent.reload(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._reloadPageIgnoringCache = function(event) |
| { |
| PageAgent.reload(true); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._toggleInspectMode = function(event) |
| { |
| this.domTreeManager.inspectModeEnabled = !this.domTreeManager.inspectModeEnabled; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._focusedContentView = function() |
| { |
| if (this.contentBrowser.element.isSelfOrAncestor(this.currentFocusElement)) |
| return this.contentBrowser.currentContentView; |
| if (this.splitContentBrowser.element.isSelfOrAncestor(this.currentFocusElement)) |
| return this.splitContentBrowser.currentContentView; |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._beforecopy = function(event) |
| { |
| var selection = window.getSelection(); |
| |
| // If there is no selection, see if the focused element or focused ContentView can handle the copy event. |
| if (selection.isCollapsed && !WebInspector.isEventTargetAnEditableField(event)) { |
| var focusedCopyHandler = this.currentFocusElement && this.currentFocusElement.copyHandler; |
| if (focusedCopyHandler && typeof focusedCopyHandler.handleBeforeCopyEvent === "function") { |
| focusedCopyHandler.handleBeforeCopyEvent(event); |
| if (event.defaultPrevented) |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var focusedContentView = this._focusedContentView(); |
| if (focusedContentView && typeof focusedContentView.handleCopyEvent === "function") { |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (selection.isCollapsed) |
| return; |
| |
| // Say we can handle it (by preventing default) to remove word break characters. |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._copy = function(event) |
| { |
| var selection = window.getSelection(); |
| |
| // If there is no selection, pass the copy event on to the focused element or focused ContentView. |
| if (selection.isCollapsed && !WebInspector.isEventTargetAnEditableField(event)) { |
| var focusedCopyHandler = this.currentFocusElement && this.currentFocusElement.copyHandler; |
| if (focusedCopyHandler && typeof focusedCopyHandler.handleCopyEvent === "function") { |
| focusedCopyHandler.handleCopyEvent(event); |
| if (event.defaultPrevented) |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var focusedContentView = this._focusedContentView(); |
| if (focusedContentView && typeof focusedContentView.handleCopyEvent === "function") { |
| focusedContentView.handleCopyEvent(event); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (selection.isCollapsed) |
| return; |
| |
| // Remove word break characters from the selection before putting it on the pasteboard. |
| var selectionString = selection.toString().removeWordBreakCharacters(); |
| event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", selectionString); |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._generateDisclosureTriangleImages = function() |
| { |
| var specifications = {}; |
| specifications["normal"] = {fillColor: [0, 0, 0, 0.5]}; |
| specifications["normal-active"] = {fillColor: [0, 0, 0, 0.7]}; |
| |
| generateColoredImagesForCSS("Images/DisclosureTriangleSmallOpen.svg", specifications, 13, 13, "disclosure-triangle-small-open-"); |
| generateColoredImagesForCSS("Images/DisclosureTriangleSmallClosed.svg", specifications, 13, 13, "disclosure-triangle-small-closed-"); |
| |
| specifications["selected"] = {fillColor: [255, 255, 255, 0.8]}; |
| |
| generateColoredImagesForCSS("Images/DisclosureTriangleTinyOpen.svg", specifications, 8, 8, "disclosure-triangle-tiny-open-"); |
| generateColoredImagesForCSS("Images/DisclosureTriangleTinyClosed.svg", specifications, 8, 8, "disclosure-triangle-tiny-closed-"); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.elementDragStart = function(element, dividerDrag, elementDragEnd, event, cursor, eventTarget) |
| { |
| if (WebInspector._elementDraggingEventListener || WebInspector._elementEndDraggingEventListener) |
| WebInspector.elementDragEnd(event); |
| |
| if (element) { |
| // Install glass pane |
| if (WebInspector._elementDraggingGlassPane) |
| WebInspector._elementDraggingGlassPane.parentElement.removeChild(WebInspector._elementDraggingGlassPane); |
| |
| var glassPane = document.createElement("div"); |
| glassPane.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;opacity:0;z-index:1"; |
| glassPane.id = "glass-pane-for-drag"; |
| element.ownerDocument.body.appendChild(glassPane); |
| WebInspector._elementDraggingGlassPane = glassPane; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._elementDraggingEventListener = dividerDrag; |
| WebInspector._elementEndDraggingEventListener = elementDragEnd; |
| |
| var targetDocument = event.target.ownerDocument; |
| |
| WebInspector._elementDraggingEventTarget = eventTarget || targetDocument; |
| WebInspector._elementDraggingEventTarget.addEventListener("mousemove", dividerDrag, true); |
| WebInspector._elementDraggingEventTarget.addEventListener("mouseup", elementDragEnd, true); |
| |
| targetDocument.body.style.cursor = cursor; |
| |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.elementDragEnd = function(event) |
| { |
| WebInspector._elementDraggingEventTarget.removeEventListener("mousemove", WebInspector._elementDraggingEventListener, true); |
| WebInspector._elementDraggingEventTarget.removeEventListener("mouseup", WebInspector._elementEndDraggingEventListener, true); |
| |
| event.target.ownerDocument.body.style.removeProperty("cursor"); |
| |
| if (WebInspector._elementDraggingGlassPane) |
| WebInspector._elementDraggingGlassPane.parentElement.removeChild(WebInspector._elementDraggingGlassPane); |
| |
| delete WebInspector._elementDraggingGlassPane; |
| delete WebInspector._elementDraggingEventTarget; |
| delete WebInspector._elementDraggingEventListener; |
| delete WebInspector._elementEndDraggingEventListener; |
| |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.createMessageTextView = function(message, isError) |
| { |
| var messageElement = document.createElement("div"); |
| messageElement.className = "message-text-view"; |
| if (isError) |
| messageElement.classList.add("error"); |
| |
| messageElement.textContent = message; |
| |
| return messageElement; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.createGoToArrowButton = function() |
| { |
| if (!WebInspector._generatedGoToArrowButtonImages) { |
| WebInspector._generatedGoToArrowButtonImages = true; |
| |
| var specifications = {}; |
| specifications["go-to-arrow-normal"] = {fillColor: [0, 0, 0, 0.5]}; |
| specifications["go-to-arrow-normal-active"] = {fillColor: [0, 0, 0, 0.7]}; |
| specifications["go-to-arrow-selected"] = {fillColor: [255, 255, 255, 0.8]}; |
| specifications["go-to-arrow-selected-active"] = {fillColor: [255, 255, 255, 1]}; |
| |
| generateColoredImagesForCSS("Images/GoToArrow.svg", specifications, 10, 10); |
| } |
| |
| function stopPropagation(event) |
| { |
| event.stopPropagation() |
| } |
| |
| var button = document.createElement("button"); |
| button.addEventListener("mousedown", stopPropagation, true); |
| button.className = "go-to-arrow"; |
| button.tabIndex = -1; |
| return button; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.createSourceCodeLocationLink = function(sourceCodeLocation, dontFloat, useGoToArrowButton) |
| { |
| console.assert(sourceCodeLocation); |
| if (!sourceCodeLocation) |
| return null; |
| |
| function showSourceCodeLocation(event) |
| { |
| event.stopPropagation(); |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| |
| if (event.metaKey) |
| this.resourceSidebarPanel.showOriginalUnformattedSourceCodeLocation(sourceCodeLocation); |
| else |
| this.resourceSidebarPanel.showSourceCodeLocation(sourceCodeLocation); |
| } |
| |
| var linkElement = document.createElement("a"); |
| linkElement.className = "go-to-link"; |
| linkElement.addEventListener("click", showSourceCodeLocation.bind(this)); |
| sourceCodeLocation.populateLiveDisplayLocationTooltip(linkElement); |
| |
| if (useGoToArrowButton) |
| linkElement.appendChild(WebInspector.createGoToArrowButton()); |
| else |
| sourceCodeLocation.populateLiveDisplayLocationString(linkElement, "textContent"); |
| |
| if (dontFloat) |
| linkElement.classList.add("dont-float"); |
| |
| return linkElement; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.linkifyLocation = function(url, lineNumber, columnNumber, className) |
| { |
| var sourceCode = WebInspector.frameResourceManager.resourceForURL(url); |
| if (!sourceCode) { |
| sourceCode = WebInspector.debuggerManager.scriptsForURL(url)[0]; |
| if (sourceCode) |
| sourceCode = sourceCode.resource || sourceCode; |
| } |
| |
| if (!sourceCode) { |
| var anchor = document.createElement("a"); |
| anchor.href = url; |
| anchor.lineNumber = lineNumber; |
| if (className) |
| anchor.className = className; |
| anchor.appendChild(document.createTextNode(WebInspector.displayNameForURL(url) + ":" + lineNumber)); |
| return anchor; |
| } |
| |
| var sourceCodeLocation = sourceCode.createSourceCodeLocation(lineNumber, columnNumber); |
| var linkElement = WebInspector.createSourceCodeLocationLink(sourceCodeLocation, true); |
| if (className) |
| linkElement.classList.add(className); |
| return linkElement; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.linkifyURLAsNode = function(url, linkText, classes, tooltipText) |
| { |
| if (!linkText) |
| linkText = url; |
| |
| classes = (classes ? classes + " " : ""); |
| |
| var a = document.createElement("a"); |
| a.href = url; |
| a.className = classes; |
| |
| if (typeof tooltipText === "undefined") |
| a.title = url; |
| else if (typeof tooltipText !== "string" || tooltipText.length) |
| a.title = tooltipText; |
| |
| a.textContent = linkText; |
| a.style.maxWidth = "100%"; |
| |
| return a; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.linkifyStringAsFragmentWithCustomLinkifier = function(string, linkifier) |
| { |
| var container = document.createDocumentFragment(); |
| var linkStringRegEx = /(?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{2,}:\/\/|www\.)[\w$\-_+*'=\|\/\\(){}[\]%@&#~,:;.!?]{2,}[\w$\-_+*=\|\/\\({%@&#~]/; |
| var lineColumnRegEx = /:(\d+)(:(\d+))?$/; |
| |
| while (string) { |
| var linkString = linkStringRegEx.exec(string); |
| if (!linkString) |
| break; |
| |
| linkString = linkString[0]; |
| var linkIndex = string.indexOf(linkString); |
| var nonLink = string.substring(0, linkIndex); |
| container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(nonLink)); |
| |
| var title = linkString; |
| var realURL = (linkString.startsWith("www.") ? "http://" + linkString : linkString); |
| var lineColumnMatch = lineColumnRegEx.exec(realURL); |
| if (lineColumnMatch) |
| realURL = realURL.substring(0, realURL.length - lineColumnMatch[0].length); |
| |
| var linkNode = linkifier(title, realURL, lineColumnMatch ? lineColumnMatch[1] : undefined); |
| container.appendChild(linkNode); |
| string = string.substring(linkIndex + linkString.length, string.length); |
| } |
| |
| if (string) |
| container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(string)); |
| |
| return container; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.linkifyStringAsFragment = function(string) |
| { |
| function linkifier(title, url, lineNumber) |
| { |
| var urlNode = WebInspector.linkifyURLAsNode(url, title, undefined); |
| if (typeof(lineNumber) !== "undefined") |
| urlNode.lineNumber = lineNumber; |
| |
| return urlNode; |
| } |
| |
| return WebInspector.linkifyStringAsFragmentWithCustomLinkifier(string, linkifier); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._undoKeyboardShortcut = function(event) |
| { |
| if (!this.isEditingAnyField() && !this.isEventTargetAnEditableField(event)) { |
| this.undo(); |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector._redoKeyboardShortcut = function(event) |
| { |
| if (!this.isEditingAnyField() && !this.isEventTargetAnEditableField(event)) { |
| this.redo(); |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.undo = function() |
| { |
| DOMAgent.undo(); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.redo = function() |
| { |
| DOMAgent.redo(); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @param {Element} element |
| * @param {Array.<Object>} resultRanges |
| * @param {string} styleClass |
| * @param {Array.<Object>=} changes |
| */ |
| WebInspector.highlightRangesWithStyleClass = function(element, resultRanges, styleClass, changes) |
| { |
| changes = changes || []; |
| var highlightNodes = []; |
| var lineText = element.textContent; |
| var ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument; |
| var textNodeSnapshot = ownerDocument.evaluate(".//text()", element, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); |
| |
| var snapshotLength = textNodeSnapshot.snapshotLength; |
| if (snapshotLength === 0) |
| return highlightNodes; |
| |
| var nodeRanges = []; |
| var rangeEndOffset = 0; |
| for (var i = 0; i < snapshotLength; ++i) { |
| var range = {}; |
| range.offset = rangeEndOffset; |
| range.length = textNodeSnapshot.snapshotItem(i).textContent.length; |
| rangeEndOffset = range.offset + range.length; |
| nodeRanges.push(range); |
| } |
| |
| var startIndex = 0; |
| for (var i = 0; i < resultRanges.length; ++i) { |
| var startOffset = resultRanges[i].offset; |
| var endOffset = startOffset + resultRanges[i].length; |
| |
| while (startIndex < snapshotLength && nodeRanges[startIndex].offset + nodeRanges[startIndex].length <= startOffset) |
| startIndex++; |
| var endIndex = startIndex; |
| while (endIndex < snapshotLength && nodeRanges[endIndex].offset + nodeRanges[endIndex].length < endOffset) |
| endIndex++; |
| if (endIndex === snapshotLength) |
| break; |
| |
| var highlightNode = ownerDocument.createElement("span"); |
| highlightNode.className = styleClass; |
| highlightNode.textContent = lineText.substring(startOffset, endOffset); |
| |
| var lastTextNode = textNodeSnapshot.snapshotItem(endIndex); |
| var lastText = lastTextNode.textContent; |
| lastTextNode.textContent = lastText.substring(endOffset - nodeRanges[endIndex].offset); |
| changes.push({ node: lastTextNode, type: "changed", oldText: lastText, newText: lastTextNode.textContent }); |
| |
| if (startIndex === endIndex) { |
| lastTextNode.parentElement.insertBefore(highlightNode, lastTextNode); |
| changes.push({ node: highlightNode, type: "added", nextSibling: lastTextNode, parent: lastTextNode.parentElement }); |
| highlightNodes.push(highlightNode); |
| |
| var prefixNode = ownerDocument.createTextNode(lastText.substring(0, startOffset - nodeRanges[startIndex].offset)); |
| lastTextNode.parentElement.insertBefore(prefixNode, highlightNode); |
| changes.push({ node: prefixNode, type: "added", nextSibling: highlightNode, parent: lastTextNode.parentElement }); |
| } else { |
| var firstTextNode = textNodeSnapshot.snapshotItem(startIndex); |
| var firstText = firstTextNode.textContent; |
| var anchorElement = firstTextNode.nextSibling; |
| |
| firstTextNode.parentElement.insertBefore(highlightNode, anchorElement); |
| changes.push({ node: highlightNode, type: "added", nextSibling: anchorElement, parent: firstTextNode.parentElement }); |
| highlightNodes.push(highlightNode); |
| |
| firstTextNode.textContent = firstText.substring(0, startOffset - nodeRanges[startIndex].offset); |
| changes.push({ node: firstTextNode, type: "changed", oldText: firstText, newText: firstTextNode.textContent }); |
| |
| for (var j = startIndex + 1; j < endIndex; j++) { |
| var textNode = textNodeSnapshot.snapshotItem(j); |
| var text = textNode.textContent; |
| textNode.textContent = ""; |
| changes.push({ node: textNode, type: "changed", oldText: text, newText: textNode.textContent }); |
| } |
| } |
| startIndex = endIndex; |
| nodeRanges[startIndex].offset = endOffset; |
| nodeRanges[startIndex].length = lastTextNode.textContent.length; |
| |
| } |
| return highlightNodes; |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.revertDomChanges = function(domChanges) |
| { |
| for (var i = domChanges.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { |
| var entry = domChanges[i]; |
| switch (entry.type) { |
| case "added": |
| if (entry.node.parentElement) |
| entry.node.parentElement.removeChild(entry.node); |
| break; |
| case "changed": |
| entry.node.textContent = entry.oldText; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.archiveMainFrame = function() |
| { |
| this.notifications.dispatchEventToListeners(WebInspector.Notification.PageArchiveStarted, event); |
| |
| setTimeout(function() { |
| PageAgent.archive(function(error, data) { |
| this.notifications.dispatchEventToListeners(WebInspector.Notification.PageArchiveEnded, event); |
| if (error) |
| return; |
| |
| var mainFrame = WebInspector.frameResourceManager.mainFrame; |
| var archiveName = mainFrame.mainResource.urlComponents.host || mainFrame.mainResource.displayName || "Archive"; |
| var url = "web-inspector:///" + encodeURI(archiveName) + ".webarchive"; |
| InspectorFrontendHost.save(url, data, true, true); |
| }.bind(this)); |
| }.bind(this), 3000); |
| } |
| |
| WebInspector.canArchiveMainFrame = function() |
| { |
| if (!PageAgent.archive) |
| return false; |
| |
| return WebInspector.Resource.Type.fromMIMEType(WebInspector.frameResourceManager.mainFrame.mainResource.mimeType) === WebInspector.Resource.Type.Document; |
| } |